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PGRI-Science Education Media of Applied Research & Technology
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Core Subject : Education,
P-SEMART JOURNAL, PGRI-Science Education Media of Applied Research & Technology, is an open-access peer-reviewed research journal that is published by PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur. It welcomes and acknowledges high-quality empirical original research papers about education written by researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners from all over the world. Frequency Journal is 3 issues per year (April, August and December). P-SEMART Journal is a journal which is managed by PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur. It publishes the results of literature studies as well as research results in the scope of education in general and specific areas. The study cover education and learning in primary level (five areas of elementary school namely mathematics, Indonesian language, science, social studies, and civics and additional fields such as English in basic education includes the study of local content studied in the scope of basic education), secondary education, post-secondary level , and higher level, English Language Education, Assessment, Linguistics, English Literatures, Sociolinguistics, Research & Development as well as its area in its implementations.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 57 Documents
The Implementation of Stay and Stray in Teaching Writing Hortatory Exposition Text Edo Meggi Fernando
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Writing skills are very important in learning English to make it easier for someone to exchange information or ideas with others. Thus, teachers also need interesting strategies for teaching writing. One strategy that can be used is stay and stray. This research investigates the implementation of stay and stray in teaching writing hortatory exposition. By using the observation checklist instrument, field notes, and question list, the researcher found that students could write exposition hortatory texts using sentence structures correctly in groups. In this activity, students are active and critical. At the final meeting students were asked to fill out a list of questions about their opinions related to stay and stray strategies in learning hortatory exposition writing. The findings showed that the percentage of students calculated higher scores is 78% and the lowest score of 22%. The students agreed that writing hortatory exposition using stay and stray was very interesting and enjoyable in the learning process. It can be concluded that the stay and stray strategy can help students to write hortatory exposition.
The Use of Think-Pair-Square-Share (TPSS) Strategy in Teaching Speaking Recount Text of Seven Course Muhammad Luthfi; Lailatul Musyarofah; Yudy Prasetyo
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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This study aims to descrie the implementation of Think-Pair-Square-Share (TPSS) Strategy in teaching speaking of recount text and the students’ response to the implementation in speaking recount text by using TPSS Strategy. TPSS technique is an effective technique and interesting technique. This research used Qualitative Design with 10 students as the participants. The research instruments were observation checklist, field notes, and questionnaire. The finding of Think-Pair-Square-Share (TPSS) Strategy in teaching speaking recount text were : Firstly, the teacher Explained the recount text, give questions and example of recount text, explain about Think-Pair-Square-Share (TPSS) Strategy, gave stimulus about the material, made five groups. Then, the teacher asked the students to discuss with their group about their maps using TPSS. At last, the students share their story with their group but all the students must tell about their story to all of the groups. The teacher gave feedback, and revied the material to the students. The result showed that the teacher who implements Think-Pair-Square-Share (TPSS) Strartegy in teaching speaking of recount text can make the students are able to speak English fluency. The students enjoy and easily understand the material. In short, the students were motivate in learning speaking English and help them easier to understand the text and material with fun situation
Teaching Speaking Using Picture Series in Instagram to Tenth Graders at SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo Nur Soffi Sampieni; Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih; Esther Hesturini
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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The objective of the study was to describe the teacher’s implementation in Teaching Speaking Using Picture Series in Instagram, and to describe The Students’ Response on the Teaching Speaking Using Picture Series in Instagram.This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from the tenth graders at SMK PGRI 2 SIDOARJO, class X RPL. The data collecting technique used instruments observation checklist and questionnaire. The finding of teaching speaking using picture series in Instagram were: Firstly, the teacher gave the stimulus of the material, explained the descriptive text, gave questions to the students to check the students understanding on descriptive text, made five groups, gave the students the pictures series of Instagram. Then, the teacher asked the students to discuss with their groups about desribing the picture series given by the teacher. At last, each group had to describe the pictures series in Instagram in front of the class by their own words. The teacher gave feedback, and revied the material to the students. Students’ responses showed that almost all the students gave responses to the answer “YES” with total numbers of 281 or 83% and answer “NO” with a total numbers of 59 or 17%. The data on the diagram showed ‘YES’ > “NO” Answers. It was concluded that the students’ responses of teaching speaking using picture series in Instagram were good.
The Use of Guessing Game in Teaching Speaking Descriptive Text at SMP Sunan Ampel Porong Muhammad Nabil Makarim
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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This study was about to the implementation and the students’ responds of guessing game in teaching speaking through descriptive text at SMP Sunan Ampel Porong in the academic year 2018/2019. By applying descriptive qualitative method, the subjects of this study were the 7th grade students at SMP Sunan Ampel Porong. The data of this research were the facts written in the observation’s results and the students’ responds through the implementation of the guessing game viewed in the questionnaire items. The source of data of this research was the activity of teaching learning. The researcher was the primary instrument supported by the secondary instrument namely: observation field-note, observation checklist, and questionnaire. The result showed that the implementation of guessing game was: (1) the game activity could stimulate the students’ willingness to involve the lesson, (2) the game activity could encourage the students to speak in English and (3) the teacher was easier to control the class condition. In regard to the students’ responds, most of the students assumed that the guessing game clearly motivated them and it was fun activity. The researcher gave suggestions to 1) English teachers to conduct the class activities by providing students variation of activities, 2) students to pay more attention and more active in learning process, and 3) other researchers to explore the implementation of guessing game in other English skills.
An Analysis on Conjunction Found in Barack Obama’s Speech of First Victory Election at Grant Park in Chicago Muhammad Najib Kurnia Aji
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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This research was focused on the types of coordinate conjunction and the functions of the most type of coordinate conjunction found on the Barack Obama’s speech. This research was applied by using descriptive qualitative method. Barack Obama was the subject of this study. The source of data in this research was the scripted of Barack Obama’s first victory speech. All of the words, the phrases and/or the sentences consisting coordinate conjunctions appeared in the speech were the data in this study. The researcher was the primary instrument of the study supported by the secondary instrument called table analysis. The result showed that the most type of coordinate conjunction was ‘and’ consisting 113 items of coordinate conjunction uttered by Obama (83.09%). Meanwhile, the functions of the most coordinate conjunctions were categorized into three parts called (1) conjunctions joining words; (2) conjunctions joining groups of word; and (3) conjunctions joining parts of compound sentence. The researcher pointed out suggestions to 1) English teachers to provide clear understanding regarding the coordinate conjunction to their students, 2) students to implement their understanding in learning process, and 3) other researchers to explore the implementation of the types of conjunctions and their functions.
Illocutionary Speech Act of President Joko Widodo’s Speech at Nusa Dua Hall, Bali Mochammad Nu’man Mufid
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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This research was aimed to describe the types of communication function and the effects contained in illocutionary speech act used by President Joko Widodo in his speech at Nusa Dua Hall, Bali. This research was applied by using a descriptive qualitative method. Joko Widodo was the object of this research. The source of data in this research was the script of Joko Widodo’s speech. All of the words, the phrases and/or the sentences consisting illocutionary speech acts appeared in the speech were the data examined. The researcher was the primary instrument of the study supported by the secondary instrument called table analysis. The result showed the types of communication function of illocutionary speech acts were representative (61.82%), directive (14.55 %), commisive (5.45 %) and expressive (18.18 %). Meanwhile, in case of the effect of Jokowi’ speech, Jokowi was successful to make the cooperation commitment in investment among the countries involved as the members of IMF-WB. The researcher pointed out suggestions to 1) English teachers has consideration of additional reference conducting the learning process especially in pragmatics class, 2) students can enrich their knowledge by understanding the types of illocutionary and perlocutionary speech acts., and 3) other researchers to develop this study by using other methodology applied such as quantitative or mix-method.
Figurative Language Found on Joe Biden’s Victory Speech in Wilmington Mubarokah Mubarokah
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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This research was aimed to describe the types and the interpretation meanings of figurative languages found on Joe Biden’s Victory Speech in Wilmington. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research was the Joe Biden’s speech text in Wilmington. The researcher used two instruments namely: observation field note and table. The results showed There were 9 types of figurative language used in the speech delivered by Joe Biden. Based on the results findings as seen in the table above, those classification of figurative meaning are: metaphor containing 1 datum (1.81%), simile containing 9 data (16.36%), symbol containing 4 data (7.27%), personification containing 5 data (9.09%), synecdoche containing 7 data (12.73%), metonymy containing 5 data (9.09%), allegory containing 1 datum (1.81%), hyperbole containing 3 data (5.45%) and irony containing 20 data (36.36%). Based on the data examined, there were 55 data found on Biden’s speech consisting figurative language. Furthermore, the researcher describes the interpretation meanings of figurative language based on the data findings supported by Reaske (1996)’s theory and related theories about figurative language. There are 9 types of figurative language including: metaphor, simile, symbol, personification, synecdoche, metonymy, allegory, hyperbole and irony.
Error Analysis on the Use of Subordinating Conjunction Found in the Students’ Essay Writing at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo Hidayatul Murtafi’ah
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Error analysis is a systematic method to analyze learners’ error in applying linguistics as well as a second and a foreign language. Subordinating conjunction is a conjunction that joins an independent clause and a dependent clause and also introduces adverb clauses. Investigating of error analysis through the students’ work is essential research as its aim. This study was conducted by the aims to describe the types of error found in the students’ essay writing and the most committed error based on the surface strategy taxonomy made by the 2nd semester students at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in conducting this study. The subjects of this study were the 2nd semester students at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. The instruments of this research were the researcher, documentation and table. The result showed that there were four types of errors found in the students’ essay writing based on the Surface Strategy Taxonomy called: (1) omission consisting 9 errors (29.03%), (2) addition consisting 2 times (6.45%), (3) misformation consisting 6errors (19.36%) and (4) misordering consisting 14errors (45.16%). Meanwhile, the most type of error was in the form of misformation error found 14 times (45.16%). However, the researcher addresses recommendations to 1) English teachers should be aware on grammatical errors in essay writing, 2) students to explore their writing ability to moderate errors, 3) other researchers to explore the implementation of error analysis in writing.
Speaking Anxiety Level of English as Foreign Language in English Education Study Program at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo Anggi Febi Jayanti
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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This study was conducted the speaking anxiety level of English in English Education Study Program Students at STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. This research described the students’ speaking anxiety level analyzed by using descriptive qualitative research method. The research subjects of this research were English Education students which consisted of 25 active students and the data were questionnaire that used Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) procedure to elaborate the result of students’ speaking anxiety level in table, percentage, and chart which became the data descriptions. The result showed that 43% of the students tend to have speaking anxiety level which is the score is under 51 which means low of speaking anxiety level. In interview answer, the students stated that many factors troubled them but the students also have their own technique to reduce anxiety such as holding own hands, keep calm, and so forth. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that learning to speak English as a Foreign Language in the classroom is able to make many foreign language students feel nervous and tense so that they are less able to do their best in the speaking class.
Improving Reading Comprehension Through the Use of Quizizz Technique Siti Fatimah
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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This research was conducted to describe the implementation of Quizizz and the students’ reading comprehension improvement on teaching reading comprehension for the 9th grade students at SMPN 44 Surabaya. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was applied to the 39 students at class 9-A. The observation and tests were the instruments used. It was done in two cycles. In pre-research, there were only 14 students who passed the test, representing a success rate of 35.90%. While 22 students (56.41%) were able to pass the test, the remaining students failed (17 students) in cycle 1. the numbers of students who passed the test were improving from 22 students (cycle 1) to 34 students (cycle 2). It can be argued the numbers of students increased in the percentage of 86.18%. Students’ reading comprehension has significantly improved as a result of the implementation of the Quizizz application to 9th grade students at SMPN 44 Surabaya in the academic year 2020/2021, and this finding supports the major hypothesis of the research that students' reading comprehension has significantly improved.