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PGRI-Science Education Media of Applied Research & Technology
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Core Subject : Education,
P-SEMART JOURNAL, PGRI-Science Education Media of Applied Research & Technology, is an open-access peer-reviewed research journal that is published by PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur. It welcomes and acknowledges high-quality empirical original research papers about education written by researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners from all over the world. Frequency Journal is 3 issues per year (April, August and December). P-SEMART Journal is a journal which is managed by PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur. It publishes the results of literature studies as well as research results in the scope of education in general and specific areas. The study cover education and learning in primary level (five areas of elementary school namely mathematics, Indonesian language, science, social studies, and civics and additional fields such as English in basic education includes the study of local content studied in the scope of basic education), secondary education, post-secondary level , and higher level, English Language Education, Assessment, Linguistics, English Literatures, Sociolinguistics, Research & Development as well as its area in its implementations.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 57 Documents
Sentence with Multiple Clauses Found in the Reading Section Passages of TOEFL Longman Complete Test Anggun Purnomo Arbi
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Analysis of sentences with multiple clauses has an essential role in the process of learning English. This study had a purpose to describe the types of sentence with multiple clauses. In supporting this study, the researcher used theories of sentence with multiple clauses by Deborah Phillips. This study was a type of descriptive qualitative study as it analyzed the word data. The object of this study was the text of reading section question of TOEFL Longman Complete Test written in the book ‘Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test’. Documentation was the step of collecting data in this study. Data analysis of this study was identifying the sentence with multiple clauses, classifying the types of sentence with multiple clauses, and describing all the results. the researcher found 18 sentences categorized as the sentences with multiple clauses. Those sentences were divided into three types: noun clause (2 sentences), adjective clause (11 sentences), and adverb clause (5 sentences).
Improving the Ability of the 6th Grade Students at SDN Petemon X/358 Surabaya to Write Descriptive Texts Using Four-Square Technique Ani Musafa’ah
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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The purpose of this research was to increase students' achievement in writing descriptive text by implementing the Four-Square Writing Technique (FSWT) to the 6th grade students at SDN Petemon X/358 Surabaya in the academic year 2020/2021. Each cycle of classroom action research consisted of three meetings and included four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data were gathered through the use of two instruments: observation and test. The results indicated that students made great progress in their ability to write descriptive texts. Pre-test mean score was only 62.42, but improved to 71.10 in cycle I and 77.30 in cycle II. The pre-test score was only 74 and improved to 82 to 88 in subsequent cycles. Meanwhile, the lowest pre-test score was 50, and the highest post-test score ranged from 62 to 68. In case of the students who passed the tests, while only five students (16.67%) passed the pre-test, there were significant improvements in post-tests, with 18 students (60%) passing in post-test cycle I and 27 students (90%) passing in post-test cycle II. This research was stopped in cycle II due to the fact that the criteria for success were met in a percentage of 90%, with 27 students passing the post-test in cycle II, based on the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) standard of > 70.
Code Switching And Code Mixing In Joko Widodo’s Statement Iddun Muhammad Hattory
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Code switching was a part of sociolinguistics which explains about switching the language from one language to others. Code mixing was a part of sociolinguistics which has meaning about mix the words, phrases or clauses. This study was aimed to describe the type of code switching and code mixing. This study was applied descriptive qualitative method. The instruments of this study were the researcher and documentation. The subject of this study was Joko Widodo. The data of this study were all words that contain Code mixing and code switching. Steps of collecting data were: (1) reading the statement president of republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, (2) Observing directly by writing the utterances which is contain code switching and code mixing and (3) marking the switched phrases or sentences and mixed words on the utterances. Steps of data analysis were identifying code switching and code mixing, classifying the types of code switching and code mixing, analyzing the types of code switching and code mixing, and drawing the conclusion. The results of this study showed that there was two types code switching that were inter-sentential code switching and also intra-sentential code switching. There were three types of code mixing that were insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization.
The Use of Advance Organizer in Teaching Reading Narrative Text at Eight Grade SMP PGRI Wringinanom Nur Kalim
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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The advance organizer model is designed to strengthen students’ cognitive structures and their knowledge of certain subjects and how to manage, clarify, pay attention and maintain. This study was aimed to describe implementation of advance organizer technique in teaching reading English narrative text at SMP PGRI Wringinanom and the students’ response of the implementation of Advance Organizer technique in teaching reading English narrative text at SMP PGRI Wringinanom. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this research are a teacher and students of A VIII class of junior high school PGRI Wringinanom, Gresik in the academic year 2020/2021. The instruments of this study were the researcher, the observation field note, and questionaire. The data collection procedures in this study were observation and questionnaire. The steps of data analysis were observation and questionaire. The results of this study showed that the advence organizer technique was succesfully implemented. This method had both advantages and disadvanages. Based on students’ responses, the advance organizer is an interesting method that can be applied in teaching English especially Narrative text.
The English Subtitle of “Pertempoeran Soerabaja 1945” by Aris Production's at Museum 10 Nopember Surabaya Riesta Deria Supriyabudi
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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This project focuses on the process followed in the production of the English subtitles for the movie “Pertempoeran Soerabaja 1945,” with a focus on transcription techniques and translation methods. Subtitles are a meant to provide a translation that allows one who does not understand the original content of the film by rendering it into their own language. Movies are an audio-visual format. They are a form of media that conveys information in order to make viewers aware of that information, and also often to entertain them simultaneously. Advanced by technological support, movies contain frames and sounds that are synchronized; they thus easily attract the viewers’ attention. However, there are differences between languages that create difficulties in finding the best equivalent in the target language (TL) to represent the meaning of the source language (SL). The results of this study of the English subtitles of “Pertempoeran Soerabaja 1945” movie reveal that the procedures applied by the translator involved structural processes, a free translation method, as well as subtraction procedure and adaption method, transposition, and semantic procedures. The History of Surabaya in 1945 subtitled in English been included in this project to further clarify the content under study for both native and non-native speakers.
Personality Traits of Moira in Nora Robert’s Valley of Silence Novel Radhiyatus Sara Hidayah; Anggun Purnomo Arbi
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Character, in novel, plays crucial role in the development of the story. People often do not understand how the characters of the movie play their roles. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the personality trait of the main character in Nora Roberts’ Valley of Silence Novel 2006 and also the characterization method to reveal the main character’s traits. In classifying and analyzing data, the researchers applied the descriptive qualitative method as the data were not in the form of statistical data. The data were taken from the scripts of Nora Roberts’ Valley of Silence Novel (2006). To analyze personality trait including extraversion, neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness, the theories of personality trait by McCrae and Costa in Gerald, et, al. (2003) were used, and the theories of characterization by Shlomith Reymon Kennan (2005) were used in order to analyze characterization. To validate the data, the triangulation technique was used. The result of this research showed that Moira as the main character of Valley of Silence Novel has Extraversion as the type personality trait. It is because her behavior is same with the facet of extraversion. Actually her personality trait can be changed sometimes, because of some particular event, but her personality trait is dominant in extraversion. The author describes Moira by using indirect presentation and speech as the way to represent the main character.
Pengembangan Media Peta Budaya Nusantara (PATAYARA) pada Subtema Indahnya Keragaman Budaya Negeriku Novi Ariesta Hariani
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Media Peta Budaya Nusantara (PATAYARA) pada subtema Indahnya Keragaman Budaya Negeriku yang menggunakan model Numbered Head Together (NHT) dalam pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengembangan Borg and Gall yang dimodifikasi oleh Sugiyono. Langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini yaitu : 1) potensi dan masalah, 2) pengumpulan data, 3) desain produk, 4) validasi desain, 5) revisi desain, 6) uji coba produk, 7) revisi produk. Dikarenakan keterbatasan dalam melakukan penelitian pada masa pandemi COVID-19, subjek uji coba penelitian ini adalah 6 peserta didik kelas IV SD dengan tiga tahap yaitu memberikan tes pretest, posttest, dan angket respon. Teknik dan pengumpulan data mengggunakan angket, tes, dan observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis data kualitatif ke data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian pengembangan media PATAYARA telah mendapat keterangan sangat layak menurut hasil validasi ahli materi dan ahli media setelah melakukan 2 tahap validasi dengan masing-masing memperoleh persentase 83% dan 86%. Soal pretest memperoleh keterangan tidak baik dan posstest memperoleh keterangan sangat baik. Hasil penilaian angket respons peserta didik terhadap penerapan media PATAYARA memperoleh persentase 96,7% dengan keterangan sangat layak. Hasil observasi terhadap pendidik memperoleh persentase 86% dengan keterangan sangat layak.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode TSTS (Two Stay Two Stray) Terhadap Kemampuan Menginterpretasi dan Menganalisis Siswa Pada Tema 7 Kelas IV SD Rizqi Dwi Amalia
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kemampuan menginterpretasi dan menganalisis siswa dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran TSTS (Two Stay Two Stray) pada kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh terhadap kemampuan menginterpretasi dan menganalisis siswa pada pembelajaran tematik dengan penggunaan metode pembelajaran TSTS (Two Stay Two Stray) pada kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar dengan tiga tahap yaitu pemberian pretest, perlakuan, dan posttest dengan subjek berjumlah 8 orang dari kelas kontrol dan 8 orang dari kelas eksperimen dikarenakan keterbatasan peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian di era pandemic Covid 19. Teknik dan pengumpulan data menggunakan validasi ahli materi, tes pretest dan posttest, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data berupa analisis data observasi siswa pada kelas eksperimen yang diperoleh nilai rata-rata secara keseluruhan yaitu 92,5% yang tergolong sangat baik, sedangkan hasil rata-rata pada kelas kontrol yaitu 90,6% yang tergolong sangat baik.
Pengembangan Media Lift The Flap Book Untuk Meningkatkan Konsentrasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Evie tri winarni Wati
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan media lift the flap book untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi siswa pada kelas IV dengan subtema indahnya persatuan dan kesatuan negeriku, lift the flap book merupakan buku yang halamannya terdapat gambar yang dilengkapi informasi dibaliknya. Media yang dikembangkan divalidasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli media agar dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran.jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitiandan pengembangan (research and development) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D, selanjutnya model diadaptasi menjadi tahap: 1) Define (pendefinisian), 2) Design (perancangan) dan Development (pengembangan). Ujicoba penelitian ini pada 12 siswa kelas IV SD, 6 siswa kelas eksperimen dan 6 siswa kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian berupa media pembelajaran lift the flap book untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi siswa kelas IV SD. Penilaian validasi ahli materi dan ahli media menyatakan media lift the flap book yang dikembangkan ini layak diujicobakan. Hal tersebut terbukti dari penilaian ahli materi pada aspek pembelajaran diperoleh skor 34 dengan rata-rata 3,4 yang masuk dalam kategori baik dan presentase 85% dengan kategori sangat layak. Hasil penilaian ahli media pada aspek kelayakan memperoleh jumlah skor 23 dengan rata-rata 3,28 dan hasil presentase 92,8% masuk dalam kategori baik dan layak. Hasil penilaian dari praktisi guru memperoleh jumlah skor 34 dengan rata-rata 3,4 masuk dalam kategori baik dan sangat layak. hasil data respon siswa memperoleh jumlah skor 21,9 dengan rata- rata 3,65 dan presentase 90%, yang masuk dalam kategori baik dan layak.Dalam hasil belajar atau pengerjaan soal juga terlihat peningkatan dari presentase sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan media, dengan presentase awal(pretest) sebesar 71,3% dan setelah(post-test) menggunakan media menjadi 93,3% yang menjelaskan bahwa setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran lift the flap book dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar siswa.
Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Mathpoly Materi Persamaan Linear Satu Variabel Pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP ASA CENDEKIA Sedati Nur Indah Syafrina; Nurina Ayuningtyas
P-SEMART JOURNAL Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): P-SEMART Journal
Publisher : PGRI Provinsi Jawa Timur

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan media pembelajaran mathpoly materi persamaan linear satu variabel pada siswa kelas VII SMP ASA CENDEKIA Sedati. Jenis penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksnakan di SMP ASA CENDEKIA Sedati pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VII-A yang berjumlah 24 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan pembelajaran matematika materi persamaan linear satu variabel dengan bantuan media pembelajaran mathpoly. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu lembar observasi aktivitas siswa dan lembar angket respons siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan media pembelajaran mathpoly berpengaruh positif pada motivasi belajar siswa pada materi persamaan linear satu variabel. Dengan Rata-rata hasil persentase aktivitas siswa selama kegiatan penggunaan media pembelajaran mathpoly secara keseluruhan sebesar 85.18% dengan kriteria sangat baik dan Rata-rata persentase jumlah respons siswa selama kegiatan penggunaan media pembelajaran mathpoly sebesar 85.41% dengan kriteria sangat positif.