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Sistem Penghitung Daya Pada Rumah Tangga Untuk Memprediksi Penghematan Biaya Listrik Dan Mengetahui Minimal Daya Yang Harus Dicatu Oleh Panel Surya Osep Prasetyo; Porman Pangaribuan; Asep Suhendi
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Peningkatan kebutuhan listrik di Indonesia saat ini berbanding terbalik dengan sumber pembangkit listrik yang tersedia. Saat ini, pemerintah menggencarkan pembuatan pembangkit listrik energi baru terbarukan untuk menggantikan pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan bahan bakar minyak bumi dan batubara. Pada tahun 2023, pemerintah menargetkan 23 % dari pembangkit listrik yang ada di Indonesia harus berasal dari pembangkit listrik energi terbarukan. Salah satu pembangkit yang gencar dibangun adalah pembangkit listrik tenaga surya. Untuk di kotakota besar, pemerintah menghimbau dan mengajak masyarakat untuk menggunakan panel surya skala rumahan untuk membantu mengurangi polusi udara dari pembangkit yang digunakan pemerintah yang masih menggunakan bahan bakar batubara dan minyak bumi. Dari permasalahan diatas, timbul ide untuk membuat tugas akhir ini. Disini saya akan membuat kalkulator yang bisa digunakan untuk memperkirakan berapa energi yang harus dibangkitkan oleh panel surya dan berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan energi listrik tersebut. Kata Kunci : Photovoltaic, Energi baru terbarukan
Usulan Perbaikan Proses Penuangan Pada Shoulder E-clip Untuk Meminimasi Defect Beku Dini Dengan Menggunakan Metode Dmaic Di Pt Pindad Janu Prasetyo; Wiyono Wiyono; Widia Juliani
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak PT Pindad merupakan perusahaan industri dan manufaktur yang bergerak dalam pembuatan produk militer dan komersil diantaranya yaitu divisi tempa & cor. Teradapat 3 jenis produk sarana dan pra sarana kereta api yang di produksi, salah satunya adalah shoulder for e-clip. Berdasarkan data historis bulan Januari 2017 sampai dengan Desember 2018 produk ini mengalami rata-rata defect sebesar 5.22% per bulannya sedangkan toleransi defect yang ditetapkan perusahaan sebesar 2%. Jenis cacat yang paling banyak menghasilkan defect adalah beku dini yang terjadi pada saat proses penuangan. Penelitian ini akan difokuskan untuk mengurangi cacat beku dini pada proses penuangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control). Pada tahap define dilakukan pengidentifikasian CTQ menggunakan metode delphi dan pembuatan diagram SIPOC. Pada tahap measure dilakukan perhitungan stabilitas proses menggunakan peta kontrol p dan perhitungan kapabilitas proses sehingga diketahui rata-rata DPMO sebesar 3739 sedangkan untuk rata-rata level sigma sebesar 4.22. Pada tahap analyze digunakan tools fishbone diagram sehingga didapatkan faktor penyebab masalah adalah man, method, material, tools, dan environment. Setelah itu digunakan pendekatan FMEA untuk menentukan mode kegagalan yang akan diprioritaskan untuk dilakukan perbaikan sehingga didapatkan faktor method dan man yang memiliki nilai RPN tertinggi. Maka dari itu pada tahap improve usulan perbaikan di prioritaskan terhadap faktor man dan method untuk mengurangi cacat beku dini yaitu dengan pemasangan pirometer dan pembuatan checksheet. Kata kunci: Shoulder for e-clip, defect, DMAIC, beku dini, penuangan, CTQ, DPMO, FMEA Abstract PT Pindad is an industrial and manufacturing company engaged in manufacturing military and commercial products including the forging & cast division. There are 3 types of railway facilities and preproduction products produced, one of which is the shoulder for e-clip. Based on historical data from January 2017 to December 2018 this product experienced an average defect of 5.22% per month while the defect tolerance set by the company was 2%. The type of defect that produces the most defects is cold shut that occurs during the pouring process. This research will be focused on reducing cold shut defects in the pouring process using the DMAIC approach (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control). At the define stage CTQ is identified using the delphi method and SIPOC diagram making. In the measure phase, the calculation of process stability using p control chart and process capability calculations are calculated so that the average DPMO is 3739 while the average sigma level is 4.22. In the analyze stage, a fishbone diagram tool is used so that the causes of the problem are obtained which is by man, method, material, tools, and environment. After that, the FMEA approach is used to determine the failure mode that will be prioritized for improvement in which the method and man factors have the highest RPN values. Therefore, in the improve stage proposed improvements prioritize the man and method to reduce cold shut defects, namely by installing pyrometers and making checksheets. Keywords: cold shut, defect, DMAIC, premature freezing, pouring, CTQ, DPMO, FMEA
Analysis Of Discrete Wavelet Transform For Optimum Machine Instruction Of Dlx Microprocessor Shafitri Nurhanifa; Nyoman Bogi Aditya Karna; Raditiana Patmasari
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstract The application of monitoring over Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is highly demanded to be implemented in the Internet of Things (IoT). The problem that appears in IoT is the general purpose microprocessor is still highly used, which causes more energy used than it is needed. Although, an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) can be used to make a more efficient energy application, it is more expensive and permanent, which means it can't be changed or reconfigured. This thesis presents a method to design a specific purpose microprocessor by compressing an image in DLX microprocessor, which can still be reconfigured by optimizing machine instruction needed in the microprocessor. Prior to DWT process, an image will go through pre-processing stage. The stage will be done in Matlab to turn an RGB image into a grayscale image, and the matrix of the grayscale image will be obtained. This matrix will be the input for Haar DWT machine instruction. The machine instruction is simulated in WinDLX, a simulator for DLX microprocessor. After the simulation has finished, the statistics of the simulation will be analyzed to conclude whether the machine instruction is optimum enough. The result of Haar DWT machine instruction is the same as the result obtained from Matlab, which means the machine instruction is capable to do the image compression. Out of 92 kinds of instruction, Haar machine instruction only needs 20 kinds of instructions used. This shows that the program will not waste energy for unused instruction. From the statistics obtained, the total cycles executed from the pipelined DLX microprocessor is 1239 cycles, where a non-pipelined microprocessor would need 2755 cycles to execute the program. This means the program is a more efficient method to run a Haar DWT compression. Keywords: optimum machine instruction, DLX microprocessor, DWT image compression, internet of things (IoT), wireless sensor multimedia networks. 1. Introduction As the technology grows more and more in human life, the phrase "Internet of Things" is not an uncommon phrase to be involved in the growth. Kevin Ashton was the first person to use the term “Internet of Things” in 1999. At that time, Kevin and his team were developing an extension of the internet to accommodate things and it inspired him to the term “Internet of Things” [1]. The idea of IoT was developed in parallel to WSNs [2]. Wireless Sensor Network or WSN is a network of a large number of nodes that cooperatively sense the environment. The application of the WSN has been done since the 1980s but then became more common to use in 2001 for industrial and research purposes [2]. The WSN is largely applied in many applications, such as environmental monitoring, industrial and infrastructure, and military surveillance. Although WSN is very useful for the convenience in the society, this technology also comes with some issues [3], such as the minimum exposure path [4] and the energy sink-hole [5], [6] in WSN. The main problem discusses in this thesis is the energy lifetime of the WSN itself, which people have been paying attention as well. Sensor nodes are usually powered by limited lifetime batteries. Changing the batteries frequently become very inefficient for a long use of WSN. There are many suggestions to this specific problem, such as wirelesspowered sensor networks [7] and harvesting solar energy as a wireless charging for the WSN [8]. However, even if the additional power can be harvested to the WSN, the resource is still limited for frequent use. Image compressing is a more detail strategy to reduce excessive energy consumption of WSN. There are many methods of image compressing used for this problem [9], [10]. This thesis uses the image compression strategy by creating DWT machine instruction to be inserted in DLX microprocessor so that the processor will run the specific instructions. This strategy will be efficient to get the most ideal microprocessor to be implanted in the WSN. Furthermore, the WSN will not be wasting energy on other microprocessor instructions that will be left unused. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the energy efficiency WSN by reconstructing the machine instruction. The benefit is this method can be successfully implemented on WSN in multimedia sector. The problem can be formulated as how effective DWT for optimum machine instruction affects the WSN energy efficiency in multimedia monitoring system. This thesis uses DLX microprocessor and Haar DWT algorithm in DLX assembly language. The parameters for this paper are the compression result, the power consumption, and ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.6, No.2 Agustus 2019 | Page 3542 the speed of simulation. The completion of this thesis uses several methodologies, such as literature study, designing the system, and simulation.
Pengujian Performansi Keamanan Wireless Lan Menggunakan Wireless Intrusion Detection System Iqbal Firda Rusdiansyah; Sofia Naning Hertiana; Ridha Muldina Negara
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Perkembangan jaringan internet yang semakin pesat dan besar mendorong peningkatan penggunaan jaringan Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) sebagai gateway bagi endpoint device untuk mengakses jaringan internet. WLAN memiliki kelebihan yakni memiliki kecepatan transfer data tinggi, praktis digunakan, dan fleksibel karena menggunakan media transmisi gelombang radio untuk terhubung dengan user. Namun karena transmisi paket dilakukan secara terbuka membuat jaringan WLAN lebih rentan terhadap pencurian data dan serangan cybers. Untuk mengamankan jaringan WLAN terdapat sistem keamanan yang sudah mumpuni yakni Wireless Intrusion detection system (WIDS). WIDS memiliki prinsip yang sama dengan IDS namun dikhususkan untuk melindungi jaringan WLAN dari serangan. Sehingga WIDS cocok dipasangkan pada jaringan WLAN karena dapat mendeteksi serangan di udara sehingga admin jaringan dapat melakukan tindakan sebelum serangan merusak komponen penting yakni server, access point, dan client. Dalam tugas akhir ini, sistem keamanan WIDS akan dipasangkan pada jaringan WLAN yang dijalankan menggunakan emulator Mininet-Wifi. Sistem yang telah dibuat diuji menggunakan serangan yang khusus ditujukan untuk jaringan WLAN (WEP, WPA, WPA2 Cracking; Denial of Service; dan Evil-Twin) dan diuji performansi QoS-nya saat sebelum dan setelah dipasang WIDS dan saat dijalankan dengan trafik video dan VoIP dengan bacgkround traffic 10 Mbps hingga 58 Mbps. Hasilnya sistem dapat mendeteksi serangan WEP, WPA, dan WPA2 Cracking; dan Denial of Service namun tidak dapat menentukan sumber serangan dengan tepat (false positive). Untuk serangan Evil-Twin dapat dideteksi dengan baik oleh sistem. Dari uji performansi, didapat hasil pemasangan WIDS hanya berpengaruh terhadap kenaikan delay rata-rata. Begitu juga dengan kondisi background traffic yang berbeda hanya terjadi peningkatan secara linear pada delay rata-rata. Untuk jitter throughput, dan packet loss cenderung stabil dari hasil dua uji performansi yang dilakukan. Kata Kunci : WLAN, WIDS, access point. Abstract The development of increasingly fast and large internet networks has encouraged an increase in the use of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) networks as a gateway for device endpoints to access internet networks. WLAN has the advantage of having high data transfer speeds, practical use, and flexibility because it uses radio wave transmission media to connect with users. However, because packet transmission is carried out openly, making WLAN networks more vulnerable to data theft and attack by cybers. To secure the WLAN network, there is a security system that is qualified, namely the Wireless Intrusion detection system (WIDS). WIDS has the same principles as IDS but is specifically intended to protect WLAN networks from attacks. So that WIDS is suitable to be installed on a WLAN network because it can detect attacks in the air so the network admin can take action before the attack damages important components, namely the server, access point, and client. In this final project, the WIDS security system will be installed on a WLAN network that is run using the Mininet-Wifi emulator. Systems that have been made are tested using attacks specifically intended for WLAN networks (WEP, WPA, WPA2 Cracking; Denial of Service; and Evil-Twin) and QoS performance is tested before and after WIDS is installed and when run with video and VoIP traffic with backround traffic of 10 Mbps to 58 Mbps. The result is that the system ISSN : 2355-9365 e-Proceeding of Engineering : Vol.6, No.2 Agustus 2019 | Page 4401 2 can detect WEP, WPA, and WPA2 Cracking attacks; and Denial of Service but cannot determine the source of the attack correctly (false positive). Evil-Twin attacks can be detected properly by the system. From the performance test, it was found that the WIDS installation results only affected the increase in average delay. Likewise, with different background traffic conditions there is only a linear increase in average delay. For jitter throughput, and packet loss tend to be stable from the results of two performance tests performed. Keywords : WLAN, WIDS, access point.
Studi Interferensi Antara Future Railway Mobile Communication Systems (frmcs) Dan Gsm Seluler Di Indonesia Abdul Khamid Ridwanuddin; Khoirul Anwar; Ahmad Sugiana
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Tim sistem pensinyalan kereta di dunia sedang mengembangkan beberapa teknologi untuk kereta cepat, salah satunya adalah teknologi Future Railway Mobile Communication Systems (FRMCS) yang akan diterapkan di dunia pada 2022. Jurnal ini melakukan studi FRMCS untuk kereta cepat Indonesia dan peluang terkenanya interferensi oleh Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) seluler yang telah ada karena penggunaan band frekuensi yang sama atau berdekatan. Jurnal ini mengevaluasi kinerja FRMCS di Indonesia tanpa dan dengan interferensi dari GSM seluler. Interferensi yang muncul dianalisis dengan Bit Error Rate (BER) terhadap Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) untuk kurva kereta. Evaluasi dilakukan pada model kanal FRMCS Indonesia yang didapatkan dari New York University Simulation (NYUSIM) dengan outage probability yang akan berfungsi sebagai kinerja BER lower bound (terbaik). Hasil dari Jurnal ini adalah kinerja FRMCS Indonesia dengan dan tanpa interferensi oleh GSM seluler terhadap sinyal FRMCS di sepanjang rel kereta di Indonesia, berupa (i) kurva BER antara kinerja FRMCS dan kinerja Global System for Mobile Communication-Railway (GSM-R), serta (ii) kurva jarak aman antara rel kereta FRMCS dengan base station sistem komunikasi seluler. Hasil Jurnal ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja FRMCS memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kinerja GSM-R dalam aspek ketahanan terhadap interferensi. Hasil Jurnal ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan implementasi FRMCS di Indonesia. Kata kunci: interference, FRMCS, GSM-R, BER, NYUSIM Abstract The train signaling system team in the world is developing several technologies for fast trains, one of which is the technology of Future Railway Mobile Communication Systems (FRMCS) which will be implemented in the world in 2022. This journal conducts FRMCS studies for Indonesian fast trains and the chance of interference by Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) cellular that already exists because of the use of the same or adjacent frequency bands. This journal evaluates the performance of FRMCS in Indonesia without and with interference from GSM cellular. The emerging interference is analyzed by the Bit Error Rate (BER) against Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) for the train curve. Evaluations were carried out on the Indonesian FRMCS channel model obtained from New York University Simulation (NYUSIM) with probability outage that would function as a lower bound BER performance. The results of this Journal are the performance of FRMCS Indonesia with and without interference from GSM cellular to FRMCS signals along railroads in Indonesia, in the form of (i) BER curve of FRMCS performance and Global System for Mobile Communication-Railway GSM-R performances, and (ii) a safe distance curve between the FRMCS railroad and the cellularbase station communication system. The result of this journal shows that the performance of FRMCS is better than GSM-R in the aspect of resistance to interference. The results of this Journal are expected to be a reference for the implementation of FRMCS in Indonesia. Keywords: interference, FRMCS, GSM-R, BER, NYUSIM
Penerapan Pendingin Termoelektrik Pada Kondensor Dimroth Berpendingin Air Berbasis Kendali Pi Mochamad Roffa Firdaus; Tri Ayodha Ajiwiguna; Asep Suhendi
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat sistem pendingin kondensor dimroth berpendingin air berbasis termoelektrik dengan menggunakan metode PI untuk pengontrolan suhu padareaktor. Metode PI merupakan metode kontrol dimana sinyal feedback didapat dari sensordengan terus menghitung nilai error sebagai beda antara nilai setpoint. Sensor yangdigunakan adalah sensor suhu termokopel yang digabungkan dengan IC MAX6675, Sensorsuhu termokopel digunakan untuk feedback control sebagai pembanding dengan nilaisetpoint untuk mengontrol daya yang diberikan pada termoelektrik dengan pengaturanPWM oleh Arduino (mikrokontroler) sehingga suhu yang diinginkan dapat dicapai.Terdapat empat variasi setpoint yaitu 13°C, 15°C dan 17°C, untuk menentukan parameterkontrol yang tepat dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 buah metode yaitu metode ZieglerNichols 1 dan metode Trial and Error. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengambil datapenurunan suhu lalu data hasil penurunan suhu dianalisis untuk mendapat spesifikasirespon sistem.Kata kunci : Termoelektrik, PWM, PI, Kontrol, Ziegler Nichols 1, Trial and error.Abstract in this research will be made a water cooled dimroth condenser cooling system based onthermoelectric using PI methode to control the temperature of the reactor. The PI method isa control method where the feedback signal is obtained from the sensor by continuouslycalculating the error value as the difference between the setpoint values. The sensor used is athermocouple temperature sensor combined with IC MAX6675, the thermocoupletemperature sensor is used for feedback control as a comparison with the setpoint value tocontrol the power given to the thermoelectric with PWM settings by Arduino(microcontroller) so that the desired temperature can be achieved. There are four setpointvariations, namely 13 ° C, 15 ° C and 17 ° C, to determine the appropriate controlparameters by using 2 methods, namely Ziegler Nichols 1 method and Trial and Error method. Tests are carried out by taking down the temperature data then the temperature reduction data is analyzed to get the system response specifications. Keywords: Thermoeletric, PWM,Thermocouple, PI, Control, Ziegler Nichols 1, Trial anderror, cooling system.
nalisis Dan Perancangan Arsitektur Satu Data Pada Fungsi Umum Menggunakan Togaf Adm Di Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat Nur Fitriyani; Irfan Darmawan; Ridha Hanafi
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Satu Data digunakan untuk mendorong pengambilan kebijakakn berdasarkan data. Di era globalisasi sekarang ini, sebuah organisasi harus mampu menyesuaikan diri terhadap perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat, sudah merupakan hal yang sangat lumrah karena dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi dapat membantu menunjang aktivitas bisnis pada instansi. Dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya, Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat sedang melakukan pembangunan terhadap sistem satu data. .Dibutuhkan perancangan EA dengan menggunakan motede TOGAF ADM framework sebagai panduan untuk pembuatan perancangan. Enterprise Architecture dimulai dari fase preliminary hingga fase technology. Hasil dari penelitian berupa artefak dari rancangan arsitektur bisnis sampai teknologi informasi saat ini beserta usulan untuk melakukan perbaikan terutama pada fungsi umum. Kata kunci : Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, Satu Data, Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat Abstract One Data is to encourage policy making base on the data. In the globalization era nowadays, company should be able to adapt towards fast information technology evolution, has been being common things because using information technology could support the company’s business activities. In running the business activities, Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat are doing development of the One System. EA design is needed by using the motive TOGAF ADM framework as a guide for designing. Enterprise Architecture starts from the preliminary phase until the technology phase. The results of the research are in the form of a artifact from the design of business architecture to current information technology along with proposals to make improvements, especially in the common function. Keywords: One Data, Enterprise Architecture (EA), TOGAF ADM
Antena Array 6 × 2 Dengan Penambahan Pertubasi Dan Pengaturan Distribusi Daya Pada Saluran Transmisi Paralel Untuk Aplikasi Medium Power Radar S Band Hafshin Habibie Tanjung; Levy Olivia Nur; Yussi Perdana Saputera
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan aparat pemerintah dalam mengawasi dan mengamankan wilayah perairan NKRI adalah radar pengawas pantai. Radar ini digunakan untuk mengawasi kapal-kapal laut sehingga dapat mencegah tindakan-tindakan yang merugikan NKRI. Radar pengawas pantai di Indonesia masih terbilang sedikit dikarenakan besarnya biaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan radar. Medium Power Radar (MPR) adalah salah satu radar yang bekerja untuk pengawas pantai. MPR bekerja pada frekuensi S-Band sebesar 3 GHz dan memiliki spesifikasi seperti bandwitdh 50 MHz, Gain 10 dBi, daya 20 Mw dan polarisasinya linear.Pada penelitian ini dilakukan simulasi dan realisasi antena yang akan bekerja pada Medium Power Radar (MPR) S-Band. Simulasi antena menggunakan software CST Microwave Studio. Perancangan antena ini menggunakan antena mikrostrip yang memiliki lapisan patch, substrat dan ground. Dan bahan yang digunakan pada substrat adalah FR4 Epoxy. Pada perancangan dilakukan penambahan pertubasi, yaitu teknik pemotongan pada ujung sisis-sisi patch antena secara diagonal. Pertubasi dilakukan bertujuan untuk merubah arah polarisasi dan meningkatkan Gain pada antena. Pada tugas akhir ini menghasiilkan antena array 6×2 yang disusun secara paralel dengan satu sumber catuan. Penambahan array dilakukan untuk memperbesar nilai Gain dan terkoreksinya digram arah dan fasa pada antena. Antena yang dihasilkan dapat bekerja pada rentang frekuensi center 3 GHz, yang sudah sesuai dengan frekuensi S-Band. Dan memiliki hasil nilai VSWR 1,07, Return loss -29,51, Gain 10,304. Antena juga memiliki polarisasi elips yang mendekati sirkular dan polaradiasi omnidireksional. Dari hasil nilai yang dimiliki pada perancangan antena sudah memenuhi spesifikasi antena yang bekerja pada Medium Power Radar (MPR).Kata Kunci : MPR, Radar, Antena, VSWR Abstract One way to improve the ability of government officials to monitor and secure the territorial waters of the Republic of Indonesia is the coast surveillance radar. This radar is used to monitor marine vessels so as to prevent actions that are detrimental to the Republic of Indonesia. Radar watchdog coast in Indonesia is still relatively small due to the large cost to meet radar needs. Medium Power Radar (MPR) is one of the radars that works for coast watchers. MPR works at S-Band frequency of 3 GHz and has specifications such as 50 MHz bandwidth, 10 dBi gain, 20 Mw power and linear polarization. In this study the simulation and realization of the antenna will work on the S-Band Medium Power Radar (MPR). Antenna simulation using CST Microwave Studio software. The design of this antenna uses a microstrip antenna that has patch, substrate and ground layers. And the material used on the substrate is FR4 Epoxy. In the design of the addition of pertubation, the cutting technique at the edges of the patch antenna sides diagonally. Pertubasi carried out aims to change the direction of polarization and increase the gain on the antenna. In this final project produces a 6 × 2 array antenna arranged in parallel with one source of supply. The addition of arrays is done to increase the Gain value and correct the direction and phase diagrams in the antenna. The resulting antenna can work in the center frequency range of 3 GHZ, which is in accordance with the S-Band frequency. And it has a VSWR value of 1.07, Return loss of -29.51, Gain of 10.304. Antennas also have elliptical polarization that is close to circular and omnidirectional polaradiation. From the results obtained in the design of the antenna already meets the specifications of the antenna that works on Medium Power Radar (MPR). Keywords: MPR, Radar, Antena, VSWR
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Perangkat Pemantauan Air Sungai Citarum Menggunakan Teknologi Akses Lpwan Lora Pinky Devi Dama Istianti; Nyoman Bogi Aditya Karna; Ibnu Ali Nur Safa
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Implementasi dari Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Long Range (LoRa) Antares dalam pengiriman data End Node untuk memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai macam sensor. Penelitian ini fokus pada penentuan kualitas jalur yang dipakai untuk lalu lintas data agar komunikasi data optimal dengan parameter pengujian Received Signal Strengh Indicator (RSSI) dan Signal Noise Ratio (SNR). Algoritma yang digunakan adalah Fair Adaptive Data Rate yang akan meningkatkan kualitas RSSI dan SNR. Pengujian juga menghitung packet loss, delay, dan throughput. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan mengirim data sebanyak 50 kali pengiriman data. Jarak yang diuji adalah 0 km, 1 km, 1.5 km, dan 2 km dilakukan pada semua Spreading Factor. LoRa beroperasi pada frekuensi 923-925 MHz menggunakan pita radio Industrial, Scientific, dan Medical yang biasanya disebut dengan ISM Band. Transmisi data yang dilakukan adalah Uplink yaitu End Node mengirim data ke gateway menggunakan kelas A. Kata Kunci : LoRa, LPWAN, LoRaWAN, Komunikasi Wireless Abstract Achievement of Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) Long Range (LoRa) in sending data to meet needs of various sensors or End Nodes. This TA focuses on determining the path quality used for traffic so that optimal data communication with Received Signal Strengh Indicator (RSSI) test parameters and Signal Noise Ratio (SNR). Fair Adaptive Data Rate Algoritm used for increasing the Received Signal Strenght Indicator (RSSI) and Signal Noise Ratio (SNR). This test also counts the packet loss, delay, and throughput. This test This test is carried out as many as 50 times the shipment. The tested distance is 0 km, 1 km, 1.5 km and 2 km. LoRa operates at a frequency of 920.100 MHz using Industrial, Scientific, and Medical radio bands which are usually referred to as ISM Bands. The data transmission is Uplink, namely End Node sends data to the gateway using class A. Keyword : LoRa, LPWAN, LoRaWAN, Wireless Communication
Analisis Kebutuhan Layanan Wifi Manage Service (wms) Di Pt Telkomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Witel Lembong Bandung Menggunakan Metode Integrasi Service Quality Dan Model Kano Novitri Cinta Marito Hasibuan; Husni Amani; Ima Normalia
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak PT Telekomunikasi Witel Lembong Bandung merupakan salah satu cabang perusahaan Telkom yang menyediakan layanan produk Wifi id yang ditangani oleh unit Personal Service. Pemasaran yang dilakukan pihak Personal Service terfokus kepada pemasangan Wifi Id Manage Service yang merupakan layanan yang diperuntukkan bagi pemilik usaha atau pemilik tempat usaha yang ingin menambahkan fasilitas layanan wifi di lokasi usahanya. Layanan ini dilatar belakangi oleh besarnya potensi dan perilaku pelanggaran ritel consumer yang berminat utnuk memiliki akses wifi berlanganan di tempat usahanya dengan SSID khusus, sehingga memberikan peluang untuk digarap secara optimal dan bersifat total solution. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi peningkatatan kualitas layanan pada produk Wifi id manage service berdasarkan 15 true customer needs menggunakan metode Service Quality dan Model Kano. Metode service quality terdiri dari 5 tahap yaitu Berwujud (Tangible), Empati (Empathy), Keyakinan (Reliability), Daya Tanggap (Responsiveness), dan Keandalan (Assurance). Metode service quality berfungsi untuk menerjemahkan semua keinginan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan karyawan yang diberikan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas layanan berdasarkan hasil gap. Pada service quality dilakukan beberapa tahap. Yang pertama dengan mengidentifikasi true customer need, melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas pada pengolahan kuesioner, pengolahan data hasil kuesioner untuk dikembangkan serta dipertahankan dan yang terakhir merupakan tahap rekomendasi dan usulan perbaikan yang akan di kembangkan. Kata kunci: Wifi id manage service, Personal Service, Service Quality, Model Kano, True Customer Needs Abstarck PT Telekomunikasi Witel Lembong Bandung is one of the branches of the Telkom company that provides Wifi ID service products handled by the Personal Service unit. Marketing carried out by the Personal Service focused on installing Wifi Id Manage Service which is a service intended for business owners or business owners who want to add wifi service facilities at their business locations. This service is motivated by the large potential and violations of consumer retail behavior who are interested in having access to WiFi at their place of business with a special SSID, thus providing an opportunity to be worked on optimally and a total solution. This study aims to provide recommendations for improving the quality of services on products Wifi ID manage service based on 15 true customer needs using the Service Quality and Kano Models. The service quality method consists of 5 stages namely Tangible, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness, and Reliability (Assurance). The service quality method serves to translate all customer desires towards the employee services provided which aims to determine the quality of services based on the results of the gap. At service quality several stages are carried out. The first by identifying true customer need, testing the validity and reliability of the questionnaire processing, processing the data from the questionnaire to be developed and maintained and the last is the stage of recommendations and proposed improvements that will be developed. Keywords: Wifi ID manage service, Personal Service, Service Quality, Kano Model, True Customer Need