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Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
ISSN : 27753735     EISSN : 27753727     DOI : 10.36418
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies is a double blind peer-reviewed academic journal and open access to multidiciplinary fields. The journal is published monthly by Green Publisher Indonesia. Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies provides a means for sustained discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scopes of the journal which can be examined empirically. This journal publishes research articles multidisciplinary sciences, which includes: Humanities and social sciences, contemporary political science, Educational sciences, religious sciences and philosophy, economics, Engineering sciences, Health sciences, medical sciences, design arts sciences and media. Published articles are from critical and comprehensive research, studies or scientific studies on important and current issues or reviews of scientific books.
Articles 870 Documents
The Effect of The Implementation of Cultural Implementation on Student Learning Motivation at Mts N 2 Cirebon City Rodhotul Janah
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1277.45 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i1.4


Cultural activities indirectly teach students to dare to appear in public, so that when in the community they are accustomed to speaking in public with their lectures. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of cultural habituation at MTs N 2 Cirebon City, to find out how much student motivation in MTs N 2 Cirebon City and how much influence the implementation of cultural habituation on student learning motivation. This research is quantitative. Held at MTs N 2 Cirebon City Jl. Kedung Menjangan Kalijaga, Harjamukti District, Cirebon City. Researchers took a sample of 32 students from a total population of 256 students to facilitate data collection in the field. The results of this research are the cult activities at MTs N 2 Cirebon City since 1982 until now these activities are still running. With cult activities, students can be motivated in learning, because the content in cult activities is not only about religion but also leads to learning motivation. Based on the research data obtained through the test with SPSS, the two variables in the study have a significant value (Sig.) Of 0.001 smaller than the 0.05 probability, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is an influence of habituation. cult of student learning motivation at MTs N 2 Cirebon..
Effectiveness of Media Video Technology Developments in The Community Towards IPS Learning Outcomes Student Motivation Dian Nur Antika Eky Hastuti
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1620.89 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i2.11


This research was conducted at SD Negeri 1 Candi, Mlarak District, Ponorogo Regency. The purpose of this research is to know 1) media which provide better learning outcomes IPS between the use of video and non-video media; 2) learning outcomes IPS is better between the have motivation to learn high, medium, and low ; 3) The learning outcomes better IPS between learning motivation high, medium, and low in each of the classes good use video and non-video media; 4) the results of social studies better between the use of video and non-video media in each state the motivation to learn. The design of this study using a quantitative approach with the quasi-experimental method with a factorial design. The results showed 1) media video provides better impact on learning outcomes IPS Elementary School fourth grade students 1 Candi; 2) learning outcomes IPS Elementary School fourth grade students 1 Candi who has a high motivation to learn is better than the one having the motivation to learn the medium, and; 3) In each class a good use of video and non-video media, learning outcomes IPS Elementary School fourth grade students 1 Candi who have high motivation to learn is better than the one having the motivation to learn the medium and low; and 4) In each of motivation to learn, the media video provides better impact on learning outcomes IPS Elementary School fourth grade students 1, Candi
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Use "Property Management System (PMS)" in The Front Office Division of Hotel “X” and Hotel “Y” in Center Jakarta Yanti Nirmala
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1673.119 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i2.12


The hotel is closely related to the front office division, and in carrying out its duties serving guests. This department requires a computer system capable of meeting customer needs. There are several computer systems available at this time, however the author limits them to only 2 (two) PMS systems which will be discussed in this paper at the “X” and “Y” hotels in Central Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative approach. The research method used by the author is to use a Likret scale. The source of the data obtained by the author is data from the front office divisions at the "X" hotel and the "Y" hotel in Central Jakarta. The data analysis technique that the writer uses in this paper is the Multiple Linear Regression Model. After doing research, the authors found that the front office division was effective because it used the PMS. Its effectiveness has a significant effect on the use of PMS with a contribution of 26.2%. The front office division is also efficient because it uses PMS. Its efficiency has a significant effect on the use of PMS with a contribution of 63.5%. Effectiveness (X1) and Efficiency (X2) together have a significant effect with a strong category on the use of PMS (Y) with a contribution of 67.7%, the remaining 32.3% is influenced by other factors not included in in this research.
The Effect of Developing Process Standards and Content Standard Development on Improving The Performance of Chemical Teachers of Negeri High Schools in Bandung District Iis Suryani; Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si.
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1809.119 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i2.13


This study examines the problem of developing process standards and content standards which are important variables in improving teacher performance. Teacher performance is increasingly important to improve in line with the increasingly complex demands of teachers as professionals. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the influence and comparison of the development of process standards and content standards on improving teacher performance which focused on the main problems, namely: (1) the magnitude of the influence of developing process standards on teacher performance, (2) the magnitude of the influence of developing content standards on performance. teachers, and (3) the magnitude of the influence and comparison of the development of process standards and content standards simultaneously on improving the performance of state high school chemistry teachers in Bandung Regency. In this study, the Embedded Concurent model of the Mix Methods approach was used. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and inferential analysis techniques. The results of the analysis show that the development of process standards and content standards together contributes positively and significantly to improving teacher performance, which is stated based on the positive correlation coefficient and determination coefficient values ​​with an effect of 76%, meaning that the effect is good, this proves that the better the development of standard processes and the development of content standards are carried out, the better the increase in teacher performance. Meanwhile, the remaining 24% is influenced by other variables
Legal Protection of Property Rights Third Parties are Good in Law No. 18 Of 2013 Concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction Donny Victorius
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1416.916 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i2.19


Third parties who own property in criminal cases often lack legal protection in recovering their property related to illegal logging This research discusses the legal protection for third parties in the recovery of their stolen property in a criminal act. This encourages this research to be conducted to find out whether there is legal protection for third parties for their property confiscated by the state in the criminal act of illegal logging and how the legislative policy on legal protection for property rights of third parties who have good faith in Law No. 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction in the future. This study uses a normative legal research approach or literature law research, namely research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data alone. The results of the study concluded that the legal protection in Law No. 18 of 2013 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction against third parties whose property has been confiscated by the state does not yet exist, resulting in a legal vacuum because normatively there is no legal protection for the property rights of third parties in good faith who become a victim of their property that is confiscated by the state in not criminal illegal logging
Self Direct Learning Readiness in The Implemention of the E-Learning Method During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period for Medical Students 2018 Malahayati University Enggari Setia Putri; Vira Sandayanti; Enggari Setia Putri; Devita Febriani Putri
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1670.137 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i2.20


Since the 2019 Coronavirus Disease Pandemic (COVID-19) spread to Indonesia, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has asked all universities to implement a Home Learning system or study at home that utilizes learning media such as Electronic Learning (E-learning), thus there has been a change learning systems from conventional systems to online learning or E-learning.  The purpose of this research is to find out how self-learning readiness is in the implementation of the E-learning method during the COVID-19 pandemic for the 2018 Malahayati University Medical Students. This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive design. The subjects of this study were all students of the Medical Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Malahayati University, batch 2018. The measuring instrument used was Self Directed Learning Readiness (SDLR) with the E-Learning method.  The results of this study indicate that of the 150 respondents of the 2018 Malahayati University Medical Student with a high SDLR level of 138 people (92%) consisting of 96 female respondents and 42 male respondents and respondents with SDLR levels. 12 people (8%) consisting of 8 female respondents and 4 male respondents.  The conclusion is that it is known that the 2018 Malahayati University Medical Students have a high SDLR level with the E-Learning method or can be said in the ready category.
Social Interaction Between Malay and Buton Ethnic in Tanjung Gunung Village, Bangka Tengah Regency Helen Anjelina
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1670.137 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i2.21


The pattern of displacement carried out by the community triggers the increasing diversity in Indonesia. Be it in terms of culture, religion, ethnicity, and so on. Just like what happened in Tanjung Gunung Village where there are Malay and Buton ethnicities. The research aims to find out the social interaction between Malay and Buton ethnic groups in Tanjung Gunung Village, Bangka Tengah Regency. The method used in this research is by qualitative approach with descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques, interviews, and documentation studies. While data collection tools are observation guides, interview guides, and documentation. The results showed that social interactions that occurred between Malay and Buton ethnicity led to dissociative social processes. This is demonstrated by the pattern of interaction in the form of competition and conflict between the two ethnicities
The Role of Personnel Institution in the Implementation of Educative Development Against Female Prisoners Kornelius Yoseph Paga Meka; Setiyono Setiyono; Indrawati Indrawati
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1204.481 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v2i3.23


The change of view in treating prisoners in Indonesia is of coursebased on a humanitarian evaluation which is a manifestation ofPancasila as the basis for a nation's view of life that recognizes thehuman rights of prisoners. This research discusses the role of prisonofficers in the implementation of educational coaching for femaleprisoners in Class IIA Women's Prison. Kebonsari Malang City. Theauthor uses this type of empirical legal research, which means thatthis research describes the facts that occur in the field and knows theeffectiveness of the enactment of positive law in society. The results ofthis study the authors found that the role of female prison officers inthe implementation of educational coaching for female prisoners inClass IIA Kebonsari Women Penitentiary Malang City includespersonality development activities and independence developmentactivities. Personality development is directed at fostering mental andcharacter so that prisoners become fully human, pious and responsibleto themselves, their families and society. Development of personalityand independence includes matters related to devotion to GodAlmighty, National and State Awareness, Intellectuals, Attitudes andBehaviors, Physical and Spiritual Health, Legal Awareness,Reintegration with Society, Work Skills, Work Training andProduction in accordance with Article 3 Government RegulationNumber 31 of 1999.
Making Silica Gel by Utilizing Candlenut and Palm Oil Shell Ash Muhammad Azhar Shiddiq; Isti Pudjihastuti
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1746.141 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i3.24


Oil palm shell ash which is the result of boiler combustion inindustry has the potential to pollute the environment and have a badimpact in the long term so that special treatment is needed. Thisstudy aims to answer this problem by making silica gel fromhazelnut shell and oil palm shell ash with variations in the type ofacid and the ratio of ash to determine the effect of the type of acidand the ratio of the raw material in the form of ash to moisturecontent and water absorption of silica gel. Oil palm shell ash is usedas the main ingredient because it contains the most SiO2compounds compared to other compounds (reaching 39.78%).Candlenut shell is also used as a raw material for silica gel becauseit contains silica (12.58%). The stages in this research include thepretreatment process of the material by washing and drying thematerial, the combustion process of the main ingredient in thefurnace, the process of making sodium silicate and the synthesisprocess of silica gel. Then proceed with water content analysis,analysis of water absorption by silica gel and characterization byScanning Electron Microscope. The results of this study were thatthe type of acid, the concentration of the acid and the time ofmaturation of the gel had an influence on the moisture content ofthe silica gel and the absorption capacity of the silica gel. The silicagel produced using H2SO4 produced more mass than the silica gelusing HCl.
Family and Local Elites as a Social Control for Children Deviation in Sungaiselan Village Central Bangka District Ismi Nofiani Nurfadilla
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1289.677 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v1i3.25


Deviant behavior can be defined as behavior that violates or iscontrary to the normative rules of the social environment concerned.Deviation is often done by adolescents to adults, but nowadayschildren also often do it. Sungaiselan Atas Village is one of the areaswhere children often perform deviant behaviors for children of theirage, namely drinking alcohol and gluing. The purpose of this studywas to identify the causes of children in Sungaiselan Village to deviateand to determine the social control of the family and local elites ofSungaiselan Village in overcoming children's behavior. This studyuses Containment Theory from Walter C. Reckless. The method usedin this research is descriptive qualitative. The data sources of thisresearch are divided into two, namely primary data sources andsecondary data sources. The data analysis techniques used byresearchers were data reduction, data display, and conclusiondrawing. The results of this study found that the factors that causechildren to deviate are lack of attention from their parents, lots of freetime, and a friendly environment. In addition, social control from thefamily and local village elites was also found, namely repressive andpreventive measures.

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