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Taufik Nugroho
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Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Gambiran Umbulharjo Yogyakarta Indonesia 55161
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Asas wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan, dan Sosial Keagamaan
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28280504     DOI :
Asas wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan, dan Sosial Keagamaan (AwTJHPSA) is a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal published by Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta. Focus AwTJHPSA is publishing high-quality manuscripts in forms of original research articles, and discussions to answer important and interesting questions, develop or test theory, replicate prior studies, explore interesting phenomena, review and synthesize existing research and provide new perspectives aimed at stimulating future theory development and empirical research on all aspects of social science and humanity, especially that relate to human religion, for promoting the integration of social science and humanity. The topics include but not limited to Social and Religion, Law and Justice, Law and Religion, Human Rights Development, Psychology and Religion, Education and Religion, Education Science and Technology, Learning and Behavioral Modeling, Social and Organizational Networks, Management and Governance, Sustainable Human and Social Development, History.
Articles 32 Documents
Anak Jalanan Dalam Konstelasi Hukum Indonesia Zulkifli Zulkifli; Zeni Luthfiyah; Mustofa Umar; Harti Winarni; Zainul Arifin; Supriati H Rahayu
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 2 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.235 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v2i1.1570


Identification of various laws in Indonesia that provide legal protection to street children in carrying out their rights and obligations as part of Indonesian citizens. This legal inventory resulted in the finding that legally they have become the attention of the state legally so that they deserve proper legal protection for children as usual. Such research is useful in strengthening the role and authority of institutions or related parties when dealing with street children in order to maintain and even improve their welfare.
Peningkatan Keterampilan Guru Membuat LKPD Melalui Workshop Di SDN 026 Tanjung Selor Jhon Hendri
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.09 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v2i2.1574


The problem in this study is the low skill of teachers in making LKPD at SDN 026 Tanjung Selor. The research subjects were 8 teachers. Data collection techniques with observation and documentation techniques. Data analysis was performed using a comparative descriptive technique. The results of the observation assessment of discussion activities showed that in the initial conditions the score showed 45.94 in the LACK criterion and no teachers were declared complete, in the first cycle it increased to 68.75 in the SUFFICIENT criteria with 4 teachers or 50% declared complete, and in the end of the second cycle increased to 81.82 in the GOOD score qualification with 8 teachers declared complete (4 teachers or 50% in the VERY GOOD category and 4 teachers or 50% in the GOOD score criteria). From the research data in the activity it can be concluded that the Workshop on 8 teachers at SDN 026 Tanjung Selor was declared SUCCESSFUL in improving teacher skills in making LKPD
Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Membangun Budaya Literasi Melalui Pembinaan Profesional Dengan Pendekatan Kooperatif Di SMKN 1 Almubarkeya Ingin Jaya Sukmanil Fuadi
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.328 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v2i2.1575


Research on improving teacher competence in building a literacy culture through professional development activities with a cooperative approach. This type of research is action research (action research). The research subjects were 5 teachers. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation and documentation activities. Data validation uses triangulation techniques. Data analysis used descriptive techniques. The results showed an increase in the teacher's ability to build a literacy culture from an average score of 50.17 with a low score criterion, to 69.92 moderate score criteria and to 87.83 very good score criteria in the last cycle. Explanation of completeness individually in the initial conditions that there were no teachers who were declared complete, becoming 8 teachers (53.33%), and 15 teachers (100%) in the second cycle.
Peningkatan Keterampilan Guru Dalam Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Inovatif Melalui Kegiatan Pembinaan Berkelanjutan Di SDN 014 Tanjung Selor Samuel Samuel
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.7 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v2i2.1576


This School Action Research (PTS) aims to improve teacher skills in applying innovative learning models through ongoing coaching activities. The research subjects were 9 teachers at SDN 014 Tanjung Selor. Data collection techniques used are observation and documentation. Analysis with triangulation technique. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there was an increase in teacher skills from the initial conditions as many as 8 teachers were declared not to have skills in applying good innovative learning methods or 0% with an average rating of 48.67, increasing to 4 teachers or 44.44% in the first cycle with an average value of 68.84 and 100% in the second cycle with an average value of 88.80. The explanation of the value criteria from the initial conditions was LESS, increased to ENOUGH and GOOD in the last cycle.
Strategi Penerapan Tariqah Mubasyarah Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Tingkat Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Siti Halimah
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 1 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.84 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v1i2.1621


Arabic Language in Indonesia has an unavoidable importance in the lives of its Muslim citizens. Learning from early childhood, elementary to middle school then becomes important. This literature research intends to explore important strategies in learning Arabic at the primary school level. Tariqah mubasyarah learning strategy then becomes an alternative to be implemented in learning Arabic. Such learning needs to be balanced with the growth rate of madrasah ibtidaiyyah students.
Etos Kerja Dan Perilaku Islami Para Pedagang Kios Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur Rozib Sulistiyo; Dedi Kuswandi; Abdullah Idi; Muhammad Syawaluddin
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.527 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v2i2.1623


This research is a field research conducted by taking a sample of traders' qualitatively. This study was approached with an emphasis on the social and cultural relations. According to Parson, there are four important functions that must be considered, namely AGIL (A) Adaptation, (G) Goal Attainment, (I) Integration, and (L) Latency. In this study, social and cultural relations will be examined by the “kios” traders at the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park on the meaning, understanding and appreciation of Islamic values in their trading process. it can be concluded that the Islamic behavior of TWCB’s “kios” traders is reflected in their lifestyle in line with the understanding of the beliefs and environmental traditions of the local community. The manifestation of this behavior is reflected in personal and communal behavior.
Peningkatan Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional bidang Studi Islam Difla Nadjih; Fattah S. Santoso; Muthmainnah Muthmainnah; Toto Hermawan; Ahmad Syafii Rahman; Supriati Hardi Rahayu; Zainul Arifin; Muhammad Nasruddin
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.109 KB) | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v2i2.1635


The purpose of this activity is to describe the implementation of the preparation of the Ulumuddin Journal: Journal of Islamic Studies or UJII from FAI UCY to become an Islamic studies journal that has increased its level of accreditation. In it there are several activities that are summarized in the UJII National Journal Accreditation Improvement Program which are based on the findings in the self-evaluation of the journal in the field of Islamic studies itself. A number of Journal activities based on the Open Journal System (OJS) version 3 have had an impact on journals and faculties that oversee their management.
Pendidikan Pancasila bagi Penguatan Kebangsaan terhadap Dampak Globalisasi Ahmad Dwi Mulyatno; Arif Triwinarso; Taufik Nugroho
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v2i2.1757


Pancasila is an important provision for the Indonesian nation in facing the effects of globalization. Pancasila in general can be accepted by all parties, especially the Indonesian nation which is plural, diverse, and can absorb new values that exist in society and can be beneficial for the survival of the nation's generation, especially the Special Region of Yogyakarta. and can be applied in everyday life. The values of Pancasila are the noble values of the Indonesian people. Through literature research, this study aims to identify and the importance of Pancasila Education. In conclusion, it needs regulatory strengthening from the government and consistency of teachers in Pancasila Education.
Wewenang Sebagai Instrumen Penyelenggararaan Pemerintahan Dalam Sistem Negara Hukum Nurul Qamar; Farah Syah Rezah
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 2 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v2i2.1781


A rule of law is a state that places the law, the principle of an independent and partial judiciary, as supreme command in the governance order, so that the executors of the functions of government positions do not have free will. By literature research, The urgency of authority as an instrument of government in the administration of a rule of law is that it must adhere to, develop, and practice the principle of a rule of law, which is based on the principle of legality, so that the legal authority of government originates from law. In a rule-of-law state, authority is used as an instrument for administering government, so that the basis for taking action is clear; therefore. So that authority as a legal instrument is measured by whether or not there is legal authority as governmental authority.
Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa dalam Pandangan HOS Tjokroaminoto Faza Fatimatuzzahro; Marselina Ayu Lestari; Fadhila Syarifatun Amirah; Wahyuningsi Wahyuningsi; Toto Hermawan
Asas Wa Tandhim: Jurnal Hukum, Pendidikan Dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 3 No 1 (2024): In Progress
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/awtjhpsa.v3i1.1817


Basic principles of education in Indonesia have been provided by national figure, HOS Tjokroaminoto. In light of the country's rapidly evolving technology and the emergence of foreign cultures, which have the potential to steadily destroy the nation's morality, this investigation is made to convey his opinions on the necessity of character education in Indonesia. The primary materials for this study, which are his original writings, and secondary sources, which are other people's writings on his ideas, were found through the library research method. To sum up, HOS Tjokroaminoto's character education attempts to improve each person's standing and dignity by incorporating the principles of nationalism, democracy, and equality into the educational process. Character education is the only way to achieve Indonesia's goals, which include forging a civilized and noble national character.

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