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Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
ISSN : 28082737     EISSN : 28082680     DOI : 10.26858/ijpss
This Journal publishes research studies employing a variety of qualitative and/or quantitative methods and approaches in the field of pedagogical and Social Sciences. The journal covered by all topics in: Humanities Social studies Management Education, Teaching Learning And others (within the scope of pedagogical and Social Sciences)
Articles 70 Documents
Analisis Intrinsik Tiga Lagu dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Jerman Nursida Nursida; Syamsu Rijal; Wahyu Kurniati Asri
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (143.57 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v1i2.37387


Abstract. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The purpose of this study is to find out the intrinsic elements of the song, namely the theme, tone, feelings, and mandate contained in the song. The data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data. The primary data sources are three songs, namely "Stadt der Reichen", "Was hat dich bloβ so ruiniert" by indie band Die Sterne and the song "Wir trafen uns in einem Garten" by musician 2raumwohnung, and secondary data sources, namely information or writing related to the theme of the song. Data collection uses library techniques, which are in the form of reading and recording techniques against research objects. The data obtained is analyzed based on the intrinsic elements of the song. The data obtained is analyzed with content analysis techniques (Content analysis). The results of this study are as follows, intrinsic elements of the song "Stadt der Reichen", themes: social injustice, tone: criticism, feelings: disappointment, mandate: justice in society. Intrinsic elements of the song "Was hat dich bloβ so ruiniert", theme: suffering, tone: questioning, feelings: sadness, mandate: it is not good to harbor sadness too deeply. The intrinsic element of the song "Wir trafen uns in einem Garten", theme: memories, tone: happy, feeling: joy, mandate: memories that make happy should always be remembered. Some aspects of learning in songs such as sentence structure in the form of Prӓsens, Prӓteritum and dativ prepositions, so that the three songs can be an option for german learning in the school. Keywords: German Language, Song, Intrinsic Analysis of Learning.
Analisis Minat Belajar Siswa di UPTD SDN 125 Kabupaten Barru di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Muhammad Asrul Sultan; Andi Dahliani
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (571.369 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v1i1.25139


Abstrak. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat belajar siswa di UPTD SDN 125 Kabupaten Barru di masa pandemi COVID-19. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah minat belajar siswa kelas IV, V dan VI. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket. Teknik analisis data yaitu dengan analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa minat belajar siswa di UPTD SDN 125 Kabupaten Barru di masa pandemi COVID-19 berada dalam kategori sedang. Kesimpulan yang di peroleh dari penelitian ini adalah minat belajar siswa di masa pandemi COVID-19 berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 75,9%. Kata Kunci: Analisis Minat Belajar, Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi,COVID-19.
Gambaran Pengasuhan Anak (0-2 Tahun) oleh Ibu yang Tinggal di Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas I Makassar Nur Indriani; M. Daud
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (149.682 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v2i1.46626


Abstract: It is unusual for a mother to have to serve a period of detention with her infant child in the Detention Center for violating the law. Thus a mother takes care of her child in the Detention Center without being accompanied by a father. This study aims to determine the description of the parenting of mothers who live in Makassar Class I State Detention Center. Respondents in this study were 2 mothers who lived with their children in Makassar Class I State Detention Center. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method using a case study approach. The results showed that there are several obstacles in caring for children at the Makassar State Detention Center in meeting the needs of their children, including physical needs and the needs of the child’s social environment. Meanwhile, in meeting the psychological needs of children, respondents fulfil the need for security and provide affection for children aged 0-2 years by mothers with the status of correctional inmates who live in Makassar Class I State Detention Center. Keywords: Description of parenting, Detention Center, Mothers.
Pengaruh Persepsi Konsumen terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Private Brand Indomaret (Studi pada Konsumen Indomaret di Jalan Raya Pendidikan Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar) Latifah Asmil Fauzi; Muh. Ihsan Said; Mustari Mustari; Tuti Supatminingsih; Muhammad Hasan
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.564 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v1i1.24042


Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of consumer perceptions in this case price perceptions and quality perceptions on purchasing decisions for Indomaret private brand products on Jalan Raya Pendidikan, Rappocini District, Makassar City. This research is a descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study were all consumers of Indomaret on Jalan Raya Pendidikan whose number could not be determined and a sample of 100 respondents was obtained. Data was collected by means of observation and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that perceived price and perceived quality have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions for Indomaret private brand products, either partially or simultaneously. Keywords: Consumer Perception, Price Perception, Quality Perception, and Purchasing Decision
NILAI EDUKASI DALAM “I LA GALIGO” DITULIS R.A. KERN Andi Iswiranda AJ; Nensilianti Nensilianti; Suarni Syam Saguni
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.284 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v2i1.46617


Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  menjelaskan nilai edukasi dalam “I La Galigo” ditulis R.A. Kern, seri terjemahan KITLV-LIPI sebagai cerita Bugis kuno oleh La  Side dan Sagimun M.D. tahun 1989.  Penelitian kualitatif tersebut, berupaya memahami isi ceritra yang berepisode dalam”I La Galigo”  dengan mengklasifikasi nilai edukasi yang terdapat di dalam ceritra tersebut. Nilai edukasi yang ditemukan dalam buku I La Galigo, meliputi nilai religius,  jujur,  toleransi,   disiplin,  kerja keras,  kreatif,  mandiri,   demokratis,  rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, bersahabat/komunikatif, cinta damai, peduli lingkungan,  peduli sosial, tanggung jawab.   Paling banyak muncul dalam cerpen I La Galigo tersebut, nilai cinta damai.  Kata Kunci:  Nilai Edukasi,  I LaGaligo,  Cerpen
Media Pembelajaran Ular Tangga dalam Meningkatkan Kosakata Bahasa Jerman Ludgardis Ludgardis; Burhanuddin Burhanuddin; Misnawaty Usman
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.774 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v1i2.37392


Abstract. The purpose of this study was to obtain data and information about the effectiveness of Snakes and Ladders learning media in increasing the German vocabulary of class XI students of SMA Negeri 2 Komodo. This type of research is an experimental quantitative research model using a Pre-Experimental design in the form of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population of this research is the students of class XI SMA Negeri 2 Komodo. The sample is 1 class, namely class XI Language and Culture which consists of 30 students. The sample of this study was selected using a total sampling technique. The data were collected using a test, while the research data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially with the t-test. The results of data analysis showed that the value of tcount was 79.31 ttable 2.002 at a significant level of 0.05. The results of this study indicate that Snakes and Ladders learning media in improving German Vocabulary of class XI students of SMA Negeri 2 Komodo is effective. Keywords: Effectiveness, Snakes and Ladders Media, German Vocabulary
Analisis Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Drama Nathan Der Weise (Ringparabel) dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Jerman di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Ela Purwati; Syamsu Rijal; Misnah Mannahali
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.192 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v1i2.37383


Abstract. This research purpose the value of character building in the drama Nathan der Weise, and its  relevance to German lessons at SMA. The data analysus technique used is content analysis. This analysis technique consists of there stages. They are data reduction, data display and conclusion. Based  on the result obtained from the Fed analysis that there are six values in the Drama Nathan der Weise that are relevant to the value of character building snd the German lesson Kurikulum 2013 at SMA. The six values are wisdom, tolerance, self-confidance, humalitiy, mutual help, and friendship. The relevance of these six values to German lessons using the role-playing method. Keywords: Nathan der Weise, Character buiding, Kurikulum 2013, Role-playing, Conten-Analysis.
Attoana : Perayaan segilintir masyarakat untuk menyelesaikan hajat Reski Annasari
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.66 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v1i1.24654


Abstract. Attoana is a community tradition in Takalar district, precisely in Je'ne hamlet, Sanrobone subdistrict, South Sulawesi province, this tradition has been passed down from generation to generation by the Je'ne hamlet community when they have a desire, as if they have a wish, they will intend to carry out the Attoana tradition if the wish is granted. This tradition lives and continues to be carried out until now, this study aims to find out the traditions that exist in the community, namely Attoana in Lagaruda village, this tradition has an important symbolic meaning for those who believe and carry out the ritual. This research is a qualitative research that uses an ethnographic approach, the method used in its preparation is the method of observing the traditions carried out in the community in the location, conducting interviews to strengthen and clarify the results of the research for the local community. the value of the ritual performed. ATTOANA is a ritual that is maintained until now in the local community which has its own meaning in society which are habits that have been carried out for a long time, this tradition is carried out when someone has an intention/desire they intend to do ATTOANA when they have an intention it works and it is done for people who believe in it without any demands that require doing it.  Keywords: Attoana, Tradition, function, meaning. 
Kesantunan Berbahasa Antara Pedagang dan Pembeli di Pasar Tamanroya Kabupaten Jeneponto Irma Nirwana; Asia M.; Andi Fatimah
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.398 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v2i1.46622


Abstract: Politeness in Language Between Traders and Buyers at Tamanroya Market, Jeneponto Regency. The purpose of this study is to describe the politeness principles and politeness violations in Makassar language in the interaction of traders and buyers at Tamanroya Market, Jeneponto Regency. This type of research ia a qualitative descriptive research. The method upsed in collectiong research data is recording, free viewing, and recording. The data analysis method in this study begins with describing the data in the form of recorded conversation data in the field, the next process is identifying the data, and reducing words. The validity of the data was obtained from the triangulation process using the technique of triangulation of data sources, observers and theories. The results of this study are as follows. (1) the politeness principle consists of the maxim of wisdom and agreement, the maxim of generosity, the maxim of humility, the maxim of praise, the maksim of agreement and the maxim of sympathy. (2) violation of politeness maxims in the form of (a) violation of two maxims, namely the maxim of wisdom and maxim of agreement (b) violation of three maxims, namely the maxim of wisdom, the maxims sympathy, and the maxim of agreement.Keywords: politeness in language, politeness principles, violation of maxims, traders and buyers
Sikap Mahasiswa Sastra Indonesia dalam Perkuliahan Daring pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Tinjauan Sistem Appraisal Muh. Muchtasim; Mahmudah Mahmudah; Nensilianti Nensilianti
Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Studies
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pedagogical and Social Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.382 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/.v1i1.23873


Abstract. This qualitative research with descriptive explanation aims to describe the forms of attitude in the speech spoken by Indonesian Literature students class 2020 in attending online lectures during the COVID-19 pandemic and the factors that cause the problems of online lectures. The results of this study indicate that first, the attitudes in speech expressed by Indonesian Literature students class 2020 who attend online lectures are dominated by negative affect, Judgment aspect in this research is dominated by personal judgment rather than moral, and the factors that cause online lectures are divided into internal and external factors. Keywords: Attitude, online lectures, internal and external factors