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Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Universitas Syiah Kuala Jalan Meureubo No. 1, Kopelma Darussalam Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
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Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan
ISSN : 20897790     EISSN : 25026194     DOI : 10.13170/depik
Depik Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan, Pesisir dan Perikanan is a peer review international journal, this journal is publishing high-quality articles in aquatic sciences and fisheries in general. The aim of the journal is to publish and disseminate the current or new findings of the research, and give a significant contribution to the development of fisheries and aquatic sciences in several topics, but not limited to: Fisheries (Aquaculture, Capture Fisheries, Fish Processing) Aquatic Ecology (Freshwater, Marine, and Brackishwater) Aquatic Biology (Fish, Mollusk, Crustacean, Plankton, Coral reefs) Oceanography
Articles 781 Documents
The correlation between environmental parameters and the abundance of crabs in the mangrove ecosystem of Gemuruh River, Koto XI Tarusan District, West Sumatera Dwieke Putri Wulandari; Eni Kamal; Suparno Suparno
Depik Vol 12, No 1 (2023): APRIL 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.898 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.12.1.27000


Crabs are a member of the mangrove ecosystem fauna and get their food source from litter. They turn the litter into detritus and maintain ecological balance. In addition, environmental conditions in the mangrove ecosystem also play an essential role in the abundance of brachyuran crabs. Influential environmental factors include temperature, salinity, water pH, and substrate type. This study aims to determine the effect of environment types on the presence of brachyuran crabs from families Ocypodidae and Sesarmidae in the mangrove ecosystem in Gemuruh River, Koto XI Tarusan District. The method used is a descriptive method, which is a direct observation approach to crabs and environmental conditions in the mangrove ecosystem area. Collection of crab samples and environmental condition data used a purposive sampling technique. The result shows six species distributed in the area, namely Uca bellator, U. rosea, Perisesarma eumolpe, Sarmatium germaini, P. plicatum, and Sesarma curoense. The distribution of species crabs in vegetation mangroves is Rhizophora stylosa, R. apiculata, R. mucronata, Sonneratia alba, and Nypa fruticans. The environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, water pH) at each station were within the relatively good category for the growth of the Ocypodidae and Sesarmidae crab families. Based on the analysis results of the relationship between the abundance of brachyuran crabs and environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, water pH), it can be seen that there is no significant correlation between temperature, salinity, and water pH with the abundance of Ocypodidae and Sesarmidae brachyuran crabs families in the mangrove ecosystem of Gemuruh River. The factor with a dominant influence on the abundance of these crabs is the substrate type.Keywords:AbundanceKoto XI TarusanMangroveOcypodidaeSesarmidae
The application of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) using floating net cages on Tilapia fish with native fish (Peres, Lemeduk, and Depik) Nurfadillah Nurfadillah; Iwan Hasri; Muhammad Reza Purnama; Adrian Damora; Siska Mellisa
Depik Vol 10, No 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.83 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.3.22465


Environmental problems due to aquaculture occur along with the increase in aquaculture production. IMTA is one system used as a solution in dealing with environmental problems. The objective of this study was to analyze the growth performance, survival rate, and production of the main commodity (tilapia) and the supporting commodities (Peres, Lemeduk, and Depik) which are applied through the application of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) using floating net cages. This research was conducted at the Lukup Badak Fish Seed Center, Central Aceh from July to August 2020. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications, namely: A (tilapia), B (tilapia and peres), C (tilapia and lemeduk), and D (tilapia and depik). ANOVA test results showed that the IMTA system had a significant effect on absolute length growth, absolute weight growth, specific growth rate (SGR), survival rate, and biomass production of tilapia (P0.05). The results showed that maintenance for 42 days produced the highest value in treatment B with the increase in absolute length growth (4.26cm±0.24); absolute weight growth (5.47g±0.45), specific daily growth rate (2.28%/day±0.13) and the highest tilapia biomass production (480g/0.5m2±19.25). The highest survival rate was found in treatment C (82.42%±2.28). It was concluded that the treatment using the IMTA system was better than without the IMTA system.Keywords:IMTAWater qualityGrowth performanceTrophic interactionBiomass production
Struktur vertikal upwelling – downwelling di Samudera Hindia Selatan Jawa hingga Selatan Bali berdasarkan salinitas musiman periode 2004 – 2010 Restu Wardani; Widodo S Pranowo; Elis Indrayanti
Depik Vol 2, No 3 (2013): December 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.239 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.2.3.994


Abstract. Salinity plays an important role for phenomenon identification of upwelling and downwelling. Upwelling that occurs in the Indian Ocean south of Java to South of Bali is influenced by monsoons, ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) and IOD (Indian Dipole Oscillation Mode). Upwelling and downwelling patterns based on vertical structure of salinity and its seasonal variability within seven years (2004 to 2010) is studied here. Argo Float dataset is used in this study, processed by Ferret software for a vertical schematic model, and Pearson correlated with IOD and SOI indexes. The aim of this study is to  obtain the pattern of upwelling and downwelling based on profile of seasonal salinity during the period 2004-2010 in Indian Ocean south of Java – Bali and correlated with ENSO and IOD.  Further discussion on upwellling is provided since it is more important to the fisheries activity. Result shows an intensive upwelling phenomenon occurs at 110°E correlated with fishing ground area. ENSO and IOD phenomena has been founded also affect upwelling. Upwelling increasing in intensity during the La Nina - IOD (+). The upwelling is negative linear correlated with SOI(-0,89643), but its positive linear correlated with IOD (+0,798168).Keywords : vVrtical structure salinity; Seasonal upwelling; Indian Ocean; South Java-Bali Seas. Abstrak. Salinitas berperan penting untuk mengidentifikasi fenomena upwelling dan downwelling. Upwelling yang terjadi di samudera Hindia Selatan Jawa hingga Selatan Bali dipengaruhi oleh angin musim, ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) dan IOD (Indian Oscillation Dipole Mode). Dalam peneletian ini dikaji pola upwelling dan downwelling berdasarkan distribusi salinitas secara vertikal dan vaeriabilitas musiman dikaji dalam waktu tujuh tahun (2004 – 2010). Data hasil akuisisi argo float digunakan dalam penelitian ini, diolah menggunakan software Ferret selanjutnya dilakukan  pembuatan model skematik  dan analisa korelasi pearson terhadap Indeks IOD dan SOI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memperoleh pola upwelling dan downwelling terhadap musim berdasarkan profil salinitas selama periode 2004 – 2010 di Samudera Hindia Selatan Jawa hingga Bali dan hubungannya dengan fenomena ENSO dan IOD.Penelitian lebih lanjut tentang upwelling penting untuk industri perikanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Fenomena upwelling secara intensif terjadi pada koordinat bujur 110°BT, menunujukkan adanya kesesuaian dengan lokasi daerah penangkapan ikan. Fenomena ENSO dan IOD juga mempengaruhi upwelling, intensitasnya meningkat saat periode La Nina-IOD (+). Upwelling berkorelasi negatif terhadap SOI (-0,89643), sedangkan  upwelling berkorelasi posetif dengan IOD (+0,798168).Kata Kunci: Struktur vertikal salinitas; Upwelling musiman; Samudera Hindia; Laut Selatan Jawa-Bali
Struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos di aliran sungai di Senggarang, Pulau Bintan, Kepulauan Riau Tri Apriadi; Wahyu Muzammil; Winny Retna Melani; Aknes Safitri
Depik Vol 9, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (893.469 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.9.1.14641


Abstract. The objective of this study was to determine the community structure of macrozoobenthic orgamism in Senggarang creek, Bintan island, Riau Islands. Samples were taken from four stations by purpossive method. Macrozoobenthic were collected by surber net, there were three replications in each station.  The result showed that  there were found six phylums and 17 genera  of macrozoobenthic. Macrobrachium sp. was the higest density. The higest density was found in third station (middle of river, no antropogenic influenced) about 140 ind m-2. The diversity and similarity indices were medium, with low dominance indice. Based on macrozoobenthic organism, the environmetal condition of Senggarang creek was stabile.Keywords: Bintan, creek, Macrobrachium sp., macrozoobenthic, Senggarang Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos di aliran sungai di Senggarang, Kota Tanjungpinang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada empat stasiun yang ditentukan secara purposive. Sampel diambil menggunakan surber net, sebanyak tiga kali ulangan pada masing-masing stasiun. Makrozoobenthos yang ditemukan di perairan aliran sungai Senggarang ditemukan  6 filum dan 17 spesies. Jenis makrozoobenthos yang paling tinggi kepadatannya dari semua setiap stasiun adalah Macrobrachium sp. Kepadatan makrozoobentos tertinggi yaitu pada stasiun 3 (bagian tengah sungai, tidak ada aktivitas manusia) dengan nilai kepadatan sebesar 140 ind/m2. Indeks keanekaragaman tergolong sedang, indeks keseragaman sedang, indeks dominansi rendah. Berdasarkan keberadaan makrozoobenthos, lingkungan perairan sungai di Senggarang relatif stabil.Kata kunci: Bintan, Macrobrachium sp., makrozoobenthos, Senggarang, sungai
Kondisi habitat dan keragaman nekton di hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai Wampu, Kabupaten Langkat, Provinsi Sumatera Utara Ahmad Muhtadi; Orbita R. Dhuha; Desrita Desrita; Toibullah Siregar; Muammar Muammar
Depik Vol 6, No 2 (2017): August 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.74 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.6.2.5982


The study was conducted to determine the condition of the habitat and the diversity of fish in the watershed of Wampu. The habitat conditions was determined by measuring parameters of temperature, brightness, current velocity, depth, DO, pH, type of substrate, the width and the width of the river. Nekton was sampled using electrofishing units at voltage of 15 volt and 9 amperes. The characteristic of upstream watershed was large stones substrate, gravel, and sand with a fast flow and clear waters. Physical-chemical parameters of waters in the upper watersheds Wampu is still suitable for fish, crabs, and shrimp to live in good condition. A total of 15 species of fishes and one species of freshwater crab and one species of freshwater prawns were recorded during the study. There were two species of mahseer were recorded, namely; Tor soro and T. tambra. The higher diversity index (H ') was recorded in the Bahorok River with a value of 4.5 followed by Berkail River (3.45) and Landak River with a value of 2.46.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi habitat dan keragaman ikan di DAS Wampu. Pengukuran kondisi habitat dengan mengukur parameter suhu, kecerahan, kecepatan arus, kedalaman, DO, pH, jenis substrat, lebar dan lebar badan sungai. Jenis nekton ditangkap dengan alat backpack electrofishing units dimana arus listrik yang dihasilkan bersumber dari batere 15 volt dan 9 ampere. Kondisi habitat pada bagian hulu DAS  Wampu yaitu bertipe substrat batu besar, kerikil, dan pasir dengan arus yang sedang - besar serta perairan yang jernih. Parameter fisika-kimia perairan di hulu DAS Wampu masih layak dan cocok untuk habitat ikan, kepiting dan udang. Selama penelitian nekton yang terkoleksi sebanyak 15 jenis ikan dan 1 jenis kepiting air tawar serta 1 jenis udang air tawar. Pada survei ini ditemukan dua jenis ikan Tor  yakni  T. soro, dan T. Tambra. Keanekaragaman (H') tertinggi terdapat pada Sungai Bahorok dengan nilai 4,5 diikuti Sungai Berkail dengan nilai 3,45, dan Sungai Landak dengan nilai 2,46. 
Estimation of mangrove carbon using drone images Firman Farid Muhsoni; Indah Wahyuni Abida; Dyah Ayu Sulistyo Rini; Aditya Januar Putera
Depik Vol 10, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.731 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.1.19313


Mangrove has numerous ecological functions, such as a habitat for various biota, a place of care and rearing, with a microclimate regulator and spawning. This ecosystem can store the highest carbon compared to tropical, subtropical, and boreal forests. This research aimed to model the estimation of mangrove carbon stocks using drone images. The method used consists of several steps as follows: (1) Taking and analyzing drone images, (2) Identification and estimation of biomass with carbon stocks, (3) Modeling of mangrove carbon stock using drone and field data. The results of mangrove carbon estimation using logarithmic regression of drone images were the best, by the equation y = 0.0455ln (x) + 0.244. Therefore, the results showed that the R2 value was 0.7454, with the RMSE accuracy-test being 689.9 kg, at 35.4%.Keywords:DronesMangroveCarbon stock
Kondisi arus pasang surut di perairan pesisir kota Makassar , Sulawesi Selatan Taslim Arifin; Yulius Y; Muhammad Furqon Azis Ismail
Depik Vol 1, No 3 (2012): December 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1282.465 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.1.3.113


Abstract. Numerical hydrodynamics model MOHID based on General Ocean Turbulence Model formula was used to study the tidal current in Makassar waters. The data used in this model are tidal elevation and bathymetry data from GEBCO. The tidal current simulation was conducted for 30 days. Model simulation results show that the tidal current velocity ranged between 0,001 m/s – 0,012 m/s. The current velocity during neap tide is smaller than the velocity during spring tide. The pattern of tidal current in Makassar waters is dominantly flows towards westward and then turned heading northward direction. The simulation result of tide-induced residual current in verification point shows that the flows is ebb-dominant at a rate of 0,005 m/s heading westward direction.
Pemanfaatan daun Indigofera zollingeriana sebagai bahan pakan ikan patin (Pangasius sp.) Retno Cahya Mukti; Danang Yonarta; Aldila Din Pangawikan
Depik Vol 8, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.542 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jts.v%vi%i.13056


Abstract. The feed is one of the components that support the growth and survival in fish culture. One of the alternative feed ingredients which could use as other feed ingredient was Indigofera zollingeriana leaves. The aims of this research was to determine the use of Indigofera zollingeriana leaves on the growth performance of Patin (Pangasius sp.). This research consisted of five treatments and three replications. Indigofera zollingeriana leaves were used in the diet amount of P0 (0%) (without Indigofera zollingeriana leaves addition ), P1 (10% Indigofera zollingeriana leaves addition), P2 (20% Indigofera zollingeriana leaves addition), P3 (30% Indigofera zollingeriana leaves addition), and P4 (40% Indigofera zollingeriana leaves addition). The result showed that the use of Indigofera zollingeriana leaves had a significant effect on the fish growth performance. The use of 20% zollingeriana Indigofera produced the best results of the absolute weight of 2.15 g, 1.00% daily growth rate and feed efficiency of 44.60%.Keywords: Patin, feed ingredient, Indigofera zollingeriana leaveAbstrak. Pakan merupakan komponen yang menunjang pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup dalam budidaya ikan. Salah satu bahan baku alternatif yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pakan ikan yaitu daun Indigofera zollingeriana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan daun Indigofera zollingeriana terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan pada ikan patin. Penelitian ini terdiri dari lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan penggunaan daun Indigofera zollingeriana terdiri dari P0(0%) (tanpa penambahan daun Indigofera zollingeriana), P1 (penambahan daun Indigofera zollingeriana 10%), P2 (penambahan daun Indigofera zollingeriana 20%), P3 (penambahan daun Indigofera zollingeriana 30%), dan P4 (penambahan daun Indigofera zollingeriana 40%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan daun Indigofera zollingeriana menunjukkan kinerja pertumbuhan pada ikan patin. Penambahan Indigofera zollingeriana sebanyak 20% menghasilkan hasil terbaik yaitu pertumbuhan bobot mutlak sebesar 2,15 g, laju pertumbuhan harian 1,00% serta efisiensi pakan sebesar 44,60%.Kata Kunci: Bahan pakan, daun Indigofera zollingeriana, ikan patin
Kajian suhu permukaan laut mengunakan data satelit Aqua-MODIS di perairan Jayapura, Papua Baigo Hamuna; Yunus P. Paulangan; Lisiard Dimara
Depik Vol 4, No 3 (2015): DECEMBER 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.163 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.4.3.3055


Abstract. Information about sea surface temperature (SST) very important role in ocean and fisheries study. Aqua-MODIS satellite data very important to monitoring SST periodically exchange. The aim or this study to analyze temporal distribution and spatial SST in Jayapura waters of Papua Province. SST data from Aqua-MODIS satellite used on June 2011 to May 2015 period. Descriptive analysis on this research consist of temporary SST analysis base on monthly and seasonal fluctuating of SST in time series graph, and spatial analyze base on color degradation visualization on monthly average SST distribution map. The result show that temporal pattern variations in Jayapura waters experience decreasing in four years of monthly SST. Variations of SST in Jayapura waters are 25°C-31°C with dominant SST revolve 27°C-29°C. The maximum SST value in November (29.25°C) and the minimum in March (27.86°C). Variability of SST value in Jayapura waters be affected by moonson. SST value on east monsoon and intermediate II tend more higher than SST on west monsoon and intermediate I. Spatial distribution of SST in offshore tends highly than spatial distributions near from coastal.Keywords: SST; Aqua-MODIS; Variability Temporal and Spatial; Jayapura WatersAbstrak. Informasi suhu permukaan laut (SPL) dalam bidang kelautan dan perikanan memiliki peran yang sangat penting. Data satelit Aqua-MODIS sangat baik untuk pemantauan perubahan SPL secara berkala. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sebaran temporal dan spasial SPL di perairan Jayapura, Papua. Data yang digunakan adalah data SPL dari sensor satelit Aqua-MODIS periode Juni 2011 sampai Mei 2015. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif yang meliputi analisis SPL secara temporal berdasarkan fluktuasi SPL bulanan dan musiman dalam bentuk grafik deret waktu, dan analisis spasial berdasarkan visualisasi degradasi warna pada peta sebaran rata-rata SPL bulanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variasi temporal SPL bulanan di perairan Jayapura selama empat tahun cenderung mengalami penurunan. Nilai SPL di perairan Jayapura bervariasi antara 25°C-31°C dengan SPL dominan berkisar antara 27°C-29°C. Nilai SPL maksimum terjadi pada bulan November (29.25°C) dan minimum pada bulan Maret (27.86°C). Variabilitas nilai SPL di perairan Jayapura dipengaruhi oleh musim, SPL pada musim timur dan musim peralihan II cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan SPL pada musim barat dan musim peralihan I. Sebaran spasial SPL di perairan lepas pantai cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan SPL di perairan dekat pesisir.Kata kunci : SPL; Aqua-MODIS; Variabilitas Temporal dan Spasial; Perairan Jayapura
The incubation of Tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) eggs using funnel system at different temperatures Siska Mellisa; Rizki Danang Ramadhan; Iwan Hasri; Nurfadillah Nurfadillah
Depik Vol 11, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (544.776 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.11.1.24768


Tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) is freshwater fish found in Borneo, Java, and Sumatera including in Aceh Province waters. It is known as a native species in Indonesia, locally known as Tengadak or Lampan and this species is popular for consumption due to its taste.  Tinfoil barb is targeted species of inland water for fisheries production. In recent years, the fish population has declined because of overexploitation and habitat degradation. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the effects of temperature on Tinfoil barb (B. schwanenfeldii) eggs incubation using a funnel system. It was conducted at Balai Benih Ikan (BBI) Lukup Badak, Central Aceh Regency. The Completely Randomized Design was used as a statistical analysis method with four treatments and three replications at 22±1 oC, 25±1 oC, 28±1 oC, and 31±1 oC. Hatching was carried out using a funnel system with 100 grain/liter of eggs density for incubation. The parameters measured were hatching time and rate, egg yolk absorption time, the survival rate of the embryo, larvae abnormality, and water quality. The ANOVA test results showed that temperature significantly affected hatching time and rate, egg yolk absorption time, and larvae abnormality (P0.05). In contrast, the effect was insignificant on the survival rate of an embryo, with P0.05. It is concluded that the optimum temperatures for Tinfoil barb eggs incubation were about 25±1 oC–31±1 oC. A funnel system was more effective for incubation than the conventional system.Keywords:Tinfoil barbFishIncubationTemperatureFunnel System

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