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Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE)
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Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE)- Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo Kediri Prosiding dan Seminar Nasional Pendidikan merupakan media publikasi ilmiah yang telah dipresentasikan dalam seminar Nasional yang diadakan oleh Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo Kediri. Prosiding ini diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Islam Tribakti Lirboyo Kediri.
Articles 82 Documents
Implementasi Metode Praktikum pada Pembelajaran Fiqh Kelas V di MI Maidanuttullab Waung Baron Kabupaten Nganjuk Silvia Halimatul Ma’rifah; Badrus; Yasin Nurfalah
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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How is the implementation of the practicum method in learning fiqh at MI Maidanuttullab Waung Baron Nganjuk? The application of the practical method in class V Fiqh learning is appropriate. Because this method is believed to be the right method in doing things that are real. Madrasas as formal educational institutions, systematically plan various kinds of learning. Fiqh is one of the fields of science in Islamic law that specifically discusses the law that regulates various aspects of human life. Both personal life, society, and human relationships with their creators. In carrying out religious activities, humans use Fiqh as a guide. Such as taharah, prayer, zakat, fasting, Hajj and Umrah procedures. Therefore, in the world of education, developing the potential of students, both cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects is the task of educators and educators are expected to be able to seek students to be able to gain learning experiences and practices from the learning process that is realized. This research is a research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis technique uses data reduction, qualitative data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, in testing the validity of the data using Extended Participation, increasing persistence, and peer checking through discussion.
Reconstruction of Imam Al Ghazali's Thinking abaut Pre-School Children Education in the Book Ihya Ulum al-Dien Asep Saidul Murom
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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nature that really contributes to the development of children. The choice of this title was inspired by Imam Al-Ghozali's thoughts which focused on children's education. And the phenomenon in society, including in family life, especially in educating children to believe in entrusting their children to servants, as a result of which the potential of children is not noticed by the parents/family itself as well as the lack of family attention and affection. Then educational institutions that provide preschool education that tend to be procedural and do not heed the potential of children and the education needed at the age of the child. For this reason, the author is awakened to reconstruct Imam Al-Ghozali's thoughts about children's education and relate it to the learning of preschool children at this time. With the following description: 1. How is the reconstruction of Imam Al-Ghozali's thoughts on pre-school education in the book Ihya Ulumuddin? 2. What is the relevance of Imam Al-Ghozali's thoughts on children's education with the current practice of preschool children's learning?The method used in this research is the method of content analysis (content analysis) and the method of study (Library research). Sources of data obtained from primary data, namely the book Ihya Ulum Al-Din by Imam Al-Ghozali. And secondary data, namely data obtained from other books, namely Ithaf sadatil Mutaqin, At-Tahliyah Wa At-Targib, Ta'lim Al-Muta'alim and books related to research conducted by the author.From the results of these studies resulted in a conclusion; 1. The reconstruction of Imam Al-Ghozali's thoughts on preschool education includes aspects of education, educational tools and family education, 2. Imam Al-Ghozali's thoughts on children's education remain relevant to preschool education at this time, but Imam Al-Ghozali's educational method is patterned Sufism and in practice preschool education today is more structural but the essence is the same
Dimensi Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Tradisi Praktik Brokohan Dan Sepasaran Abdul Ghofur
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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This study aims to find the dimensions of Islamic education in the practice of brokohan and market culture. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. In collecting data, the researcher uses the methods of observation, documentation, and interviews. This study found that Brokohan and Sepasaran are a form of expression of gratitude from parents for having a child, so that they are safe in the hereafter and are always given good luck in life and are always protected by God. The dimensions of Islamic education at the Brokohan and Market events are friendship, prayer, charity, gratitude and optimism.
Challenges and Opportunities of Higher Education Based on Islamic Boarding Schools Muhammad Mirza Firdaus
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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The existence of Pondok Pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools) was the oldest Islamic educational institution in Indonesia. Islamic boarding schools did not only teach Islamic religious sciences, but also the values ​​of independence, mutual cooperation, solidarity and Ukhuwah Islamiyah. Islamic boarding schools were very important institutions in producing a generation with good morals. The education system and traditions in Islamic boarding schools had to be maintained, but it did not rule out the possibility to develop and follow the progress of the times in order to continue to show the existence of an educational institution that was competitive in the global era. Islamic boarding schools were inclusive educational institutions that had the potential to be able to open Islamic schools (madrasas) or formal schools. It was a fact that graduates of Islamic boarding schools had made a positive contribution to the progress of the nation. Such as the Lirboyo Kediri Islamic Boarding School which had existed since 1910 AD. This 100-year-old boarding school had opened various branches of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, formal education institutions to universities. Islamic Institute of Tribakti (IAIT) was a university under the auspices of the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, Kediri. Historically, this college was inaugurated on October 25, 1966 AD, or 56 years since the establishment of the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri. The existence of this university was increasingly giving color to students, not only getting religious knowledge, but students also getting general sciences such as technology, economics, foreign languages, ​​and so on.
Management of Basic Education in Indonesia Facing Future Challenges Istikomah; Niswatin
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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Menyongsong generasi Emas 2045 dengan visi membangun negara maju, adil dan makmur, pemerintah telah menetapkan berbagai kebijakan dan menyusun rencana strategis dalam pembangunan di semua sektor. Pendidikan merupakan sektor utama yang harus melakukan inovasi di berbagai aspek dalam menyiapkan masa depan.. Generasi yang hebat dan siap menghadapai masa depan harus diupayakan sejak pendidikan dasar melalui pendidikan yang bermutu dengan menejemen pengelolaan yang professional. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan formula manajemen pengelolaan pendidikan dasar yang mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki pengetahuan, sikap dan ketrampilan di masa depan. Kajian ini meggunakan pendekatan library research dengan analisis konten. Hasil penelitian menyatakan, untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang siap menghadapi tantangan masa depan, pemerintah melalui Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan telah menyusun rencana strategis dengan berbagai pendekatan dan standar pengelolaan pendidikan dengan yang meliputi: mengimplementasikan konsep Manajemen Mutu Terpadu (TQM), inovasi desain pembelajaran, inovasi penilaian pendidikan, pengembangan kurikulum dan pengembangan kompetensi pendidik,
Analisis Pemanfaatan Sumber Kekuasaan Pemimpin Sekolah SMA Islam Plus Hidayathut Thulab Semen Kediri Muhammad Abdul Hadi; Suko Susilo
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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Leadership style is a behavioral norm used by a leader when he tries to influence the behavior of people or subordinates as they see it. This was also shown by the leader of SMA Islam Plus Hidayatut Thullab Semen Kediri who always carried out leadership behavior in carrying out his duties as school principal. The focus of this research discusses 1) The tendency to use sources of power in the leadership behavior of the Islamic Senior High School Plus Hidayatut Thullab Petuk Semen Kediri school principal. 2) Tendency of leadership behavior of the head of SMA Islam Plus Hidayatut Thullab Petuk Semen Kediri. Several aspects of this study used descriptive qualitative research, and in the process of collecting data the researchers used the methods of observation, documentation, and interviews. As for the analysis, the researcher used the Milles and Huberman technique. The results of the study 1) In the practice of leadership, the principal of SMA Islam Plus Hidayatut Thullab Petuk Semen Kediri turned out to be an Expert Power who tends to have a dominant influence on his subordinates. 2). The leadership behavior of the head of SMA Islam Plus Hidayatut Thullab Semen Kediri in carrying out his duties as a principal is leadership behavior that is oriented towards fostering group cohesiveness in carrying out a number of school activities at SMA Islam Plus Hidayatut Thullab Petuk Semen Kediri such as: compromizzing, gatekeeping and encouraging behavior
Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Moh. Hamdan Baihaqi
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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Principals, as educational leaders, have the responsibility to improve the Performance of the teachers in their schools. The head of the school must have an excellent strategy to improve teachers' Performance. The strategy is undertaken with the guidance of discipline, motivation and reward (award), the formation of Teachers ' Associations Field Studies, seminars, the classroom (class visits), and conduct an evaluation periodically. This study aims to determine how the Performance of teachers in high school Hidayatut Thullab Petuk Puhrubuh Semen Kediri; and the strategy of the head of school to improve teachers' Performance. The subjects of this study are Islamic senior high School plus Hidayatut Thullab Pethuk Puhrubuh Semen Kediri. The results showed the Performance of High School teachers of Islam plus Hidayatut Thullab Pethuk Puhrubuh semen Kediri corresponding duties and responsibilities.
Nilai Pendidikan Sufistik dalam Tradisi Riyadhah Qur'an: Studi Aplikasi Sistem Pembelajaran di Pondok Pesantren Ma’unah Sari Kediri Su'udiyah Ning
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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The interaction between Muslims and their holy book, the Qur'an, in its development experienced a dynamic development. Al-Qur'an is not only a guide for humans but also a medicine (syifa) in anxiety. One form of interaction between Muslims and the Qur'an is to make the Qur'an a daily obligatory dhikr. Emphasis on reading the Qur'an as dhikr includes traditional activities of riyadhah Qur'an. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach to collect data using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that: (1) The concept of Sufistic education in Islamic boarding schools is one way to form a perfect human (insan kamil). The concept of Sufistic education in the Ma'unah Sari Islamic boarding school can be seen in the riyadhoh tradition of the Qur'an. The concept of sufistic education in the riyadhoh qur'an tradition applies the concept of tasawwuf amali and akhlaqi. (2) There are several stages in the implementation of the riyadhah of the Qur'an, namely mental/psychic preparation and physical/physical preparation. The second stage is the Core stage. This stage includes the systematic implementation of riyadhah at the Ma'unah Sari Islamic boarding school. The last stage is the completion stage by offering students to the caregivers to ask for blessings of prayer.
Strategi Guru PAI dalam Menumbuhkan Etika Lingkungan di Masa Pandemi Covid 19: Studi Kasus di Sekolah Alam Hijau Daun Mojoroto Kediri Mochamad Khirzudin Yusuf; Abbas Sofwan M.F.
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 1 (2022): Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Moderasi Beragama
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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PAI teachers are educators who transform their knowledge and knowledge to students with the aim that students have an Islamic spirit and behave based on Islamic values. In addition, teachers must have strategies for teaching. One of them is that teachers need to make strategies in teaching students to cultivate good environmental ethics in schools. Caring for the environment is the attitude and behaviour of trying to maintain the beauty of the environment and prevent it from being damaged. This research uses qualitative research with a case study design—data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study found that the strategy in growing environmental ethics carried out by SAHD has succeeded in positively affecting the local community, where many small discussions and actions took place in protecting the environment.
Analisis Perilaku Sosial dalam Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam di HM Al-Mahrusiyah Putri Lirboyo Kediri Nisa' Deagita
Indonesian Proceedings and Annual Conference of Islamic Education (IPACIE) Vol. 2 (2023): Quo Vadis Lembaga Pendidikan Berbasis Pesantren dalam Mengimplementasikan Merdeka Bel
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UIT Lirboyo Kediri

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This research relates to behavior patterns by studying one scientific field of religion through two different approaches. Based on this background, the researcher categorizes the research focus as follows: (1) What are the forms of social behavior in Madrasah Diniyah? (2) What is the form of social behavior in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Formal? (3) What are the factors of social behavior gaps in Madradah Diniyah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah Formal? Albert Bandura's theory forms thinking ideas with social learning theory and creates continuity based on reciprocal determinism, referring to cognitive, behavioral, and environmental determinants approaches. This type of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. The process of data analysis with data reduction techniques. This research produced results in (1) forms of social behavior in Madrasah Diniyah and (2) forms of social behavior in Madrasah Tsanawiyah based on behavioral patterns of attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. (3) factors of gaps and the formation of social behavior in both types of Madrasah Diniyah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah.