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TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
ISSN : 25802046     EISSN : 25802054     DOI : Prefix 10.26539
JURNAL TERAPUTIK : Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling published original manuscripts relating to the following: School Counseling; Psychology Counseling; Career Counseling; Couple, Marriage and Family Counseling; Mental Health; Counseling Supervision; Theory Development; Professional Counseling Ethnic; International Counseling and Multicultural Issues; Program Applications; and Integrative Reviews from Counseling and Related Fields. Islamic Guidance and Counseling Educational Psychology Educational media and technology Teaching and Learning The Role Of Assessment In Counseling
Articles 13 Documents
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Model supervisi klinis berfokus multikultural: supervisi hubungan interpersonal konselor dan staf kependidikan Rezki Hariko; Indriyana Rachmawati
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13156


Performance collaboration between counselor and teacher or staff is urgentlyneeded in providing guidance and counseling services for students. This collaboration needs to be supervised, one of them by using multi-cultural focused clinical supervision. This supervisory activity emphasizes the aspect of recognizing the cultural differences that can arise between supervisors and supervisors who can influence the supervision activities. A supervisor needs to be aware of the perception bias that may affect the supervision activities. Supervisors should be reactive to cultural diversity in carrying out supervisory activities demonstrated through recognition of cultural differences between supervisors and supervisors, understanding the power of differences and initiating discussions on diversity. Supervisors must also be aware of obstacles in multicultural supervision, such as: perception bias and lack of supervision training.
Terapi holistik terhadap pecandu narkoba Muhammad Ilham Bakhtiar; Suehartono Syam
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13159


This study aims to determine how the application of holistic therapy against drugaddicts at the Rehabilitation Center BNN Baddoka Makassar. This research is qualitative research with descriptive analysis, data processing and data analysis using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that in the application of holistic therapy conducted at the Rehabilitation Center BNN Baddoka Makassar divided into 2, namely the weighting in the medical and medicines in the non-medical, in the medical section there are two phases of detoxification phase and entry-unit and treatment in the field Non-medical there are two phases of the primary phase and re-entry in the primary phase of the focus of treatment is social, psychological and religion in this phase there are 4 stages of the stage induction, younger, middle and older. Inhibiting factors are residen type factor, human resources, and resident personality, while the solution for resident type is applied outpatient, then for human resources use group system and personal resident solution in need of psychologist sensitivity.
Persepsi mahasiswa PGSD terhadap rencana implementasi guru bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah dasar Eko Perianto
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13157


This is a descriptive research and does not mean to test hypothesis but to describe phenomenon as it is by using numbers as symptom observed. The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of students on the implementation plan of teacher’s guidance and counseling in elementary school. Furthermore, in this research which is used as subject of this research is student of elementary school teacher education which is taking Guidance and Counseling in elementary school in for Academic Year 2016/ 2017. The data analysis technique used is Descriptive statistics with percentage techniques. The results showed that students' perceptions of the implementation of teacher guidance and counseling in elementary school based on the overall calculation then obtained the value of the general perception of students that is 72.81% . This means that students have a perception of the implementation plan of guidance and counseling in elementary school in good category.
Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru bimbingan dan konseling di SMA negeri Jakarta Timur Yulinda Siregar
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13160


School counselor didn’t show a significant work. This is based on loss of ability, lack of skills acquired by counselors in addressing the learners. On the other hand, the headmaster's style of command also contributes to the counselor's style of work in school. This study aims to determine the influence of principal leadership style on counselor performance in high school. The unit of analysis in this study is a counselor who amounted to 73 people and served in high school throughout East Jakarta. Result of this study indicates that there is an influence on the performance leadership of Principal counselor.
Self-efficacy dan persistensi mahasiswa ketika mengerjakan skripsi ditinjau dari kecemasan akademik Heru Mugiarso; Ninik Setyowani; Latih Buran Tedra
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13151


This current research based on phenomenon and problems experienced by finalyear students of FIP Unnes guidance and counseling when doing thesis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the direct effect between self-efficacy and student’s persistence in terms of academic anxiety as a variable mediator. Using bias corrected bootstrap method N = 5000 with 95% confidential interval shows the result that self-efficacy as a predictor on student persistence (β=0,51; p<0,01). While academic anxiety is not proven to have a mediator effect on the relationship between self-efficacy and student persistence. These findings have implications for guidance program of thesis students, especially students majoring in guidance and counseling Unnes FIP.
Keefektifan layanan informasi berbasis instagram untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa Akhmad Rifqi Azis; Prili Aprilia Salam
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13153


Students' interest in social media especially Instagram is very high, and makestudents able to expression in accordance with what they want. This research design uses experiment with one- group pre- test method and post- test design. The location of the research is SMP Negeri 1 Arjasa. Respondents of this research are student in junior high school, ages 13 years-15 years, which have Instagram accounts, and students who have low self-confidence. Data collected using questionnaires and documentation. The data taken is the test data validity, reliability test. Analysis method using product moment and t- test. From the test result using α = 5% paired sample t- test, and data used is 24 students before treatment (pre- test) and 24 students after treatment (post- test). Number of samples N = 24 students The results of this study indicate that Ha accepted and H0 rejected. From these results indicate that Instagram-based information service is effective to improve students' selfconfidence.
Preferensi siswa terhadap perilaku konselor dengan minatnya pada program bimbingan dan konseling M Fatchurahman; Bulkani Bulkani
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13161


This study aimed to describe (1) students' preferences on counselor behavior, (2)student interest in guidance and counseling program, and (2) relation between student preference to counselor behavior and interest to counseling and guidance program. The research was conducted in Junior High School (SMP) in Palangka Raya City with a population of 843 students. The sample of this study is 84 students taken proportional random sampling. The result of this research are (1) students' preference toward counselor behavior is positive, (2) student's interest toward guidance and counseling program tends to be positive, and (3) there is a positive correlation between student preference toward counselor behavior and interest to guidance and counseling program.
Strategy of core curriculum to improving student’s critical thinking skill Caraka Putra Bhakti; Muhammad Alfarizqi Nizamuddin Ghiffari; Swiejti Maghfira Regita
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13152


The purpose of this research is the development of core curriculum that is able toincrease critical thinking skills for students. 21st Century demands that humans go on to establish themselves with various skills. There are a variety of human skills required in the 21st Century Skills Critical thinking skills to be one of the human skills needed to survive in the 21st century Critical thinking will support people in dealing with various issues it faces today through a systematic process of thinking. Core curriculum in guidance and counseling in schools will be able to improve critical thinking skills. This study is a review of the literature. From this study indicated a technique related to core curriculum that can improve critical thinking skills in students. Techniques in basic services which can be applied as blended learning, the inquiry learning, case-based learning, problem base learning and so forth.
Character education in schools implementing national curriculum and international baccalaureate Hotmaulina Sihotang; Stevanie Datrix
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13154


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the implementation of the character education program of Junior and Senior High School Victory Plus School using the national curriculum and International Baccalaureate. The research method used is mix method. The result of data analysis showed that the average self-concept score was 2.65 (less good); selfmanagement is 2.73 (good); and social services is 2.73 (good) in the implementation of courageous, honest, active, mindful, innovative, open minded, and nobel (champion) value. The value of champion is relevant to the value of the national curriculum character but the value of hard work, religion, democracy, the spirit of nationality, and the love of the homeland have not yet appeared. The balanced and reflective values in the learner profile are not yet visible.
Kontribusi konsep diri terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di sekolah Heru Sriyono
TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2018): TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling FIPPS Unindra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26539/teraputik.13162


Potential learners that must be built up not merely deals with the issue of intelligence and skills, but involves all forms of personality and self-concept and learning motivation. The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution given by self-concept variable to student's motivation variable. This research is a correlational research involving 40 students in SMA N 64 Jakarta. Data analysis was performed by simple linear regression technique. The findings of this research is that there is a significant relationship between self-concept and student learning motivation. The contribution of self-concept to student's learning motivation is still relatively small in this research, that is 6%.

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