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Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture
Published by Universitas Galuh
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Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture (IIJCC) welcome contributions in such areas of current analysis in three big classifies issues: Culture-Conservation of Applied Science and Health, Culture-Conservation of Social Science and Humanity, Culture-Conservation of Business and Entrepreneurship. The scope of Conservation-Culture of Applied Science and Health topics includes: - Farming based on local wisdom - The concept of technology based on culture and local wisdom - Development of Transcultural Nursing - Development of culture-based midwifery services - Conservation of natural resources - The concept of supporting technology for handling conservation - Environmentally sustainable nursing and midwifery services The Scope of Conservation-Culture of Social Science and Humanity Topics includes: - Local cultural character education - Conservation-based education - Cultural revitalization - Conservation and disaster mitigation strategies and policies The Conservation-Culture of Business and Entrepreneurship Topic Scope includes: - Economy based on local wisdom and human resources - Natural resource conservation management - Entrepreneurs by utilizing local wisdom culture
Articles 9 Documents
E–writing activity using Instant Messaging to ignite EFL students’ critical thinking in writing English argumentation on a conservation issue Dedeh Rohayati; Fauzy Rahman Kosasih
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 1 (2023): IIJCC April
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i1.2908


The 21st-century skill has intrigued all stakeholders in the education context and educational practitioners have a great decision to ignite the implementation of critical thinking in the classroom. This brings the present study to be carried out with the aim of exploring 1) the argument analysis of critical thinking demonstrated by the EFL students in writing argumentative text using Instant Messaging; and 2) students' awareness of the relationship among argumentative text, critical thinking, conservation issue and some challenges in experiencing the activity Instant Messaging. The present study involved five EFL students enrolling in Academic writing in the fifth semester. The qualitative case study theory was utilized so that the primary data was obtained by employing screenshots of students' written argumentation and interview (Instants Messaging Interview). The present study came up with evidence that the quality of students' arguments was not contented. The obvious premises and conclusion are not offered to build a good argument. It is to say that a student's ability to write argumentative text as a tool facilitates students' critical thinking and needs more ignition. Consequently, students' ability in thinking critically also needs improvement. Another result reveals that the inclusion of technical support such as internet access and an E-writing device, namely, instant messaging, helped them a lot in making judgments fast. Searching from Google search in one click made them more aware of several issues in a concise time such as the term critical thinking, strategy in writing a good argumentative text, effects caused by plastic and its recommendation, and offering some alternatives for some challenges. Thus, students experienced technical support as a great assistance to attach accurate data for their writing of Argumentative text effectively and efficiently.
Review of: “Handbook HiBBer (Hijau, Bersih dan Berkelanjutan)”, first edition, by Tatang Parjaman et al., Universitas Galuh, 2022 Mochamad Arief Rizki Mauladi; Malinda Aptika Rachmah
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 1 (2023): IIJCC April
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The book was created by the university's conservation and culture team to serve as a guideline for the University of Galuh (UniGal) academic community in implementing a green campus. The book consists of 3 chapters: an introduction, an explanation of the work program, and strategic steps for the conservation and culture university.
Vegetation structure and floristic composition at habitat Rafflesia patma Blume in Pananjung Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java, Indonesia Bahana Aditya Adnan; Purnomo; Suwarno Hadisusanto
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 1 (2023): IIJCC April
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i1.3050


Rafflesia patma Blume is a plant endemic to Pangandaran, West Java, which is protected because of its rare status. This study aims to study the composition of the floristic vegetation that supports the life of R. patma in the Pananjung Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java. The research was conducted using a survey method with a purposive sampling technique and sampling using quadrat. The data obtained were then analyzed using the Importance Value Index (IVI), Shannon-Wiener index, and Evenness index. The results showed that R. patma in the Pananjung Pangandaran Nature Reserve lived as a parasite on the roots and stems of Tetrastigma leucostaphylum. The floristic composition of the habitat of R. patma in the Pananjung Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java, consisted of 251 individuals divided into 28 species. The plant species with the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) were Syzygium antisepticum, Stephania capitata, Casearia sp., and Buchanania arborescens for the sapling category, as well as Syzygium antisepticum and Vitex pubescens for the tree category. The condition of the vegetation around the habitat of R. patma is quite dense with the diversity index values obtained belonging to the moderate level of diversity. The highest diversity index at the sapling level was found at the Cilegon location with an H' value of 2.14 and the highest diversity index at the tree level was found at the Gua Parat location with an H' value of 1.5.
Peranan fungsi regulerend pajak air tanah terhadap konservasi sumber daya air Dewi Mulyanti; Ida Farida; Nuriyah; Emma Amalia; Yadi Setiadi
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 1 (2023): IIJCC April
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i1.3101


The use of water is highly needed for human primary needs and industry. Thus, the government issued a policy related to the function of regulating groundwater taxes to regulate the use of groundwater to make it in harmony with the sustainability of the preservation of water resources. The regulatory function of groundwater tax is not optimal and tax collection plays a greater role in local government revenue, so it does not support the conservation function of water sources. Thus, this research is important for researchers to formulate ‘what is the role of the regular function of the groundwater tax that applies in Indonesia?’ and ‘what is the regulatory model which can synergize groundwater taxes with water resource conservation?’ This research uses several methods in data collection and compilation. The approach method used in this study is normative juridical under qualitative data analysis. The analytical descriptive method is employed to comprehensively describe and systematically examine primary and secondary data, which then analyzes the research object to provide a clear picture connected to relevant legal theories to find the government policy as the concept of thought. The research result showed that the function of the groundwater tax regulerend has not played a role in the conservation of water resources. The role of regular function of groundwater tax requires it to be used to control the sustainable use of groundwater for the greatest prosperity of the people, both now and in the future. Through "emarking or emarked tax," a groundwater management model that synergizes with soil conservation can be applied. This means that groundwater tax revenue is allocated for the conservation or restoration of water resources due to groundwater utilization.
Interdisciplinary perspectives on conservation and culture Agus Yuniawan Isyanto; Ai Tusi Fatimah; Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah; Ana Samiatul Millah
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 1 (2023): IIJCC April
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i1.3102


This article describes conservation and cultural perspectives from various disciplines based on research from various disciplines. The description is categorized into three parts; conservation and culture of applied science and health, conservation and culture of social science and humanity, conservation and culture of business and entrepreneurship. Natural sciences, health, social humanities, business, and entrepreneurship have all contributed to the conservation of natural resources and the environment, according to the results of journal article searches. Conservation in applied science promotes environmental, water, agricultural, biodiversity, and wildlife conservation, as well as land preservation and building reuse. Conservation can be accomplished through management and strategies derived from indigenous peoples' traditions with implications for nature conservation. The use of environmentally friendly health infrastructure is part of conservation in the health sector. Conservation is the study of the relationship between human interaction and the environment in a society in order to achieve a better life in the field of social sciences and humanities. Conservation strategy, policy, and education are important studies on conservation issues in the social sciences and humanities. Furthermore, conservation strategies are critical for identifying efficiency and conservation in support of development integration and disaster mitigation. Conservation and local wisdom-based education is a learning process that aims to raise environmental and cultural awareness and concern. In particular, conservation and local wisdom-based entrepreneurship education is a promising topic to be studied and researched further to generate various businesses that support environmental and cultural preservation.
The Development of Green Banking Theory Risna Kartika; Elin Herlina; Mima M. Villanueva
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 2 (2023): IIJCC October
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i2.3513


One of the complicated phenomena that has become a topic of discussion in various countries is climate change resulting from various human activities, one of which is business activity. This is the responsibility of all parties, including the economic sector with the banking finance sub-sector, so that the concept of green banking emerges which is a development of the concepts of green finance and green economy. This research aims to look at the development of green banking theory. The research method used in this research is a literature review. The results of the study show that the concept of green banking is seen from various aspects, including factors that influence it, namely environmental interests, stakeholder pressure, policy guidelines, economic factors, and requests for loan facilities. When viewed from consumer perceptions, green banking practices are quite well known by most people, however, there are still people who do not understand the existence of this green banking concept, so banks must contribute to educating customers about the importance of this. On the other hand, sustainability reports and sustainability development reports are also inseparable from this green banking concept, because completeness and consistency of reporting periods are a form of implementing green banking in banking which can increase corporate value. The banking sector, which is one of the main sources of financing for business activities, must consider the business activities it finances to contribute to environmental sustainability. This is in line with the issuance of regulations from the government that support the application of the green banking concept in various countries, including in Indonesia with the existence of POJK no 51/POJK.03/2017 concerning the application of the green banking concept carried out by banks in Indonesia with the aim of avoiding financing. for businesses that have the potential to damage the environment, social and governance, this is related to the policy of providing banking credit facilities which requires an Environmental Impact Assessment.
Global warming and the phenology of Yard-long Beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp. cylindrica (L.) Verdc.) Feri Bakhtiar Rinaldi; Eming Sudiana; Triani Hardiyati
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 2 (2023): IIJCC October
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i2.3514


A phenomenon in which a temperature difference between the present and the past exists is called Global Warming. Today's temperature is relatively higher than before. This temperature change causes climate change. Climate change due to global warming has caused changes in various areas of life, including plants. One of the plants' most influential physiological processes is the phenology of flower patterns. Studies on the effects of climate change caused by global warming on organisms can be represented by altitude gradients. This study aimed to determine the effect of altitude on the phenology of flower development in Yard long beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp. Cylindrica (L.) Verdc.). The parameters observed were the vegetative and phenology of plant development, namely the flowering age (Scale N days after planting), the number of flowers per plant, and flower size. The research was conducted in six places with different altitudes, ± 50 masl, ± 200 masl, ± 400 masl, ±600 masl, ± 800 masl, and ±1,000 masl. The research period lasted for three months.  The research was conducted using the survey method. The independent variable used was the difference in elevation gradient, while the dependent variable was the cultivation pattern of yard-long beans.  The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The data obtained were analyzed using One-Way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression correlation analysis. The analysis showed that altitude affected flowering time, number of flowers, and flower size. Yard-long beans grow and develop optimally at 50-400 meters above sea level.
The role of village institutions based on open government partnerships in nature conservation: a case study in a Village in Indonesia Irfan Nursetiawan; Ari Kusumah Wardani; Caesar Distrito
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 2 (2023): IIJCC October
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i2.3552


This study aims to analyze the role of village institutions in an effort to preserve nature in Sukamaju Village, Cihaurbeuti District, Ciamis Regency, as nature conservation has become an increasingly important issue in the context of sustainable development at this time. Village institutions have the potential to play a role in maintaining natural sustainability and promoting a balance between the use of natural resources and the needs of rural communities. The study employed a qualitative research method by means of data collection in the form of in-depth interviews, observation, and document study. The study resulted in the finding that village institutions in Sukamaju Village play a significant role in nature conservation. Several institutional forms are involved, such as farmer groups, youth organizations, community information groups, forest village community institutions, and tourism awareness groups. The roles of village institutions include managing natural resources in a sustainable manner, monitoring activities that damage the environment, educating and socializing the importance of nature conservation to the community, as well as developing programs and activities that support natural sustainability. This study also identified several challenges faced by village institutions in carrying out their roles. These challenges include limited human resources, limited funds, conflicts of interest between the use of natural resources and the economic needs of the community, as well as the lack of awareness and participation of the community in nature conservation. In this context, this study provides recommendations for strengthening the role of village institutions in nature conservation, including by increasing institutional capacity, supporting the development of sustainable environment-based economic activities, increasing community participation, and building cooperation with related parties such as local governments, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations. In addition, the Sukamaju Village Government is expected to be able to initiate climate village-based programs.
Book Review: Panji Boma: Love, Throne, and Ambition, By Andri Noviadi. Tasikmalaya, Reference Style 2023, 182 pages, ISBN: 9786238295135, 80.000 Rupiah Yeni Wijayanti
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 2 (2023): IIJCC October
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i2.3560


Panji Boma’ tells the story of the life journey of a main character named Panji Boma from the Dayeuhluhur Kingdom with his complicated love and his acts in power. A child who was born into a kingdom and was expected to become a wise and wise leader and bring prosperity to his region actually at the end of his life's journey created misery for the community which ended in a tragic death.

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