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Program Studi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Kampus Unsrat, Manado 95115
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Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Perikanan Tangkap
rancang bangun dan hidrodinamika alat tangkap ikan, rancang bangun dan hidrodinamika kapal perikanan, operasi penangkapan ikan, meteo-oseanografi perikanan tangkap, daerah penangkapan ikan, biologi perikanan tangkap, pengelolaan perikanan tangkap.
Articles 13 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Juli - Desember" : 13 Documents clear
Analisis usaha perikanan pancing ulur (handline) tuna di Aertembaga kota Bitung: Analysis of tuna handline fishing business in Aertembaga, Bitung city Christi M W Kowaas; Lefrand Manoppo; Fransisco Pangalila
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.45445


Ekonomi kota Bitung juga didorong oleh sektor perikanan dimana kecamatan Aertembaga menjadi pusatnya, ditandai dengan terdapatnya Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Bitung. Sektor ini bahkan menjadi pendorong utama, maka pengolahan yang tepat kemudian dibutuhkan untuk memanfaatkan segala macam hal yang bisa memberikan dorongan positif. Berbicara soal ikan tuna sebenarnya terdapat beberapa jenis cara tangkap ikan Tuna yang perlu kita ketahui terlebih dahulu, yakni; dengan menggunakan alat tangkap pukat cincin, huhate serta pancing ulur tuna (tuna handline). Namun dalam karya tulis ini titik fokus penulis diarahkan pada cara tangkap dengan metode handline yang berlokasi di PPS kota Bitung kelurahan Aertembaga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisa tentang keadaan sosial nelayan dan kelayakan usaha pancing ulur tuna di kelurahan Aertembaga Satu, kota Bitung. Metode yang di pakai untuk pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara, survei langsung, penyebaran kuesioner, dan studi literatur. Dalam penelitian ini data kapal yang diambil sampel adalah KM Eben Heazer. KM Eben Heazer memiliki payback period (PP) atau balik modal selama 1,7 tahun dan return of investment dari usaha pancing ulur tuna sebesar 56,9 % atau setiap 1 rupiah yang diivestasikan akan memberikan keuntungan sebesar 56,9% rupiah. Dalam satu trip pemilik kapal mendapat pendapatan bersih Rp. 54.789.825,-
Studi penurunan suhu palka dan ikan hasil tangkapan Yulvin Kala'Tiku; Frangky E. Kaparang; Vivanda O. J. Modaso
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.47988


This study aimed to examine the handling of the caught fish using a purse seine on KMN Magfira 04 ship operated in the Makassar Strait. The observations were carried out for four trips on the process of catching and catch handling after fishing till unloading at fishing port. This research was carried based on a descriptive case study.  The main data were collected through direct observation and interviews with the ship crews and the captain, while the supporting data were collected through a literature study. The data including  ice temperature, fish hold room temperature, outside room temperature and the temperature of dominant catch species were analysed descriptively and numerically using Microsoft Excel. The temperature of the hold containing the coldest fish in trip III and trip IV reached 0,2 oC after 48 hours. This was due to the replacement of the hatch lining with new styrofoam and plastic tarpaulin covering the leaky hatch lining before sailing on trip III. The largest decrease in fish body temperature during the four trips was found on mackerel (24,75 oC); then flying fish (24,02 oC); tuna (23,35 oC) and skipjack tuna (22,56 oC).
Studi distribusi tertangkapnya ikan pada Soma Tono selama satu siklus bulan Octaviani Kaseti; Fanny Silooy; Johhny Budiman; Alfret Luasunaung; Lefrand Manoppo
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.47990


This study aims to determine the distribution of caught fish in "soma tono" and the types of fish caught and how the fish are caught. Soma Tono is classified in gillnets that are rectangular in shape and equipped with buoys, upper ropes, lower ropes, weights and sign buoys. Operation of soma tono fishing gear consists of preparation, net lowering (setting), soaking (soaking) and lifting the net (hauling). The principle of soma tono fishing gear (gillnet) is to wait for fish to be entangled in the body of the net. The method used is a descriptive method, namely managing data obtained when making observations, interviews and documentation. The dominance of fish obtained by bounced fish, the type of fish obtained is the dominance of demersal fish or bottom fish, namely jackfruit seed fish (Upeneus molluccensin), lencam fish (Letrinus lencan), snapper fish (Lutjanus campechanus), lolosi fish (Caesio chrysozona), kuwe fish (Caranx ignobilis), grouper (Epinephelus longispinis), curisi fish (Nemipterus nemaptohorus), sako fish (Tylosurus crocodilus), parrotfish (Scarus rivulatus Valenciennes), puffer fish (Tetraodontidae), sardines (Amblygaster sirm),  baronang fish (Siganus) and sea eels (Muraenidae).  The results obtained four phases of the moon, namely the 1st  quarter moon phase (101.5 kg), the new moon phase (168.7 kg), 2nd quarter moon phase (89 kg) and the full moon  phase (63kg).
Catch per unit effort perikanan tuna handline dalam kurun waktu lima tahun di pelabuhan perikanan samudera Bitung: Catch per unit effort for handline tuna fisheries within five years at the Bitung ocean fishing port Jenly C. Marinding; Ivor L. Labaro; Revols D. CH. Pamikiran
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.48477


Kota Bitung merupakan salah satu kawasan pengembangan perikanan di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Lokasi ini memiliki infrastruktur yang mendukung bongkar muat barang dari dan ke Kota Bitung dan Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudra (PPS) Bitung. Peran infrastruktur tersebut sangat mendukung kawasan industri perikanan Bitung sebagai penghasil produk perikanan untuk pasar domestik dan pasar mancanegara salah satunya adalah ikan tuna. Ikan tuna adalah salah satu jenis ikan ekonomis penting di dunia dan merupakan komoditi perikanan terbesar ketiga di Indonesia setelah udang dan ikan dasar. Pancing ulur (HandLine) merupakan salah satu jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan oleh nelayan tradisional untuk menangkap ikan di laut. Pancing ulur (HandLine) adalah alat tangkap ikan jenis pancing yang paling sederhana, terdiri dari pancing, tali pancing, pemberat dan umpan. Hasil tangkapan ikan tuna yang didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera (PPS) Bitung dalam lima tahun terakhir mengalami penurunan, untuk tahun 2018 mencapai 8.636.350 kg, tahun 2019 mencapai 8.531.272 kg, tahun 2020 mencapai 7.932.729 kg, tahun 2021 mencapai 6.795.358 kg dan pada tahun 2022 mencapai 8.371.805 kg. CPUE merupakan indeks kelimpahan stok ikan di perairan. Melalui nilai yang dihasilkan pada analisis ini dapat diartikan bahwa masih terdapat peluang penambahan poduksi mengingat tersedianya stok ikan di lokasi penangkapan. Tujuan dari perhitungan CPUE adalah untuk mengetahui nilai laju tangkap upaya penangkapan ikan berdasarkan pembagian total hasil tangkapan (catch) dengan upaya penangkapan (effort). Rumus CPUE sesuai dengan Gulland (1983). Ukuran-ukuran kapal yang digunakan untuk melakukan penangkapan tuna handline yaitu kapal berukuran 01-5 GT, 06-10 GT, 11-20 GT, 21-30 GT, 31-50 GT dan 51-100 GT. Pada tahun 2018 operasi kapal tuna handline di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudra (PPS) Bitung berjumlah 4.823 kali trip. Pada tahun 2019 operasi kapal berjumlah 5.407. Pada tahun 2020 operasi kapal berjumlah 5.049 kali trip. Pada tahun 2021 operasi kapal berjumlah 4.647 kali trip dan pada tahun 2022 operasi kapal berjumlah 4.607 kali trip. Jika diurutkan pada tahun 2019 jumlah operasi penangkapan lebih banyak dan paling sedikit pada tahun 2022.
Kajian tentang jenis umpan dan waktu penangkapan bibit ikan Kuwe pancing banbu Fajri Salote; Alfret Luasunaung; Ivor Labaro; Welhelmina Patty; ixchel F. Mandagi; Vivanda O. J. Modaso
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.48883


Abstract Kuwe fingerlings ( Caranax spp) are classified as important economic resources which are produced from coastal waters, especially waters near estuaries. The tool commonly used in capturing these resources is a bamboo fishing rod, because of its simple construction, relatively inexpensive and easy to operate. However, there are no fishermen who have made comparisons of bait for the catch of catfish fingerlings. This study aims to study the effect of different types of bait on the catch of giant trevally fingerlings; and learn effective catch times. This research was carried out using an experimental method, in the coastal waters of Likupang Village, Ambong Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency, during 10 days from February 7 to 16, 2023. Data collection was carried out by operating 6 bamboo fishing rods (3 units using shellfish bait and 3 units using malalugis fish bait). ). The total catch was 424 catfish fingerlings, consisting of 293 fish caught using shellfish bait and 131 fish caught using malalugis fish bait. The use of this type of shellfish bait gave a better catch of fingerlings (69%) than the type of bait for malalugis (31%). The results of the analysis of morning arrests at 06.00 - 07.00 were 51% and afternoon at 16.00 - 17.00 as many as 49%, meaning that they were not significantly different.Keywords: Kuwe fingerlings, bamboo fishing rods, bait for malalugis fish and shellfish, time of catching.Abstrak Bibit ikan kuwe (Caranax spp) tergolong sumberdaya ekonomis penting yang di hasilkan dari perairan pesisir terutama perairan dekat muara. Alat yang umum digunakan dalam menangkap sumberdaya tersebut adalah pancing bambu, karena konstruksinya sederhana, relatif murah dan mudah dioperasikan. Namun belum ada nelayan yang melakukan perbandingan umpan untuk hasil tangkapan bibit ikan kuwe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh perbedaan jenis umpan terhadap hasil tangkapan bibit ikan kuwe; dan mempelajari waktu tangkapan yang efektif. Penelitian ini dikerjakan dengan metode eksperimental, di perairan pantai Desa Likupang Kampung Ambong Kecamatan Likupang Timur, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, selama 10 hari dari tanggal 7 - 16 Februari 2023. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengoperasikan 6 unit pancing bambu (3 unit menggunakan umpan Kerang dan 3 unit menggunakan umpan ikan malalugis). Tangkapan total berjumlah 424 ekor bibit ikan kuwe, terdiri dari 293 ekor yang tertangkap dengan mengunakana umpan kerang dan 131ekor yang tertangkap dengan menggunakan umpan ikan malalugis. Penggunaan jenis umpan kerang memberikan tangkapan bibit ikan kuwe yang lebih baik (69%) daripada jenis umpan ikan malalugis (31%). Adapun hasil analisis waktu penangkapan pagi pukul 06.00 – 07.00 sebanyak 51% dan sore pukul 16.00 – 17.00 sebanyak 49% artinya tidak berbeda nyata.Kata kunci : Bibit ikan Kuwe, pancing bambu, umpan ikan malalugis dan kerang, waktu penangkapan.
Studi teknis dan kelayakan usaha kapal Pole and Line: Technical Studies and Business Feasibility of Pole and Line Vessels David Yusak Gandaria; Frangky Ernes Kaparang; Mariana Elizabeth Kayadoe; Kawilarang Warouw Alex Masengi; Lucia Manu; Fransisco Philep Theodorus Pangalila
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.48955


The purpose of this study is to understand the technical aspects of fishing using the pole and line method, as well as to analyze the feasibility of the pole and line fishery. The research method used in this study is descriptive with a quantitative approach, conducted at PT Sari Usaha Mandiri, specifically on KM Sari Usaha 09, with a vessel specification of 25.73 m in length, 5.16 m in width, and 2.60 m in height. The components of the pole and line gear are a rod, a fishing line, and a hook. The fishing operation also involves the use of fish aggregating devices, which requires compliance with sea safety, fishing regulations, and storage requirements. The fishing technique employed is known as "banting," with the main catches being skipjack tuna and yellowfin tuna. The fishing area is located in the WPPN-RI 715. Based on the feasibility analysis, it can be concluded that the pole and line fishery is viable for business because the net benefit cost ratio is > 1 (1.097), the production output (351,600 kg) and revenue (IDR 6,328,800,000) exceed the break-even point of production (77,650 kg) amounting to IDR 1,397,704,483. The margin of safety is IDR 4,931,095,517 or 78%, the net present value is > 0 (IDR 3,485,024,022), the internal rate of return is > 5% (86%), and the payback period is 2.3 years.
Kajian tentang perbedaan umpan pancing Noru terhadap hasil tangkapan Adhitya Teguh Prasetyo Saselah Aditya; Ivor Lembondorong Labaro; Alfret Luasunaung; Mariana Elizabeth Kayadoe; Lefrand Manoppo
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.49169


The aims of this study to analyze the differences the catch of the “noru” fishing gear using nipple rubber and silk fibre lures, as well as to identify the catches  obtained. Small pelagic fish are organisms that live in the open sea, separated from the bottom of the water and towards the surface layer. These fish generally like to be in groups, both with their groups and with other types of fish. Also have positive phototaxis (attracted to light) and are attracted to floating objects. Bait is an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of catching small pelagic fish using “noru” fishing gear or hand lines. The interest of artifial bait in this fishing gear has several criteria, including: the shape of the bait must be similar to shape of food, easy visible because of the color and the bait looks alive when the gear is operated. The results of the study showed that noru (hand line) to used nipple rubber lures gave more catches compared to using silk fibre lures. From the catch, there were 4 species of fish caught using nipple rubber lures, namely yellowstrip scad, bigeye scad, trevally and Indian mackerel while using silk fiber lures 2 species of fish, namely  yellowstrip scad and bigeye scad.
Operasi penangkapan dan penanganan hasil tangkapan pole and line KM Sari Usaha 09: Fishing operation and on-board catch handling of KM Sari Usaha 09 pole and liner Bofmar Sasaleno; Patrice N I Kalangi; Lefrand Manoppo; Alfret Luasuanaung; Heffry V Dien; Fransisco P T Pangalila
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.49357


The utilization of marine biological resources in an effort to increase the production of fishery products has always received serious attention from fishing stakeholders. One of the fishing gear used in exploiting fish resources is pole and line. This study aims to examine pole and line fishing operations and methods of handling the catch on board. This factorrs are important in increasing production with maintained fish quality. This research is descriptive in nature and data collection includes primary data obtained directly from the source or research object, and secondary data obtained indirectly from the research object. Fishing operations include preparation activities, especially ship documents, fishing gear, food supplies, fuel and ice blocks. The operation of pole and line fishing gear uses live bait as a determining factor for fishing success. The types of fish caught are skipjack tuna, yellow fin tuna, dolphinfish, and rainbow runner. The steps taken in the process of handling caught fish on board include preparing catch handling equipment, handling freshly caught fish, and handling fish in holds.
Studi keragaan kapal pengawas hiu 02 di Pangkalan Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan Bitung: The Performance of the HIU 02 Surveillance Ship in the PSDKP Bitung Efrayanto Lumuhu; Kawilarang Warouw Alex Masengi; Fransisco Philep Theodorus Pangalila; Revols Dolfi Christian Pamikiran; Lefrand Manoppo; Hesky Stefy Kolibu; Haryadi Wijaya
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.49374


The objectives of this study are to determine the amount of fuel consumption within one hour at 600, 1200, and 1700 rpms; describe the operation of the vessel's main engine; and describe the systems in the vessel's main engine. A patrol vessel serves to carry out surveillance and law enforcement against vessels engaged in illegal fishing. In conducting surveillance, the patrol vessel is supported by a main engine, which is a component that propels the vessel. The operation, the main engine requires fuel oil (BBM) to drive the engine. The research findings indicate that : (1) the fuel consumption of the main engine within one hour is 54 liters at 600 rpm, 108 liters at 1200 rpm, and 170 liters at 1700 rpm; (2) the operation of the main engine is carried out by checking the fuel, lubricating oil, cooling water, and opening the fuel valve and seawater valve before starting the engine. Then, turn the engine contact switch from OFF to ON position to enable the ship to move, and to stop the engine, reduce the engine throttle and turn the contact switch from ON to OFF position, and then close the opened valves; (3) The systems in the main engine include the electric starting system, fuel system, wet lubrication system, and closed cooling system.
The Demersal Fishing Capability Landed at Kema Dua Fish Landing Base North Minahasa: Kemampuan Tangkap Perikanan Demersal Yang Didaratkan Di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Kema Dua Minahasa Utara Mervin Lestaluhu; Alfret Luasunaung; Mariana Kayadoe; Revols D.Ch. Pamikiran; Ivor L. Labaro; Fanny Silooy
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.49641


This study aims to determine the catch and development of CPUE from catches landed at the Kema Dua Fish Landing Base. The method used in this study is the Descriptive Method. The data collected is in the form of primary data by observation and interviews and secondary data in the form of catches and fishing efforts from 2017-2021. The data obtained will be analyzed using graphs and CPUE calculations to determine the development between production (catch) and capture effort (effort). Based on the results of the research carried out, it can be concluded that the bottom fishing catch landed at the Kema Dua Fish Landing Base consists of 9 types of demersal fish, namely Saramia fish (Etelis Carbunculus) 526,990 kg (25.5%), Lolosi (Caesio cuning) 459,855 kg (22.2%), Tola (Pristipomoides filamentosus) 404,490 kg (19.5%), Tariasan (Aphareus rutilans) 323,910 kg (15.6%), and Kurisi (Nemipterus sp) 213,675 kg (10.3%), Rahiang (Etelis coruscans) 53,300 kg (2.6 %), Kuwe (Carangoides coeruleopinnatus) 42,285 kg (2.0 %), Snapper (Lutjanus sp) 27,100 kg (1.3 %), Grouper (Epinephelus sp) 18,390 kg (1.0 %). The development of the Catch value per Unit Effort (CPUE) for 5 years (2017-2021) based on the catch landed at PPI Kema Dua fluctuates every year. The highest CPUE value occurred in 2021 at 3,452 kg/trip and the lowest CPUE value occurred in 2019 at 2,670 kg/trip.

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