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Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota
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Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk mempublikasikan dan menyebarluaskan artikel penelitian dan review artikel orisinal yang berkualitas tinggi pada bidang Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah yaitu: (1) Perkotaan dan Wilayah (2) Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil, (3) Infrastruktur Perkotaan dan Wilayah di Indonesia
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Kajian Pemanfaatan Ruang Terhadap Sistem Transportasi ( Studi Kasus: Jl Pahlawan Revolusi Kel Pondok Bambu Jakarta Irwan Prasetyo; bayu Triwicaksono; zefri zefri
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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Population growth in East Jakarta City Administration has been very rapid since 2000 of 1,959,022 people and in 2017 reached 2,892,783 people with a population growth rate of 2.4% per year. With this population development will demand a service activity to fulfill the needs and allocation of space such as: trade and services, housing and housing, industrial zones, offices, education, health, transportation, green open space and others. In addition, the emergence of activities centers in East Jakarta including the Cililtan Wholesale Center (PGC), Jatinegara trade / services / Rawamangun / Klender / Housing Rebo market, government center in Cakung sub-district, Cakung Small Industrial Village, Pulao Gadung industry and warehousing center, center Klender, defense and security furniture at Cikeas, the center of cultural tourism (TMII). Arrangement of spatial allocation and zoning regulations in general and specifically in the corridor of Jalan Pahlawan Revolusi, Pondok Bambu Urban Village has been regulated in DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014 concerning Detailed Spatial Planning for the city and Zoning Regulations 2014 – 2034. Based on current field facts related to the implementation of spatial use in the Heroes of the Revolutionary Road in the Pondok Bambu Kelurahan, the juxtaposition with the provisions in the DKI Jakarta RDTR and PZ Regional Regulation shows that: changes in land use and activities, discrepancies in spatial patterns, discrepancies in intensity of spatial use (KDB, KDH, GSB), the lack of space utilization permit (IMB). From this incident the use of space impacts on transportation systems such as (traffic generation, traffic congestion, modes of transportation). In addition, the implementation of spatial utilization is not yet optimal due to the lack of supervision and control of spatial use carried out by local governments along with community participation and the business world, or it could be that the quality of RDTR and PZ has not been operational in facing the very rapid development dynamics in the field
Pengendalian Perubahan Fungsi Rumah Tinggal Menjadi Bangunan Gedung Tempat Usaha Di Kawasan Perkotaan soekmana soma; Ernawati Ernawati; Budi Suprayitno
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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Limited land area and its high price in urban areas causes invasion of commercial functions into residential areas. Change of residential houses into business buildings are caused by population growth within a city and increased activities, when the land remains constant and hence unable to accommodate urban community needs. Among the phenomena is the increase of twofold use of residential house – for residence and for business - to secure families’ additional income/ economy improvement. As a result, spatial planning pattern is uncontrolled, and functions specified in spatial plans are not achieved. This in turn has disrupted activities and environmental comfort of residential function as proper shelter. This research aims to produce a formulation of Control of Changes of Function of Residential Houses into Business Buildings, where change of function of residential house into business buildings has occurred since 2008 where Act No 51 of 2008 concerning the Establishment of Kota Tangerang Selatan as Autonomous Region. The research hypothesis proposed is uncontrolled change function of residential house into business building causes inappropriateness of spatial planning for residential area along the corridor of the main roads. The case study is undertaken along the corridor of Jalan Anggrek Loka and Boulevard Residence BSD starting from the intersection of Kencana Loka to intersection of Kencana Loka 1-2, Kelurahan RawaBuntu, Kecamatan Serpong Kota Tangerang Selatan. The method employed is qualitative and quantitative approach with overlay analysis, descriptive analysis, policy analysis and supervision and control analysis relevant to the intensity of spatial utilization. The population specified for this research is (1) Population occupying business building units with direct access to the road; (2) Population occupying housing clusters within the buffering for the Research Area in the corridor of Jalan AnggrekLoka and Boulevard Residence BSD starting from the intersection of KencanaLoka to the intersection of KencanaLoka 1-2. Analysis performed identifies the major causal factors for change of function of residential houses into business buildings (land value characteristic, completeness of utilities, land accessibility, personal characteristic of landowner, land use regulation, commercial building initiative). Change factors are a concept of control of change of functions of residential houses into business buildings, strengthened by SWOT analysis performed during this research. This ensures that the aim and purpose of the research envisioned by the researcher are achieved. The formulation of this research on control of change of function of residential house into business buildings can serve as inputs for future academic researches and technical and non-technical practical inputs for the public agencies within cities, particularly KotaTangerang Selatan
Kajian Pemanfaatan Ruang Kawasan Kanal Banjir Timur Fajar Henradi hendradi; Ayub Muktiono; jenni Ria Rajagukguk
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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The need for public green open space is increasing along with urban development and population growth. The existence of green open space development around river/canal areas currently has the potential to increase the availability of green open space in DKI Jakarta. One of the green open space areas in the riverside/canal area built by the government is the East Flood Canal area, which is partly located in Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta. The purpose of this research is to formulate a strategy for structuring the East Flood Canal area of Duren Sawit District in accordance with zoning regulations and regional characteristics. From analysis that has been done, the compatibilty between the planning and existing conditions are partially not prominent, therefore in the next can be done with a more humanist concept such as Waterfront City. To achieve this concept, strategies that can be taken with optimizing spatial planning of built area such as urban structure plan implementation and urban development incentive, keeping the function East Flood Canal as Green Open Space with revitalization of existing functions of catchment area and Recreational Waterfront development , promoting of the development plan in order to attract privates, and trying to involve local community (public participatory) in relocating parking and the five-foot way trader.
Strategi Penyediaan Perumahan Bagi Pekerja Industri Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Bekasi Sukmawatty Karnahadijati; zefri zefri; budi supriyanto
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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The development of Bekasi Regency as one of the industrial centers has a comparative advantage and an attraction for migration. The population growth rate in Bekasi Regency reaches 147,200 people. From that numbers, Bekasi Regency is the highest area in West Java with a population growth of 4.7 percent. The high rate of population growth in Bekasi Regency is dominated by urbanites. There are at least 64 thousand new arrivals who are looking for work and living in Bekasi Regency every year. Bekasi Regency's lack of readiness in anticipating population growth with various motives and diversity is the main cause that triggers housing and settlement problems. This research is intended to identify and analyze the characteristics of industrial workers in the Jababeka V Industrial Estate in Bekasi Regency and to determine the role of stakeholders in providing housing for industrial workers. The analytical method used is narrative qualitative and descriptive qualitative methods, with techniques of analysis of the characteristics of industrial workers, policy analysis, analysis of stakeholder participation, and analysis of potential and obstacles in the provision of housing for industrial workers, so that the final result is a strategy of providing adequate and affordable housing for industrial workers. From the research results, it is found that the strategy for providing adequate and affordable housing for industrial workers is through the provision of owned houses by utilizing facilities for MBR and rental / owned flats in Industrial Estate locations by optimizing the allocation of housing land in Industrial Estates. In addition, the high price of land around the location of Industrial Estates requires integralistic efforts starting from the Government, Local Government, private sector and the community with capacity building and mutually beneficial collaboration
Kajian Model Pengoperasian Angkutan Barang Darat Di Wilayah 3T (Terdepan, Tertinggal, & Terluar), Provinsi Papua Barat hayata hayata; kasman kasman; Susetya Herawati
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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The difference in prices goods staple and goods important in the pioneer as the remote, the outermost, the border between countries to other areas in generally quite high. Availability and stability of prices goods staple and goods important in the Central government subsidies to provide the freight in the remote areas, the outermost, and the border (President Regulation Number 71 In 2015 on the determination and storage goods staple and goods important). In The President Regulation Of the Republic Indonesian Number 70 in 2017 on the implementation of an Obligation publik service for the conveyance of goods to and from disadvantaged, remote, the outhermost,and the borders, the meaning of the implementation of public service obligation for the conveyance of goods is the implementation of the transportation of goods to and from disadvantaged, remote , the outermost, and the borders in accordance with the latter part of the route, and keep the safety of relating to transportation and security. The disadvantaged in indonesia determined by the government in presidential decree republic of indonesia no 131 in 2015 on the determination disadvantaged years 2015-2019 the district about 122 runs in indonesia .But the disadvantaged will be study the operation of the model land transportation in the 3T (in front of, left behind, and the outermost), case studies in papua west .The areas 3T select a focus in the study model the primary goods transport and important which was in the provinces west papua , namely: 1) the outpost , in the south manokwari; 2) disadvantaged , in the gulf of wondana; and 3) outermost regions , in the mountains arfak . Output activities the conduct of this study in the form of the proposal the form of a subsidy 3T ( in front of , left behind , and the outermost ), case study in the West Papua”. Model of Freight Transport Operations in the Region 3T 3T (in front of, left behind, and the outermost) is expected to be used in each region by adjusting the Operational Cost Vehicle component (BOK) and the type of goods transport vehicle operating. The research is expected to provide alternative choice for the subsidies and the form subsidies the appropriate 3T areas elected in the province of west papua particularly in the front of in Monokwari South regions, left behind areas in Teluk Wondana regions, and outhermost areas in the mountains region Afrak etc.
Arahan Penataan Guna Lahan Dalam Upaya Menjaga Keselamatan Operasi Penerbangan nina supartika; Soekmana soma; irwan Prasetyo
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah dan Kota Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Prodi Kajian Pembangunan Perkotaan dan Wilayah

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The growth of air transportation in the city of Bandung is quite high. The importance of air transportation services is threatened by the disruption of inappropriate land use and this has a big impact on the safety of the airport and the community around the airport. This research aims to answer problems related to violations of requirements for using land, water or air in the flight operations safety area of Husein Sastranegara Airport. This research uses a descriptive approach method. The analysis used is land use pattern analysis, Spatial Planning policy analysis, and requirements analysis for using land, water or air in flight operations safety areas. Based on the results of a study of land use patterns in the area around the safe flight operations of Husein Sastranegara Airport, there is a mismatch in space use with the typology of space use incompatibility from local protected areas, housing, public service facilities, defense & security to industry, and natural protected areas to religious services and government offices. From the study of the four variable requirements for using land, water or air in the flight operations safety area of Husein Sastranegara Airport, it shows that these four variables are no longer fulfilled. 

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