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STKIP Al Islam Tunas Bangsa: Jalan Z.A. Pagar Alam No. 41 Gedong Meneng Bandar Lampung Institute of Multidisciplinary Research and Community Service: Jalan Airan Raya, Way Huwi, Lampung Selatan
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Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30256798     DOI :
Focus and Scope: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following Education Human geography Linguistics Political Science Antropology Economics Communication Sociology Psychology Law Criminology Cultural Studies Community development research and training etc ...
Articles 20 Documents
Utilization of Context in the Speech Acts of Nine Year Old Children in Family Environment Kharisma Restiani
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: The use of language also occurs in children. Children at their age will experience different stages of language development. Children essentially have similarities and differences in language. The language shown will affect them in communicating. This study aims to describe the utilization of conversational contexts for nine-year-old children when communicating with family members. A descriptive qualitative approach was used in this study. According to the research findings, both direct and indirect speech acts such as asking, making, and defending oneself ar supported by the use of speech contexts in various ways to ensure their success.     Keywords: children, utilization of context, speech. DOI:
Hydroponic Vegetables by Utilizing Beverage Plastic Bottle Waste Cut Novrita Rizki; Fitriyasni Fitriyasni; Manja Manja; Khaira Ulfi; Mainidar Mainidar
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: The interest of Gampong Baro residents in farming, the limited space for living , the abundance of plastic  bottle waste  from beverages, and the lack of knowledge  among Gampong Baro residents regarding the processing of plastic bottle waste, have turned plastic  beverage bottles into mere waste without functional value. The existence of  this community service is expected to make the residents of Gampong Baro realize that the accumulated  plastic bottle waste will be difficult to decompose in  the soil  and will have negative  health  impact  if burned. Plastic  bottle waste has highly diverse functions if we understand  to process it. The purpose of this community service is to provide counseling to Gampong Baro residents on how to utilize  plastic  bottle waste, one of which is to use it as a media for hydroponic  vegetable cultivation. The result of this community service is healthy vegetables grown hydroponically using  plastic bottle waste. The purpose of this community service is to reduce plastic bottle waste, enable gardening as a hobby despite limited space. The method used in this community service is the wick system, which is one of the hydroponic methods. The importance of the results of this community service is to inform the residents of Gampong Baro that plastic  bottle waste can be utilized and has  functions  that can yield healthy vegetables, thereby enhancing the economic  value of Gampong Baro residents.    Keywords: waste; hydroponic; vagetable; gampong baro; plastic bottle. DOI:
Analysis of The Poetry "My Love Is Far On The Island" By Chairil Anwar With a Mimetic Approach Julia Putri Nabil
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: Poetry is a literary work that emphasizes aesthetics in the use of language and has the meaning contained therein. Poetry is not easy for readers to understand, because the language is wide and the meaning is difficult to interpret. So the reader must have knowledge of poetry studies in order to understand the meaning conveyed. The poem "Cintaku Jauh di Pulau" by Chairil Anwar has simple language, but has a broad meaning. The purpose of this study is to analyze poetry with a mimetic approach. Mimetic is an approach in literary criticism regarding imitation of real life. The method used in this study is a descriptive method that examines the content of the meaning of the poem "Cintaku Jauh di Pulau"   Keywords: poetry, cintaku jauh di pulau, mimetic approach Abstrak: Puisi merupakan karya sastra paling menonjolkan estetika dalam penggunaan bahasanya dan memiliki makna yang terkandung didalamnya. Puisi tidak mudah dipahami pembaca, karena bahasanya luas dan maknanya yang sulit diartikan. Maka pembaca harus memiliki ilmu pengkajian puisi agar dapat memahami makna yang disampaikan. Puisi “Cintaku Jauh di Pulau” karya Chairil Anwar memiliki bahasa yang sederhana, tetapi memiliki makna yang luas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis puisi dengan pendekatan mimetik. Mimetik adalah suatu pendekatan dalam kritik sastra mengenai tiruan atas kehidupan yang sebenarnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif yang mengkaji tentang isi dari makna puisi “Cintaku Jauh di Pulau” Kata Kunci: puisi,  cintaku jauh di pulau, pendekatan mimeticDOI:
Public Services Quality in Kantor Koperasi & UMKM at West Sumatra, Indonesia Anggun Anggun
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: In this study the method used was descriptive qualitative research method, the purpose of this research was to understand how quality of Kantor Kooperasi dan UMKM at the West Sumatra and the inhibiting factors for service quality at these institutions, how the efforts are made by these agencies and whether the quality of service is in accordance with expectations society or not. The source of data used in this study uses primary data or data obtained from direct agencies. Based on my observation that the quality of service at the Kantor Kooperasi dan UMKM of West Sumatra Province can be said to be good, which relates to Tangible aspects, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Emphaty. (Empathy). Based on the observations that I have made, there are still problems and inadequacies in the quality of service at these agencies, namely the lack of complete facilities or infrastructure, supporting infrastructure, services that are still old, while the quality of service at Kantor Kooperasi dan UMKM of West Sumatra Province has been said to be good because through observation and The interviews I conducted directly revealed that the employees at the agency were responsive in serving the community, friendly, polite and courteous in serving the community and responding and responding quickly to the community's goals for the agency. As well as the caring nature that is also shown by the employees at the agency and also does not discriminate between services to everyone Keywords: public service, good governance, descriptive qualitative research. DOI:
Critical Discourse Analysis of the News Subject-Related to Beatings: A Case of Webpage Amalia Sabilla Mukhtar
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: This paper will present how the author critically analyzes the cases of beatings that occurred in Lampung province which were published by official and trusted news websites, namely owned by the Lampung post media. The author chooses news from this media because it has been registered with the press council which oversees the official press media in Indonesia, so that the validity and accountability of the news published is very reliable, in contrast to news published on private websites or blogspots managed by individuals. , it could be that the news written for the purpose of Jah is for the benefit of the individual himself or only certain groups. The author here is discourse analysis on the news. The method used by the author is descriptive qualitative, namely the presentation of the results of the analysis in this article is based on the data contained in the news. The data found is in the form of structure, superstructure, microstructure, then the existing macrostructure. on the news of the beating. The author also conducts critical discourse analysis textually, namely related to the news explaining what, how the description, interpretation and explanation of the news is about. The data source is the beating news on the page. The result is that elements of the setting are found in the news, namely Labuhan Maringgai. The setting is the backdrop for the beatings of victims as well as the arrest of perpetrators. Journalists use a deductive pattern to present news content, beginning with public opinion, followed by supporting sentences.     Keywords: discourse analysis, news of beatings, lamppost DOI:
Socialization of the Interest in Saving Movement for Early Childhood at Al-Hibbah Lampisang Kindergarten, Aceh Besar Susi Wardani; Puji Aryani; Ajiran Ramadhan; M Alfian Aldi; Cut Sulfa Rahmadian; Huswatul Khaira
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: This Community Servce was carried out by Sharia Banking Lecturer and Students, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Muhammadiyah University of Aceh to provide Socialization of the Interest in Savings Movement in Early Childhood at Al-Hibbah Kindergarten Lampisang Aceh Besar with the aim of providing an understanding of saving in early childhood and also being able to provide a very good benefit for the future and can motivate children about the importance of saving so that it raises awareness in children to set aside some of their pocket money to save. The result of this Community Service activity is that is hoped that young children will understand better  how important it is to save from an early age.    Keywords: socialization, interest, saving, early DOI:
Awareness of the character Nania in the short story Asma Nadia Entitled "Love of an Ordinary Man" Psychoanalysis by Carl Gustav Jung Nurul Astry Ramadhany
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: The ego is the center of all consciousness consisting of thoughts, memories and feelings.  This research is motivated by Carl Gustav Jung's Psychoanalysis on the short story by Asma Nadia.  This study uses a qualitative descriptive method and the object of this study is a short story entitled "Cinta Lelaki Biasa" by Asma Nadia.  Research data obtained from the results of reading and note-taking techniques.  The results of this study show the awareness of the character Nania in the short story which consists of aspects of the soul's function and also the attitude of the soul.   Keywords: psychoanalysis, asma nadia Abstrak: Ego adalah pusat dari seluruh kesadaran yang terdiri atas pikiran, ingatan, dan perasaan. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh Psikoanalisis Carl Gustav Jung pada cerpen karya Asma Nadia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah cerpen yang berjudul “Cinta Lelaki Biasa” karya Asma Nadia. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil membaca dan Teknik mencatat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan kesadaran tokoh Nania dalam cerpen yang terdiri atas aspek fungsi jiwa dan juga sikap jiwa. Kata Kunci: psikoanalisis, asma nadiaDOI:
Development of Contextual Physics Module inspired by Banyuwangi Local Wisdom for Senior High School Linda Ali Ramadani; Albertus Djoko Lesmono; Yushardi Yushardi
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: Describe and produce modules based on local wisdom as valid and practical for teaching materials Senior High School. Using Nieveen's research design consisting of preliminary research, prototyping stage,  and assessment stage. Preliminary research begins by analyzing the needs of problem analysis and literature studies as a basis for making modules. Prototyping stage is done by expert validation and user validation before the module is taught. In assessment stage, valid modules were tested in class XI MIPA 2 to measure the practicality of the module. Practicality of modules based on learning implementation and student response questionnaire sheets of 95.3% and 91.6%. The contextual physics module based on the local wisdom of Banyuwangi developed is valid and practical so that it is worthy of use.   Keywords: local wisdom, practicality, physics modules, validity DOI:
Analysis of the Poem "Keagungan Cinta" by Kahlil Gibran with an Objective Approach Muhammad Endi Syaputra
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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 Abstract: Poetry is a literary work that is formed by elements in it, so that it makes poetry beautiful and contains value and full of meaning. Intrinsic elements are elements that form a literary work derived from the literary text itself. The purpose of this study is to describe the intrinsic elements present in the poem” majesty of Love " by Kahlil Gibran using an objective approach study. The technique used by the author in collecting data is literature study with qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the poem “majesty of Love” by Kahlil Gibran built by intrinsic elements in it, namely the inner elements (theme, taste, tone and mandate) and physical elements of poetry (including the choice of words, concrete words, images, figurative language or expression, rhyme and typography).   Keywords: poetry, objective, keagungan cinta DOI: 
Analysis of Multicultural Values on Students Textbook of Pancasila and Citizenship Education of Senior High School Class X Helzi Ramanta; Samsuri Samsuri
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: Analysis of Multicultural Values on Students Textbook of Pancasila and Citizenship Education of Senior High School Class X. Objectives: This study aims to analyze multicultural values on students textbook of Pancasila and Citizenship Education of Senior High School Class X. Methods: This research used content analysis method with a qualitative approach. Data source of this research was students textbook of Pancasila and Citizenship Education of Senior High School Class X Curriculum 2013 published by Ministry of Education and Culture. Data collection was done with careful anaysis and recording of the content of multicultural values in textbook. Checking the validity of the data besed on semantic validty was by observing the data in introduction consisted of sentences and illustrations images as well as the goal and scope of learning and reliability was interrater reliability that was by reading and reviewing to get consistent data. Findings: The contents of multicultural values contained in students textbook of Pancasila and Citizenship Education of Senior High School Class X consist of 15 multicultural values which include ethnohistory, religious differences, ethnocultural differences, tolerance, diversity, equality and rights of the wider community, eliminating discrimination, eliminating racism, universal humanity, conflict resolution, mediation, democracy, human rights, nature conservation, and environmental awareness. The integration of the values contained in Pancasila and Citizenship Education textbook of Senior High School Class X are each integrated through preliminary learning consisting of introductory sentences of learning, picture illustration, and learning objective: the core part which consists of a description of learning material, independent assignment, and group assignment, and the concluding part consists of reflection, summary, self-assessment, citizenship project, and competency test. Conclusion: Students textbook of Pancasila and Citizenship Education of Senior High School Class X contains multicultural values that are describe in each chapter in the students textbook.   Keywords: multicultural values, textbook, and pancasila and citizenship education. DOI:

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