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ISSN : 14108208     EISSN : 25802771     DOI :
Tadib with ISSN 2580-2771 (Online) and 1410-8208 (Print) is peer review journal was firstly published by Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar managed by Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, researchers, and practitioners in the field of education. The journal is published periodically twice a year, i.e., every June (first edition) and December (second edition).
Articles 15 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 25, No 2 (2022)" : 15 Documents clear
Character Education: Comparison Analysis Between The Thinking of Ki Hajar Dewantara and Abdullah Nasih Ulwan Kasmuri Selamat; Adripen Adripen; Jamaluddin Jamaluddin
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.6856


This research was inspired by the fact that the affective domain has not become a priority scale and is a serious concern of the three domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) in the teaching and learning process in schools. The purpose of this research was to describe the biography, work, and character education of Ki Hajar Dewantara and Abdullah Nasih Ulwan This research was library research. The data was collected by finding some relevant sources. The collected data was analyzed by comparing the sources concerning the three issues. In conculusion, both figures had different biography, work, and character education. But they also had same way of thinking concerningcharacter education.
Development of E-Comic Based on Local Wisdom to Improve Scientific Literacy Brian Priyangga; Sarwi Sarwi; Arif Widiyatmoko; Elda Herlina; Putut Marwoto; Woro Sumarni
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.5902


This research is the development of local wisdom-based e-comics to increase scientific literacy. Learning media can help achieve learning objectives. This study aims to develop e-comic learning media based on local wisdom to improve scientific literacy in grade IV elementary school. The type of research used is Research and Development with the ADDIE development model namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This study used test subjects by carrying out validity tests on media experts, material experts, learning experts and the responses of ten fourth grade elementary school students. Data collection using a questionnaire instrument. Research data were analyzed by means of descriptive quantitative and descriptive qualitative. The results of the media expert validator are categorized as very valid. The results of the material expert validator are categorized as very valid. The results of the learning expert validator are categorized as very valid. As well as the results of the responses of ten fourth grade elementary school students categorized as very valid. The overall results of the validator test are categorized as very valid so that e-comic media based on local wisdom can be used with learning alternative energy sources in grade IV Elementary School Science lessons. 
Development of Mind Mapping Based Prezi Multimedia to Improve History Learning Outcomes Renita Agustina; Ajat Sudrajat; Johan Setiawan; Ninik Sudarwati
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.6852


The purpose of the study was to develop, test the feasibility, and test the effectiveness of Mind Mapping-based Multimedia Prezi Next Online on Hindu-Buddhist history materials in Indonesia for students of history education at Yogyakarta State University. This research is a Research and Development, 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Data collection techniques consisted of interviews, questionnaires, and tests. Data analysis techniques are in the form of preliminary studies and product feasibility. Product effectiveness analysis test for normality, homogeneity, and effectiveness. The results of the research are: (1) Developing a Multimedia Prezi Next Online product based on Mind Mapping for learning the history of materials from the Sriwijaya Kingdom. (2) The results of the feasibility of the material get 48 points and are in the appropriate category. The media aspect was assessed by media experts to get an overall score of 68, which is in the very decent category. (3) The results of the effectiveness of N-Gain describe the effectiveness of developing Mind Mapping-based Prezi Next Online with materials from the Sriwijaya Kingdom, this is indicated by an increase in learning outcomes in the classroom using Mind Mapping-based Prezi Next Online Multimedia. The use of Multimedia Prezi can deliver more interesting material and the learning process will be more fun and easy to understand.
Eclectic Approach to English Textbook for Eleventh Grade Students of Senior High School Widhiya Ninsiana; Ader Laepe; Maram Taher Ali; Ahmadullah Al-Adibi Ash-Sholihi
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.7285


The objective of this study is to determine the effects and advantages of using an eclectic approach in English textbooks for the eleventh grade of Indonesian senior high school students. The study was designed using qualitative research methods, with the objective of generating descriptive data in the form of words, phrases, and sentences. The study found the effect of using an eclectic approach in an English textbook for the eleventh-grade students of the Islamic High School (MAN) 1 of Metro. The use of an eclectic approach enabled teachers to use conversation, forming study group, loud-speaker, game, and body movement at the appropriate moment and arrangement while delivering the material. Among the advantages of using this method is that it allows the teacher to make the material more interesting, vary the teaching, increase confidence in delivering material, and liven up the bilingual situation. In addition, eclectic approach allows students to understand the English material more easily and relax while learning English. The study found that the use of an eclectic approach in English textbooks for the eleventh-grade students in an Islamic senior high school (MAN) 1 of Metro has a significant impact on both teachers and students when it comes to teaching and learning English.
The Development of Interactive E-Module Using Flipbookmaker for English Structure Learning at an Indonesian University Afrianto Daud; Supriusman Supriusman; Rozalinda Rozalinda; Zaldi Harfal; Ade Suryani; Ovia Nabilla; Zahrah Thahirah
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.7501


This study aims to develop an interactive e-module for English Structure course to support digital learning in the English Study Program, Universitas Riau, Indonesia. The research used a Research and Development (R&D) approach and applied the ADDIE model consisting of five stages; analyse, design, development, implement and evaluate. The products developed were animated videos and interactive quizzes integrated into an electronic module using the Flipbook maker application. The e-module consists of three chapters with several sections in each chapter: video based explanation, text based description, example, interactive quizzes, and chapter summary. The results of the validations of media expert and material expert of the animated videos are 3.55 (very valid) while the interactive quizzes got an average score of 3.85 (very valid). Then, for the validations of the e-module, it go an average score of 3.96 (very valid) and 3.23 (valid) from the material expert and the media expert, respectively. On the whole, the average score of the validations is 3.60 (very valid). The e-module has been implemented to a group of students (n=20). The students’ responses show that the e-module has a very good category (3.75 for the attractiveness aspect and 3.61 for the convenience aspect). Therefore, it can be concluded that the e-module has a very good quality, both in terms of its materials and media, and is eligible to be utilized as a digital learning resource for Pre-Intermediate Structure course in the English department of Universitas Riau, Indonesia.
Development of Hots-Based E-Worksheets for Arabic Grammar Course in Department of Arabic Language Education Kamaluddin Kamaluddin; Lathifah Al Husna; Nurlaila Nurlaila; Amelia Amelia; Izzuddin Musthafa; Suliman Hassan Suliman Elwarfali
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.6902


The purpose of this research is to produce a valid and practical Arabic grammar e-worksheet for university students based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The research type is Research & Development (R&D) with the Instructional Development Institute (IDI) model. Research data were collected through questionnaires and documentation. The data obtained from the validity and practicality questionnaires were tabulated for each component of the assessment and then the average score was calculated and converted into qualitative data. Documentation technique is done by analyzing documents in the form of syllabus, materials, and literatures. The results of this research and development show that the developed Arabic grammar e-worksheet is stated to be very valid with an average validity score of 4.35 and very practical with an average practicality score of 4.8. Based on the results, it is hoped that the lecturers will be able to use the developed e-worksheet in the Arabic grammar course, because it can facilitate students' higher-level thinking skills.
Study of Needs for the Development of PBL-Based E-Modules to Improve Numeracy Literacy Yuni Lestari; Nizlel Huda; Maison Maison
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.5898


This study intends to ascertain whether e-modules based on problem-based learning (PBL) on numbers should be produced, when the current teaching resources are textbooks. For students, the supply of textbooks became a concern. The abstract issues in the textbook that pupils must solve continue to stump them. A descriptive approach is employed in the research method, which is qualitative. The information was gathered by giving questionnaires to 30 pupils who are familiar with the notion of numbers and by speaking with three math teachers at the school. The findings of this study (1) demonstrate that students require cutting-edge instructional materials in the form of e-modules. (2) To prevent students from getting easily bored while studying, PBL-based e-modules are not only delivered in written form; they can also be integrated to videos and animations.
Academic Burnout Among Students During the COVID 19 Pandemic: a Gender-Based Analysis Fatma Nofriza; Dony Darma Sagita; Fitniwilis Fitniwilis; Vriesthia Meilyawati; Ahmad Yunus
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.6557


Academic burnout among FKIP UHAMKA students will be analyzed based on gender. A descriptive approach is utilized in the quantitative research methodology. A sample of 307 students was chosen from the 6,544 total pupils who participated in the research. According to the study's findings, academic burnout can be classified according to a person's gender. The researchers discovered that male students fell into the low category, scoring 75% in sub-variable exhaustions, 61% in cynicism, and 50% in inefficacy. Additionally, the majority of female students fall into the low category, with percentage values in the subvariables for weariness (76%), cynicism (63%), and inefficacy (64%) all falling into the low range. Thus, it can be said that both male and female students at FKIP UHAMKA have low levels of academic burnout.
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Counseling to Improve Orphan Adolescents’ Subjective Wellbeing Silvianetri Silvianetri; Irman Irman; Wahidah Fitriani; M Habibullah Silvir; Che Zarrina Sa’ari; Rebecca Fanany
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.5804


The main problem in this study is the lack of subjective well-being levels of orphan adolescents. The purpose of this study was to reveal empirical data related to the effectiveness of mindfulness counseling to improve the subjective well-being of orphan adolescents. The population of this research is teenagers who live in Panti Sosial Bina Remaja Padang Panjang, West Sumatra. To measure the level of subjective wellbeing using an instrument namely subjective wellbeing scale that has 32 items. The research sample are 20 teenagers who were taken randomly with simple random sampling technique. The research sample was divided into 2 groups, namely the experimental group which consisted of 10 orphaned adolescents and the control group which also consisted of 10 orphan adolescents. Treatment was given with different techniques in the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was given mindfulness counseling, and the control group was given lectures. Each group received 6 sessions of treatment. Data analysis used independent t test, which was processed using SPSS for Windows version 20.0. Prior to hypothesis testing, prerequisite tests were conducted, namely through normality and homogeneity tests. The results showed that mindfulness counseling was effective in improving subjective well-being, with an increase in the experimental group of 43.4 points compared to the control group, and a value of P = 0.0001
How Lecturers, Supervisors, and MGMP PAI Collaborate in Sustainable Professional Development (PKB): an Observation in Sleman Regency Sabarudin Sabarudin; Muhammad Nurul Mubin; Zaenal Arifin; Wahidatun Maulida; Ahmad Maulana Asror
Ta'dib Vol 25, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jt.v25i2.5750


This research aims to illustrate the collaboration of lecturers, students, supervisors, and MGMP in the development of sustainable professional teachers in Sleman Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research types of cooperation among lecturers, students, supervisors, and MGMP in the development of sustainable professional pai teachers in Sleman Regency. Data collection is done through telephone interviews and/or cloud meeting zooms. As well as spreading the questionnaire, it was done using a Google form given to MGMP members through WhatsApp messages. The results showed the importance of collaborating with teachers and supervisors who feel the need for help and competent speakers and lecturers who have funds and expertise for service and develop the quality of education in the local region of their universities. The form of collaboration is the training of PTK, LKPD, and Canva Learning Media Development. The busy schedules of many MP members, limited funds, and poor communication between supervisors, MGMP, and universities are all barriers to collaboration. The supporting factors are the existence of new regulations that encourage the development of kopetensi, the creativity of MGMP supervisors in establishing communication with universities, the allocation of funding from universities, and alumni networks as information distributors or liaisons. This research is expected to provide an overview and a theory about the form of cooperation between lecturers, students, supervisors, and MGMP.

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