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Jurnal Medika Nusantara
ISSN : 29867878     EISSN : 29867061     DOI : 10.59680
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Medika Nusantara mencakup artikel di bidang ilmu kesehatan dan Kedokteran. Kami menyediakan akses terbuka (open access) bagi para akademisi dan praktisi serta mahasiswa kesehatan yang ingin mendapatkan artikel dalam Jurnal Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Articles 103 Documents
Kearifan Lokal Dalam Pemberdayaan Dan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (Toga) Untuk Meningkatkan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Studi Literatur) Fitri Amja Yani; Susilawati Susilawati
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei: Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i2.302


Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) are nutritious plants that are managed by the family in the yard of the house. This planting is done to provide traditional medicines that can be self-produced for family needs. This journal aims to provide an overview of how TOGA is empowered and used to improve public health in Indonesia. The writing method used in this journal is a literature review in the form of a qualitative research method. This method has characteristics in the form of text and uses secondary data by reviewing national journals through internet searches, namely Google Scholar and Researchgate whose publications have been in the last five years. Based on the results, the IEC method (communication, information, and education) and socialization is an efficient method for using TOGA. This method involves the community to participate in continuing to spread knowledge to the local community and encourages participation in the use of TOGA for daily needs which influences community empowerment and utilization. In terms of health, family medicinal plants can be used as an alternative in the treatment of common ailments, such as fever, runny nose, stomach ache, and minor injuries. The use of medicinal plants can reduce dependence on modern medicines which may be expensive or difficult to access.
Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Gizi dan Praktik Diet dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Akibat Komplikasi Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Taufik Hidayat
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei: Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i2.304


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease with characteristics of hyperglycemia that occurs due to insulin resistance and causes dysfunction or damage to various organs. Hypertension is one of the diseases caused by complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nutritional knowledge and dietary practices are an integral component of the prevention of complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study aims to analyze the relationship between nutritional knowledge and dietary practices with the incidence of hypertension due to complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This type of research is quantitative with a correlational analytic descriptive design using a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study was all type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who were treated at H. Sahudin Hospital Kutacane with a simple random sampling technique. Determination of the number of samples using the Slovin formula obtained 188 patients. The results of data analysis found that there was a relationship between knowledge about nutrition and dietary practices with the incidence of hypertension due to complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus, p-value 0.014. Based on the results of the study, it can be suggested that health workers can provide nutrition education to prevent ongoing complications in type 2 DM.
Peran Puskesmas Untuk Mencapai Universal Health Coverage di Indonesia: Literature Review Nabila Erinaputri; Resa Listiani; Faza Duta Pramudyawardani; Novita Dwi Istanti
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei: Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i2.310


Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a health insurance system where every citizen has access to health services, both promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) not only provides protection for health services, but also provides financial protection to the community. Puskesmas is an effort to realize this, which provides health services with the main program of mandatory health efforts. However, health services at puskesmas still require a lot of leverage in achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of puskesmas to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). This research uses the Literature Review literature study method with Search engines used in literature searches, namely Google Scholar and journal databases such as Researchgate with the keywords Indonesia, Puskesmas, Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The criteria for articles used were based on publications published between 2019 and 2023. The results showed that the health service efforts of puskesmas in Indonesia still have to be improved to realize quality services in order to realize universal health coverage (UHC). Efforts to increase community empowerment are carried out through community empowerment in the independence of healthy living, maintaining, and improving health status. The conclusion of this study shows that improving services at puskesmas continues to be carried out through several capacity building, infrastructure and system improvements or updates as well as several programs with preventive, promotive, and community empowerment to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
Gambaran Umum Penggunaan Lean Six Sigma Pada Manajemen Obat di RS Resa Listiani; Faza Duta Pramudyawardani; Nabila Erinaputri; Acim Heri Iswanto
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Februari : Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i1.329


The hospital pharmacy installation is an important unit in the hospital that is responsible for pharmaceutical activities. Pharmacy is the last unit and one of the important parts that determine patient satisfaction, to improve the service process in operations management, the method that can be used is lean six sigma to help improve service quality and patient satisfaction by minimizing errors and waiting times through organizing and managing the hospital management system. The purpose of this study is to identify an overview of the use of lean six sigma in drug management in hospitals. This research method is a literature review study with the search engine used in literature searches, namely google scholar according to the keywords of the topic to be studied, namely lean six sigma methods, hospital drug management, lean six sigma implementation, the criteria for articles used are based on publications published between 2019 and 2023. The results showed that there is waste in drug/pharmacy management in hospitals. The problems related to pharmacy include too long waiting times, overprocessing of drug prescriptions, and waste of motion in file searches. SIMRS error, lack of trained human resources, uncertainty of drug prices, still done manually are triggers for the occurrence of worthless processes. Waste reduction can be done with the lean six sigma method which can fix problems that often occur in pharmaceutical installations by being applied through standardized calculations.
Self Esteem dan Tantangan Perawat di Ruang Isolasi Covid-19 Rosnawati Rosnawati; Donny Tri Wahyudi; Sulidah Sulidah; Nurman Hidaya; Hasriana Hasriana
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei: Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i2.348


The care of Covid-19 patients with personal protective equipment is still a doubt not to contract the disease. This condition causes concern for nurses when going to carry out nursing care efforts in the Covid-19 isolation room. The purpose of the study was to explore nurses' self esteem experiences and challenges in caring for Covid-19 patients in the Covid-19 isolation room at RSUD dr. H. Jusuf SK. Qualitative research method with a phenomenological study approach. The research participants amounted to 10 nurses who had treated Covid-19. The results of this study indicate that the factors that affect nurses' self esteem when working in the Covid-19 isolation room are other people avoiding being placed in the isolation room. The conclusion of supporting factors is to work sincerely, want to give the best and be satisfied with the results of work as well as compliance with procedures and work motivation. It is hoped that increased support for facilities, incentives, praise can improve services more optimally.
The Implementation to Pasung Among People with Mental Illness in Terms of Health Policy in Indonesia Syalisa Syabil; Ummi Rahma; Zahra Septina; Adjrina Dawina Putri; Riswandy Wasir
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei: Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i2.349


More than 90% of people with mental illness in Indonesia do not get any treatment and tens of thousands of people with psychosis are illegally detained in pasung by their families at home. Much of the use of pasung with people with a history of mental illness is believed to be due to their failure to continue their medication. This study aims to discuss the law that related to the use of pasung, the perception of pasung, the impact of pasung, as well as the strategies to overcome the use of pasung in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a literature review. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) model is used for complete and detailed steps for conducting a literature review. Literature searched by search engine machine Google Scholar as well as journal databases, such as Connected Papers and Elsevier. Based on the six articles, pasung is chosen by the family to avoid harmful actions and follow the stigma in society which actually will delay the patient's recovery. In order to overcome the use of pasung in people with mental disorders, family and the surrounding play a major role in this practice. Besides, awareness of mental health can be the first step in reducing the incidence of using pasung and the role of the government in providing adequate health services.
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i3.352


Puskesmas merupakan unit pelayanan kesehatan yang penting bagi masyarakat, karena puskesmas merupakan ujung tombak pelayanan kesehatan dasar. Pelayanan kesehatan merupakan subsistem pelayanan kesehatan yang memiliki tujuan utamanya untuk meningkatkan kesehatan pada individu, kelompok, keluarga ataupun masyarakat. Pelayanan ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan administrasi yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah melalui badan terkait seperti pukesmas. Penulisan jurnal ini menggunakan metode literature review, yang datanya diperoleh dari database Google scholar yang dimulai dari tahun 2018 sampai dengan 2022 dengan jumlah bacaan sebanyak 14 referensi. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh sang peneliti, di dapatkan hasil bahwa permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan pelayanan administrasi yang ada di kota Medan diantaranya: 1. hubungan responsiveness dengan kepuasan pasien BPJS, 2. hubungan empathy dengan kepuasan pasien BPJS. 3. serta hubungan asurance dengan kepuasan pasien di puskesmas kota medan pada jurnal oni dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat berkaitan dengan kepuasan pasien di puskesmas. Petugas pelayanan Administarasi juga berperan penting dalam bersikap dan memberi informasi kepada pasien guna memenuhi kepuasan pasien. Responsive, Empathy, dan Ansurance merupakan kompnen yang dapat diperhatikan guna meningkatkan kepuasan pasien.
Tinjauan Literature Indentifikasi Potensi dan Pengendalian Bahaya Pada Industri Pembuatan Tahu di Indonesia Devi Rani Said Putri; Susilawati Susilawati
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i3.353


Pendahuluan: Seperti juga pada industri informal, pabrik tahu memiliki potensi bahaya antara lain: timbulnya risiko bahaya pekerjaan yang tinggi; keterbatasan sumberdaya dalam mengubah lingkungan kerja dan menentukan pelayanan kesehatan kerja yang kuat. Tujuan penelitian: Tinjauan literature Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi bahaya dan pengendalian bahaya pada industri pembuatan tahu di Indonesia. Metode penelitian: Metode literatur review dengan pengumpulan jurnal melalui database online seperti Google dan Google Scholar. Kriteria inklusi seperti tahun artikel dalam kurun waktu 2018-2023. Jurnal yang tidak memenuhi kriteria tersebut maka akan dieksklusi, sehingga didapatkan 5 jurnal yang akan di riview. Kemudian jurnal dianalisis satu persatu dengan mencari kesamaan dan perbedaan jurnal lalu ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian: Secara keseluruhan, Industri pembuatan tahu memiliki beberapa bahaya. Selayaknya industri pengolahan bahan pangan yang lain, industri ini tentunya dekat dengan penggunaan api. Kejadian paling umum yaitu risiko air rebusan kedelai yang mengenai para pekerja.
Hakikat Kurikulum dalam Perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Ananta Pramayshela; Erma Yanti Tanjung; Laila Qadaria
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i3.357


To achieve the goals of religious education (Islamic education), a curriculum is needed that is in accordance with the goals of Islamic education, age level, development of child psychologists and student skills. In this case the author uses a qualitative research method, which leads to literature study, literature study. Manhaj as a clear path that is passed by educators or training teachers with the people they train to develop their knowledge, skills, and attitudes as well as values, developing a curriculum, must be in accordance with things that can realize the educational goals that have been set. The scope of Islamic education includes everything related to Islamic education,
Gambaran Kebiasaan Merokok Anggota Keluarga Pada Kejadian Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) Balita Di Puskesmas Putri Ayu Nanda Poniar; Nurhusna Nurhusna; Yulia Indah Permata Sari
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i3.365


Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an acute infection involving the organs of the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. Lack of parental knowledge about the dangers of cigarette smoke that can trigger the incidence of ARI in toddlers.This type of research uses a quantitative correlation design. This research was conducted at the Putri Ayu Health Center, Jambi City. The population of respondents with a sample size of 160 respondents using purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, most of the toddlers who suffer from ARI aged <10 months as many as 37 people (23.12%), have a female gender of 83 toddlers with ARI, and the incidence of ARI associated with toddlers and smoking habits of family members in the house as many as 143 toddlers (89.38%) affected by ARI. Results of this study are expected to provide information about the dangers of cigarette smoke, especially for children, so that the family can change their smoking habit.

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