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Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
ISSN : 29867762     EISSN : 29858070     DOI :
Focus - Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences is a scientific journal published by CV. Doki Course and Training. The papers to be published in JIPBS are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Islamic Psychology, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. Scope - Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences calls for scientific articles on Islamic Psychology, Psychology and Behavioral Siences. It covers problems in psychological studies such as islamic psychology, educational psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, psychometrics and psychological measurement, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, family psychology.
Articles 40 Documents
STRENGTHENING THE MOTIVATION OF DRUGS ADDICTION IN AR-RAHMAN DRUGS REHABILITATION CENTER USING ISLAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY APPROACH Anggik; Edo Kurniawan; Fia Marsella Auliyah; Kemas Syarif hidayatullah; Regina Fatimah Azzahra; Ria Sukmala Dewi; Syafrizal Latif; Vivi Ananda Lorentia; Ricky Hindra Siregar; Nabilah Mufidah; Syahira Nurfadhilah Fadhli; Fedrik Kristoforus; Anindya Putri Rahma; Sukma Utama; Lusi Sesriani
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i1.3


A drug addict is someone who is mentally ill, sick or a patient who needs treatment or assistance with rehabilitation, not punishment. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Islamic psychotherapy with the RUH motivational theory approach using the Cognitive Therapy Technique with the Socratic Questioning Technique for drug addicts. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenal research model. The subjects of this study amounted to 4 people. Data obtained from interviews. Data analysis techniques were obtained from in-depth interviews, in this study the data were processed using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA). The data analysis process in the natural sciences approach aims to explore the importance of the subject's meaning in his personal and social life. The analysis carried out in this study is to describe one one by one the data were obtained from the results of in-depth interviews. The results showed that former drug addicts had unique experiences as a result of using drugs, both in negative and positive contexts.
RESILIENCE IN CHILDREN CAUGHT IN DRUGS CASE IN PALEMBANG CLASS I LPKA WITH ISLAMIC PSYCHOTRAPHY APPROACH Rama Revanza; Ira Novri Anggraini; Kartika Cantamala; Zakiah Rani Amanda; Lidia; Peri; Dicky Wandira Aditya Putra; Nissya Novi Andini; Ridha Setya Dinta; Irfa Farhatul Maula; Fasya Annisa; Siti Balqis Lubis; Audy Ananda; Asni; Albert Haryadi
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i1.4


Narcotics cases are the biggest cases in Indonesia, both users or dealers and dealers. Narcotics users in LPKA 1 Palembang are dominated by teenagers so that the psychological condition resulting from the use of narcotics is prone to experiencing depression, stress and excessive anxiety. The purpose of this study was to find out and overcome resilience in children who were caught in drug cases at LPKA 1 Palembang with an Islamic psychotherapy approach. The method used is a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive approach and uses Islamic psychotherapy interventions. Research subjects amounted to 3 people. Data collection was obtained using interviews and observations. Data analysis uses descriptive and deductive techniques (describes and describes all problems clearly and in detail). The results of this study show that through Islamic psychotherapy intervention, namely gestalt therapy, to overcome the attitudes of children who are caught in drug cases in Class I LPKA Palembang. Islamic psychotherapy interventions carried out at LPKA Class I Palembang on narcotic addicts were able to build good resilience. The resilience possessed by Narcotics addicts cannot be separated from the learning process obtained during the detention period.
SOCIAL INTERACTIONS WITH TUNAGRAHITA CHILDREN AT SLB YPAC PALEMBANG Natasya Rifda Hanifah; Winda Agustia Anggarini; Alya Rizky Nur Kamila Wagiman; Hanna Azzahra Nabella; Yustika Pratiwi; Yudi Latama; Syelina Rizki Tria Umami; Ghaliyatul Ningtyas; Muhammad Feriyansyah; Regina Athia Mayalianti; Cherlin Vinanditha; Nindy Alfatikhatus Salamah; Raudhatul Fauziah; Artika Adi Prasetiani; Chairani
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i2.5


This research was conducted to find out the social interactions of mentally retarded children while they were at the Palembang Special School for the Development of Disabled Children (SLB YPAC). The research method used is a qualitative research method with data collection techniques through interviews and observation. The subjects in this study were four grade C junior high school students at SLB YPAC Palembang, namely MS, M, A and K. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the way of social interaction for mentally retarded children is the same as the way of social contact and communication in accordance with the conditions of social interaction.
THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LEARNING IN INCREASING COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR CHILDREN MENTALLY DISABLED Salsabila Azzahra; Salma Putri Nadipa; Khoirunnisa; Reka Andika; Rosa Triana Wulandari; Saliyya Elkayyisa Luthfia; Ulis Mayrosa; Wina Pebriani; Thifal Augista Ristyanda; Lu’lu Zahirah Ali; Nabila Amaliah; Sarvika Ananda Fitria; Beti Fitrianingsih; Clarissa Salsabila Gunawan
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i1.6


This study aims to describe the results of relevant research regarding the Islamic religious learning model in cognitive development for mentally retarded children and provide solutions to these learning problems. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Methods of data collection in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. Primary data sources were obtained through Islamic religion subject teachers at SLB B Pembina Palembang through an interview process. It is hoped that from this source data related to the learning process, learning models, and learning situations will be obtained. As for other data obtained from observations during Islamic religious learning in class IX SMPLB mental retardation and documents, namely the process of searching for theories and other data through books or journals. The results of this study state that of the various learning models applied, mentally retarded students will be able to understand the material if it is repeated continuously by the teacher for an unlimited period of time. Learning models such as reading, writing, practicing, watching, and listening to seek and prepare students in understanding the teachings of the Islamic religion. However, mental retardation has cognitive limitations that cause students to have problems in the learning process. So that there are problems with mentally retarded children at SLB B Negeri Pembina Palembang, namely, mentally retarded students easily forget and are slow in understanding and memorizing the material provided.
THE SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH TO DRUG ADDICTS Iredho Fani Reza; Annisa; Iffa Silfi Ulinnimah; Hilya Halimatus Saadah; Yunita Carolina; Sheva Semara Simatupang; Dwina Florensia; Yuniza Eka Putri Larasati; Sulaiman Indrawan; Sukma Utama; Mia Firauhinnur; Putri Raeka Aziza Barus; Dicko Meilandara; Khadijah Ramadesfa; Tezzy Maria Sinta; Luthfiyyah Anjeli
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i2.7


The purpose of this study is to determine the level of spirituality (religion) that exists in former drug users, by giving this spirituality it is hoped that they will be aware of the dangers of drugs and be able to get closer to God. This study uses qualitative methods with observation data analysis techniques and semi-structured interviews. Determination of purposively selected informants, namely foundation management, former drug addicts who are in the process of rehabilitation and assistants or counselors. Data collection by interview, observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and we also found that the Ar-Rahman Drug Rehabilitation Center can be used as an alternative in spiritual and herbal (non-medical) rehabilitation of drug abuse. Spiritual rehabilitation uses a humanist and familial approach so that drug addict patients can be open, close and trust the counselor in the therapy process. The results and discussion are that former drug addicts at YPRN Ar Rahman Palembang have a low level of understanding of spirituality. In terms of the discussion with the religious teacher at YPRN Ar-Rahman, it was found that the client did not yet have the ability to understand spirituality, only limited to ritual formalities. This is further strengthened by the results of interviews we conducted with direct clients, that they actually believe in God, but do not fully believe in God.
THE ROLE OF RELIGIOUS GUIDANCE IN INCREASING THE LIFE SATISFACTION OF ELDERLY Noval Gerian; Iin Indriyani; Kurnia Sintia; Basyar, M; Cheazar, H; Masayu, H; Menti Susanti; Purwaningsih; Nova Risky; Muhammad Fawwaz; Rossa Lara; Nyimas Salsabila; Maula Habib
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i1.8


This research was conducted at Lanjut Usia Harapan Kita Social Institutional Care to detect the level of life satisfaction of the elderly through the role of religion, especially the elderly who are in institutional care. This study uses a qualitative approach with the phenomenological approach as the purpose of this study is to portray the circumstance that occurs. Researchers utilize a non-random sampling technique to obtain research respondents. Purposeful Sampling is one of the techniques of non-random sampling techniques (Creswell: 2012). There exists a way to do purposeful sampling according to Creswell, namely “Typical Case Sampling”. For data mining techniques, we utilize the triangulation method, it is utilized to depict the phenomena that exist in the research area, there exist interview, observation, and documentation. We determine at least four people in institutional care who will be appropriate subjects in our research and they are disposed to undertake a live interview. We discover that both of those four subjects realize that religion is crucial in increasing their life satisfaction, at least convincing them to pass demise serenely.  
PICTURE OF GRATITUDE IN PERSONS WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES Kasiyanti; Dinda Raihana; Muthmainnah Isnaini; Adelia Puspita; Tarisya Tridea Nanda; Indri Srimulya; Julia Ayu Anggraini; Nency Nabella; Cindy Giovani Yuselly; Carissa Farras Yufi; RA Miftah Cahyani; Jasmine Annisa Alnilam Cahyani; Anggi Mela Utami
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i1.9


Data from the Central Department of Statistics in 2022, there are around 24.6 million people with disabilities in Indonesia, divided into 17 million people with disabilities who are of productive age and 7.6 million people who are working. This study aims to find out the description of gratitude in people with physical disabilities. The selection of the sample used in this research is purposive sampling technique. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects in this study were 2 persons with disabilities in the Budi Perkasa Sentra Palembang. Data collection techniques in this study are by way of interviews and observation. The results of the study showthat both subjects have a sense of gratitude in their lives. This can be seen from the attitude or nature of gratitude that the subject has, namely being grateful with his heart, words, and deeds. They do not forget to worship Allah, obey all orders and stay away from His prohibitions, and apply good words in daily life.
SELF-CONFIDENCE FOR PERSONS WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES IN SENTRA BUDI PERKASA PALEMBANG THROUGH ISLAMIC PSYCHOTRAPHY APPROACH Adela Zinta Sari; Kamila Istakhana; Sinar Saprini; Ardiansyah; Annisa Al-Isra; Sunarsih; Dea Ayu Sapitri; Mutiara Kurnia Sari; Quina; Raden Azty Afifadyandi; Afifah Indah Sari; Ade Rizki; Sintya Merinda; Faizah Nurul Aliyah; Pipit Kun Maya; Ayi S. Ruqayyah; Kasiyanti
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i2.10


This study aims to determine how the level of confidence for physical disabilities by the Islamic psychotherapy approach at the Budi Perkasa Sentra Palembang. The research method used is the method of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Subjects in research are two people (adults) with physical disabilities in the Budi Perkasa Sentra of N (male) and H (female). Methods of data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study conclude that subjects are able to accept their current conditions, in the sense of no inferiority or embarrassment of the limitations of possession. Subjects have good confidence, they are aware of the disadvantages they have, but they are also aware of the excess tucked inside themselves are aware of the disadvantages they have, but they are also aware of the excess tucked in themselves. Factors that affect the sense of confidence is because social support that always encourages and encourages them in every situation, and also they believe and represent Allah SWT, they believe that every human being is inseparable from excess and disadvantage.
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BEHAVIOR THERAPY WITH A POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT APPROACH TO ACADEMIC PROCRASTINATION OF DEAF STUDENTS Irna Afifah Amanda Sari; Mei Dwi Yanti; Annisa Rizqi Wijaya; Muhammad Aziz Gibran; Wawan Nopriansa; Diwie Asbania; Siti Saluna Nurhaliza; Elan Gunzales; Junita Ibrahim; Dinda Azzahra Nastasya; Annisa Fikri Sovia Ahmad; Septiane Dwi Puspitarani; Dewa Bayu Hermanto
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i2.11


The reaserch aims to find out the effectiveness of behavior therapy with a positive reinforcement approach on reducing academic procrastination of deaf students at SMPLB Negeri Pembina Palembang. The research method is a quantitative pre-experimental research design with a one group pre-test post-test design. The subjects of this research were determined using a purposive sampling technique (N = 15) all of whom were deaf youth at SMPLB Negeri Pembina Palembang. To measure the level of academic procrastination used procrastination scale by Qomariyah (2016). The data analysis technique used the Paired Sample T-Test through SPSS. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest, the value of p = 0.002 (p <0.05) was obtained. Thus, it can be concluded that behavior therapy with a positive reinforcement approach has an effect on reducing academic procrastination of deaf students at SMPLB Negeri Pembina Palembang.
TENDENCIES TOWARDS VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN ISLAMIC COLLEGE STUDENT Yuarini Wahyu Pertiwi; Aninda Nur Haliza; Hanni Pratiwi; Unaisah Kultsum Lasyena; Muhamad Haudhi Al-Azzah; Triana Malenita Dewi; Miranti Entahna Anugeraya; Ambar Nurdian Syaputri; Vanis Adelia; Idup Sapitri; Dhimas Fachri; Lintang Meiheswara SG; Nabila; Lulu Maharani Rafita; Novita Sari
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i3.12


This research to find out whether the behavior of current students still has a tendency to commit physical and sexual violence. The subjects in this study amounted to N = 139, determined by purposive sampling technique. The research method used in this study is using a survey or questionnaire distributed online to several universities in Indonesia. We developed a scale that had been made by José A. Ruiz-Hernández and David Pina, et al. from the University of Murcia, Spain, with the title of their researchAttitudes towards School Violence Questionnaire, Revised Version: CAHV-28. The results we got from the analysis using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) were 19 subjects or 14%. students are at a high level, as many as 96 subjects or 69% of students are at a moderate level and as many as 24 subjects or 17% of students are at a low level. Based on gender, men tend to commit violence than women because they have a mean value = 56.9, greater than women, namely 51.6. Meanwhile, based on age, those aged 21 years and over tend to commit violence because they have a mean value = 56.61, followed by those aged 17-18 years, namely 52.95 and the last is 19-20 years old, namely 52.16.

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