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Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
ISSN : 29867762     EISSN : 29858070     DOI :
Focus - Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences is a scientific journal published by CV. Doki Course and Training. The papers to be published in JIPBS are research articles (quantitative or qualitative research approaches), literature studies or original ideas that are considered to contribute to scientific studies of Islamic Psychology, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. Scope - Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences calls for scientific articles on Islamic Psychology, Psychology and Behavioral Siences. It covers problems in psychological studies such as islamic psychology, educational psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, psychometrics and psychological measurement, counseling psychology, psychotherapy, family psychology.
Articles 5 Documents
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TENDENCIES TOWARDS VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN ISLAMIC COLLEGE STUDENT Yuarini Wahyu Pertiwi; Aninda Nur Haliza; Hanni Pratiwi; Unaisah Kultsum Lasyena; Muhamad Haudhi Al-Azzah; Triana Malenita Dewi; Miranti Entahna Anugeraya; Ambar Nurdian Syaputri; Vanis Adelia; Idup Sapitri; Dhimas Fachri; Lintang Meiheswara SG; Nabila; Lulu Maharani Rafita; Novita Sari
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i3.12


This research to find out whether the behavior of current students still has a tendency to commit physical and sexual violence. The subjects in this study amounted to N = 139, determined by purposive sampling technique. The research method used in this study is using a survey or questionnaire distributed online to several universities in Indonesia. We developed a scale that had been made by José A. Ruiz-Hernández and David Pina, et al. from the University of Murcia, Spain, with the title of their researchAttitudes towards School Violence Questionnaire, Revised Version: CAHV-28. The results we got from the analysis using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) were 19 subjects or 14%. students are at a high level, as many as 96 subjects or 69% of students are at a moderate level and as many as 24 subjects or 17% of students are at a low level. Based on gender, men tend to commit violence than women because they have a mean value = 56.9, greater than women, namely 51.6. Meanwhile, based on age, those aged 21 years and over tend to commit violence because they have a mean value = 56.61, followed by those aged 17-18 years, namely 52.95 and the last is 19-20 years old, namely 52.16.
ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION FOR PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS IN PARTICIPATING IN NATIONAL LEVEL ISLAMIC COMPETITIONS Putri Nabila; Belly Lestari; Masayu Alifah Saznabila; Fahirah Mayangsari; Fatima Az-zahra; Bella Nafisah; Reski Ramadani; muhamad ilham fhatona; Fadhil Fadhlur Rohman; Sepriyan Pangestu; Winata ardiana; Filaila Dekautsar
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i3.13


The purpose of this study was to determine why psychology students are motivated to participate in national level competitions. This research uses Mixed Method with sequential explanatory design the subject of this research comes from N = 150 psychology students. Taking the subject of this study using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and using the achievement motive scale. The results of this study indicate that why psychology students are motivated to participate in national level competitions because of the drive in each individual to achieve goals such as wanting to challenge themselves There are several factors that influence individuals, namely ideals, self-development, parents, economy, school and the results of research from a total of N = 150 respondents based on factors found that as many as N = 25 have high motivation, N = 108 have moderate motivation, and N = 17 have low motivation whose results are more likely to be in the low category. When viewed from the gender of psychology students, both men have a motivation of (31.4889) and women have a motivation of (31.4095) which results in almost the same achievement motivation.
EXPERIENCES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MALTREATMENT IN URBAN MUSLIM UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Ade Irma Oktiyani; Kiki Nurastriani; Cinthya Fadillah Sari; Nabillah Saputri; Orina Yuliandira; Aisyah Rizky Faradila; Salsabila Rahma Octavia; Rahma Dewi; Putri Andriyani Simanjuntak; Fina Faizatun Nadia; Ugy Alfiansyah; Meirany Khatrine Veronikha; Aloysia Ayfen Senjaya; Daffa Hani Syahirah
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i3.14


The purpose of this study is to find out how the experience of psychological persecution occurs in urban students. The type of research used is the survey type. Respondents resulting from the survey totaled 369 respondents who were determined using purposive sampling technique. While the data collection method was carried out by online survey through google form, using the measures of psychological maltreatment questionnaire (PMQ) scale developed by Gokmen Arslan (2017). The data analysis method uses the level categorization test method. The results showed that out of a total of 369 respondents that there were 33 people who tended to experience psychological maltreatment often were women, then 280 people who tended to rarely experience psychological maltreatment were men. From the results of this data, it shows that when viewed from gender, women tend to experience psychological maltreatment more often than men. When viewed from age 21> Years tend to experience psychological maltreatment more often. Age 19-20 years tends to rarely experience psychological maltreatment. Age 17-18 years tends to never experience psychological maltreatment.
TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS AMONG FEMALE MUSLIM STUDENTS IN URBAN AREAS Dinda Adilla; Dwi Amalina Putri; Ayu Diah Nurjunima; Novela; Puan Harum Majid; Zaidi Naufal Al Fayyaadh; Brahua; Azzahra Julia Nadina; Annisa Syifa Azzahrah; Salma Firnanda; Ghina Ulayya; Sonya Damayanti; Aliatunnisa Amanda; Tasya Amelia Sari; Alvin Destian Ronaldi; Fathiya Ar Ghina Khansa
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i3.19


Toxic relationships are unhealthy and unhappy toxic relationships or relationships that do not support each other. This study is limited, the purpose of this study is to identify and analyze unhealthy relationships in toxic relationships of urban women among adolescents. Especially like college students who are now mostly toxic to the people closest to them. Toxic relationships as unhealthy relationships have an impact on internal conflict. This kind of relationship is very vulnerable to making the sufferer unproductive, mental disorders, making emotional outbursts that lead to violence. Usually this toxic relationship occurs a lot in urban areas, because teenage parents tend to provide poor parenting and lack of affection from their parents. The research method used is a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques using questionnaire surveys, statistical datasets. The results of the study show that: toxic relationship perpetrators are dominated by women, can also be categorized into several forms, namely: unhealthy relationships with friends, family, or lovers / boyfriends.
THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF MUSLIM YOUTH IN ISLAMIC UNIVERSITIES Rizki Amaliyah; Chairunnisa; Wahyu Agung Hidayatullah; Nurrina Zulfa; Aria Mahardika; Nadia Safana; Anita; Rendi Praja Pratama; Reira Izzatunisa; Cindy Destika; Hanna Wirena Putri; Revalina Stevy
Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Islamic Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Publisher : CV. Doki Course and Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61994/jipbs.v1i3.20


This study aims to determine the relationship between motivation and academic performance of Muslim youth at Islamic universities. Respondents involved in this study were 104 respondents. The respondents involved in this study were 104 respondents who were randomly selected using data collection techniques used were questionnaires using scales as data collection tools, namely using motivation and academic performance scales. By using correlational quantitative research methods. The results of this study indicate that motivation affects the academic performance of Muslim youth. Because motivation is an encouragement, meaning that where behavior can influence a person's efforts so that his heart acts for him to do something so that there are results. Motivation is very important because it can support a person's behavior so that he wants to work hard, so that he can produce the best.

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