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Journal of Smart Community Service
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Journal of Smart Community Service (JSCS) is a journal that has an e-ISSN: on progress. This journal is peer-reviewed and open. Focus and scope cover the fields of religion, education, law, economics, humanities, engineering, agriculture, communication, and health. Journal of Smart Community Service (JSCS) accepts articles in Indonesian and English. Please make an article that is adjusted to this journal template then submit it. This journal is published by PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia every 1 year 2 times (May and November)
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Articles 10 Documents
Penyuluhan Dan Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk Serta Pelaksanaan Fogging Dalam Rangka Pencegahan Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue Di SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi Susanti Perangin-angin
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JSCS MAY 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/jscs.v1i1.1


Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is still one of the most important public health problems in Indonesia. Many efforts to control the disease have been carried out, such as larvaciding, fogging focus, and controlling mosquito breeding. This effort will be better if it involves community participation. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge to high school students about eradicating mosquito nests and preventing mosquito bites (Aedes aegypti) and implementing fogging in the context of preventing dengue. This community service is providing knowledge and implementing fogging at Berastagi 1 Public High School about eradicating mosquito nests and preventing mosquito bites (Aedes aegypti) in the context of preventing dengue. The results of this community service activity are by giving questionnaires before being given counseling about eradicating mosquito nests and preventing mosquito bites (Aedes aegypti) and implementing fogging in the context of preventing DHF to students of SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi and after being given counseling by providing material about DHF by providing a percentage of power point to students and also carried out Fogging activities (Fumigation) to eradicate adult mosquitoes. It is better if it can be implemented and used, namely in fostering the participation of school children who are continuously eradicating mosquito-transmitting mosquitoes by means of 3 M, namely: draining water reservoirs (TPA), closing TPA and burying/getting rid of used items that can collect rainwater. This method of prevention is also known as PSN (Eradication of Mosquito Nests). Efforts to motivate school children or the community to implement 3M continuously.
Latihan Kepemimpinan Dasar bagi Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Aisyah Dana Luwihta; Inayatul Ilmiya
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JSCS MAY 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/jscs.v1i1.2


Just as the era continues to develop, so does leadership which scientifically will continue to develop following the development of scientific management which continues to grow which we can identify with the science of leadership. We can see this from various sources of studies on leadership with various perspectives and of course various perspectives. It is not enough for us to pay attention to the good results of leadership alone, but we need to pay attention to preparing a discourse in an orderly manner so that we can train future leaders. We as educators need to pay special attention to our students, especially as candidates for the future leaders of our nation and state. In this case, we can introduce students from now on to various kinds of theories and skills about leadership, so that students are able to become leaders for themselves or leaders in a group of people or an organization. Becoming a leader is certainly not an easy thing, there are conditions that need to be met. Because a leader is the spearhead of his group. The community service that we have done is based on the many problems that arise among students that often occur, so that they can damage their future. This community service uses the lecture method, question and answer and indoor outbound. From this community service that we have carried out, it can be found that there is an increased understanding of MA Nurut Taqwa students about how to prepare themselves to become good leaders.
Pengenalan Literasi Keuangan dan Investasi Pasar Modal Syariah bagi Siswa SMA Negeri di Bawean Muwafiqus Shobri; Abdus Somad; Rian Alfiansyah
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JSCS MAY 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/jscs.v1i1.3


The purpose of this activity is to teach students about financial literacy and investment in the Islamic capital market for students, the method used in this community service is to write and count while playing, the material consists of, getting to know (1) the history of money, (2) Islamic capital market (3) the ability to manage money wisely, (4) financial planning for future needs (5) the importance of the right investment. The activity was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Sangkapura, Bawean, Gresik with 43 students participating. The results of the first day of service were that 23 participants were literate, then 8 participants were still less literate, and 12 participants did not have an understanding of financial literacy. Then after socialization, on the second day the service group held an evaluation and the result was that all participants understood how important it was to manage finances and use their pocket money wisely, why should they have savings, prioritize scales in using their money, then the participants also stated that they had tried to manage own finances.
Pelatihan dan Praktik Penulisan Makalah dan Jurnal Ilmiah bagi Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Ansharuddin M; Sholihan Sholihan
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JSCS MAY 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/jscs.v1i1.4


Based on initial observations in January 2022 of students of the Islamic Education Management Study Program Semester 4 and 6 at STAI Hasan Jufri Bawean it was found that there were still several students who had limited abilities in preparing and writing papers in the form of papers or scientific journal articles and the prevalence of plagiarism models. Therefore, there is a need for training and hands-on practice in writing scientific articles for students, both papers and scientific journals. This activity was attended by 21 students in semester 4 and 6 of the Islamic Education Management Study Program, STAI Hasan Jufri Bawean. The activity method used is workshops and hands-on practice. The results of this community service activity are increasing students' understanding of the types of scientific papers, the rules for writing scientific papers, and being able to write articles both papers and journal articles in a professional manner according to the guidelines for writing scientific papers.
Pelatihan Desain Grafis Bagi Pengurus Himpunan Mahasiswa dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Canva Pro M. Halilurrahman; Sitti Nuriani
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JSCS MAY 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/jscs.v1i1.5


This service activity regarding graphic design training for administrators of student associations using the Canva Pro application is expected to be able to spur and motivate students who are administrators to more quickly understand and practice the use of graphic design applications quickly, reliably and easily and are expected to increase skills. The method used in this service activity is discussion and practice/implementation, the discussion method is used when discussing students' knowledge about graphic design while the practice/implementation method is used to transfer knowledge and skills about the stages of making designs, covers, banners, PDF online using existing templates in the Canva application by taking advantage of existing features. The results of the PKM activities that were carried out were that most of the participants were able to understand and understand even though some were still left behind during practice due to limited facilities, namely the internet network and laptops that were not sufficient, however 9 trainees were able to make their own online curriculum vitae using the canva procapplication.
Pendampingan Dan Sosialisasi Pengolahan Limbah Diapers Sebagai Alternatif Media Tanam Dan Pupuk Susanti Br Perangin-angin; Erba Kalto Manik; Nelson Tanjung
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JSCS NOV 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

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AbstractIndonesia is the third largest consumer of disposable baby diapers after India and China. Research conducted on babies aged 0-2 years, this research was conducted by Ritcer in 2005. The use of disposable diapers in Indonesia can reach around 12 million disposable diapers every year. Based on a study by Sigma Research (2017), it was found that the highest initial use of diapers in babies aged two years was between the ages of 0-3 months, namely in babies aged < 1 month it was 16.1%, and the highest was obtained when babies were aged 1 - 3 month amounted to 69.6%. Disposable baby diapers are the most popular among mothers with a percentage of 95.2%. This type of diapers and pampers waste can actually be categorized as B3 waste because of its infectious nature, but in fact not many people in the field have paid attention to this problem or even prepared a disposal and management system for the general public, especially in rural areas, so it becomes a big problem if a security system is not implemented. waste that is infectious in nature. The aim of this community service activity is to understand the sources & negative impacts of diaper waste, know how to use diaper waste as a planting medium and fertilizer, know the tools and materials for making planting media and fertilizer from diaper waste, know the steps for making planting media and fertilizer from diaper waste and the practice of making planting media and fertilizer from diaper waste independently. The method of community service activities is entrepreneurship training for the community to process diaper waste into alternative planting media and fertilizer so that plants, both flowers and vegetables, grow effectively. From learning about the experiences of friends who are observers of waste and the environment in the field, there is an enlightenment and some of the experiences of someone who has applied them in the field of waste problems and who has dealt with the pampers waste problem can be imitated and hopefully it will be useful.
Mengkultivasi Spiritualitas Holistik: Pendampingan Peningkaatan Kualitas Ibadah Shalat bagi Kepala Keluarga di TPQ Manula Sambirejo Jogoroto Jombang M. Yusuf; Juni Iswanto; M. Ali Fikri
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JSCS NOV 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

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This research aims to cultivate holistic spirituality through mentoring to enhance the quality of prayer among heads of households in TPQ Manula Sambirejo Jogoroto Jombang. The background of this study originates from the increasing demand of heads of households to improve the quality of their prayers. The research method employed is the Service Learning approach, involving participants who are heads of households in TPQ Manula Sambirejo Jogoroto Jombang. The objective of this research is to provide practical guidance for institutions or communities interested in implementing similar mentoring activities to enhance the quality of prayer among heads of households. The findings of this research indicate that effective mentoring can improve the quality of prayer among heads of households. Through mentoring, heads of households can deepen their understanding of proper prayer techniques, comprehend the meaning and purpose of prayer, and apply spiritual values in their daily lives. The participation of participants in the mentoring activities is highly active, and the exhibited spirit and enthusiasm by the heads of households are remarkable.
Penyuluhan Tentang Pergaulan Bebas Kepada Siswa-Siswi SMP Anak Soleh Desa Tambaksari Kabupaten Cilacap Ira Rahmiyani; Aris Burhanudin; Muhammad Dafa Naufal Athallah; Sabilla Nurrahmadewi; Gita Indah Nurcahyani; Juni Hutagalung; Denadia Ramdiani Arifin; Gina Fitria Nopiana
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JSCS NOV 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

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Promiscuity is classified as behavior that can interfere with the welfare of others and harm both oneself and others. Common forms of adolescent indifference include drug use; free sex; Alcoholic beverages. Teenagers are unstable individuals whose emotions tend to get out of control through adolescent self-control. Other issues identified were reproductive health problems and risky behavior among adolescents. Adolescence is a period of learning, although teenagers have the opportunity to fulfill their potential but still need support, guidance and guidance from parents, educators and support to create a conducive environment. Several techniques were employed in this counseling activity, including presentations, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, pre-tests, and post-tests. 62 individuals participated in the counseling session. This counseling exercise aims to improve understanding and the ability of Anak Soleh Middle School students to put what has been taught into practice. Participants should find it simpler to learn from this activity thanks to the method selection that was used. In this extension activity, the usage of pre-test and post-test methodologies is employed as a success indication. The results of the pre-test and post-test show that students understand what is explained in the material of promiscuity, namely the meaning of promiscuity, the characteristics of promiscuity, the factors that cause promiscuity, the impact of promiscuity, and how to deal with promiscuity.
Penyuluhan Seks Bebas Di Yayasan Wasangkerta Dusun Karangdawa Kecamatan Setu Patok Cirebon Jawa Barat Diana Widhi Rachmawati; Yusep Mulyana; Trinandari PN; Meti Zuliyana; Juaidah Agustina; Nuryanti Permatasari
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JSCS NOV 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

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Free sex is a complex social issue that affects various aspects of people's lives. Free sex behavior can have a significant negative impact on social development and health. The Wasangkerta Foundation in Karangdawa Hamlet, Cirebon, realizes the important role of education in overcoming the problem of free sex among teenagers and society. Counseling with the title "Free Sex Counseling" aims to increase awareness of the dangers of free sex and encourage responsible behavior in society. The Wasangkerta Foundation is a partner in this service, showing a commitment to overcoming social issues such as free sex. An educational and participatory approach is used to create awareness about the negative effects of free sex and how to prevent them. This service method uses interactive and participatory counseling methods, involving various elements of society from various age groups. The aim is to ensure that messages about the importance of maintaining sexual health and preventing promiscuous sex are well received and implemented in daily life. This service hopes to make a positive contribution to increasing public awareness and knowledge about free sex as well as encouraging changes in responsible behavior in sexual relations. It is also hoped that the continuation of this counseling will create a society that is aware of the importance of healthy and responsible behavior in sexual relations.
Penguatan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Melalui Pelatihan KOSP di Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Mufarrihul Hazin; Nunuk Hariyati; Amrozi Khamidi; Aditya Chandra Setiawan
Journal of Smart Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JSCS NOV 2023
Publisher : PT. Cahya Edupreneur Indonesia

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In the context of the Independent Curriculum, the Educational Unit Operational Curriculum (KOSP) aims to facilitate educational units in implementing competency development-based education which prioritizes developing students' abilities in a dynamic, complex and systematic manner. The aim of the service is to facilitate the preparation of KOSP at the Indonesian School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The method for implementing service in training for preparing operational curricula in Education Units (KOSP) is using the Goad model, (1982: 11) through several stages whose training cycle consists of: Analysis of training needs, Design of training approaches, Development of training materials, Implementation of training, and Evaluation and training updates. The results of service in the form of training show that; (1) needs analysis was extracted from school principals and teachers at SIKL and resulted in an urgent need for the development of KOSP to be implemented. (2) the training design is designed comprehensively; starting from pre-training, post-training, (3) The material developed consists of theory and practice which includes basic concepts, principles, components and steps for preparing KOSP. (4) the implementation of the training is guided by experienced resource persons and facilitators using adequate methods and media. (5) the evaluation used measures the quality of the material, sources and methods used and the results are very good and satisfactory. Future recommendations are to always improve the quality and strengthen the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in the SIKL Malaysia.

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