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Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Radisi
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27989887     DOI : -
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat RADISI merupakan jurnal multidisiplin ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan Radisi. Menerbitkan artikel ilmiah yang merupakan hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat bidang pendidikan, seni, sosial budaya, ekonomi, hukum, pertanian, perikanan, dan lain-lain.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 68 Documents
Pelatihan Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Metode TPR Bagi Anak-Anak Panti Asuhan Al Mim Palangka Raya Nurliana
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 3 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v3i1.261


Mastery of English vocabulary is not easy, considering that English is a foreign language. To master English vocabulary, the appropriate learning method is needed. That is the basis for carrying out the training of English vocabulary mastery using Total Physical Response (TPR) method for the children of Al Mim Palangka Raya Orphanage. This training activity was attended by 10 training participants and accompanied by one instructor. This activity was carried out in June year 2022 for one day which included preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The training material was in the form of English vocabulary mastery using the Total Physical Response (TPR) method. The English vocabulary list given was related to the parts of body and face. The results of the training showed that Total Physical Response (TPR) method could be applied well in mastering English vocabulary. This method could make the training participants very enthusiastic, it was helpful for the training participants, and the vocabulary learning atmosphere became fun, so that the English vocabulary material provided could be easily understood by all participants of the training.
Pelatihan Pembukuan Sederhana Berbasis Microsoft Excel Pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Kota Semarang Andhy Tri Adriyanto; Wyati Saddewisasi; Agus Prasetyo
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v3i2.308


Making simple financial reports based on Microsoft Excel for managing business processes for the world of micro, small and medium industries is urgently needed for modernization in the field of bookkeeping, especially during the current Covid 19 pandemic. A bookkeeping system based on Microsoft Excel that is simple and easy to understand has now been created with the aim of assisting micro, small and medium enterprise (MSMEs) actors in obtaining business reports that are efficient, fast and accurate. The problem that arises is that the UMKM business actors are not accustomed to using a Microsoft Excel-based bookkeeping system, which makes the performance of the MSME business actors not good. Therefore, time and space are needed to improve the ability of MSME entrepreneurs in Semarang City to use a Microsoft Excel-based bookkeeping system to manage their business reports. The purpose of managing this bookkeeping system is that the system can improve the business performance of small, micro and medium enterprise (MSMEs) actors, especially in the city of Semarang. Increasing the ability of MSME business actors will be accommodated through the Community Service program using practical methods. MSME actors in the City of Semarang as training participants have received skills improvement training in using a simple bookkeeping system.
Pendampingan Pelatihan Sistem Pencatatan Inventaris Berbasis Android dan Website Pada SDN 1 Tumbakbayuh, Kabupaten Badung Nyoman Purnama; Nengah Widya Utami
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 3 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v3i1.312


Technology has a very large influence in people's lives. Technology in data management using information systems, is something that needs to be done in various aspects of life. With the existence of an information system will facilitate the management and storage of data. Management of inventory data using an information system is implemented in SD No. 1 Tumbakbayuh. This elementary school is an elementary school located at Br. Danginsema, Tumbakbayuh, Mengwi, Badung district, Bali province. In this service activity, an inventory information system is built that is useful for managing inventory in schools. In addition to making website and mobile-based applications aimed at the administration section and school principals at SDN 1 Tumbak Bayuh, outreach was also implemented which aimed to provide understanding to the school regarding the important role of information technology in the field of inventory management. Based on the results of the assistance and socialization that has been implemented, the school has been greatly assisted in terms of digital-based school inventory management.
Penerapan Pendidikan Literasi Akuntansi Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja UMKM Rengginang Singkong KWT Rukun Makaryo Desa Kedungdowo Muhammad Edward Putra Armiawan; Dandi Setio Yodanto; Wahyu Tri Handayani; Hanifah Rizqi Azzahra
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 3 No 3 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v3i3.342


Cassava rengginang MSMEs still have many obstacles in running their business. These obstacles can cause problems in the sustainability of MSMEs that need to be found a solution. The main problem that is an obstacle in the continuity of their business is the absence of recording of production costs. This is due to the difficulty of MSME actors in starting to record production costs and their lack of awareness about the importance of recording expenses. In running their business, MSME actors only sell their products at product prices that adjust market prices, so they do not take into account the capital they spend during the production period which has an impact on obtaining maximum profit. The purpose of this activity is to raise awareness to MSME actors in Keudungdowo Village to start recording finances and provide media for recording production costs to make it easier for MSME actors to carry out financial management. From this activity, it is hoped that it can help the village government in maintaining the sustainability of community MSMEs,
Implementasi Peningkatan Pemasaran Digital Bagi UKM di Kelurahan Pedurungan Kidul Kota Semarang Djoko Santoso; Wyati Saddewisasi; Andhy Tri Adriyanto
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 3 No 3 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v3i3.344


Di era industri 4.0 dan pasca pandemi Covid-19, digital marketing menjadi strategi alternatif penting untuk mengatasi dampak ekonomi negatif di Indonesia, khususnya dalam pemasaran produk. Ini memudahkan pengawasan dan memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen. Digital marketing juga memudahkan konsumen mencari informasi produk. Namun, banyak UKM belum memanfaatkan sepenuhnya. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengadian Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan sosialisasi dalam menggunakan pemasaran digital melalui penggunaan ponsel Android pada Masyarakat UKM Kelurahan Pedurungan Kidul-Kecamatan Pedurang-Kota Semarang. Pelaksanaan ini dilaksanakan dalam dua bentuk. Pertama, dengan pendekatan teoritis yang diterapkan dalam materi pengabdian yang berfokus pada memperluas strategi pemasaran secara digital agar bisnis dapat mencapai kesuksesan. Dan kedua melalui praktik menggunakan ponsel android untuk menciptakan identitas merek, desain logo, mengelola akun media sosial, dan membuat website. dilakukan melalui media online dimana proses menjual dan berkomunikasi dengan calon pembeli dilakukan melalui platform digital. Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini yaitu peningkatan pemahaman dalam pemasaran digital, serta memiliki semangat untuk mencapai kesuksesan.
Pembangunan Agro-Ekowisata Terpadu Di Desa Aan, Klungkung-Bali Moh Agus Sutiarso; I Nyoman Arto Suprapto; I Made Agus Hendra Wijaya
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 3 No 3 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v3i3.347


The community service program for the Community Science and Technology Implementation (PIM) scheme is located in Aan village, Klungkung, Bali. The problem faced by the program's target partners (Pokdarwis) is the lack of knowledge and skills of Pokdarwis (Aan Village Tourism Awareness Group )members in managing tourism potential in their area based on agro-ecotourism. The solution that has been implemented is to provide assistance in rural tourism governance, and assistance in creating superior tourism packages, as well as assistance in making interpretive materials for tourism activities based on agro-ecotourism. The outputs that have been achieved include: 1) Creation of superior tour packages, namely trekking on Batu Kembar Hill, Secret Waterfall tour, and cycling tour around Aan Village; 2) Increasing promotional means in the form of content that specifically promotes agro-ecotourism based tourism. The trekking tour package in the Aan tourist village is popular with tourists and has an impact on Pokdarwis' income and the Aan tourist village is becoming increasingly well known. From the results of community service which the people of Aan village responded positively and enthusiastically, it is hoped that the program will continue.
Pelatihan Pemandu Wisata Dan Bahasa Inggris Pariwisata Di Desa Wisata Medewi Jembrana Ida Bagus Ketut Soma Antara; Ni Luh Putu Intan Nirmalasari; Dika Pranadwipa Koeswiryono
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 3 No 3 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v3i3.353


Tourist villages are a forum for local communities to participate in regional tourism development. Through the existence of tourist villages, people can develop their potential and it is hoped that this can improve the welfare of local communities. Medewi Village is a tourist village known as an international surfing location. However, the results of these tourism activities have not had a massive impact on the community in Medewi Village. The formation of the Medewi Tourism Village is expected to have a wider impact, but this cannot yet be done optimally because efforts are needed to increase public awareness about tourism. To increase public awareness, training and assistance is needed so that people are more aware of tourism and have the ability to manage their tourism potential. Assistance activities carried out include English language training and tour guiding so that the community has competence in communicating and accompanying tourists while visiting the Medewi Tourism Village. This service is carried out through three stages, including needs analysis, data collection and implementation of training activities.
Sosialisasi Bijak Dalam Penggunaan Media Digital Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Media Di SD Negeri Tempak Kecamatan Candimulyo Magelang Anisa Setya Arifina; Ahmad Zakial Shodiqin; Muhammad Ilza Masyiari; Nesa Ariani; Rahmania Mustaqlillah; Siti Mudhi Khatul Fata
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Radisi Vol 3 No 3 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset dan Pengembangan RADISI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/pkmradisi.v3i3.361


Media literacy is intelligence or skill in using media, including vulnerable audiences, namely students at SD Negeri Tempak, Candimulyo District, Magelang. These skills are important for students so that they are smarter in using and filtering information from the main media, namely digital media. This socialization was carried out with the aim of increasing the younger generation's understanding of media literacy so that they can be wise in using the media. Considering that there is still a very low level of media literacy, especially digital media among vulnerable audiences, this activity targets children at SDN Tempak. The method used to achieve this goal is video based learning and games. The results of this socialization show that there is an increase in knowledge and understanding about wisely using digital media by students at SDN Tempak.