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IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services
ISSN : 29644917     EISSN : 29858755     DOI :
This journal publication aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and problem solving that has been implemented in the field of community service. IMPACTS contains various service activities in dealing with and managing various potentials, obstacles, challenges and problems that exist in society, including: Community Service: Community, Local Food Security, Training, Assistance, Appropriate Technology, Design; Community Empowerment, Social Access; Student’s Community Service; Education for Sustainable Development.
Articles 21 Documents
Empowerment of the Jamu Gendong Kiringan Canden Community Based on Local Wisdom to Increase Literacy Embodied in Children's Literature Siti Rochmiyati; Dinar Westri Andini; Didi Supriadi; Syamsul Hadi; Pardimin Pardimin; Imam Ghozali; Wahyu Setya Ratri; Agustinus Eko Susetyo; Muhammad Taufik Ismail; Charisma Wulan Widananda
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.13974


Purpose ­ The empowerment program will directly invite the Kiringan Canden herbal medicine community based on the local wisdom of traditional herbal medicine which is inherited from their ancestors to actively participate in increasing literacy and cultivating children's character which is embodied in children's literature. Methods - Methode community service activities. Result and discussions - The series of activities and results obtained prove that by collaborating with each other from all elements of society, especially involving the younger generation so that they have a good understanding of the local wisdom of the area, promoting behavior will emerge, understanding potential and in the end wanting to participate in preserving the ancestral heritage that has great potential to be appointed as a regional brand, so that the character values of nationalism, pride in local products, independence and mutual cooperation can be realized. Therefore, intermediaries or infrastructure are needed in order to pass on the order of life, tradition and culture to the next generation, so that there are no gaps between generations, so that community service programs by empowering herbal medicine communities based on local wisdom can increase literacy in maintain ancestral heritage. Presentation that is fun and in providing education to all residents, especially children, through explanation activities that are appropriate to the stage of child development, will facilitate and build literacy which has an impact on the formation of children's character. Conclusion - Empowerment by inviting the participation of all elements in society including the Jamu Gendong community, youth, children, men and women, community leaders and other residents to jointly preserve the ancestral heritage of "traditional herbal medicine" by directly empowering the Jamu Gendong community in increasing community-based literacy. local wisdom through fun activities, namely children's literature, is able to develop children's emotional intelligence and creativity, foster growth as well as children's personality and social skills. An interesting presentation will create fun and influence children so that indirectly they are able to cultivate the characters of respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, honesty, cooperation, freedom, courage and justice so that in the future the children of this younger generation will continue and preserving the potential of the region.
The Capacity Building of Smes in Semanu, Gunung Kidul Through Digital Marketing Socialization and Training Syamsul Hadi; Sugiyamin Syamsul; Anselmus Sudirman; Lina Setiawati; Nur Rokhman; Nurul Myristica Indraswari
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.14168


Purpose ­ This community service aims to socialize and train appropriate Digital Marketing strategies for SMEs in Padukuhan Pragak, Semanu Gunung Kidul, to increase competition and adaptive capacity. Methods - Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is used in community service to develop the community's potential. Result and discussions - Numerous potentials must be developed; this service process is divided into three stages: pre-implementation, implementation, and evaluation of the service program managed to carry out. Conclusion - Avoid being stuck in one's comfort zone by constantly innovating in products, distribution channels, various marketing networks, increasing knowledge, and being active in charitable contributions.
Training on making Interesting Percentage Learning Media Using Canva Besse Qur’ani; Nurhijrah; Syarifa Suryana; Israwati Hamsar
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.14507


Purpose ­ Presentation of learning media that is interesting, creative, and informative is one of the capitals for creating lessons that are easily accepted by students. The purpose of community service is creativity and the creation of innovation, especially in making learning media, especially in percentage broadcast media. Methode - The method used is demonstration by practicing directly through the Zoom Meeting. The material provided includes creating an account, introducing features, using available templates to managing the use of existing elements to support the material that will be made into slides. Result and discussions - Community service activities are carried out through the delivery of material including creating accounts, introducing features, using available templates to setting up the use of existing elements to support material that will be made into slides. Conclusion - This training can add insight and knowledge to students, especially in adding references to how to deliver teaching materials, attractive percentages.
Agro-entrepreneurs Digital Marketing Awareness Program Among Youth of Kuala Penyu Sabah, Malaysia Mat Salleh Ayub; Suddin Lada; Arif Kamisan Pusiran
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.14515


Purpose - The Community Project’s major goal is to increase awareness of the importance of agriculture-based entrepreneurship (Agro-entrepreneurship). The initiative also aims to foster entrepreneurship among local Sabahan, especially in digital marketing technology. Methods – Conducting workshops and training sessions on agro-entrepreneurship to help educate existing and potential entrepreneurs on the best practices, techniques, and skills required to establish and run successful agro-businesses. Simultaneously, show them how to advertise their products online. This programme comprises two stages of implementation, each with 30 participants and four facilitators. Result and discussions – Agro-entrepreneurs should learn and use strategies for digital marketing by receiving training. Agro-entrepreneurs could reach more clients by using digital marketing methods including social media, email, and content marketing. Agro-entrepreneurs could build and maintain their businesses by using digital marketing. Conclusion – In principle, the awareness programme would have assisted agro-entrepreneurs in improving their knowledge of digital marketing as well as their digital marketing abilities, which would have enabled them to expand their businesses and keep them going over the long term.
Development of Online Promotion to Increase the Marketing Attractiveness of Batik Products Eva Yuniarti Utami; Audita Nuvriasari
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i2.15867


Purpose ­ This community service program aims to increase sales of WOU Batik through optimizing online marketing. Besides that, it is aimed at increasing the skills and knowledge of resellers in compiling and utilizing marketing calendars as a promotion support tool. Methods - The method used in this community service activity is through the transfer of knowledge and technology which is manifested in reseller training activities and preparation of marketing guidelines in the form of a marketing calendar. At the end of the activity, program evaluation and monitoring programs are carried out. Result and discussions - The result of this community service activity is an increase in partners' knowledge and skills in compiling and utilizing marketing calendars so that promotional materials become more attractive. It is hoped that this interesting marketing communication can improve marketing performance. Conclusion - Resellers play an important role in distributing products from producers to consumers. For this reason, companies need to properly manage relationships with resellers, one of which is through training and mentoring activities to package promotions attractively and complete promotional tools so that it is hoped that they can provide profitable benefits for both parties.
Implementation of E-Procurement in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Yogyakarta Reni Listyawati; Uum Helmina Chaerunisak; Sri Lestari Yuli Prastyatini
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i2.15915


PurposeCommunity Service (Abdimas) activities carried out at the MSME "Dapoer Tania" aim to improve marketing methods by increasing the intensity of utilizing social media, increasing the capacity for product and packaging innovation, and implementing operational procedures for the e-procurement system by considering certain criteria for selection. digital supplier that produces a standardized and structured system at "Dapoer Tania" Methods -Implementation of activities is carried out through several stages, namely field observation, training and mentoring. The first stage was collecting data using survey and interview methods. The survey was carried out through direct monitoring of the situation that actually occurred in the MSME "Dapoer Tania". This monitoring is carried out so that it can be described what needs need to be in the information system to be built. Next is the interview. Interviews were conducted through discussions with owners regarding obstacles, business processes and implementation of e-procurement systems and checking existing SOPs in MSMEs. The second stage is carried out after identifying the problems found in the first stage. The third stage is carried out after field observations and training are completed. Results and discussions –Technological developments have brought convenience to services so that many companies are adopting e-procurement as a supply chain support to be able to adapt to market changes and to achieve business goals, such as operational efficiency, sustainability and profitability. Many companies are adopting e-procurement because of its ability to streamline supply chain networks. The emergence of e-procurement has created a higher profile for supply management as well as increased visibility to a company's top management. By adopting this technology, it has influenced organizational performance, both directly and indirectly. The results of this service also show that the marketing method training program by increasing intensity utilizing social media, Conclusion -E-procurement brings transparency and effectiveness in the supply chain and makes a significant contribution to supply chain performance. In addition, e-procurement also allows companies to measure and monitor orders, such as processing time, order delivery time, and current status. Therefore, the implementation of e-procurement in MSMEs plays an important role and will have an impact on improving supply chain performance in MSMEs.
Empowerment of Karang Taruna in the Kali Gajah Wong Tourism Village through Increasing Literacy and Financial Inclusion Christina Heti Tri Rahmawati; Ima Kristina Yulita; Firma Sulistiyowati; Aurelia Melinda Nisita Wardhani
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i2.15968


Purpose ­ This service activity raises the problems faced by the Kali Gajah Wong Tourism Village, where based on interviews with youth organizations as managers of the tourist village, so far the business financial management of this tourist destination has separated business and personal finances, but this has not been done regularly so it has not fulfilled the expected desires. from donors or the government who will increase capital. Therefore, financial management is important to develop this tourist destination. This mentoring activity aims to provide an understanding of financial literacy and inclusion so that tourist destination managers do not experience financial difficulties and can allocate income across various investment instruments. Methods - This activity was carried out using mentoring methods and continued sharing from the tourist village management. Result and discussions - The results of the assistance to the youth organization in the Kali Gajah Wong Tourism Village went smoothly and according to what had been planned, it went well and according to plan. The managers of this tourist village increasingly have a good understanding of financial literacy and inclusion and are able to separate personal and business finances, and can manage business finances more transparently. Conclusion – The implication of the results of this service activity is that it is hoped that tourist village managers can increase their understanding of financial literacy and inclusion so that they can improve business financial management and ultimately increase the income and welfare of the local community.
We Care Programme: Uplift and Educational Support at Bondulu Children’s Home Toboh, Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia Wong Sing Yun; Suddin Lada; Brahim Chekima; Siti Nor Bayaah Ahmad; Rudy Ansar; Faerozh Madli; Mat Salleh Ayub
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i2.15972


ABSTRACT Purpose - This Community Project’s major goal is to uplift and provide educational support to the underprivileged students in the Needy Children’s Home of Bondulu, Toboh Tambunan. This initiative also aims to motivate and encourage the students to attain a higher level of educational achievement. Methods – Conducting workshops and motivation sessions on educational support to students in need. Through such sessions, students are shared with important information such as courses offered, course entry requirements, career opportunities, etc. Next, interactive activities are carried out to encourage students’ participation and to obtain intuitive education-related information from the students’. Result and discussions – Students from the Needy Home are better informed of the courses offered, the entry requirements and the career pathway available. They become highly motivated as they are exposed to the educational opportunities available to them upon completing their secondary education. Conclusion – In conclusion, the community project achieved its objectives in increasing the student’s knowledge of the education opportunities available to them and to be highly motivated to continue to a higher education level. Besides that, this project also helps the students to build higher self-esteem and to become highly motivated in pursuing higher education. This will assist the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 which aims at ensuring equal access to all levels of education for the vulnerable.
Adoption of Digital Marketing to Improve the Performance of SMEs in Kraftangan Malaysia Cawangan Selangor Audita Nuvriasari; Norlaile Binti Salleh Hudin; Hasim As’ari; Noraine Binti Salleh Hudin
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i2.16003


Purpose ­ The objective of this international community service activity is to increase insight and ability of SMEs assisted by Kraftangan Malaysia Cawangan Selangor in managing and adopting digital marketing effectively to encourage increased SME business performance. Methods - The method used in this activity includes several stages, namely observation, implementation through counseling and training programs, and evaluation in the form of monitoring and mentoring. Result and discussions - The results of this international community service activity are: (1). increased insight from SMEs regarding the importance of digital marketing for business development and (2). increasing the skills of SMEs in designing marketing content on social media to attract consumer interest. Conclusion - Digital marketing, one of which is using social media as a marketing tool, plays an important role in promoting SMEs products so that they can be better known by consumers and can also strengthen the brand. For this reason, SMEs really need to be encouraged to improve their abilities and skills in utilizing digital marketing media so that it can have an impact on improving business performance.
Training to Create E-Modules Using Professional Flip PDF Application for Lecturers of PKK FT Makassar State University Wardimansyah Ridwan; Besse Qur'ani; Ayu Saputri Bahar; Fitry Purnamasari
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i2.16036


This Community Service conducted training in creating e-modules using the professional flip PDF application which was held for lecturers in the Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering, Makassar State University. This training aims to improve lecturers' abilities in developing and using interactive learning media based on information technology. The methods used in this training are presentations, discussions and practice in creating e-modules. Training and mentoring carried out directly by the service team is carried out with a time division of 20% for theory and 80% for practice in creating e-modules. The results of this training showed a significant increase after giving a pretest before the training started and a posttest after the training ended. And this training activity can increase participants' insight and abilities in creating e-modules using the professional flip PDF application and participants will gain satisfaction regarding the training provided by the service team. Keywords: Flip pdf professional, Training, Community Service

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