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IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services
ISSN : 29644917     EISSN : 29858755     DOI :
This journal publication aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and problem solving that has been implemented in the field of community service. IMPACTS contains various service activities in dealing with and managing various potentials, obstacles, challenges and problems that exist in society, including: Community Service: Community, Local Food Security, Training, Assistance, Appropriate Technology, Design; Community Empowerment, Social Access; Student’s Community Service; Education for Sustainable Development.
Articles 21 Documents
Enhancement Quality Service of Secretariat Employees Through Service Excellent Training Rubiyatno; Gregorius Hendra Poerwanto; Albertus Yudi Yuniarto; Patrick Vivid Adinata; Maria Theresia Ernawati; Aurelia Melinda Nisita Wardhani; Ima Kristina Yulita
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): IMPACTS: VOL. 1 NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v1i1.12953


The community service aim to give understanding and practice on excellent service for employee at secretariat parishes, schools and foundations The methods of the community service is a participatory training by lectures and simulation of excellent service. The participants of the community service are very enthusiastic. In general, participants understand and can simulate excellent service seriously. Participants feel comfortable and happy because they can simulate excellent service in the right ways. Training went very well, participants understand the concept of excellent service and the importance to give excellent service, even while they are facing time limitation. In the future, employees at secretariat need to be continuously refreshed about excellent service and practice of excellent service.
Entrepreneurship Assistance to Increase Omak Kopi’s MSME Income In The New Normal Era: Article Christina Heti Tri Rahmawati; Rubiyatno Rubiyatno; Theodorus Sutadi; Trisnawati Rahayu
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): IMPACTS: VOL. 1 NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v1i1.12995


Purpose ­ This community service raises the problems faced by a coffee shop business called Omak Kopi. Based on interviews, there are several problems experienced by the owners of these Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), namely the management of business legality and product marketing. Methods - The method used in this community service activity is to provide understanding and awareness to MSME actors about the importance of having business legality, providing entrepreneurial assistance in the form of business models, and providing product marketing assistance through social media. Result and discussions - The results of community service activities for MSME Omak Kopi include: (1) This MSME has business legality: (2) This MSME has a business capital canvas to develop a business; and (5) these MSMEs have business signage and use social media Whatsapp and Instagram as well as online food delivery service platforms through Grab Food and Go Food to increase product marketing. Conclusion - The implication of this community service activity is that it is hoped that the existence of entrepreneurship assistance can facilitate Omak Kopi SMEs to manage patent rights, business development and increase income and business continuity, especially in the new normal era. Keywords: Business Legality, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Income
Digital Marketing Literacy and MSMEs Improvement Based On The Teachings Of Ki Hadjar Dewantara: “Ngandel, Kendel, Kandel, and Bandel" Agus Dwi Cahya; Nanang kususma mawardi; dika Prawita; chichi; seliana Intan Tri; Miraldi
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): IMPACTS: VOL. 1 NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v1i1.13060


This study aims to overcome problems in the community, especially how to increase MSMEs and the importance of digital marketing literacy. This research stage is using the survey stage, identification and overcoming and implementation stages. The result is that many housewives have problems with increasing MSMEs and digital marketing. To overcome the above, socialization and introduction of digital marketing and the improvement of MSMEs were held with the teachings of KHD.
Development of Education-Based Tourism and Expansion of Marketing Networks in Kampung Batik Giriloyo Audita Nuvriasari; Krisnita Candrawati; Gumirlang Wicaksono; Serlipuji Lestianengrum; Sucia Eka Ayunda
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): IMPACTS: VOL. 1 NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v1i1.13061


Kampung Batik Giriloyo is one of the tourist villages and the center of the hand-drawn batik industry located in Kabupaten Bantul, DIY. The tourism village is managed by the Paguyuban Batik Tulis Giriloyo as a community service partner from the UMBY team. The management of the tourist village is good but there are still shortcomings, especially in the development of variants of educational tourism attractions and expansion of marketing networks. Partners have used information technology to market educational tours or batik products. However, partners are still limited in knowledge and skills to use on-line media as a means of promotion to expand their marketing network. The solution to these problems is to transfer science and technology to partners through outreach, training and advocacy or mentoring activities. The activities carried out are: (1). Educational Tourism Development Counselling, (2). Training on making accessories made of batik, (3) Training on creating a database of Cooperation partners, (4). Cooperation proposal making training, and (5). Online marketing training. The activity outputs are: (1). The addition of educational tourism variants through learning to make batik accessories and (2) Increasing the knowledge and skills of partners in the field of marketing and expanding the network of cooperation.
Development Program on Digital Marketing and Brand Strengthening for Cellular Businesses in Gunungkidul Regency Candra Eka Prasetiya; Audita Nuvriasari; Azwar; Nurul Putri Ardiani; Mifta Ul’Ulum
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): IMPACTS: VOL. 1 NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v1i1.13065


The development of communication technology has boosted the level of business competition, one of which is SMEs selling mobile phones. Msellular & Apple Store is one of the SMEs engaged in mobile phone trading and is located in Wonosari, Gunungkidul, DIY. The business problems faced by Msellular & Apple Store are (1) Social media as an online marketing tool has not been used optimally (2) The identity or brand of the store is not well known by the local community (3) There is no customer database that can be used as a source of marketing programs. The solution to solve that problem are: (1) Optimizing the use of social media through improving design and content, (2) Strengthening store branding through collaboration with other parties and (3) Develop a customer database based on information technology. The methods used in this program are: (1) counseling, (2) training and (3). Mentoring. The counseling carried out is educating partners about strategies for strengthening brands and expanding cooperation networks. Training activities include: (1). content creation for marketing through social media and (2). create a customer database based on IT. Mentoring is intended to monitor program implementation. The results of this activity are: (1). content on social media is increasingly attractive and used as a marketing tool, (2). the establishment of cooperation with other parties to strengthen the store brand and (3). availability of customer database to support marketing activities.
Strengthening Online Marketing and Product Innovation for The "Nglarisi Jogja" Msme’s Community Candra Asmarawan; Audita Nuvriasari; Gumirlang Wicaksono; Wanda Siahaan; Novita Ariani
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): IMPACTS: VOL. 1 NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v1i1.13066


"Ngelarisi UMKM Jogja" is a Community of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) located in the city of Jogja with 80 business members. This community is a place for MSMEs actors to exchange information and help each other promote MSMEs products. Business fields in this community include culinary, craft, services and fashion. Facing increasingly fierce business competition, community members must strive to attract consumer buying interest. However, there are a number of obstacles faced by community members. These obstacles are: (1) Not optimal use of social media as a means of online promotion for MSMEs products. This is due to the limited knowledge of members, especially the middle-aged in operating social media, (2) Lack of product innovation in MSMEs so that it is less attractive to consumer buying. The programs implemented to overcome these problems are: (1). provide training using social media. Especially Instagram, Facebook and features like snap stories and reels, (2). Conduct product innovation with the aim of increasing the attractiveness and increasing the economic value of the product. The methods used in this activity are: training for the use of social media and assistance in product innovation. The achievements of this activity are: partners can use content on social media to market MSMEs products, (2). increasing product variants through product innovation in the form of hampers and parcels.
Training on Development of Work Relationships and Social Media Marketing in MSMEs Bramma Aji putra; Muinah Fadhilah; Ambar Lukitaningsih; Gendro Wiyono
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): IMPACTS: VOL. 1 NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v1i1.13189


This service aims to provide of training to handicraft SMEs in Yogyakarta. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on MSMEs, one of which is handicraft MSMEs. The purpose of this training is a strengthening the development of work relations and product marketing through social media. The results obtained after the training show that strengthening work relations and using social media is effective as a marketing medium and increasing turnover. In addition, the development of social media also needs to involve the youth for increasing digital marketing innovation.
The Role of Entrepreneurs, Management and Intellectual Property Rights in Improving Micro Business Competitiveness in Rancatungku Village Sugiartiningsih Sugiartiningsih; Suparjiman; Rizky Dwi Larasati; Septian Yunianto; Khaerani Arum Kanti
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.13582


ABSTRACT Purpose - The purpose of Community Service (PKM) is for a workshop on the role of entrepreneurship, management and registration of Intellectual Property Rights (HKI) in increasing the competitiveness of micro-enterprises in Rancatungku village. Methods - The workshop method begins with a preliminary survey, observations of business houses, interviews with micro-enterprises, licensing arrangements, and preparation of presenters. Result and discussions - The workshop was held in the Rancatungku village hall on February 27, 2022, which was attended by Micro Business actors, especially those engaged in the culinary field such as pastries and sponge cakes. The workshop program is divided into three, namely enlightenment on the importance of entrepreneurship for micro-enterprises; introduction of management aspects from production, packaging, transformation technology in marketing culinary products, external capital and recognition of production ownership. Conclusions - The result of PkM activities is their high interest in being given training on packaging, branding and marketing in subsequent PkM activities so that they can penetrate supermarkets and have high purchasing power across countries. Keywords: entrepreneurship, management, intellectual property rights
The Maximization of Digital Marketing and Business Legality in the Development of De Thela Msme in the New Normal Era: Article Christina Heti Tri Rahmawati; Rubiyatno; Theodorus Sutadi; Florentinus Nugro Hardianto
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.13674


Purpose ­ One of the business sectors that has a quite important role for the national economy and has contributed to the absorption of labor and the distribution of development results is Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In the new normal era (Adaptation of New Habits) increasing the ability to use digital marketing will be able to help businesses deal with economic pressures, due to the Covid 19 pandemic which has caused a decrease in people's purchasing power where many people have shifted to buying online. In addition, in running a business, it is necessary to have complete documents or business legality. Likewise, De Thela's MSMEs based on observations have problems in terms of their limited ability to use digital marketing and do not yet have business legality. Therefore, assistance is needed to overcome these MSME problems through digital marketing assistance through social media and the importance of having legality in developing a business. Methods – The methods used in the implementation of community service include problem identification, preparation, assistance, monitoring and evaluation of assistance. Result and discussions – This community service activity has yielded results for De Thela's MSMEs including (1) De Thela's MSMEs have created social media content and joined the Shopee Food and Tukoni marketplaces so they can expand product marketing; and (2) UMKM De Thela has business legality by obtaining a Business Identification Number (NIB). Conclusion – The results of this community service activity have implications where it is hoped that digital marketing assistance and business legality will make it easier for De Thela's MSMEs to develop businesses and increase sales and business sustainability, especially in the new normal era.
Improving Digital Marketing Literacy Capability of Breeders of Rumah Maggot, Barepan Bangkit Yogyakarta in Facing the VUCA Era Pardimin Pardimin; Imam Ghozali; Wahyu Setya Ratri; Agustinus Eko Susetyo; Siti Rochmiyati; Syamsul Hadi; Didi Supriadi; Dinar Westri Andini; Rahadi Rahadi; Indah Kurniasih
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.13970


Purpose ­This community service aims to to increase digital marketing literacy skills for breeders of Rumah Maggot Barepan Bangkit Yogyakarta in facing the VUCA era. Methods-Methode community service acitivities. Result and discussions-the result report and the information about the acitivities. Conclusion- This mentoring process activity resulted in program success targets including sharing and discussion of business management management to overcome business management problems reaching 90%, and discussions and practices of marketing network effectiveness, optimization of promotional/advertising media to overcome marketing media problems and optimization reaching 90%. Our advice is concerns the this is important to continue and develop when the mentoring program is over and can be passed on to other groups of breeders because again, that the success of a business depends on leaders who can manage and optimize existing resources such as the concept of Ki Hajar Dewantara's leadership as a leader must be able to ing ngarso sung tulodo, madyo mangun karso, and tut wuri handayani meaning that being a leader must be able to set a good example, in the midst of his busy schedule he must also be able to arouse or inspire enthusiasm, and a person must provide moral encouragement and enthusiasm for work from behind. Keywords: digital marketing, literacy capability of breeders, facing the VUCA era

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