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Raymundus I Made Sudhiarsa
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Perspektif, Jurnal Agama dan Kebudayaan diterbitkan untuk menjadi medium diskusi dan kajian ilmiah atas isu-isu agama dan kebudayaan, dengan mengedepankan perspektif toleransi dan dialog lintas agama dan budaya untuk membangun harmoni sosial. Jurnal ini menerbitkan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah baik yang merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan maupun kajian pustaka, terbuka untuk kalangan akademisi, peneliti, pemerhati sosial dan agama serta masyarakat umum.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 197 Documents
Pluralitas Agama di Kota Malang dan Dialog Gereja Terhadapnya Simamora, Chandra Susilo
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 1 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i1.119


Indonesia is a plural society, particularly in the religious aspect. It is very prominent all over the Indonesian islands and cities, including the city of Malang. Plurality in religion of this city, on the one hand, contributes for the richness of living together besides its differences. On the other hand, it brings forth some problems, particularly the issue of majority-minority relationship. For bridging the gap, the Catholic Church of the Diocese of Malang has always been promoting interreligious dialogue with people of other faiths. The writer reflects this bridge-building in the light of Jacques Dupuis’ theology of dialogue and Trinitarian Christology that may enrich the practice of interreligious dialogue throughout the city.
Santo dan Sultan. Kisah Tersembunyi Tentang Juru Damai Perang Salib. : Santo dan Sultan. Kisah Tersembunyi Tentang Juru Damai Perang Salib Sudhiarsa, Raymundus I Made
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 1 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i1.120


Mewartakan Keselamatan Kristus dalam Budaya Ruwatan: “Model Dialog Interreligius” Ajaran Katolik dengan Kejawen Caesario, Yusuf Dimas
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i2.122


Ever since the Second Vatican Council, interreligious dialogue has become a prominent theme in theological discussion and practice. The main issue is how the Christian message could be made known and comprehended properly by people of other faiths or other religious traditions. The writer tries to explore the possibility of dialoguing with the so-called Kejawen communities (the religion of Java), particularly on the issue of Ruwatan, a cleasing rite for ‘unfortunate people’ and forgiveness to sinners. He proposes then the prophetic model of interreligious dialogue that could be applied particularly to the religious theme of Baptism and Ruwatan.
Stigmatisasi Ata polo, Orang dengan Kekuatan Magis: Tantangan Berkatekese dalam Masyarakat Ngadha, Flores Niba, Yulianus
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i2.123


The article explores the stigmatization phenomena of Ata polo, the ones with magical power in Flores, particularly in the District of Ngada. It is a great challenge for everyone who has to catechise the Catholics in the area. The Catholic Church is expected to take this socio-religious phenomenon into consideration and could offer an appropriate pastoral guideline for the people. In his research the writer found out that the ata polo labeling is merely an accusation based on suspicion on the one hand. On the other hand, he presumes that behind the magical practice, which is just a superstition, the people are looking for some personal interests or advantages.
Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni, Medan, Sebagai Gereja Pewarta Studi Kasus di Gereja Velangkanni di Keuskupan Agung Medan Sianturi, Berkat Rahmat
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i2.124


The article is focusing its analysis on the Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni Church (the Our Lady of Good Health Church) in Medan, North Sumatra. The church describes and introduces itself as ‘Gereja Pewarta’ (an Evangelizing Church). At first sight, however, this Catholic church gives an impression of a Buddhist or Hindu temple, due to its construction. But it is rich in and full of traditional Catholic symbols. It presents itself in two meanings, viz., as the people of God and the sacred place for worship. The popularly called Velangkanni Church in the Archdiocese of Medan with all its richness, basically wants to proclaim Jesus Christ and to promote the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, not merely a place of prayer or worship.
Gerakan Tungku Api Kehidupan, Gerakan Bersama Menghadapi “Perubahan”. Berteologi Model Antropologis di Paroki Modio, Keuskupan Timika, Papua Yeuyanan, Ricky Carol
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i2.125


The focus of this article is searching the meaning of “perubahan” (development, change) and its impact to the life of the people in the parish of Modio, Diocese of Timika, Papua. Inspired by Bevans’ Models of Contextual Theology, the writer tries to explore the implementation of “Gerakan Tungku Api” (‘TungkuApi’ Movement) carried out in the parish. It is basically a pastoral evaluation, using literatures on the topic and particularly a participant observation. The article then offers some suggestions and recommendations, for the pastoral teams in particular, who are responsible for maintaining the unity in the society, promoting the understanding of (local) culture, and organizing collaboration among individuals and institutions
Lingko, Kearifan Lokal Manggarai dan Inkulturasi Teologi Katolik Tandak, Rikardus
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i2.126


The church has been present and grown up throughout the centuries in human cultures. It takes part in the life of the world and builds the society by promoting Christian values through the local cultures. In that sense, wisdoms of the local communities are of particular importance. The writer argues that the so-called Lingko, the local wisdom of Manggarai, Flores, could be elaborated as means of promoting Christian values among the local people. In this article the writer put forward the main values of Lingko, such as the belief in Mori Keraeng (the Supreme Being, God the Creator), the value of brotherhood (cooperation and mutual assistance), and the role of ancestors (ceki) to intercede for humans to Mori Keraeng.
Witogai Kamuu, Menemukan Wajah Allah yang “Memanggil Pulang”. Sebuah TelaahTeologis Praktek Rekonsiliasi Suku Mee, Papua Lela, Emanuel Richardus Buang
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i2.127


The article tries to respond theologically the praxis of the so-called witogai kamuu, a reconciliation rite among the ethnic Mee in Papua. It is an exploration and evaluation on the meaning of witogai kamuu, which has traditionally been carried out among the Mee. The main intention is to improve the praxis of reconciliation for the better future of the people and their society. Suggestions and recommendations will be offered at the end of the article directed primarily to the local Church, the active subject of witogai kamuu. The writer is convinced that the local Church is the one who is expected the most to work more seriously in promoting peace within the Mee society. He also believes that the sacrament of reconciliation in particular is the very important means among the Catholics that could be made known among the Mee in particular and within the society in general.
Tinjauan Buku: Jihad Melawan Religious Hate Speech Sarbini, Peter Bruno
Perspektif Vol. 14 N.º 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v14i2.128


Radikalisme Timur-Tengah dan Pengaruhnya di Indonesia Darman, Andrianus; Metodius, Fabrizio Olie Valdo; Sitohang, Leopoldus Giovani; Letsoin, Yetva Softiming; Blareq, Yoseph Koverino Gedu
Perspektif Vol. 16 N.º 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v16i2.131


In this search, our focus is on Middle-Eastern radicalism and its impact on the Indonesian nation. It seems that radicalism in the Middle East arises from its own historical, political and cultural context. Therefore, it is very peculiar to apply it in this country, since Indonesia has its own particular historical, political and cultural context. However, it is inevitable that the notion of radicalism has entered Indonesia through certain groups, individuals, social media, or networks affiliated with radicalist networks in the Middle East. This fact needs to be addressed by establishing a deradicalization institution and by preserving the treasures of the arts, culture and ethics of the country, Nusantara.

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