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Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30252032     DOI : 10.37905/celara.v1i1.18495
Civic Education, Law and Humaniora, Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi merupakan Jurnal yang berbasis pada hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat terhadap isu-isu dan Permasalahan yang sedang terjadi disuatu wilayah dengan tujuan untuk pembangunan Nasional
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 10 Documents
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 2 July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i2.22292


Kepala Desa sebagai lembaga pemerintah  terkecil diberikan kewenangan oleh pemerintah dalam mewujudkan otonomi desa salah satunya diwujudkan dengan pemberian kewenangan pembangunan secara lokal-partisipatif kepada desa. Namun dalam praktiknya, kewenangan yang telah diberikan tersebut justru dimanfaatkan oleh sebagian kepala desa untuk korupsi. Kesadaran tentang korupsi dan dampaknya yang menghambat pembangunan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat belum dirasakan oleh Kepala Desa dengan masih banyak Kepala Desa yang terjerat kasus korupsi. Atas permasalahan tersebut Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Surabaya melakukan Upaya Pendidikan anti korupsi kepada pada Kepala Desa untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap peraturan-peraturan tentang korupsi dan akibatnya. Hasil dari kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat dan mampu memberikan pengetahuan lebih kepada Kepala Desa untuk lebih akuntabel dan transparan dalam membangun desa
Konservasi Sumber Daya pada Masyarakat Pesisir Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Erman Syarif; Hendra Hendra; Maddatuang M; Alief Saputro
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 1 January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i1.18656


Through competent, intelligent, sustainable and long-term oriented human resources, the optimization and success of further development of natural resource management can be achieved. The PKM activities carried out combine lecture and discussion methods. This PKM activity aims to: 1) increase coastal community knowledge about resource conservation, 2) increase coastal community awareness about resource conservation, and 3) form environmentally friendly coastal community behavior. The results of the service showed that the participants' knowledge and involvement in protecting resources had increased. Coastal and marine areas must be utilized sustainably and implemented responsibly.
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 2 July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i2.22364


Technological developments in the digital era influence various aspects of life in Indonesia, including the financial management of students at the Griya Santri Mahabbah Islamic Boarding School. Preparing accurate financial reports has become important, and advances in computerization, especially Microsoft Excel, have made significant contributions to this effort. This training aims to provide training to students regarding using Microsoft Excel in making financial reports and effective cash management. Training methods include lectures, discussions, and questions and answers. The material presented includes the use of Ms. Excel in financial reports and cash management for mahasantri is easily practiced. Participants succeeded in understanding the material and were able to identify the differences between recording cash receipts and cash disbursements. They can also group transactions by date within each month to monitor money coming in and out each month.
Pkm Pelatihan Membuat Abon Cabe Bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Di SLB Negeri Polewali Mandar Dwiyatmi Sulasminah; Usman Usman; Purwaka Hadi; Bastiana Bastiana; Tatiana Meidina; St. Kasmawati; Wizerti Ariestuti Saleh; A. Mappincara
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 1 January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i1.18858


The Community Partnership Program (PKM) partner is Polewali State SLB. The problems are: (1) the lack of knowledge and skills of students with special needs for independent living after they graduate from school. (2) students with special needs need to be given skills for their independent lives in society in the future, (3) it is necessary to design a simple vocational skills program by schools so that students with special needs gain social and economic independence, (4) students with special needs in Polewali state SLB have not once given the skill of making shredded chilies. The external target is students with special needs to have independence both socially and economically through training in making shredded chilies. The methods used are: lectures, demonstrations, questions and answers, with partners. The results achieved are (1) partners have knowledge and skills in independent life, (2) partners acquire simple life skills. (3) partners get information about vocational skills programs for students with special needs, (4) students get knowledge and skills in making shredded chilies, (5) the skills that have been given inspire schools to teach skills in making shredded chilies to culinary skills
Peningkatan Pemahaman Nilai-Nilai Anti Korupsi Guru Dan Siswa Di Lingkungan Sekolah Sman 1 Kota Serang Provinsi Banten Eki Furqon; Ahmad Rayhan; Mokhamad Gisa Vitrana; Muhamad Muslih
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 2 July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i2.22483


Instilling anti-corruption values is something that must be done from children to adults, and is done anywhere, even in schools or learning places, especially for high school students in Serang City. These Anti-Corruption Values must be taught and practiced in schools so that they can be brought and practiced to society by students, so that opportunities for committing Corruption in everyday life can be minimized. Teachers as educators also have an important role in directing students not to commit corruption, no matter how small, in real life. The instillation of Anti-Corruption Values is in accordance with the 9 Integrity Values issued by the Corruption Eradication Commission which are believed to be able to prevent criminal acts of corruption, namely including the values of "honesty, caring, independence, discipline, responsibility, hard work, simplicity, courage and fairness." ”. Methods for Increasing Understanding of Anti-Corruption Values are carried out through Socialization and Dialogue with Students of SMAN 1 Serang City and Training of Trainers for Teachers of SMAN 1 Serang City, Program for Increasing Anti-Corruption Values for Teachers and Students in the SMAN 1 City School Environment Serang is an application of the JAWARA Values (Honest, Fair, Dignified, Trustworthy, Religious and Accountable) at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University in eradicating criminal acts of corruption both on campus and in the communities of Serang and Banten cities. Apart from that, this activity to increase Anti-Corruption Values is also an embodiment of Untirta's vision of "Character", so this is Untirta's commitment to creating not only students but also people with character, so that this activity to increase Anti-Corruption Values is one of UNTIRTA's commitments. to move together with the community in eradicating corruption and becoming a spring that refreshes the thirst of the surrounding community. One of the efforts made by universities in the Anti-Corruption Values Improvement program is by providing outreach to students of SMAN 1 Serang City as well as Training of Trainers for Teachers of SMAN 1 Serang City. It is hoped that this socialization activity can instill an anti-corruption culture for students at SMAN 1 Serang City and become a guide for teachers at SMAN 1 Serang City in directing students to reject all forms of corruption from various small things in everyday life. So that an Anti-Corruption Culture can be created, especially in Serang City.
Dampak Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Siswa Di Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Pinogaluman, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara Zulaecha Ngiu; Ariyanto Nggilu; Muhammad Taufik M Pandi
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 1 January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i1.18871


The impact of social media such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook and so on has positive and negative impacts on students. Positive impacts, for example, will have creativity, have innovation in the development of science, and be used as an online business. The negative impact of foreign culture on students has reached an alarming stage because there is a tendency for students to have forgotten the culture of their own people. The culture of following along with Appearance or how to dress, following tick-tock trends, style of language in speaking, and shopping online, and always playing online games will affect the volume of brain cells so that the level of intelligence will decrease. Based on the above problems, the researchers conducted outreach to students in the private Madrasah Aliyah Hall, Pinogaluman District, North Bolaang Mongondow Regency with the aim of (1) strengthening and inculcating national character values for students in private Madrasah Aliyah, Pinogaluman District, Regency Bolaang Mongondow Utara. (2) Increasing students' awareness of their behavior while in the Madrasah environment. (3) Building a good cooperative relationship between teachers and parents of students. After carrying out the Mentoring and Socialization activities for students, we plan to do a mapping to find out how successful the teacher is in guiding his students.
Edukasi Tentang Pentingnya Pendidikan Hukum Bagi Pelajar SMK Negeri 1 Kaidipang Lucyane Djaafar; Nopiana Mozin; Yudha Mbuinga
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 2 July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i2.18741


The family is an effective legal socialization place before a child directly becomes a member of society. Parents become a very important figure in providing examples of law enforcement in Indonesia. Then from the family environment will continue to the school environment and the outside community in general. When a child has started to grow into an adult, then at that time a new individual begins to be introduced to the rules and principles of state law which they know through the legal education they receive both formally and informally. Understanding of the law can be done with legal counseling. Legal counseling means a conscious effort made by someone to comply with applicable legal rules. The methods of implementation are Activity Stages, Preparation and Debriefing Materials, and Program Action Plans. The results of the collaborative community service activities for lecturers and students in the form of socialization are as follows (1) Increased legal awareness of students at SMKN 1 Kaidipang. (2) The behavior of students at SMKN 1 Kaidipang who obeys the law is formed. (3) The characteristics of students at SMKN 1 Kaidipang who understand the law grow. With legal awareness within the students of SMKN 1 Kaidipang, they will easily realize that it is important to comply with existing regulations so that they can apply them and become an example for young and old people in their area, so that they will get used to complying with regulations and carrying out law well wherever they are.  
Peran Guru dalam Menangani Siswa yang Kecanduan dengan Game Online Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Gorontalo Utara, Kecamatan Atinggola, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara Sukarman Kamuli; Roni Lukum; Sahril Anwar Tialo
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 1 January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i1.18872


At State Senior High School 3 North Gorontalo, Atinggola District, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, the tendency is for students to forget the culture of their own nation. The culture of playing online games requires a more teacher role for these students. Based on the problems above, the researchers conducted outreach to students at State High School 3 Gorontalo Utara, Atinggola District, North Gorontalo Regency with the aim of (1) Instilling the values of national character to students at State High School 3 North Gorontalo , Atinggola District, North Gorontalo Regency (2) Fostering a spirit of discipline in all students so that they come to school more disciplined (3) getting used to good things in each student. The problem that occurs among students is the inability of students to stem the influence of online games which results in reduced student motivation and enthusiasm for learning. After carrying out the Mentoring and Socialization activities for students, we plan to do a mapping to find out how successful the teacher is in guiding his students.
SOSIALISASI PENCEGAHAN KEKERASAN SEKSUAL TERHADAP ANAK DI SMP NEGERI 3 LIMBOTO Nopiana Mozin; Sukarman Kamuli; Zulaecha Ngiu; Saleh Al Hamid; Ariyanto Nggilu; Puput Riana Rusli
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 2 July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i2.22125


A child is one of the creatures entrusted by God to be cared for, guided and given affection. One of the rights of children is to get an education, and teaching both at home, school and in the community. The child also has the right to have legal protection of his / her self both physically and mentally. Children who are vulnerable to physical or sexual violence are also entitled to legal protection. Gorontalo, especially the number of sexual violence against children, is increasing, this is clearly one of the problems faced by the government. Therefore, collaborative community service conducted by lecturers and students by involving education units in SMP Negeri 3 Limboto is considered very important. The implementation method is packaged in the form of pengbadian socialization prevention of sexual violence in SMP Negeri 3 Limboto Anak. Its purpose is to provide understanding and education on how important it is to protect children's rights and prevent children from the dangers of sexual violence. 
Pengembangan Literasi Anak Melalui Metode Pembelajaran Inovatif Dan Aktif Di SDN 3 Bengkaung Batu Layar Lombok Barat Sawaludin Sawaludin; Nispia Royani; Suharni Suharni
Civic Education Law and Humaniora : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Terintegrasi Vol 1 No 1 January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/celara.v1i1.18495


Development of children's literacy through learning methods is one of the supporting factors in the implementation of learning carried out in schools. This is a capital for a teacher to create a pleasant and not boring classroom atmosphere, not only that by using good learning methods it greatly affects children's learning outcomes. However, the fact is that teachers at SDN 3 Bengkaung do not understand and pay attention to this. The learning method used is still low order thinking skills. The teaching materials used so far are teaching materials that are oriented towards mastery of concepts in accordance with the material in textbooks that apply nationally. This is what causes the lack of children's learning outcomes, as well as the low literacy skills of children at SDN 3 Bengkaung. That is why the community service activities which are located at SDN 3 Bengkaung, Batu Layar District, West Lombok Regency were carried out by PPKN students at the University of Mataram, by implementing several solutions in the form of innovative and active teaching methods, such as carrying out morning literacy activities, showing educational videos, and coloring the sketch. This is proven to be able to create an active learning atmosphere and restore children's enthusiasm for learning, and provide new knowledge to children.

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