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Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu
ISSN : 30472113     EISSN : 30472121     DOI : 10.69714
Core Subject : Education,
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI) dengan e-ISSN : 3047-2121, p-ISSN : 3047-2113, merupakan platform publikasi jurnal Karya suatu hasil penelitian orisinil atau tinjauan Pustaka yang ditulis oleh Dosen, mahasiswa dan atau Peneliti lainnya. Ruang lingkup karya yang diterbitkan mencakup Multidisiplin diantaranya yaitu: Ilmu Sosial Humaniora, Ilmu Hukum, Pertanian, Kesehatan, Peternakan, perikanan, Politik, Pendidikan, Ilmu Teknik, Teknik Elektro dan Informatika, Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen, Ekonomi dan Akuntansi, Kewirausahaan dan Bisnis. Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun 6 kali (Februari, April, Juni, Agustus, Oktober dan Desember)
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 33 Documents
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused company share prices to experience significant fluctuations in a relatively short time span. Unstable economic conditions, changes in market demand, and changing government policies have all contributed to stock price volatility. Apart from that, global economic uncertainty, including in Indonesia. The cement industry is one of the sectors that has been impacted by COVID 19. Therefore, analysis of financial performance before and after COVID 19 on share prices in cement companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange is important to study. This research found that financial performance had a significant effect on share prices in cement companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

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In the last century, the use of machine learning, especially the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) has greatly helped the world of health (medicine). Through action research on image datasets, CNN succeeded and was able to show classification or grouping based on the same characteristics and properties on unlabeled images with higher accuracy and faster than other machine learning methods. This is very useful for the world of health, especially in the use of chest x-rays (chest x-rays) in the medical world. This study aims to optimize the CNN InceptionResNet-V2 architecture, for classifying Covid-19 disease, by training 4000 chest x-ray image datasets. The accuracy test results from InceptionResNet-V2 yielded 98%, with the precision of each CNN InceptionRestNet-V2 architecture class being Covid (99%), Lung_Opacity (97%), Normal (98%), Viral_Pneumonia (98%). The CNN InceptionRestNet architecture can help quickly and accurately produce chest x-rays.
PERAN TOKOH AGAMA ISLAM DI DAERAH MINORITAS MUSLIM SEBAGAI PEMBENTUK SOSIAL KEAGAMAAN: (Studi Kasus Desa Sukajulu, Kecamatan Barusjahe, Kabupaten Karo) Dira Azzahra Putri; Suheri Harahap; Ahmed Fernanda Desky
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

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Minority groups usually have difficulty getting the access they need in their areas. As a Muslim minority community living in a non-Muslim majority environment, they definitely need religious knowledge for their lives as Muslims. And this makes the role of religious figures very important in teaching and providing Islamic religious knowledge. The aim of this research is to identify the role of religious figures in the social development of religion in society, especially in situations where Muslims are a minority. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach to study the role of religious figures in Sukajulu village. Data collection techniques in this research used observation, interview and documentation techniques. The theory used to analyze this phenomenon is Emile Durkheim's theory of social solidarity. The results of this research show that the role of religious figures in Sukajulu village is still relatively lacking, because there are no religious figures who live in this village. The religious figures who serve here never last long, and this results in frequent changes in religious figures. Sukajulu village is a Muslim minority village which should receive more attention from religious leaders. Even though there is a lack of religious figures in this village, the religious activities of the minority community in Sukajulu village are still ongoing.
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69714/9t1k8742


The large amount of research that examines leadership has made it possible that the lack of quality in a leader has recently stopped using Bible principles as a strong weapon to minimize the values and direction of the times which are now rapidly changing, especially among God's servants in dealing with Christian leadership issues. Listen to many reviews of leadership research which tend to focus on leadership methods (decision models) which are also assessed for the management needs of a company, church or other Christian institution, and so on. Others also discuss the characteristics of a leader, even trying to relate it to the life of Jesus' service as a teacher or leader who also had various backgrounds for foster children (read: His students). Researchers place the leadership pattern of Jesus, who was so strong and authoritative, that his leadership behavior has become an exemplary example for all time until now, even though he had to face increasingly rapidly changing times so that the character's model no longer played a role because it was being swallowed up by rapidly changing times. There are still other discussions about leadership which are answers to leadership issues, in this case touching on the calling of God's servants as leaders in the current era. The main problem lies in leaders who are absorbed in the development of modernism, thus shifting or even eliminating the values of Christ as the center of ideal and strong Christian leadership. The introduction of rationalistic understanding as the beginning of the development of leaders' modernity in leading, rationalist values and mentality enter into leading behavior so that it becomes more humanistic because of a leader's liberalist decisions. That is why researchers emphasize the importance of highlighting the causes of a leader being influenced by rationalism which is the cause of the arrival of modernity or the birth of postmodernity in leadership. So the author wants to find out where the shift is, or at what point a change occurs in the context of leadership. The influence of postmodernism for researchers does not change much of its significance, considering the movements and idealism of Christian leaders in this rapidly changing era. On the contrary, Christian leaders use postmodern influence as a connecting bridge in service programs, and do not shift the value of their 'godliness'. The method used by the author is purely literary and followed by historical references to strengthen the relationship between the birth or emergence of postmodernity from the forces of the rationalist, existentialist and modern eras (contemporary). In relation to Christian leadership, what the author explores is the connection to leadership behavior and the focus on integrity. Highlighting leadership behavior, the author finds ways of thinking, and taking responsibility, and so on in taking and finding the right solution to the problem. In leadership integrity, the author traces his disciplined life (leadership mentality), and his routine spirituality which the author assesses has been inherent in him since receiving a call (read: divine calling) as a leader, either in his church or in the institution he leads.
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69714/7n2y8450


This Christian perspective helps teachers develop Christian teenagers with Christian values ​​appropriate to their age and stage of development. The aim of this research is to understand how Christian teenagers can be developed and assisted in the process of spiritual and moral development. This research method is a literature study by reviewing literature, collecting books, literature materials and references related to the research being carried out. Data collection techniques include observations, interviews and documentation. The research results show that the perspective of characteristics and tasks of adolescent development in the study of Christian Religious Education has a positive impact on students' understanding and in the development of adolescents' spirituality. It is important to understand the characteristics of their development, such as self-identity, interpersonal relationships, and exploration of spiritual values. Developmental tasks related to religious experience, such as understanding doctrine, moral formation, and applying religious principles in daily life, are also the main focus in the process of Christian religious education for adolescents. The practical implications of these findings highlight the need for an approach to religious edShalom.ucation that is holistic and relevant to the developmental needs of Christian adolescents.
PENDIDIKAN YANG MENDUKUNG PERKEMBANGAN SOSIAL, EMOSIONAL, DAN ETIS SISWA Dearma Friend Damanik; Pebri Hot Marisi Silaen; Febri Martauli Hutabarat
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69714/ext8zs15


Education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals who are socially adept, emotionally stable, and ethically grounded. This journal explores how education can support the social, emotional, and ethical development of students. By analyzing various strategies and approaches that have proven effective, this research aims to provide profound insights into the role of education in shaping holistic individuals. The discussed approaches include collaborative learning, empathy development, mental well-being education, and character education. Furthermore, the challenges and opportunities in implementing these approaches in the context of modern education are also thoroughly discussed. By understanding the importance of supporting the social, emotional, and ethical development of students, it is hoped that this journal can make a valuable contribution to stakeholders in the field of education.
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Juni : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69714/p4eqa496


This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing the COBIT 2019 framework in information technology audits at PT. LUM. COBIT 2019 is a globally recognized framework for the governance and management of enterprise information technology. Using COBIT 2019, this research analyzes the extent to which PT. LUM has implemented effective IT controls and governance to support its business objectives. The research methodology involves qualitative descriptive analysis by collecting data through interviews, questionnaires, and review of internal company documents. The research results show that PT. LUM has implemented most of the processes in the COBIT 2019 domain, but there are still several areas that require further improvement. These findings include the need for improvements in IT risk management, increasing human resource capacity in the IT sector, as well as strengthening monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. From the results of this research, it is recommended that PT. LUM has made improvements to policies and procedures related to IT governance in accordance with the 2019 COBIT recommendations. A more comprehensive implementation of this framework is expected to improve the company's information technology performance, support the achievement of strategic goals, and increase value for stakeholders.
WAWANCARA PSIKOLOGI SEBAGAI ALAT UNTUK MEMAHAMI IDENTITAS, PENCAPAIAN, EMOSIONAL REMAJA Oktaviani Simbolon; Rizki Aprilia Lumbantobing; Ingot Harminto Situmorang; Dorlan Naibaho
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69714/sgat5658


This article discusses the importance of understanding the Psychology of Adolescent Development. Psychological interviews as a tool for understanding the identity, achievements and emotions of adolescents. Psychological interviews are a research method used to understand a person's behavior, emotions and thoughts. In the context of adolescents, psychological interviews can help understand the identity, achievements and emotions of adolescents by collecting information directly from research subjects. Here are some ways how psychological interviews can help understand these aspects: Identity: Psychological interviews can help understand how adolescents understand themselves and how they identify themselves in social contexts. In this way, researchers can understand how adolescents develop self-concept and how they interact with others. Achievement: Psychological interviews can help understand how adolescents experience the process of identity achievement and how they deal with identity crises. In this way, researchers can understand how teenagers develop courage and how they deal with changes in their lives. Emotional: Psychological interviews can help understand how teenagers experience emotions and how they control their emotions. In this way, researchers can understand how adolescents develop emotional abilities and how they interact with others in emotional contexts. In synthesis, psychological interviews can be used as an effective tool for understanding adolescent identity, achievement, and emotions. In this way, researchers can understand how adolescents develop self-concept, deal with identity crises, and control their emotions.
KONSEP DASAR SUPERVISI PENDIDIKAN: IMPLIKASI TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN KINERJA GURU Puji Rosianna Sinaga; Nopesari Samosir; Valdo Hutauruk; Chindy Nababan; Evinti Nadeak; Abai Manupak Tambunanf
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69714/rgqtga74


Educational supervision plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of education within schools. This research aims to delve deeper into the fundamental concepts, principles, techniques, and approaches of educational supervision through a comprehensive literature review. The methodology employed involves a thorough examination, analysis, and synthesis of various scholarly sources pertaining to educational supervision. The findings highlight that educational supervision is a deliberate process aimed at providing professional support to educators, thereby fostering improvements in the teaching-learning process and outcomes. The foundational principles underlying this practice include scientific, collaborative, constructive, realistic, progressive, innovative, reflective, and secure approaches. Various techniques can be utilized, including both individual and group supervision. Among these, clinical supervision emerges as an effective approach, comprising stages such as initial meetings, observation, analysis, and feedback sessions between supervisors and educators. In summary, the effective implementation of educational supervision necessitates a systematic understanding and application by all stakeholders within schools, ultimately contributing to the advancement of teacher professionalism and the overall quality of education.
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Februari : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69714/7w494s69


Affective learning strategies aim to expose students to problem situations, so that they can make decisions based on parts that are considered quality. The research used by the author is a literature study or called the literature review method, which is sourced from books, journals, and websites that discuss affective learning to improve morals through student character or attitudes, for future student provision. Religious education in schools plays an important role in the formation and development of students' attitudes and morals, one of which is to fulfill spiritual needs and mindsets. Challenges such as a dense curriculum require effective religious learning strategies to instill religious values that can be applied in everyday life. These strategies should also help students understand themselves to control emotions and form strong characters. Increased student motivation can be achieved through verbal rewards, test scores as a motivator for success, and rewards. Fun learning will make learners more understandable, active and motivated. In the context of values and attitudes education, learning strategies should include the organization of materials as well as clear and measurable objectives. Value and attitude education is very important in shaping individual character in accordance with norms, laws, religion, and academics.

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