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ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
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ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial is a journal in the field of Law managed and developed by Students, Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia. Since it was first published in 2022, the journal is intended to facilitate and provide a legal study development forum for lecturer, Researchers, and students. This journal publishes articles in the field of law with a theme specific to each problem. The specialty of this journal is to publish articles in contemporary legal studies with an interdisciplinary approach. The journal is also intended to publish a variety of studies on social justice and crime in a broad perspective. ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial publishes fallen theoretical contributions in the field of social-law, as well as contributions that are the result of empirical and interdisciplinary research. ACADEMOS journal is published twice a year (in February and August) by the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 34 Documents
The Impact of The Crime of Terrorism on World Security in International Law Perspective Miliarni Deida Navydien; Shafira Tri Pinareswati; Khesya Khusnul Fadhilah Utomo; Annisa Amalia Ramadhani
Academos Vol 2 No 1 (2023): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v2i1.16503


Terrorism is a form of crime that is included in the extraordinary crime which in its legal settlement requires special handling. The crime of terrorism is a crime that is feared by the world community, including Indonesia, because the characteristics of this crime are to create a sense of insecurity and spread terror to society and the victims of this crime of terrorism feel that until now they have not received full justice. The writing of this law is a normative legal research using the literature study method to resolve legal issues related to the impact of terrorism on security in the perspective of international law which is then analyzed using related laws and regulations. The result of writing this law is the need for protection and a sense of justice for victims of criminal acts of terrorism and also the role of law enforcers is needed to uphold justice and the role of the government in terms of being able to provide fair compensation for victims affected by acts of terrorism.
Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Tindak Pidana Penipuan Belanja Daring Dalam Metode Pembayaran Ditempat Muhammad Thufail Farhani; Muridah Isnawati
Academos Vol 2 No 1 (2023): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v2i1.17460


As a result of the development of information technology, there is a new form of fraud that is associated with the "criminal act of online fraud". Customer likes the convenience of on-site payment options because it frees them from the burden of admin fees and is easier to process payments. Cash on delivery options have a high level of risk, contributing significantly to the prevalence of eIectronic transaction fraud. Sellers use a variety of strategies in the hope of increasing their revenue, most of which will ultimately be unavailable to the person who buys the goods sold by the seller. This research uses normative legal research using the statutory approach method. The criminal liability of online shopping fraud in the cash on delivery method can be charged to Paragraph 45A section (1) of the ITE Law
Sadomasochistic Behavior in the Perspective of Human Rights and Criminal Law Moh. Sihabudin; Anang Dony Irawan
Academos Vol 2 No 2 (2023): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v2i2.19426


Sexual deviant behavior is one of the many types of crimes that exist in Indonesia. This sexual deviant behavior activity is intended to achieve sexual satisfaction in an abnormal way, one of which is sadomasochistic behavior. Sadomasochistic behavior is synonymous with sexual activity that involves violence in it, both in the form of physical violence and mental violence from their partners. In practice, sadomasochistic actors seek sexual satisfaction with certain objects that arouse their sexual desires, thereby hurting their partners. This of course refers to criminal acts of sexual violence, apart from violating criminal law provisions, sadomasochistic acts are also prohibited in Human Rights. This article was compiled to find out about sadomasochistic behavior in the perspective of Human Rights and Criminal Law based on Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning Crimes of Sexual Violence. The method used in this writing is a normative research method using the statutory approach. Then analyzed and described to solve the topics discussed in this paper. The results of the study stated that sadomasochism in husband-wife relationships is prohibited behavior. Then analyzed and described to solve the topics discussed in this paper. The results of the study stated that sadomasochism in husband-wife relationships is prohibited behavior. Then analyzed and described to solve the topics discussed in this paper. The results of the study stated that sadomasochism in husband-wife relationships is prohibited behavior
Law Enforcement of Money Politics in Regional Head General Elections Mohammad Buchori Muslim
Academos Vol 2 No 2 (2023): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v2i2.19573


The number of cases of violations that occurred in the implementation of regional head general elections, for example money politics. A number of parties with an interest in certain candidates provide money or other objects to voters or organizers. Against this background, this research was conducted to find out and discuss the accountability of the perpetrators of money politics in regional head elections and the legal consequences imposed on perpetrators of money politics violations in regional head elections as stipulated in Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to the Law Law Number 1 of 2015 concerning the Stipulation of Government Regulations in lieu of Law Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors to Become Laws. For research methods using normative juridical research methods that are qualitative. From the research, it is known that one of the factors causing the practice of money politics is the weak regulations on money politics in regional head elections and weak enforcement of penalties. Even though the law has expressly prohibited the practice of money politics, it still happens a lot. so in addition to improving the existing regulations in the legislation, it is also necessary to strengthen the role of related institutions and community participation.
Penerapan Sanksi Juru Parkir Liar Atas Pungutan Tarif Parkir Minimarket di Kota Surabaya Bunga Putri Islam
Academos Vol 2 No 2 (2023): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v2i2.19587


Parking includes conditions where the means of transportation or vehicles stop temporarily and the driver is not at the location, but it is undeniable that illegal parking attendants are still often found indirectly forcing us to pay for parking services, especially at minimarkets in the city of Surabaya. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the Surabaya City government in controlling parking attendants and imposing sanctions on illegal parking attendants in Surabaya City minimarkets. The research method used in this writing is normative research with primary and secondary legal materials. From the results of this study, the Surabaya City government has regulated the implementation of parking through Surabaya City Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Parking in the City of Surabaya. The regional regulation also explains the provisions for official parking officers. Meanwhile, administrative sanctions that can be given to illegal parking attendants at minimarkets can be in the form of a warning, a written warning or even being fired as a parking attendant. And according to Article 39 of the Regional Regulation of the City of Surabaya Number 3 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Parking, criminal sanctions can be given, such as imprisonment or fines.
Academos Vol 2 No 2 (2023): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v2i2.19943


Granting of restitution to children is part of the responsibility of the perpetrator based on a court decision that has legal force. This has the aim of protecting children’s rights to live, grow, develop and participate optimally in society without any psychological pressure. The existence of children’s rights as victim of sexual violence has not been fully fulfilled, because in reality restitution is often not carried out properly. This is caused by several factors, such as the lack of awareness of the perpetrators of their responsibilities, the difficulty in obtaining sufficient evidence or information, and the lack of supervision and law enforcement regarding the implementation of restitution. This study aimed whether children as the victim of sexual violence have the right to receive restitution, and how are efforts to provide restitution for children as victims of sexual violence cases. This study used normative legal research with a statutory approach. The results of this study were first, children as victim of sexual violence have the right to receive restitution in Article 71D of Law9number 35 of 2014 concerning4amendments to6Law number 23 of 2002 concerning Children Protection, jo article 7A in Law number 31 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law number 13 of 2006 concerning1Protection of Witnesses and Victims. Second, what are the efforts to provide restitution for children as victim of sexual violence cases Article 7A paragraph (1) Law Number 31 of 2014 concerning the Protection of Witnesses and Victims that every victim has the right to obtain restitution, Government Regulation Number 43 of 2017 regarding the implementation of restitution for children as victim, namely regarding the Rights of Children as victim in prosecution.
Analisis Problematika Dalam Transaksi Cash on Delivery (CoD) pada Online Marketplace System baskoro gunawan
Academos Vol 2 No 2 (2023): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v2i2.20046


Masyarakat Indonesia hingga kini kurangnya sosialisasi dalam sistem pembayaran CoD pada Online Marketplace system sehingga merugikan bagi penjual dimana pembeli tidak bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan pembayaran. Hal tersebut dibuktikan masih maraknya kasus yang terjadi, seperti kasus yang dilansir berita radar sumedang 26 Mei 2022 yang dimana kasus tersebut pembeli tidak bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan pembayaran sesuai prosedur. Kurangnya pengaturan hukum mengenai perlindungan terhadap pelaku usaha menimbulkan kerugian bagi pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan usahanya terlebih dalam sistem pembayaran COD, permasalahan yang akan penulis angkat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai faktor faktor kerawanan yang terjadi dalam transaksi Cash on Delivery. Mengenai hak dan kewajiban konsumen diatur dalam Undang Undang No 8 tahun 1999 dimana konsumen harus memiliki itikad baik dalam bertransaksi dalam membeli barang dan jasa, serta konsumen wajib menukarkan menurut nilai tukar upah yang disepakati. Rendahnya pemahaman konsumen mengenai pembayaran cod pada Marketplace menimbulkan kerawanan kerugian bagi pelaku usaha. Marketplace perlu bertanggung jawab dalam memberikan edukasi mengenai proses jual beli online termasuk dengan sistem pembayaran COD pada masyarakat.
Academos Vol 2 No 2 (2023): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v2i2.20227


Sebagian besar masyarakat telah beralih dari berbelanja di pasar konvensional menjadi berbelanja secara online melalui e-commerce atau marketplace. di tengah kondisi teknologi yang serba canggih, semua kebutuhan dapat dipenuhi melalui e-commerce, karena hampir semua kebutuhan primer maupun sekunder manusia tersedia di dalamnya. Diperlukan upaya perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen yang dirugikan atau mengalami penipuan dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi haknya sebagai konsumen dan pelaku usaha wajib menjalankan kewajibannya sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan peraturan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang korban tindak pidana berhak mendapatkan perlindungan hukum dan mengetahui tentang upaya hukum yang bisa dilakukan korban tindak pidana yang mengatasnamakan e-commerce. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normative (ststutta approach). Hasil penelitian ini adalah, bahwa pertama Perlindungan hukum bagi korban tindak pidana penipuan E-commerce di atur dalam pasal 28 Undang Undang No. 8 tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan konsumen dan pasal 28 ayat (1) Undang Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Kedua, upaya hukum korban tindak pidana yang mengatasnamakan E-Commerce diatur dalam Undang Undang Perlindungan Konsumen dalam Pasal 45 Undang Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Perlindungan konsumen
The Role Of The Indonesian Government In The Imposition Of Tariffs For Imported & Exported Goods In The Asean Region Ferdihan Bahrul Faliqin Faliqin
Academos Vol 3 No 1 (2024): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v3i1.22306


This legal research examined the role of the Indonesian government, which is tasked with overseeing the implementation of the import and export tariff system in Indonesia. At this time, with the development of the international market, countries certainly need to tighten their security in order to protect their economic systems by implementing rules that regulate the course of trade, establishing cooperation, and entering into treaties or agreements that will later bind one country to another. The laws that Indonesia has implemented into domestic regulations, such as Law No. 7 of 2014, Law no. 17 of 2006, and Law no. 39 of 2007. This research discussed the impact of implementing the tariff system on Indonesia's export and import trade and current government challenges, such as the development of world globalization, the era of digitalization, and also actions that can be categorized as crimes in the trade sectors. Dumping also occurs in international trade, which can threaten local markets, prompting countries to make agreements to combat dumping practices. The research method used is a normative research method. The approaches used are the Statute Approach and the Analytical Approach, namely, research using legislation, Trade Law Concepts, and also analysis of the implications of Legal principles as a basic reference and analysis of several laws and regulations that regulate this matter.
Academic Manuscripts In Several Countries: As The Basis For Regulation Formation Muhammad Ramadhana Alfaris
Academos Vol 3 No 1 (2024): ACADEMOS Jurnal Hukum dan Tatanan Sosial
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyaha Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aca.v3i1.22975


Hence, academic manuscripts fundamentally strive to offer a cognitive framework for crafting laws that are not driven by pseudo-interests, pseudo-needs, or pseudo-thinking. Nonetheless, the presence of academic manuscripts necessitates meticulous attention to their creation. This research aims to explore academic manuscripts in several countries regarding the formation of state regulations. The research method employs a normative juridical research type with case, conceptual, and regulation approaches. Another research approach is the comparative approach between Indonesia and other countries. The research findings explain that Overall, academic manuscripts make a highly valuable contribution to the process of forming regulations in a country by providing the knowledge, analysis, and recommendations needed for policymakers to make informed and effective decisions. In Indonesia, there is still ambiguity regarding the substance of regulations and the creation of academic manuscripts, thus affecting the regulations that are made. Meanwhile, in the European Union, Idaho, and Korea, the alignment between academic manuscripts and regulations is emphasized, with the creation of academic manuscripts overseen by academic institutions tasked with research and knowledge development. This has implications for both regulations and society

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