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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
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The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
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Understanding the Role of Social Media Toward Satisfaction of Government in Indonesia Sakti, Rangga Eka; Nainggolan, Bestian
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Along with the massive internet penetration, the number of social media users in Indonesia increases significantly during this half decade. Besides being used as a medium to communicate, social media also plays a role as a source of information consumed by the public. This poses a dilemma. On the one hand, information becomes decentralized. But on the other hand, there is no verification mechanism for information in the social media space. The loss of this check and clarification process makes it easy for hoaxes, disinformation and misinformation to spread through social media, including those related to government performance as well as public policy issues. Previous studies have shown how social media impacted public’s perceptions toward the government across several countries both with positive and negative effects. Thus, this study aims to answer the relationship between the use of social media as a source of information of the public and their satisfaction with the government's performance through polls that were conducted 3 times during the period of 2021-2022 across Indonesia. The polls show various results which explain the different impacts of social media consumption toward people’s satisfaction with the government based on time frame and political partisanship.
Cultural Approach in Responding to theCrisis of Public TrustSleman Government's Strategy in Encouraging COVID-19Vaccination Apriliani, Riski; Abisono, Firya Qurratu’ain
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 through the vaccination program. Along with vaccination socialization, there is a lot of hoax information and disinformation related to vaccines which unfold distrust and reluctance among people to be vaccinated. However, it is different in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially the Sleman area, which has the highest vaccination rate and is declared to be completing the COVID-19 Vaccination in 11 months. This condition is an example of trust from the Sleman community listening to vaccination recommendations. The application of a cultural approach in increasing public trust to vaccinate against COVID-19 is also interesting to study further. Therefore, this study examines how the efforts to build public trust utilizing a cultural approach to crisis communication by the Department of Public Relations of the Sleman Government, which builds an image and manages the COVID-19 crisis, as well as being the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force. The research method used is a case study that explicitly discusses vaccination programs between January and May 2021. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews with the Department of Public Relations of the Sleman Government and secondary data through literature studies, related documents, and internet sources. The data analysis technique applies the approach of Miles and Huberman (1998), with data validation techniques through source triangulation. The efforts of the Department of Public Relations of the Sleman Government generated a high level of trust due to the decentralization policy which strengthened their relation with the community. The analysis results prove that the application of crisis communication by the Department of Public Relations of the Sleman Government intersects and supports each other on public trust in both the selection of actors, the preparation of messages, and the use of media. The coverage of elements of public trust present in the crisis communication of the COVID-19 Vaccination program proves that there is a link between effective crisis communication which has implications for high public trust.
Crisis Communication in Non-Tectonic Tsunami Disaster Management Policy in Indonesia: The Application of Soft Systems Methodology Based Multi-Method Akhyar, Dani; Hendriyani, Hendriyani; Hardjosoekarto, Sudarsono
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study aims to discuss disaster crisis communication policies for non tectonic tsunami in Indonesia. The case study was selected from the Sunda Strait tsunami that occurred in December 2018 and claimed more than 400 lives. The disaster is unusual since it is included as a non-tectonic tsunami and unable to be detected by the current tsunami early warning system. This study was conducted at the macro level, namely an analysis of disaster communication policies, specifically Law No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management. The data were collected through big data analysis of the word disaster, textual network analysis of disaster laws, and in-depth interviews with six national disaster stakeholders. The discussion applied Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) based Multi-Method with a combination of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Textual Network Analysis (TNA) in the stage 2 of SSM, namely compiling a Rich Picture. The application of SSM based Multi-Method has provided a new methodological variant of SSM. The findings of this study contribute to: First, proving the lack of coordination between disaster regulations stipulating several disaster agencies, leading to the faulty operation of the non-tectonic tsunami early warning system. Second, providing recommendations to disaster policy makers to amend Law No. 24/2007. Third, suggesting the transformation of an integrated crisis communication system among national disaster agencies. Fourth, confirming the involvement of Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (Polri) in the process of disseminating information and communication, considering that these two institutions have networks that reach the lowest levels of society. Fifth, proposing the importance of increasing disaster education to disaster stakeholders at the central to regional levels as well as the community on a massive basis, particularly in areas prone to potential disasters.
Reimaging Indigenous Baduy Women in the Vortex of Digital Technology: Female Empowerment Perspective Setijadi, Naniek Novijanti
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Baduy is a tribe that adheres to ancestral traditions, a social system based on cultural values, beliefs, and rules passed down for generations. Nevertheless, they are now touched by digitalization. This study considers challenges, difficulties, and potential advantages when communities, especially women in remote, rural, non-electrified homes, are equipped with fundamental communication technology knowledge and competence. It aims to identify critical factors and trends of indigenous Baduy women's participation in ICT and examines the practices enabling women's participation in social media. Primary data of research is the result of observation and in-depth interviews, while secondary data is the result of documentation. This research is based on the theory of technology domestication, which emphasizes the role of users in making media technology usable in their daily context. The empirical and qualitative fieldwork data results reveal how indigenous Baduy women construct their sense of reality in the vortex of digital transformation while struggling to maintain their traditional culture. Findings are presented with a discussion of the implications and challenges for new media uses as a means of cultural production for alternative, more socially oriented purposes.
Twitter for Public Organization: Communication and Public Engagement in the Generation Unlimited Initiative Pertiwi, Nandariza Yoga; Purwanti, Nurul Dwi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The United Nation Children’s Fund has programs and initiatives involving various stakeholders and the active participation of audiences worldwide, so communication becomes a crucial aspect of the organization's operations especially in increasing public involvement. This study aims to identify the role of opinion leader UNICEF—especially the initiation of Generation Unlimited—through message types in its communication process on Twitter to increase public engagement using a mix-method design through big data analytics and content analysis. Locus of the study is the opinion leader’s Twitter account, which interacts with the Generation Unlmited account. 4,095 tweets are collected and accessed via Twitter Application Programming Interface using Python. According to the findings, the opinion leader with the highest popularity is @Unilever, and the message type with the highest engagement is the interactive one from @UNICEFROSA. Opinion leader with the highest popularity value does not necessarily have messages with the highest engagement value either. The primary contribution of this article is to provide the finding about certain types of opinion leaders and content types that impact increasing public engagement. We believe the research can inspire other public organizations to develop and optimize their communication engagement through their social media platform.
Peirce Semiotic Analysis of the Representation Of Oligarchic Power in the Korean Drama Film the Healer Septiana, Rizka
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study uses an interpretive/constructive paradigm and a qualitative approach using semiotic methods in its discussion. The purpose of this study is to show how a Korean drama film becomes a medium of representation or picture of reality, especially regarding the oligarchic power in the democratic history of South Korea at that time. This study will focus more on signs that describe or show the activities of oligarchic power in the Korean drama film The Healer. By using triadic analysis of Charles Oligarchy's semiotics, namely objects, interpretants and representatives, the researchers found that the semiotics of oligarchic power in the Korean drama film The Healer is illustrated by the use of the word "we" in the dialogue and enters the type of oligarchic power of collective rulers. The researcher concludes that the scenes and dialogues that show the activities of the power holder in the form of scenes and dialogues are representations. The object in the Korean drama film The Healer is shown through the activities of the oligarchic power, which is shown by expressions, dialogues and visible actions. Meanwhile, the interpretation of the meaning of oligarchic power appears in mind related to the object being referred to.
The Digital Socialization Effectiveness of “Destroy The Illegal Cigarettes” at Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta Sunardiyah, Fina; Pawito, Pawito; Naini, Albert Muhammad Isrun
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Circulation of illegal cigarettes is a crucial issue in Indonesia and getting worse during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Illegal cigarettes are an alternative solution because legal cigarettes are too expensive. The high price of legal cigarettes caused by government regulation on excise duty. Public’s understanding about the bad effects of cigarettes needs to be improved, because the health expense caused by smoking is much higher than the excise on tobacco products. Based on this problem, this study aims to analyze the effectiveness strategy of The Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta in suppressing the circulation of illegal cigarettes through digital socialization. This type of research is qualitative research and uses a qualitative research design, data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The research result shows that the implementation of digital socialization by the Surakarta Customs and Excise to suppress the circulation of illegal cigarettes is already effective. Digital-based socialization is a suitable strategy in disseminating persuasive information. The consideration of the socialization strategies success of the Surakarta Customs and Excise is supported by informants’ opinions who say that education is an important aspect that can support the society’s understanding about illegal cigarettes. The development of technology and information makes information dissemination access easier and unlimited. The digital socialization is done with educational poster media, traditional performing arts held virtually, educational video published through digital platforms proved effective referring to the total content views which are more than expected. Socialization needs to be improved furthermore.
Counter Hegemony Online Media Reporting on Marginalized Religious Groups: A Case Study of the Serikat Jurnalis Untuk Keberagaman (Sejuk) Anggraini, Maya; Utari, Prahastiwi; Satyawan, Ignatius Agung
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The media ecosystem in Indonesia still does not provide a safe space for marginalized religious groups. Information on marginal religious groups is commodified so that these groups are only used as objects, not news subjects who can tell their point of view. Serikat Jurnalis Untuk Keberagaman (Sejuk) seeks to combat this hegemony by advocating journalists regarding coverage of marginalized religious groups. The theory used is the Counter Hegemony Theory and the Concept of Disinformation Capitalism. The research method was descriptive qualitative with a single case study type. Data collection techniques were carried out using semi-structured interviews and the use of literature. the analysis and validity of the data in this study used triangulation techniques. the analysis was performed by data reduction and data grouping to conclude. The result of the research was that the commodification of information occurred because positive information on reporting of marginal religious groups does not generate profits, so that information is limited and not reported. The information, in this case, is political and inaccurate, which means that positive information related to the harmonious practices of marginal religious groups is overshadowed by information related to conflicts and threats against these groups. Sejuk's efforts as an organic intellectual group against media hegemony has changed the perspective of journalists in covering marginal religious groups. Journalists, who have been in contact with and received Sejuk training might write stories that do not stigmatize this group. Even so, there are challenges in the practice of Sejuk, namely the resistance to Sejuk is quite large due to increasingly intense advocacy.
An Examination of Collective Memory of the Tsunami Disaster: A Comparative Study between Japan and Indonesia Murti, Desideria Cempaka Wijaya; Marta, Rustono Farady; Almuntarizi, Almuntarizi; Manalu, Tifani Dianisya
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Japan and Indonesia, as two countries that are geographically vulnerable to tsunami disasters, have similarities in geography and culture. Analyzing disaster museums through the Inamura No Hi Museum in Japan and the Aceh Museum in Indonesia in communication, heritage, and cultural studies were conducted to show how museums' visual framework and experience are used to interpret post-disaster situations. This study aims to see how the Japanese and Indonesian disaster museums, closely related to visuals and local legends, convey information to educate the public about mitigation through the memory of the Tsunami disaster in the museum. This research is a comparative qualitative study with native ethnography as the method. This study analyzes three important theoretical aspects in establishing disaster memory through museums, and those are: information processing theory, disaster memory, and visual performing theory. In this study, there are three findings where the memory of the disaster is manifested in the Aceh museum and Inamura no hino Yakata: buildings, exhibitions, and audio-visual media.
Constructive Journalism: Indonesian Journalists’ Perception and Implementation in the Covid-19 News Ariestyani, Kencana
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is getting under control, and people tend to adapt and live their lives in the new normal era. Despite that, media outlets carry on reporting the COVID-19 pandemic considering the information is still needed by the public. It is undeniable that journalists play an essential role in disseminating information about health risks to audiences. Nevertheless, news about health crises is often criticized for being sensational, incomplete, and inaccurate, giving rise to misunderstanding, panic, or even public neglect. Thus, it is hoped that the media outlets could present more constructive news to anticipate the effects of anxiety, panic, fatigue, stress, and depression encountered by the public after consuming information pertaining to COVID-19. This paper aims to explore how Indonesian journalists perceived the constructive journalism approach and its implementation in their journalistic work related to covering and reporting on Covid-19 news. Using constructive journalism theory and news framing and adapting qualitative research, the researchers conducted in-depth interviews with eight journalists from various media outlets spanning from television, online news media, and daily newspapers to the weekly news magazine. This research revealed that most Indonesian journalists are not familiar with constructive journalism. Nevertheless, they conceived the approach of constructive journalism. The concept has been implemented in covering Covid-19 news by Indonesian journalists though it has not been shown as the optimal undertaking due to external and internal factors. As a result, there are still accounts of Covid-19 that could trigger public anxiety and cause them to endure other adverse psychological effects after consuming news stories. This research suggests that media outlets and Indonesian journalists could consider and comprehensively grasp the constructive journalism approach in their daily journalistic works to anticipate those negative psychological impacts.

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