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Jurnal Terekam Jejak (E-issn: 3032-4122) plays an important role in encouraging critical and in-depth academic discourse and research on political, business and legal issues in Indonesia, regional areas and internationally. This journal provides a platform for academics, practitioners and experts to share their knowledge and insights on contemporary issues in this field. This allows for a constructive exchange of ideas and thoughts, thereby increasing a better understanding of political, business and legal dynamics.
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Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial" : 9 Documents clear
Pengaruh Disonansi Kognitif Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Konsumen Suprihatin Ali; Dadang Karya Bakti; Winda Septiani; Kade Putri Ardani
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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This study aims to analyze the factors that influence cognitive dissonance theory on consumer behavior towards purchasing luxury products. According to cognitive dissonance theory, a person will experience dissonance when there is a mismatch between their thoughts, beliefs, emotions, values, and attitudes. This study collected data from luxury product customers in Indonesia to assess the formation of cognitive dissonance in them using quantitative methods with 122 respondents as a sample. The data presented comes from the distribution of online questionnaires which are then analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and linear regression test forms. The research findings interpret that there is a significant influence of cognitive dissonance theory on consumer behavior in purchasing luxury products. The results of this study confirm that when consumers experience a mismatch between their thoughts, beliefs, emotions, values, and attitudes when buying luxury products, they will try to reduce the dissonance. This research provides important implications for luxury product marketers to understand consumer psychological factors, such as cognitive dissonance, and develop marketing strategies that can help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pengguna Layanan Aplikasi Maxim dan Grabcar Sebagai Transportasi Berbasis Aplikasi Online Asep Fernando
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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Developments in the world of public transportation business are followed by legal protection as protection for users of public transportation services. With this legal protection, service users will always feel safe and comfortable when using public transportation services. Maxim and GrabCar have the status of limited liability companies (PT) which operate in the field of providing information technology-based (online) application services. These two companies facilitate the provision of public transport services in partnership with official public transport operating companies. This research explores the position and legal protection of Maxim and GrabCar in providing public transportation to users of the Maxim and GrabCar application services. The research uses qualitative methods. The research results show that it is hoped that the government will supervise the implementation of carriers' responsibilities to fulfill passengers' rights in public transport services.
Implementasi Sertifikasi Produk Halal Pada Restoran di Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2014 Eko Setiawan; Zainudin Hasan
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantees stipulates that every product circulating in Indonesia must have halal certification. However, in practice, many products circulating in the community do not have a halal guarantee. This writing aims to analyze the implementation of Halal Product Certification in Restaurants in Pekanbaru City in accordance with Law Number 33 of 2014. The research method used is a sociological method. The research results show that there are still many business actors in Pkanbaru City, especially eateries and restaurants, that do not have halal certificates. This is caused by the mindset of business actors, low levels of compliance, and lack of supervision and control. Efforts that can be made by the Pekanbaru City government are to increase awareness of business actors to obtain halal certification, change their mindset, increase compliance, and increase supervision and control.
Gastrodiplomasi dan Identitas Nasional: Studi Thailand, Vietnam, dan Singapura Kevin Hansen Tamba; Ilham Surya Pratama; Roby Rakhmadi
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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A country's cuisine is a fundamental component of its identity and culture because it captures the spirit of its customs, history, and values. Food can be readily communicated with people worldwide in an era of increased mobility, globalization, and technology. This has led to the growth of "gastrodiplomacy," a growingly popular cultural diplomacy tactic employed by nations to support nation-building and nation branding. Nonetheless, there is still a dearth of academic research on this subject. In order to respond to the above query, this essay examines three case studies of gastrodiplomacy initiatives in Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore: What are the similarities and differences between these three Asian countries' efforts in gastrodiplomacy? This article indicates that, despite the fact that gastrodiplomacy is typically linked to cultural diplomacy, the political and social climate of a nation, as well as both local and international interests, have a significant impact on the practice's effectiveness and degree of success. The investigation makes the case that despite their best efforts, Vietnam and Singapura were unable to replicate Thailand's reasonably successful gastrodiplomacy campaign because to factors including political turmoil and a lack of popular support. In the end, as nations want to reinvent their gastrodiplomacy efforts, these obstacles are propelling new methods of doing so.
Digital Place Branding for Coffee Ecotourism in West Lampung Dadang Karya Bakti; Suprihatin Ali; Gia Subagja; Retno Yulita
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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This research aims to investigate the conditions and prospective characteristics of the Kopi Rigis tourist village. The investigation was carried out in Rigis Jaya Village, Air Hitam District, West Lampung Regency. It was considered as one of the tourist villages in the district of West Lampung, the location of the study was chosen for a purpose. This research employs a qualitative method. According to the source, the data utilized in this study are either primary or secondary. Observations, interviews, and documenting procedures are used for data collection. The results indicate that Kampung Kopi Rigis is proficient at its branding operations. Kampung Kopi Rigis leverages internet media such as websites, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook in the promotion of tourism spots. However, it is quite regrettable that the website belonging to Kampung Kopi Rigis is not being used adequately for promotional purposes. This is demonstrated by the website's broken features. In addition, this Rigis Coffee Village can be transformed into a sustainable tourist attraction by maximizing and balancing the economic, social and environmental values of its components.
Analisis Kebijakan dan Penegakan Hukum Pidana Transnasional Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Narkotika di Asia Tenggara Fakhry Qolby Aminullah Fikri
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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Drug trafficking is one of the biggest challenges faced by ASEAN countries. This crime is very complicated because it often involves international networks. To deal with it, ASEAN countries need to work together and have comprehensive policies. This article aims to look at the policies and law enforcement used by ASEAN countries to tackle drug trafficking. The study uses a qualitative approach to explore different national policies and regional cooperation frameworks. Information was gathered from books, websites, and journal articles. The research shows that while countries have different ways of dealing with drugs, ASEAN cooperation plays a crucial role in strengthening law enforcement and reducing drug circulation. However, challenges like different legal systems, limited resources, and lack of coordination are still big problems. The article concludes that improving regional coordination, harmonizing policies, and boosting law enforcement capabilities are important steps to fight drug trafficking in ASEAN.
Permasalahan Perdagangan Manusia dalam Perspektif Hukum Internasional Alex Tribuana Sutanto
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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Inadequate legal regulations in a country cause difficulty in arresting human traffickers, both at the national and international levels. In fact, it is difficult to bring traffickers to justice1. Apart from that, many victims do not obtain the rights that are regulated in legal regulations. This situation highlights the importance of improving and more effective law enforcement to protect victims and punish traffickers. This research was conducted to elaborate on Human Trafficking regulations in international law and describe the obstacles faced in handling human trafficking victims in Indonesia. The research was carried out using literature or empirical normative research methods and juridical research methods, namely elaborating each material followed by observing policy and regulatory studies. The results of the research are that national law has strictly regulated the criminal act of human trafficking in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Criminal Act of Human Trafficking. This law was formed as a form of the Palermo Protocol which was ratified in Indonesia. Legal protection for victims of criminal acts of human trafficking is also guaranteed in the law by imprisoning the perpetrators of these crimes and providing legal rights for victims.
Optimalisasi Kajian Hukum Sosial Terhadap Kejahatan Seksual pada Remaja Syarinia Febriantika Agung; Zahwa Aliya
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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This research examines the factors that influence the frequent occurrence of violence against children and how to overcome the negative impacts experienced by victims. Criminology is closely related to the sciences that study the conception of criminal cases related to crime, which is associated law and violations of norms. The cause of violence viewed criminologically is due to the increasing number of influences that contaminate the psychology of the perpetrator. This is caused by economic problems and environmental culture which is slightly distorted in the process of raising children. The consequences of violence can be overcome through rehabilitation and psychological support for victims. Criminology studies are needed to evaluate various aspects outside the law, especially social legal study. This research is empirical descriptive legal research and used qualitative method.
Optimalisasi Fungsi Pengawasan Komisi Yudisial terhadap Hakim Muhammad Agung; Zainudin Hasan
Jurnal Terekam Jejak Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Edisi Khusus Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Jurnal Terekam Jejak

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Keterbatasan Komisi Yudisial (KY) dalam mengawasi hakim mengalami berbagai kendala. Hal ini membuat fungsi pengawasan KY menjadi tidak maksimal. Penelitian ini mengulas strategi-strategi untuk mengoptimalisasi pengawasan hakim agar lebih maksimal. Strategi tersebut antara lain: (1) kualifikasi tindakan secara jelas antara KY dan Mahkamah Agung (MA); (2) menguatkan peran KY di daerah-daerah seperti memperluas kewenangan pengawasan KY dan mensosialisasikan KY terhadap masyarakat secara intens di daerah-daerah. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan legal research. Strategi-strategi tersebut diyakini bisa mengoptimalkan fungsi pengawasan terhadap hakim.

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