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Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Published by CV Bumi Spasial
ISSN : 30326974     EISSN : 30319927     DOI :
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Aim and Scope Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Aim: The primary aim of Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education is to serve as an international forum for scholarly research, analysis, and dialogue concerning innovative methodologies, progressive practices, and transformative insights within the field of geography education. The journal is dedicated to contributing to the academic and practical aspects of learning and teaching geography, with a special emphasis on future-oriented strategies, technological integration, and sustainable educational practices that engage students and scholars in deep, meaningful interactions with geographical knowledge and global awareness. Scope: 1. Innovative Methodologies in Geography Education: a. Exploration of new pedagogical strategies in the teaching and learning of geography. b. Integration of technology and digital tools in geography education. c. Studies on remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and spatial analysis in education. 2. Curriculum Development and Assessment: a. Critical reviews and analysis of current curricula in geography. b. Development of future-oriented geography curricula. c. Innovative assessment methods and their effectiveness in geography education. 3. Sustainability and Environmental Education: a. The role of geography education in promoting sustainability and environmental awareness. b. Case studies of environmental education practices within the geography curriculum. 4. Global Education and Geographical Literacy: a. Promoting global understanding and intercultural competence through geography education. b. Strategies for enhancing geographical literacy among students and the wider community. 5. Spatial Thinking and Geocognition: a. Research on spatial thinking processes, geocognition, and their development in learners. b. The integration of spatial reasoning in geography education. 6. Professional Development and Teacher Education: a. Studies on pre-service and in-service geography teacher training. b. Lifelong learning and professional development in geography education. 7. Interdisciplinary Approaches: a. Integration of geography with other disciplines such as history, economics, and the sciences. b. Project-based and experiential learning in geography. 8. Technology and Future Trends: a. The impact of emerging technologies on geography education. b. Future trends in geography education, including virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education welcomes submissions from a diverse range of scholars, educators, and geography professionals. We accept empirical research articles, theoretical papers, case studies, book reviews, and educational technology reviews. Our commitment is to advance the understanding and practice of geography education for a sustainable and interconnected global society. Through rigorous peer-review and the pursuit of academic excellence, Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education seeks to push the boundaries of what is known and practiced in geography education, shaping the future landscape of this vital field of study.
Articles 24 Documents
Geographical Learning through Traditional Practices: The Case of Assuro Maca in Labakkang, Pangkep Indonesia Syamsunardi; Erman Syarif; Maddatuang; Sulaiman Zhiddiq; St. Aqilah Raihanah Achmad
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i2.4


This research aims to determine the process of the assuro maca tradition of the Labakkang sub-district community, Pangkep district. The process in this case includes the history of the beginning of the assuro maca tradition, the development of the Assuro maca tradition and the continuation of the Assuro maca tradition. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection methods are through interviews, participatory observation and documentation in obtaining primary data to be used as research results which are supported by secondary data sourced from studies of scientific literature. The data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the beginning of the assuro maca tradition began when Islam entered the archipelago. The development of the assuro maca tradition, in the past, its implementation was carried out in a large house which was usually called Arajang, but as time progressed, people now had private homes that were capable of doing so, so the implementation of the assuro maca tradition was carried out in their own homes. The potential for the assuro maca tradition is very large due to the values of brotherhood and togetherness inherent in this tradition.
Bridging Technology and Geography: Contextual E-Comics for Enhanced Learning in Indonesian Natural Resource Management Nur Fitri Andarukmi; Sumarmi; Fatiya Rosyida; Yusuf Suharto; Syazwani Binti Sazali; Lai Chin Wei
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i1.5


This study explores the development of innovative digital learning media in geography education during the COVID-19 pandemic. It uses contextual e-comics to help people learn more about Indonesian natural resource management. These were made through a research and development process that used the ADDIE model, which stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The final product is a contextual E-Comic in PDF format designed to enhance learning in geography. Feasibility and effectiveness were vital evaluation metrics. Validation by media, subject matter experts, and linguists yielded approval ratings of 96%, 71%, and 92%, respectively. Student trials showed an 89% acceptance rate, and teacher feedback indicated a 92% approval rating. An important finding was that the E-Comic worked, as demonstrated by a paired sample t-test with a significant t-value of 0.000. This indicates that it could be a valuable educational tool during the pandemic. This study addresses the challenges of geography education during a global health crisis and showcases the potential of digital media to enhance learning experiences.
Contextual E-Comics in Geography: A Modern Pedagogical Tool for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation Awareness Friska Yuli Wijayanti; Budi Handoyo; Uuriintuya Dembereldorj
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i1.6


Technological advancements have profoundly reshaped educational paradigms, leading to an expansive array of instructional media. Nevertheless, empirical observations reveal educators' hesitancy in assimilating these technologies, notably within geography instruction. Predominantly, geography pedagogy has gravitated towards memorization-based approaches, thereby constricting students' capacity to correlate academic content with their empirical experiences—a consequence of an entrenched reliance on conventional textbooks. Addressing this instructional void, our research endeavoured to devise an E-Comic media, underpinned by a contextual approach, to elucidate strategies for mitigating volcanic eruptions. The empirical setting for this study was situated at SMA PGRI 1 Lumajang. The research harnessed the Research and Development (R&D) methodology, employing the comprehensive ADDIE model. This model delineates five distinct phases: 1) Curricular, student demographic, and educator need analysis; 2) Storyboard conceptualisation for the impending product; 3) Product realisation in conformity with the established design; 4) Implementation, encompassing a rigorous vetting process by domain-specific expert validators and the intended research demographic. Evaluation metrics showcased robust approval ratings: 87% from media specialists, 97% from subject-matter experts, 95% from educator respondents, and 87% endorsement from student participants. In light of these affirmations, as conceptualised and developed in this study, the E-Comic medium is posited as an academically sound and pedagogically effective tool.
Classroom Innovation: A Study on the SPBL Model’s Role in Fostering Creative Thinking among Humanities Students Nurul Itsnaini; Purwanto; Anang Dwi Ujianto
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i1.7


Indonesia's PISA results in 2018 have decreased due to the low ability of students to meet global demands. Creative thinking is one of the 21st-century skill competencies and the profile of Pancasila students. SPBL can improve students' creative thinking skills through its syntax. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of integrating creative thinking teaching through spatial problem-based learning (SPBL). This quasi-experimental research design used a pretest and posttest control design with a sample of 66 students. The research instruments were in the form of tests and questionnaires. The essay test consists of five questions given at the pretest and posttest. The research data were analysed by independent sample t-test, which resulted in a significance value of 0.73 > 0.05. The gain score value of the experimental class (48%) was higher than the control class (40.1%). The results showed that the SPBL approach did not have a significant effect, but it could improve the creative thinking of class 11th IPS students at SMAN 1 Pronojiwo, Lumajang Regency. So, students must get used to the SPBL model.
From Terrain to Classroom: Harnessing Ecotourism Situ Gede for Enhanced Geographic Learning Elsa Aulia; Desti; Anggraini Fitriani; Aflahatin Nupus; Aura Yuga; Anita Eka Putri
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i1.8


In the realm of regional development, tourism emerges as a vital catalyst, promoting economic growth and employment. This study scrutinizes Tasikmalaya City in West Java, spotlighting Situ Gede, a natural area poised for ecotourism. Managed by the regional culture and tourism office, Situ Gede harmonizes cultural and natural tourism, featuring traditions, pilgrimage, and events. The research aims to dissect ecotourism development in Situ Gede, aligning the analysis with geographic education paradigms. It identifies a confluence of cultural and natural tourism, emphasizing the need for collaborative infrastructure enhancement between government and community. Utilizing a qualitative, descriptive approach, the study gleans data from interviews, field observations, and literature. It engages with visitors, vendors, and managers, revealing Situ Gede's ecotourism potential and advocating for integrated development efforts. This inquiry not only enriches geographical understanding of regional tourism but also guides sustainable ecotourism practices, offering insights for policymakers and educators.
Investigating the Impacts of Inquiry-Based Learning on Students' Understanding of Geographical Concepts Temy Yulianti
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i1.9


The inherent complexity of geography is encapsulated within the comprehensive curriculum frameworks that guide instructional methodologies in senior high schools. This exploration delineates the pedagogical trajectory within a distinct context, namely Class X-1 Sosial Science at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 20 Jakarta, encompassing a diverse cohort of 36 students, comprised of 16 males and 20 females. The Kemmis McTaggart action research model was utilized to examine the effectiveness of an inquiry-based learning approach in augmenting students' conceptual grasp of the dynamics of the hydrosphere. Preliminary observations from cycles I and II indicate a noticeable enhancement in students' geographical conceptualization, particularly with respect to hydrospheric phenomena. Initial reticence observed during the initial exposure to inquiry-based modalities transitioned into increased engagement in subsequent iterations. This shift was significantly influenced by the gradual integration of argumentative discourse in the learning process, indicating a critical interplay between methodological familiarity and student activation. This investigation highlights the crucial role of customized pedagogical strategies in unravelling the intricate tapestry of geographical knowledge, thereby fostering an enriched educational environment conducive to both cognitive and experiential learning in the field of geography.
Water Inquiry in Geography Education: A Comparative Analysis of Analytical Thinking Enhancement in Hydrosphere Dynamics among Indonesian High School Students Ummah Afiyatun Nissa; Nabila Nurul Hawa
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i1.10


Analytical thinking skills, characterised by complex reasoning and the creation of meaningful learning processes, are crucial for students to master in the evolving educational landscape. Despite the widespread application of inquiry-based learning methods, there needs to be more research exploring the specific effectiveness of the Water Inquiry Learning Model within the context of geography education, particularly in the domain of hydrosphere dynamics. This study aimed to ascertain the influence of the Water Inquiry Learning Model on the analytical thinking abilities of 10th-grade students at SMA Negeri 2 Batu, Malang, Indonesia. Utilising a proper experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group setup, two classes were observed: X-7 (experimental) and X-8 (control). Findings revealed a superior gain score of 72% for class X-7 compared to 45% for class X-8, signifying a significant enhancement in the experimental group's analytical thinking capabilities. These results underscore the powerful impact of the Water Inquiry Learning Model on students' analytical thinking skills. Nonetheless, a deeper understanding and adaptation of the model by students are imperative. Future implementations should provide detailed instructions regarding using biomonitoring cards, a component that may further amplify learning outcomes.
Revolutionizing Geography Education: Developing Mobile Learning Multimedia via the Nearpod Platform Aditya Ramadhan
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i1.11


Advancements in technology have significantly enriched the learning experience by addressing challenges associated with limited educational facilities. Multimedia in mobile learning has emerged as a pivotal technological adaptation, serving as an effective medium for content delivery. This research employs the initial stages of the ADDIE model, specifically the 'ADD' phases, to guide the development of the multimedia. These stages encompass a comprehensive needs analysis, intricate product design, subsequent development, rigorous validation, and a thorough feasibility evaluation. The culmination of this study presents a multimedia learning tool tailored for mobile learning on the Nearpod platform. This tool, seamlessly compatible with Android and iOS operating systems, incorporates visual aids such as images and videos, pertinent examples, interactive quizzes, and more. Upon evaluation, the multimedia received a media validation score of 96.66%, material validation of 98.33%, linguistic validation of 84.37%, and an overall student response rate of 86%.
Empowering Learners in Inland Water: The Development of Digital Textbooks Embedded with HOTs and Google is Informative Dwi Nuryuliani; Budi Handoyo; Bayu Wijayanto
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i1.12


Digital textbooks have become indispensable tools in contemporary pedagogical paradigms, offering nuanced instructional material to learners. As we navigate the 21st century, students are mandated to demonstrate advanced competencies; however, a concerning 65% of students from National High Schools grapple with High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions. In response to this discernible gap, this study introduces a digital textbook dedicated to inland water content, constructed around HOTS and synergistically integrated with Google services. The research and development process adopted the rigorous ADDIE model framework. Expert evaluations yielded encouraging results: material validation stood at 90%, linguistic validation at 90%, and media expert validation at 99%. Pilot trials at Malang National High School and MAN 7 Jombang recorded student approval ratings of 91%, while educator feedback was 85%. HOTS testing results ranged from medium to exceptionally high, with average scores of 84.5 at Malang National High School and 85.2 at MAN 7 Jombang. Cumulatively, the data underscores the suitability and potential efficacy of the proposed digital textbook in enhancing geographical education.
Development of Webtoon-Based E-Comics as a Learning Media for Indonesian Flora and Fauna with Enjoy Learning Aprroach Ajeng Ayu Prinandari; Alfi Sahrina; Purwanto
Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education
Publisher : CV Bumi Spasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69877/fssge.v1i2.13


The 21st-century educational landscape necessitates integrating technology into learning. This study highlights a gap in current learning media, overly reliant on traditional textbooks, and failing to fully engage students. To address this, the research proposes the development of webtoon-based e-comic media focused on Indonesian Flora and Fauna, aiming to create a more engaging and effective learning experience. This research utilizes the 4D model by S. Thiagarajan for media development, encompassing four distinct phases: 1) Define, 2) Design, 3) Develop, and 4) Disseminate. The study's participants include students from class XI IPS 1 and a geography teacher at SMAN 1 Gambiran, Banyuwangi. The research employs qualitative descriptive analysis for data evaluation. The findings of the material and media validation process yielded a score of 77.7%, categorizing it as highly appropriate or valid. Furthermore, the implementation of this media in an educational setting was assessed, revealing that teachers found the media 91.3% effective, while student receptivity was even higher at 93.2%. These results underscore the suitability of the webtoon-based e-comic as a learning medium. The positive reception from both students and teachers indicates its potential as an engaging educational tool, enhancing knowledge acquisition in the field of Indonesian Flora and Fauna

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