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ZIJEn: Zabags International Journal of Engagement
Published by Zabags Qu Publish
ISSN : 29886732     EISSN : 29880246     DOI :
ZIJEn (Zabags International Journal of Engagement) is a community service journal. The interdisciplinary goal of this "peer-review of Engagement" is in order to advance theory and practice related to all forms of dedication and involvement. This includes highlighting innovative endeavors; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges and opportunities; and inform impact studies in the fields of public service, service, engagement, counseling, research, community-based research, group-based participatory research, action research, public funding, service learning, community service and community service development research.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 15 Documents
Pemanfaatan Limbah Ternak Sapi Sebagai Biogas Renewable Energy Sugiono, Sugiono; Wargo, Wargo; Marwendi, Reza Okva
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i1.1


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian setelah data dikumpulkan, maka selanjutnya dilakukan analisis data dengan menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian mengenai pemanfaatan biogas di Kabupaten Muara Sabak Barat, antara lain: Pertama, faktor ekonomi, kondisi ekonomi yang rendah menjadi salah satu alasan sebagian masyarakat Kecamatan Muara Sabak Barat dalam memanfaatkan limbah ternak menjadi biogas. Mengingat ketersediaan gas tabung elpiji yang semakin langka dan harganya juga mahal. Faktor kedua adalah potensi bahan baku, mengingat limbah ternak dapat diperoleh dengan sangat mudah, masyarakat setempat memanfaatkannya sebagai sesuatu yang bermanfaat untuk menekan anggaran pengeluaran rumah tangga. Pandangan Islam dalam memanfaatkan kotoran sapi menjadi biogas adalah sah-sah saja jika dalam keadaan terdesak, itupun hanya sebatas secukupnya saja. Salah satu sumber referensi yang memungkinkan terdapat di QS; Al a'raf ayat: 157.
Efforts to Utilize Horn Bananas into Processed Sweet Chips in Increasing Selling Value haeran, Haeran; Sunarti, Zeni; Kurniawan, Kurniawan; Fatimah, Siti
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i1.2


Lambur Luar Village is an area located in the northern part of Muara Sabak Timur District with the majority of the population working as gardeners and fishermen. In addition, one of the agricultural commodities that are quite a lot in this area is bananas. However, bananas that are directly sold tend to have a lower price and cannot be stored long after being harvested, because they will quickly undergo a ripening process that leads to spoilage. For this reason, product diversification is needed through processed bananas such as chips. In this activity assistance is carried out using the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) method by involving community participation as the main subject to create a change. Assistance steps carried out with the community start from the stages of studying scenarios, uncovering the past (discovery), dreaming of the future (dream), planning action (design), participatory action process (define), to monitoring and evaluating activities (destiny). Departing from the potential of raw materials that are easy to obtain, processing bananas into chips with additional flavor innovations is expected to be a provision to increase skills and creativity for the community, as well as provide entrepreneurial skills to increase the selling value of bananas. The evaluation results show that the business of making banana chips is profitable because it obtains an R/C ratio of 3.4. Of course this still requires evaluation and assistance in the overall marketing strategy.
Usaha Pembuatan Kerupuk Udang di Desa Teluk Majelis rosalina, Rosalina; Puspitasari, Riska; Wulandari, Triyana; Yatima, Khusnul
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i1.3


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui latar belakang berdirinya usaha kerupuk udang di Desa Teluk Majelis dan melihat perkembangannya dari tahun 2014 sampai dengan tahun 2017. Selain itu juga akan dilihat kontribusi usaha kerupuk udang di Desa Teluk Majelis. Majelis Desa untuk ekonomi kerakyatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah yang meliputi tahapan heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Sumber yang digunakan adalah dokumen, arsip, studi literatur dan wawancara. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha kerupuk udang di Desa Teluk Majelis merupakan usaha rumah tangga yang dikelola oleh seorang ibu rumah tangga sebagai usaha mikro. Usaha pembuatan kerupuk udang memiliki peran yang besar dalam perekonomian sehingga pemilik usaha berhasil meningkatkan perekonomian keluarganya dan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam usaha tersebut, baik pemilik usaha, karyawan, distributor maupun pemilik warung dan toko yang menjual kerupuk udang. produk, juga mendapatkan pengaruh positif karena bisnis ini. Selain itu, para pemilik usaha mikro lainnya yang melakukan diversifikasi produk dari kerupuk udang juga mendapatkan dampak positif dari usaha ini.
Upaya Pengelolaan Ikan Asin Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Nelayan Zuhdi, M. Ali; Munip, Al; daud, Daud
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i1.4


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetaui upaya pengelolaan ikan asin yang dilakukan oleh para nelayan guna meningkatkan pendapatan. Kampung laut Kecamatan Kuala Jambi dikenal dengan penghasilan ikan laut cukup besar di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, merupakan tempat yang dijadikan objek penelitian. Mata pencaharian masyarakatnya sebagian besar adalah nelayan, oleh karena itu daerah ini dulu dijuluki sebagai kampung laut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan formula/ rumus R/C ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan bersih yang diperoleh nelayan dalam usaha pengelolaan ikan asin lendra sebesar Rp1.102.650 dan R/C ratio yang diperoleh sebesar 1,1. Dengan demikian, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa upaya pengelolaan Ikan Asin yang telah dijalankan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan nelayan
Education Based on Innovation and Creativity in Improving the Competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Abidin, Zaenal; Kuswanto, Kuswanto; Ismawati, Sri Ida
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i1.5


The purpose of this study is to determine the level of innovation and creativity of micro, small and medium enterprises in increasing income. The challenge that will be faced is in the form of economic activities that depend on global competition that is free and open so that only strong business actors will survive. Globalization has caused the world economy to experience a paradigm shift into a knowledge and creativity-based economy. This activity aims to conduct education based on innovation and creativity as an answer to the impact that globalization has brought. Implementation of this activity using the survey method. Based on the survey results, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Lambur Village are still not ready to face the challenges presented by Globalization. Therefore, Community Service Program STIE Syari'ah Al-Mujaddid Group 1 seeks to increase the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises based on innovation and creativity in the form of legalizing business licenses, and innovating products through upgrading packaging and adding flavor variants to products. To realize this, this community service activity uses a method which consists of three stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. The results of this activity are that it can have an impact on changing the products of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Lambur Village, Muara Sabak Timur District, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency.
An Analysis of Social Anxiety of the Students’ EFL Writing Skill Nurdianingsih, Fitri; Taufiqur Rohmah, Ima Isnaini; Jayyidah, Nazzah Yusva
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i2.6


the aim of this research is about an analysis of social anxiety of the students in writing skill. The participant of this research were 45 students of English Education Study Program at IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. A qualitative research design was used in this research. The questionnaire was given to collect the data related to the types of students’ anxiety of the participants. The result showed that the mean of writing anxiety range from 17,3 to 22. The average score for avoidance behavior is 17,3, somatic anxiety is 20, and cognitive anxiety is on average 22. This study educates teachers about three aspects of student writing anxiety, including its forms as well as the variables that contribute to it. In order to help students reduce or eliminate their writing anxiety, this study also suggests that teachers act as the students' prompter and tutor in the classroom. By doing this, the students' writing skills will improve.
Innovation Strategy in Increasing Village Economic Capacity Through BUMDes Wulandari, Triyana; Puspitasari, Riska; Kadarsih, Sri; Husairi, Ridwan; Setiawan, Andi; gusti, Gusti
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i2.7


This research is about BUMDes. BUMDes is a form of implementation of the Village Law, which makes villages the spearhead of development. Utilizing village potential provides benefits and interests for the community to achieve the welfare of local residents. The initial potential is the development of BUMDes (Village-Owned Enterprises) which serve as a driver of the village economy. However, as time goes by, quite a few villages experience failure in running their businesses, this is due to the lack of human resource capacity in managing BUMDes. This Community Service (Abdimas) activity aims to find out BUMDes innovation strategies in utilizing regional economic potential with various types of potential as a form of improving the village economy and being able to contribute to the village's original income. The method used is the community empowerment method using the technique of providing knowledge through lectures, then discussions with Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to find the problems faced by the village. The results obtained from this activity are increased understanding of village finances and the strengths and weaknesses of BUMDes Sidomukti, Dendang District. So that BUMDes can be managed better in the future.
Creative Economy Innovation Through “Batik Tulis” with Natural Dyes as a Sustainable Development Solution Pitri, Alisyah; Kuswanto, Kuswanto; Pitriani, Pitriani; Aji , Sugeng Purnama; Sarmila, Sarmila
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i2.8


This research begins with the conditions of UKM Batik Fitris', which is a forum for people to be able to work, be creative and be productive as entrepreneurs, namely by producing batik. The selection of hand-written batik products is based on the capabilities of the village community and also considers low-risk products. The results achieved from this community service activity are changing people's mindsets into effective entrepreneurs with a batik learning program made from superior natural dyes. In this community service activity, the method used is a qualitative and intensive approach, namely about the community receiving intensive entrepreneurial learning and mentoring from teachers and practitioners working in the batik field. The use of natural materials as batik dyes is intended to avoid causing waste that is harmful to living creatures or the surrounding environment
Housewife's Income Development Program Through Improving Nutrition by Consuming Moringa Vegetable Porridge as an Effort to Overcome Stunting A'yun, Inarotul; nurlaili, Nurlaili; agustin, Agustin; fitriana, Fitriana; irfandi, Irfandi; rofiq, Ainur
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i2.9


This service activity was carried out in Mentoro Village, Sokosari District, Tuban Regency, East Java Province on September 5 2023. The method used in this activity was community education and training. This service activity reflects the comprehensive objectives of the community service program which covers nutritional and economic aspects of the Mentoro village community. This includes nutrition education, training in making Moringa vegetable porridge, developing a Moringa vegetable porridge business, impact measurement, and community development. This program can be developed even better by combining socio-cultural elements in its implementation, such as cooking competitions, question-and-answer quizzes about nutrition, and so on.
Legal Counseling Regarding The Formation of Village Regulations in East Tanjung Jabung District suwarsono, Ribut; Kurniawan, Kurniawan; haeran, Haeran; Marwendi, Reza Okva; Abidin, Zaenal
Zabags International Journal of Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Engagement
Publisher : CV. Zabags Qu Publish

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61233/zijen.v1i2.11


This extension activity was carried out in Catur Rahayu Village with the consideration that if we look at the development of the formation of village regulations, there are still many obstacles faced, namely limited human resources. The aim of the service is to provide legal understanding regarding the formation of village regulations in Catur Rahayu Village, Dendang District, East Tanjung Jabung Regency. The service method used is legal education to the community, especially to the Catur Rahayu Village government and the Catur Rahayu Village BPD. Findings from the implementation of this activity revealed that there were many problems in the capacity to form village regulations, this had an impact on the administration of government which was only based on ordinary government management, without any breakthrough in the formation of village regulations which became the basis for innovation in developing the development of Catur Rahayu Village

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