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Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today
ISSN : 28033313     EISSN : 28092163     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
This Journal in a way special focuses on the problem principal in development sciences midwifery. In the journal this publish articles in the field midwifery, including: pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, family Planning; health reproduction; service midwifery complementary, parenting, as well knowledge what only that includes about midwifery.
Articles 47 Documents
Pengaruh Senam Yoga Terhadap Mual Muntah Hamil Siti Mudlikah
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 2 No 2 (2023): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i2.5756


ABSTRACT Nausea and vomiting can affect nutritional intake for pregnant women, changes in the pregnancy process increases the hormone estrogen and HCG placenta which stimulates nausea and vomiting in the first trimester, peaking at 9 weeks in the morning. Nausea and vomiting can cause a lack of nutritional intake and have a negative impact on the health of the mother and fetus with pregnancy complications. The nutritional adequacy rate of pregnant women must be met properly so that the fetus can grow and develop properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of yoga exercise on pregnant women's nausea and vomiting The research method uses a cross-sectional approach, the population of first trimester pregnant women in Jatikalang Sidoarjo Village from January to March 2023. The sample of all first trimester pregnant women is 20 people, data collection uses a frequency distribution, data analysis uses the One sample test. Pregnancy exercise data were obtained from observations with checklists and nausea and vomiting data were obtained from interviews using a direct questionnaire instrument. Results: It is known that the characteristics of 20 pregnant women all experienced nausea and vomiting in the category of mild nausea and vomiting by 8 people (45%), moderate nausea and vomiting by 7 people (35%) and severe nausea and vomiting by 4 people (20%). The One-Sample Test analysis obtained a t value (tcount of -416,563. The df value (degrees of freedom) was 19. The Sig (2 tailed) value was 0.000 ≤ 0.05 indicating an average of 75 effectiveness of yoga exercises Conclusion: There is an effect of yoga exercise on nausea and vomiting of pregnant women. Regular and routine yoga exercises can effectively reduce nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women
Pengaruh Edukasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Remaja Putri Terhadap Personal Hygiene Saat Menstruasi Diyana Faricha Hanum; Dwi Faqihatus Syarifah Has; Munisah Munisah
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 1 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i1.4000


Adolescent girls are more at risk of being infected with their reproductive organs, this event occurs because of a lack of attitude in maintaining personal hygiene, especially when menstruating. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of reproductive health education on adolescent girls on personal hygiene during menstruation in the Midwifery Study Program, Faculty of Health, University of Muhamadiyah Gresik. This research is analytic observational, the sample used is 20 respondents, the sample is taken using random sampling. Collecting data using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Statistical test using univariate and bivariate analysis with T test. The results of the paired samples t-test showed that there was a significant difference sig (2-tailed=0.000) between pre-test and post-test data from the effect of reproductive health education on adolescents on personal hygiene during menstruation. The conclusion is that there is a significant effect on respondents after being given reproductive health education to adolescent girls on personal hygiene during menstruation.
Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Menikah Dini Dengan Perkembangan Anak Usia 1-5 Tahun Faza Nabila
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 3 No 1 (2023): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v3i1.6733


Pernikahan dini merupakan permasalahan utama dalam proses pengasuhan anak. Pola asuh orang tua yang tidak tepat dapat menghambat tumbuh kembang anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan pola asuh orang tua yang menikah dini dengan perkembangan anak usia 1 sampai 5 tahun di kabupaten Tulungagung. Desain penelitian menggunakan observasi analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 203 responden yang menikah di bawah usia 19 tahun pada tahun 2017-2021 dan memiliki anak usia 1-5 tahun dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan Denver II. Perhitungan analisis statistik menggunakan chi-square dan analisis jalur. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua yang menikah dini dengan tumbuh kembang anak usia 1-5 tahun dengan nilai (p<0,05). Analisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pola asuh orang tua yang melakukan pernikahan dini terhadap tumbuh kembang anak melalui pendidikan dan jumlah anak dengan nilai (p<0,05). Namun ditinjau dari pekerjaan, pendapatan, dan dukungan keluarga tidak terdapat pengaruh pola asuh orang tua pernikahan dini terhadap tumbuh kembang anak dengan nilai signifikansi (p > 0,05). Orang tua yang melakukan pernikahan dini cenderung menerapkan pola asuh otoriter sehingga dapat berujung pada buruknya tumbuh kembang anak. Sebaliknya, gaya pengasuhan demokratis memiliki penyesuaian pribadi dan sosial yang lebih baik, sehingga menjadikan anak lebih mandiri dan bertanggung jawab. Sedangkan pola asuh otoriter dan permisif mempunyai tingkat demokrasi dan kasih sayang orang tua yang rendah. Tuntutan berprestasi yang tinggi tidak diimbangi dengan kasih sayang orang tua sehingga dapat membuat anak merasa tertekan.
Hubungan Paritas Dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) Elis Fatmawati; Dwi Retno Wati
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v1i1.3419


One of the indicators that determine a country's health status is the high and low number of the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). Meanwhile, the incidence of Low Birth Weight (LBW) is one of the main determining factors that contribute to the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). Many factors cause an increase in the number of IMR, one of which is parity. This study aims to determine the relationship between parity and low birth weight (LBW) in Cendrawasih Dobo Hospital, Aru Islands Regency.This study uses analytical research with a "retrospective" research design. The dependent variable is parity and the independent variable is LBW. The population in this study were all mothers who had LBW in Cendrawasih Dobo Hospital, Aru Islands Regency in 2020 as many as 42 mothers with LBW babies. Sampling using a total sampling technique. The study was conducted from July 1 to August 31, 2020, using secondary data, and analyzed using the Spearman Ranks statistical test.The results showed that almost half of the primiparous mothers gave birth to LBW babies, namely 15 babies (35.7%) and most of the multipara mothers gave birth to 22 LBW babies (52.4%). Based on the results of statistical tests using Spearman Rho with = 0.05) the value of count (0.470) > r table (0.257) then H1 is accepted, H0 is rejected, this means that there is a parity relationship with low birth weight (LBW).There were that not only high parity has the potential for LBW births, but even low parity has the potential to occur LBW births considering that there are many factors that can influence it, not only in terms of maternal parity. Health agencies can make efforts to prevent the occurrence of LBW by improving the quality of health services.
Hubungan Paritas Dengan Kejadian Emesis Gravidarum Di PMB Nur Giarti Tulangan Sidoarjo Munisah Munisah; Diani Octaviyanti Handajani; Suprapti Suprapti
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 2 No 2 (2023): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i2.6158


ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Semua perempuan yang sedang mengandung akan melalui tahap penyesuaian fisik dan psikologis terhadap kehamilannya, sesuai ditahap trimester yang sedang dilaluinya. Pada awal tiga bulan pertama keluhan yang dirasakan ibu hamil adalah timbulnya rasa nek dan ingin mengeluarkan isi perut yang disebut dengan emisis gravidarum, dimana keluhan tersebut dirasakan setelah bangun tidur saat matahari terbit, dikenal dengan morning sicknes, tetapi ada sebagian kecil ibu hamil mengalami keluhan itu pada malam hari. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya emisis gravidarum adalah dari dalam tubuh sendiri yaitu hormonal, psikologis, gizi, paritas, dan faktor dari luar adalah pekerjaan. Paritas adalah jumlah persalinan dan bayi yang dilahirkan hidup yang dialami oleh seorang perempuan. Metode: Karya ilmiah ini menggunakan desain penelitian analitik dan memakai sistem cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu hamil di PMB Nur Giarti Tulangan Sidoarjo, yang berjumlah 50 ibu hamil. Alat yang dipakai untuk megumpulkan data berupa kuesioner yang harus diisi oleh ibu hamil yang menjadi obyek penelitian. Data penelitian ini dianalisa menggunakan uji statistik uji Chi Square dengan nilai siqnifikansi ɑ= 0,05. Setelah dianalisis hasil didapatkan adalah nilai p = 0, 304 > 0,05, artinya Ho diterima yang maksunya adalah tidak ada hubungan antara paritas dengan kejadian emisis gravidarum di PMB Nur Giarti Tulangan Sidoarjo. Simpulan: Hasil dari penelitian ini tidak sama dengan sumber dan literatur yang terdahulu, yaitu emisis gravidarum disebabkan berapa banyak ibu hamil pernah melahirkan.
Status Gizi Siswa Kelas XI Di Sma Darul Islam Gresik Endah Mulyani; Rizka Esty Safriana
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 2 No 1 (2022): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i01.4872


Remaja adalah masa peralihan dari masa anak – anak menuju ke masa dewasa, pada masa ini banyak perubahan yang terjadi baik secara fisik dan psikologis yang dapat menyebabkan adanya masalah kesehatan. Masalah kesehatan yang terjadi pada masa remaja akan menghambat pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya. Masalah yang mengancam remaja antara lain adalah masalah terkait perubahan fisik, kecukupan gizi, perkembangan psikososial, emosi dan kecerdasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat status gizi remaja dengan melihat indeks masa tubuh dan khusus pada remaja putri melihat kadar HB dan ukuran lingkar lengan Penelitian ini menggunakkan jenis penelitian deskriptif, sampel penelitian ini adalah 30 remaja yang duduk di kelas XI SMA Darul Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lebih dari setengah siswa berjenis kelamin laki – laki yaitu 53,3% (16 anak) dan sebagian besar indeks masa tubuhnya masuk dalam katagori normal yaitu 60% (18 anak). Pada remaja putri tidak ada yang beresiko anemia namun terdapat 21,4% (3 orang) siswi yang beresiko mengalami kekurangan energy kronik. Memantau kesehatan remaja adalah hal yang penting karena adanya masalah pada masa ini akan menyebabkan permasalahan pada masa selanjutnya terutama yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan reproduksi.
Pengaruh Mobilisasi, Nutrisi dan Hygiene Luka Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Fase Poliferasi Post Sectio Caesarea di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Gresik Putri Handayani; Siti Hamidah
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 3 No 2 (2024): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v3i2.7726


Delay in mobilization risks taking a long time to recover. Good nutritionis very important for successful wound healing. The practice of personalhygiene aims to improve health where the skin is the body&#39;s first line ofdefense against infection, patient hygiene measures will increase thepatient&#39;s recovery rate. This researcher aims to determine the effect ofmobilization, nutrition and wound hygiene on wound healing in theproliferation phase of post-SC surgery at Muhammadiyah GresikHospital. Quantitative research method, population of 281 respondents,total sample of 47 respondents, non-probability sampling techniquewith purposive sampling. This research analysis uses a simple linearregression test (p&lt;0.05). The instruments used were questionnairesheets and the Bate-Jensen assessment tool. Almost all of them haveimplemented mobilization according to the directions given by healthworkers with quite good scores (68.1%) and some are still not good(2.1%), for nutrition with quite good scores (57.4%). %) and some arestill not good (6.4%) and wound hygiene is good (66.0%) and some arestill not good (2.1%). Wound healing was 93.2%, 6.38% of woundregeneration was still continuing in treatment. From the test resultsmobilization, nutrition and wound hygiene all significant values ​​are0.000 &lt;0.005, meaning they have an effect.There is an influence ofmobilization, nutrition and wound hygiene on post-SC proliferationphase wound healing at Muhammadiyah Gresik Hospital.
Penggunaan Suplemen Makanan Pada Balita Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Mikronutrien Luluk Yuliati; Munisah Munisah
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 1 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i1.3976


Supplement consumption was the activity using or consumption supplement to meet the requirement of malnutrition in daily food. The factor can be influence by family, health condition, intake of nutrient, mass media, and as well as knowledge of supplement. The research purpose was to know the relationship between the knowledge of mother about supplement and the consumption in toddlers. The research use correlation descriptive with cross sectional approach. The sample were the mother of childhood in kindergarten of Istiqomah Ungaran, Using by total sampling and that accounted 84 respondent, and the data was collected by questionnaire. The result of univariate research showed that 64,3% respondent have a good knowledge and 63% was consumption supplement well. The result of bivariate analysis with chi square test was showed that any significant relationship between the knowledge of mother about supplement with supplement consumption of child in 4-5 year’s old with p value 0,037 (p<α). Finally, for the next study is to know factor which affected the supplement consumption of childhood. And the health provider should improve their abilities to give communication, information and education about food supplement for childhood that use for increasing the mother knowledge about supplement consumption of childhood.
Correlation Between Total Iron Intake And Folic Acid On Hemoglobin (Hb) Levels Of Adolescent Girls At Muhammadiyah 10 GKB Senior High School Anjali Musammah; Amalia Rahma; Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 3 No 1 (2023): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v3i1.6669


The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between total iron intake and folic acid to hemoglobin (Hb) levels of adolescent girls at Muhammadiyah 10 GKB Senior High School. This research method used quantitative research with an analytic observational approach. The population was 224 female students at Muhammadiyah 10 GKB Senior High School who were taken using purposive random sampling technique. Data were collected using FFQ questionnaire, 3x24 hour estimated food records questionnaire, food photo book, Digital Hemoglobinometer, and Hb level measurement result form. Data analysis used Pearson Correlation test. The results showed a significant relationship between iron intake (Sig = 0.042), folic acid (Sig = 0.035) with hemoglobin levels in adolescent girls at Muhammadiyah 10 GKB Senior High School. The conclusion in this study is that interventions need to be carried out including iron tablet supplementation, education, and efforts related to increasing iron and folic acid intake through food.
Hubungan Aktifitas Fisik Ibu Hamil Dengan Konstipasi Masa Kehamilan Siti Mudlikah; Erda Restiya Agustin; Ida Susila
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v1i1.3320


Constipation occurs in about 11-13% of pregnancies by symptoms of difficulty on defecating, lower abdominal pain and frequency of passing stools of 3 times a week, causing discomfort and anxiety for pregnant women. The study was to determine the relationship between physical activity and constipation.The research method is correlation analytic cross sectional approach. Data retrieval is from June to December 2020 at Praktik Mandiri (midwifery services) at Jatikalang Kec. Prambon, Sidoarjo. Population: All 3rd trimester pregnant women totaled 37 people in 2020, or it is called total population sample. Collecting data is by direct questionnaire on statements of light physical activity, moderate physical activity and heavy physical activity. Data analysis uses simple correlation test statistics.Research results indicate that pregnant women who experience constipation do more light activities are 13 people (100%, moderate physical activity are of 13 people (92.9%) than those who are not constipated on heavy physical activity as many as 10 people (100%), moderate physical activity being 1 person (7.1%).The results of the statistical test of the correlation between physical activity and constipation in pregnant women have positive value of 0.821, indicating very strong correlation between physical activity and constipation, significant (2-tailed) 0.00 < 0.01, the higher the physical activity of pregnant women, the higher the occurrence of constipation.Conclusions from this study; There is a strong relationship between physical activity and constipation in pregnant women, namely light physical activity and moderate physical activity less than 30 minutes at risk of constipation. Suggestions for preventing constipation can be done by doing physical activity more than 30 minutes a day, consuming high-fiber nutritional diet and drinking enough mineral water to prevent constipation in pregnancy.