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Rizka Esty Safriana
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Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today
ISSN : 28033313     EISSN : 28092163     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
This Journal in a way special focuses on the problem principal in development sciences midwifery. In the journal this publish articles in the field midwifery, including: pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, family Planning; health reproduction; service midwifery complementary, parenting, as well knowledge what only that includes about midwifery.
Articles 47 Documents
Pengaruh Usia Menarche Dengan Kejadian Menapause Pada Perempuan Di Pengajian Al-Hidayah Kabupaten Gresik Munisah Munisah
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 2 No 2 (2023): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i2.5589


Introduction: There are three stages in a woman's life, namely menarche, reproduction, and menopause. Menarche is the first menstrual experience experienced by a woman. This stage indicates that the female reproductive system is in normal condition. While menopause is a condition where a woman does not experience menstruation anymore. This is due to a decrease in estrogen production by the ovaries of 300 mg per day to zero. Menopause experienced by women is closely related to the period of menarche, the sooner menarche comes the slower menopause comes. Methods: This study used an analytic correlation design with a cross sectional approach. The population of the study was women who were members of the Al-Hidayah recitation of Gresik district, totaling 30 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. The instrument used is Google Form which is distributed to respondents. Bivariate analysis of data with statistical tests using the Rank Spearman test with a significance value of ɑ= 0.05. From the results that have been tested using rank Spearman, the result is p value = 0.539 > 0.05, then Ho is accepted, which can be concluded that there is no relationship between the age of menarche and the incidence of menopause. Conclutions: Based on the results of this study, it is adjacent to the existing theory, namely the earlier the menarche, the later the onset of menopause, but the results of this study state that there is no relationship. Although the results of the study do not state that there is no relationship between the age of menarche and the incidence of menopause, it is our hope that all women who are about to enter menopause will prepare themselves both physically and psychologically.
Eksplorasi Penyebab Terjadinya Unmet Need Pada Penggunaan Alat dan Obat Kontrasepsi di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Lamia Diang Mahalia
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 2 No 1 (2022): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i1.4794


Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah ledakan jumlah penduduk adalah dengan menurunkan persentase unmet need. Data Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah menunjukkan bahwa unmet need di kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur belum mencapai target nasional tahun 2020 yaitu 8,60%, bahkan capaiannya cenderung mengalami peningkatan yaitu 10,5% di tahun 2019 menjadi 11,65% di tahun 2020. Untuk menurunkan persentase unmet need, perlu dilakukan eksplorasi penyebab terjadinya unmet need. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi penyebab terjadinya unmet need ditinjau dari aspek suku, budaya, perceived need-demand, dan manajemen logistik alat dan obat kontrasepsi (alokon). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional yang melibatkan 135 responden. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Secara umum, alasan mengapa responden tidak menggunakan alokon paling tinggi disebabkan karena masih ingin memiliki anak, dan kedua yaitu takut dengan efek samping alokon, sedangkan alasan lainnya yaitu dilarang suami, budaya melarang penggunaan alokon, alokon tidak tersedia, dan mengonsumsi jamu tradisional. Terdapat 14,5% responden yang menggunakan alokon tidak sesuai dengan peceived need-nya. Ketidaksesuaian antara perceived need dan demand diprediksi dapat menyebabkan akseptor berhenti menggunakan alokon. Penting khususnya bagi pemerintah untuk mempertimbangkan masalah efek samping alokon dan kesesuaian antara perceived need dan demand. Kata kunci : unmet need, alat dan obat kontrasepsi
Efektivitas Jahe Dan Daun Mint Untuk Mengatasi Emesis Gravidarum Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I Ervin Hariyani; Rizka Esty Safriana
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 3 No 2 (2024): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v3i2.6234


Mual dan muntah atau emesis gravidarum adalah keluhan umum yang dialami ibu hamil pada trimester I, dengan gejala mual disertai muntah yang berlebihan dan biasanya terjadi pada pagi hari atau sering juga disebut morning sickness. Ibu hamil juga mengalami perubahan fisiologis yang disebabkan peningkatan hormon progesterone dan estrogen. Akibatnya ibu hamil pada trimester I sering mengalami mual bahkan muntah. Dalam menangani emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimestr I dapat diobati dengan cara farmakologi dan non farmakoligi. Salah satu cara untuk menangani emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester I dengan mengkonsumsi minuman herbal seperti jahe dan daun mint. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui efektivitas dari konsumsi minuman jahe dan daun mint untuk mengurangi emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester I. Metode penelitian ialah literature review dengan menggunakan database elektronik, yaitu google scholar dengan menggunakan tiga kata kunci yaitu ” emesis gravidarum”, ”jahe”, dan ”daun mint’ . Hasil ditemukan enam jurnal untuk direview. Enam jurnal menyatakan bahwa jahe lebih efektif dari pada daun mint untuk menurunkan emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester I.
Pengaruh Relaksasi Terhadap Nyeri Dan Kemajuan Persalinan Pada Ibu Bersalin Suprapti Suprapti
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v1i1.3432


Relaxation is a non-pharmacological pain control method which is widely used in the UK. Steer explains that as many as 34 percent of patients use this relaxation method. This pain control technique, including relaxation techniques, teaches the patient to always minimize the activity of the sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems. Relaxation can also be said as a process of making the body and mind rest from all kinds of physical burdens as well as psychological burdens, making the patient calmer. This relaxation technique can make the blood circulation in the uterus, placenta, and fetus smooth so that the need for oxygen and food in the fetus is met. Good blood circulation will cause the muscles that are directly related to the womb as well as the fetus such as the pelvic, abdominal and back muscles to become loose and weak. While at the time of labor, relaxation makes the contraction process will take place naturally, safely, and smoothly. In addition to relaxing the patient, knowledge of how to breathe properly can also help overcome some of the difficulties commonly experienced by pregnant patients. The design of this study used a prospective cohort descriptive design. The population in this study were pregnant women during childbirth at BPM Suprapti, S. ST, M Case. Replacing Gresik as many as 20 people. The procedure of this study was carried out by implementing the application of intranatal relaxation to pregnant women during labor whose clients had previously received an explanation of the research and had signed a letter of approval. relaxation therapy. Of the 10 people who received relaxation therapy, it was known that 10 gave birth normally with the duration of labor from the first stage of the active phase until the baby was born for 3 hours. While 10 respondents who did not receive relaxation therapy, it was found that 5 people experienced normal labor with the length of the labor process starting from the first stage until the baby was born for 6 hours, 2 people were referred because of the prolonged active phase while 3 people were not yet inpartu.
Menikah Muda Pada Penduduk Di Kecamatan Sangkapura Kabupaten Gresik Endah Mulyani; Rizka Esty Safriana
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 2 No 2 (2023): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i2.6175


Merriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife who re together with the aim of forming a happy family. Marriage at a young will increase various health and social problems. Sangkapura sub-district is the sub-district with the highest number of marriageables ages < 19 years in Gresik district. This study aims to look at the description of the age of marriage in the population of childearing age ini Sangkapura District. This study used a descriptive research type, the population in this study were all residents of childbearing age in Sangkapura District. The results showed that the village with the largest female population married at the age of < 19 was in the village of Kebun Teluk Dalam, which was 40,8% (206 people). The early afe of marriage causes problems in the future especially those related of reproductive health. Further research is deemed necessary to analyze the factors that influence early marriage among residents in the Sangkapura sub-district.
Hubungan Status Maternal Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Dalam Menghadapi Sectio Caesarea Diah Fauzia Zuhroh; Hambali Hambali
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 2 No 1 (2022): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i01.4961


ABSTRACT Childbirth sometimes cannot be passed normally, so it have to undergo cesarean section with the incidence of Sectio caesarea reaches 95.3% in East Java, and 49% of surgical cases at Prima Husada Hospital during 2021. This surgery has an impact that can cause anxiety in the mother. This study aims to analyze the relationship between maternal status and maternal anxiety in dealing with cesarean delivery at Prima Husada Hospital Surabaya. The methods use analytical descriptive research design with a cross sectional approach. The total population of 202 mothers was calculated in 1 year. The sample size used accidental sampling technique so that 18 mothers were obtained within 1 month. The variables used are maternal status and anxiety. The instrument used is a questionnaire and the Zung Self Anxiety Scale. The result showed that maternal status both of primigravida and multigravida were 9 (50%) mothers. Almost all mothers experienced normal levels of anxiety as many as 15 (83.3%) mothers. Based on the Contingency Coefficient test analysis, the statistical test value p value was 0.058 (p > 0.05). So, the conclusion of this study is there is no Relationship between Maternal Status and Maternal Anxiety Levels in Facing Sectio caesarea Delivery at Husada Prima Hospital Surabaya.
Hubungan antara Status Gizi dan Konsumsi Fast Food dengan Kejadian Dismenorea Rizki Aulia Setiawati; Eka Srirahayu Ariestiningsih; Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 3 No 2 (2024): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v3i2.7595


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis korelasi antara Status gizi dan konsumsi Fast Food dengan kejadian Dismenorea pada mahasiswi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik. Penelitian ini melibatkan 84 siswi yang dipilih dengan menggunakan pendekatan Stratified Random Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Alat ukur mikrotoe (tinggi badan) dan timbangan (berat badan) digunakan untuk memantau status gizi dengan teknik recall dan Food Frekwensi Questionnaires (FFQ). Kesimpulan: Nilai p-value penelitian untuk korelasi status gizi dengan dismenore sebesar 0,226, dan nilai p-value untuk asupan energi (0,306 > 0,05), asupan protein (0,454 > 0,05), asupan lemak (0,608 > 0,05), dan asupan energi. asupan (0,826 > 0,05) untuk konsumsi makanan cepat saji semuanya lebih besar dari 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada mahasiswi Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik, baik status gizi maupun asupan makanan cepat saji tidak berhubungan secara signifikan dengan frekuensi dismenore.
Hubungan Antara Rasa Takut Ibu Terhadap Efek Samping Pemasangan Kontrasepsi IUD Aidha Rachmawati; Erda Restiya Agustin
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 1 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v2i1.3977


Side effects of contraception are a problem for the acceptors, because it is a psychological burden that must be borne, which ends in excessive worry and anxiety, so that they can experience discontinuation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between maternal fear and the side effects of inserting the IUD contraception. Analytical research method with cross sectional approach, dependent variable side effects, independent variable fear, population of 45 IUD acceptors, sampling technique with total sampling, and data analysis using chi square test, = 0.05. The results showed that there was a relationship between maternal fear and side effects of IUD insertion. It is hoped that IUD acceptors will increase their knowledge by actively participating in health education, especially contraceptive methods, so that acceptors can have a positive attitude and can manage the stress they experience when side effects arise.
Hubungan Antara Asupan Protein dan Vitamin A Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin pada Remaja Putri di SMA Muhammadiyah 10 GKB Fitri Nur Khofifah; Amalia Rahma; Dwi Novri Supriatiningrum
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 3 No 1 (2023): IJMT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v3i1.6848


Pendahuluan: Kadar hemoglobin merupakan salah satu parameter anemia, dikatakan anemia jika jumlah kadar hemoglobin kurang dari batas normal. Anemia sering terjadi pada usia remaja, terutama remaja putri. Maksud penulisan tersebut yaitu untuk diketahuinya kaitan konsumsi albium juga vitamin A pada kandungan Hb di pelajar Sekolah Menengah Atas Muhammadiyah 10 GKB. Metode: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian observasional analitik. Sampel sebanyak 86 remaja putri di SMA Muhammadiyah 10 GKB yang diambil dengan teknik purposive random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan form food record, buku foto makanan, formulir FFQ, Hb digital, dan formulir pengukuran kadar hemoglobin. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara asupan protein dengan kadar hemoglobin (p = 0,014) dan vitamin A dengan kadar hemoglobin (p = 0,045). Simpulan: Pada penelitian terdapat hubungan asupan protein dan vitamin A dengan kadar hemoglobin pada remaja putri. Sehingga penting adanya edukasi konsumsi sumber protein dan vitamin A untuk mencegah anemia.
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Ibu Hamil Primigravida Trimester III Dalam Menghadapi Persalinan Diani Octaviyanti Handajani
IJMT : Indonesian Journal of Midwifery Today Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijmt.v1i1.3321


During pregnancy, the mother will experience changes in physical and emotional conditions, which are the main factors for pregnant women, especially primigravida pregnant women. Changes that occur if not handled properly will cause anxiety. Support from the family is needed to deal with the anxiety problems of pregnant women in facing childbirth. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between family support and anxiety levels in third trimester primigravida pregnant women who will face childbirth. This research is an analytic observational study with cross sectional approach, with a sample of 30 mothers. The study was conducted at PMB Murtini Surabaya. The data called by quissioner and it was analytical with correlation rank spearman by using SPSS application with α=0,05. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between family support and anxiety levels in third trimester primigravida pregnant women who are facing labor with the results of rank spearman correlation is p = 0.001. Postive family support is very important to reduce the level of maternal anxiety in dealing with childbirth.