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Az Ziqri: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan
ISSN : 16939360     EISSN : 27148750     DOI :
Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI menawarkan platform internasional untuk membangkitkan potensi peradaban warisan Islam. Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Jurnal mencakup tema-tema luas dan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan studi agama dan peradaban, dan mencakup kajian Islam dan pendidikan , kajian Islam konvensional , hukum keluarga Islam, ekonomi Islam. Ini mengakomodasi beragam pendekatan dalam studi peradaban termasuk revitalisasi sinergi antara Islam dan peradaban. AZ ZIQRI mengundang kontribusi ilmiah dari artikel penelitian, sudut pandang dan resensi buku, yang sebagian besar bersifat holistik dari akademisi dan mahasiswa Indonesia dan internasional.
Articles 42 Documents
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 8 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/az-ziqri.v4i2.642


Ma'had Aly was formed in order to prepare cadres of scholars' who have scientific integrity, amaliah and khuluqiyah quality and have strategic value with justice-oriented,equality, openness, honesty, trust, and democracy. Ma'had Aly based on Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah with an Islamic basis means that Ma'had Aly is held, organized, and developed departing (point of depture) from Islamic teachings, the process of managing them in an Islamic way and towards what is idealized by Islamic education. The dynamics of Islamic boarding school education explained that the development of Islamic boarding schools has experienced a shift or change in several aspects along with the progress of the times and the development of science and technology. The discourse that develops in the dynamics of thought and practical experience of pesantren alumni seems to emphasize that pesantren are part of the community infrastructure which at a macro level has played a role in awakening the community to have ideals,
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 9 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v5i1.644


Keluarga merupakan tempat pertama dalam membentuk kepribadian manusia dan tempat di mana ia mendapatkan kasih sayang, menumbuhkan perasaan, dan mengetahui cita-cita. Orang tua adalah anggota keluarga paling awal dan pertama yang terlibat dalam pembentukan kepribadian. Orang tua (bapak dan ibu) memegang peranan penting dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap pendidikan anak-anaknya, karena sejak lahir kedua orang tua adalah orang yang mendampingi mereka. Ibu adalah sosok pertama yang dikenal dan ditiru oleh temperamen anaknya. Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) merupakan salah satu pilar pendidikan karakter yang paling utama. Pendidikan karakter akan tumbuh dengan baik jika dimulai dari tertanamnya jiw keberagamaan pada anak, oleh karena itu materi PAI disekolah menjadi salah satu penunjang pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan agama Islam merupakan sesuatu yang sangat penting dalam pembentukan karakter seseorang. Bimbingan dan arahannya adalah ajaran agama yang ditujukan agar manusia mempercayai dengan sepenuh hati akan adanya Tuhan, patuh dan tunduk melaksanakan perintah-Nya dalam bentuk beribadah, dan berakhlak mulia. Dengan mempelajari pendidikan agama Islam, diharapkan seseorang dapat memiliki nilai yang baik dalam diri, sehingga dapat ditranslasikan ke dalam tingkah laku perbuatannya sehari-hari. Selain itu pendidikan agama Islam juga dapat menjauhkan seseorang untuk melakukan hal yang bathil. Pembentukan kepribadian manusia (character building) yang seimbang, sehat dan kuat, sangat dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan agama dan internalisasi nilai keagamaan dalam diri peserta didik. Peletakan dasar-dasar pendidikan agama adalah kewajiban orang tua dan juga menjadi tugas guru, masyarakat, dan pemerintah melalui berbagai lembaga pendidikan.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 9 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v5i1.656


Setelah Nabi Muhammad Saw. wafat, kaum Anshar menghendaki agar orang yang menggantikan menjadi khalifah adalah dari kalangan mereka. Ali ibnu Abi Thalib menginginkan beliaulah yang menjadi khalifah, karena ia menantu dan kerabat terdekat Nabi. Namun sebahagian besar kaum muslimin menghendaki Abu Bakar. Maka dipilihlah beliau menjadi khalifah. Orang-orang yang tadinya ragu-ragu, segera ikut memberikan ba’iah kepada Abu Bakar. Selanjutnya kekhalifahan dilanjutkan oleh Umar ibnu Khattab, Usman ibnu Affan dan terakhir khalifah Ali ibnu Abi Thalib. Para khalifah memusatkan perhatiannnya kepada pendidikan, syiarnya agama, dan kokohnya Negara Islam. Materi pendidikan yang dicontohkan oleh Nabi Saw. adalah: pendidikan tauhid, pendidikan shalat (ibadah), pendidikan adab sopan santun dalam keluarga dan dalam bermasyarakat (kehidupan sosial), pendidikan kepribadian, dan pendidikan hankam. Tujuan makalah ini adalah mengungkap secara detail sistem pendidikan Islam dan mengungkap peristiwa-peristiwa ilmiah penting yang terjadi pada zaman khulafaur rasyidin. Tulisan ini mengupas aspek pendidikan Islam dalam tinjauan historis mengupas aspek pendidikan Islam yang berkaitan dengan pola pendidikan Islam pada periode khulafaur rasyidin. berorientasi pada pengalaman pendidikan masa lalu. Dengan demikian hal ini akan dijadikan acuan untuk memprediksi dan menjadi acuan untuk pendidikan yang lebih baik lagi dimasa yang akan dating. Ditemukan bahwa ada konsistensi dalam kurikulum pendidikan Islam yaitu berorientasi kepada Al-Qur’an sebagai suatu textbook dan pengamalan Sunnah Nabi.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 9 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v5i1.763


Education has a very significant goal, namely to hone the abilities or potential of every individual human being so as to form people who have faith, are capable, skilled, have good ethics, are active, are responsible and so on. The learning process can be well established, not without the role of good language use. Language is an ability that is naturally owned or trained over time. Children's views regarding language tend to be imitation or it can also be said that what is heard and seen is then constructed in their thinking so that children will acquire language more quickly. Language acquisition in children cannot be separated from language learning theories such as LAD, monitor, and creative construction. All of these language learning theories are very influential in the development of language acquisition processing in children which are explained by experts. Experts explain according to the views held and research carried out by each party. The research method used is qualitative research.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 10 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v6i2.771


Human nature as a social being is a real thing where all humans are dependent on one another. This shows that cooperation is something that is really needed by everyone. The problems faced in the world of education today are student cooperation that is not yet optimal and low student learning outcomes in the teaching and learning process. One alternative problem solving to improve student cooperation is to use Think Pair Share cooperative learning. With this model, students are given the opportunity to work alone, work together with small groups of students and are trained in social communication interactions and are accustomed to sharing knowledge, experiences, assignments and responsibilities. Therefore, through Think Pair Share cooperative learning,
BAHASA AKADEMIK DAN NON AKADEMIK SANTRI DI PONDOK PESANTREN BAHRUL ULUM TANGGAMUS (Studi Analisis Persepktif Teori Interaksionisme Simbolik) Khabibul Khoiri
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 10 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v6i2.788


Humans are social beings who cannot be separated from the process of interacting with others to meet their needs in society. Likewise, what is done by the students who carry out the interaction process at the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School also has a uniqueness, namely in the form of academic and non-academic language in accordance with the culture or binding rules at the Islamic boarding school. However, the language used in the Islamic boarding school is not interpreted as understood by the majority of the community. Therefore, researchers through the field research method succeeded in uncovering and digging up information related to the languages ​​used in the bahrul ulum Islamic boarding school so that it can provide information and experience to the non-Islamic boarding school community so that they can find out the languages ​​used by the students in the Islamic boarding school.
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 10 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v6i2.800


The world is currently being tested with health problems, namely the COVID-19 pandemic which has greatly affected the world of education and aspects of life. So learning must be done online or online. Online learning is an alternative that can overcome these problems. Learning media that can be used in online learning is Powtoon learning media which can make students not bored in learning because this web application has many interesting features. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of the Powtoon application which can be a learning media solution during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is development (RnD). The results of the validation of the material indicate a valid category by obtaining a value of 3.51. The media aspect got a score of 3.45 with a valid category, the display aspect of the program got a score of 3.25 d in the valid category, the technical quality and program effectiveness aspects got a score of 3.5 with a valid category.
Development Of Educational Neuroscience In Primary Schools Kodiran
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 1 No 9 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v5i1.803


This article aims to explain the implementation of educational neuroscience research results in elementary schools. The method for writing this article is literature study by exploring various scientific papers related to this topic. The results of the author's study conclude that educational neuroscience is a field of neuroscience study that focuses on studying educational concepts in a transdisciplinary manner from a neuroscience perspective. The results of educational neuroscience research prove that the structure of the nervous system underlies human actions, including aspects of cognition, affection and psychomotor. Implementation of neuroscience research results in basic education involves neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, educational theory, and learning practices. The concept of learning from a neuroscience perspective is learning that empowers the brain's abilities by creating a learning environment that is challenging, fun, meaningful, and encourages students to be active. Thus, educational neuroscience is a future educational model that is important for elementary school teachers to know.
Ukhuwah Islamiyyah Dalam Keberagaman Mustoto
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 10 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v5i2.806


The Results of this study discusses about religious pluralism and humanitarianism cooperation. The Paradigm of freedom and islamic consideration concern the doctrine of human equality. This equality can established the brotherhood and friendship between religions in social life based on humanity for the realization of social order together. To achieve religious harmony and inter-religious cooperation and harmonious and qualities, should be based on the factors and elements that are universal, ie factors and elements of humanity based on religious view. When the universal elements and factors that can be used effectively. Meanwhile, to realize the harmony of religious life and inter-religious cooperation requires elements and external fators, such as the state and the government.
Upaya Guru Agama Dalam Menanggulangi Kenakalan Siswa (Studi Kasus Di MTs. Al-Ikhlas Braja Sakti Lampung Timur) Fresyam Antika Ajeng
Jurnal Ilmiah AZZIQRI: Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan Vol 2 No 10 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah AZ ZIQRI : Kajian Keislaman dan Kependidikan: Multidisipliner
Publisher : Insititut Agama Islam Agus Salim Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47902/multidisipliner.v5i2.810


Student delinquency is a particular concern in the world of education today, because this has a serious impact on students' personal development and even has an impact on society. This delinquency is an anti-social act that violates applicable law, carried out by someone who is approaching adulthood and if it is carried out by an adult it will qualify as a crime. Various delinquencies committed by students have had a negative impact not only on the students themselves, the news circulating can be detrimental to the school which is often exposed to verbal abuse, it is not uncommon for public interest to assume that the low quality, behavior/personality of students is a lack of ability of the school to control the student's psychology. This research was conducted to determine the forms of student delinquency, the factors that influence student delinquency and the school's efforts to overcome student delinquency at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ikhlas Braja Sakti, East Lampung Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive research, namely by describing and analyzing in-depth research results and then drawing conclusions. Data was obtained by conducting observations, in-depth interviews and documentation studies. Factors that influence student delinquency are caused by lack of attention from parents (broken home), influence from peers, and also from students themselves because they are lazy and afraid of teachers. The school's efforts to overcome/overcome student delinquency include collaborating with parents and the community, and also providing educational punishments to deter students and making a commitment to all teachers to always remind every student who commits any form of violation.