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The POJOK GURU journal aims to develop and disseminate knowledge through scientific articles on research results and studies of concepts or theories in an effort to enrich the scientific realm in the field of education and teacher training.
Articles 23 Documents
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): POJOK GURU January 2023
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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Artikel ini bertujuan bagi pembaca untuk lebih memahami gaya kepemimipinan demokratis dan otoriter dan menjadi rujukan bagi para pemimpin dalam menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan, dalam penelitian penulis menemukan gaya kepemimpinan otorier yang merupakan gaya kepemimpinan dalam arahan pemimpin dan tidak menyangkut pendapat bawahan namun tidak jauh sikap otoriter ini bertujuan untuk mencapai target pemimpin dalam program kerja atau target yang ditentukan sedangkan demokratis sebuah kepemimpinan yang dilakukan secara musyawarah dan menerima pendapat bawahan dalam merancang suatu program kera untuk sekolah. Dalam penerapan kedua gaya tersebut terdapat hasil nyata yang diberikan kepala sekolah yakni akan terjadi renovasi pembanguann gedung baru dan mencapai sekolah kategori kebersihan MAN wisata, serta ada sebuah program hafalan hadist arbain. Kata Kunci : Kepemimpinan, Demokratis, Otoriter
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): POJOK GURU January 2023
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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Pengorganisasian merupakan tahapan dalam manajemen setelah perencanaan. Pengorganisasian pada prinsipnya adalah pembagian tugas, wewenang, dan tanggung jawab kepada sekelompok orang yang berserikat untuk mencapai tujuan bersama secara efektif dan efisien. Dalam pengorganisasian terdapat beberapa dimensi, yaitu: (1) dimensi kepemimpinan, (2) dimensi kekuasaan, wewenang, dan tanggung jawab, (3) dimensi rantai komando dan kesatuan perintah, (4) dimensi spesialisai dan pembagian kerja, (5) dimensi pendelegasian wewenang, dan (6) dimensi musyawarah.
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): POJOK GURU January 2023
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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Motivation is a stimulus or desire and the driving force of a person's willingness to work. Each motivation has a purpose, direction and individual persistence to be achieved. Motivation can also be interpreted as a process that causes a person's behavior to be passionate, directed, and not easily discouraged. Motivation plays a role in providing encouragement to a person or organization member to work and try to achieve their achievements. Some of the motivational theories described in the description above are actually descriptions to better understand work motivation in an Islamic educational institution. Keyword: Motivation, Islamic Education Institute
MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN MADRASAH : Studi Multisitus di MI Miftahul Huda Lamong Badas dan MI Al Ifadah Ngunut Tulungagung Sri Putrianingsih; Prim Masrokan Mutohar; Imam Fuadi
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): POJOK GURU January 2023
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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Abstract: A madrasas that has good education, will create charismatic that is good in the eyes of the community. Because the quality of madrasas is an issue that has always been a serios study in the world of education from time to time. Various approaches have been taken by the goverment and administrators of educational institutions to improve the quality of madrasas. One approach is caracter education at MI Miftahul Huda Lamong Badas, and MI Al Ifadah Ngunut Tulungagung,two institutions that both are also instilling character education foe all schoolchildren, especially students. This reasearch is aimed at finding answers to three basic questions; a) how is the manajement planing to improve the quality of madrasas based on character education, b). How to implement character education based madrasah quality improvement manajement, c) How to evaluate character education based madrasah quality improvement manjement, in MI Miftahul Huda lamong Badas and MI al Ifadah Ngunut Tulungagung. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type af multi site study. Sources of data are informants, events locations, and document. Data collection techniques with participant observation, in depth interviews and documentations. Dat analysis unsed of the data ins done through peer discussion, triangulation of data sources and triangulation of methods. Research findings 1) Madrasah quality improvement planning is a process of determining strategic target and program in improving the quality of madrasah based on character education; 2) the implementation of madrasas quality improvemen manajement is an act of learning and habutuation of character-based curiculum, extra program and madrasas program; 3) Evaluation uses an approach to achieving the madrasas vision and mission indicators. The results of the study suport Sallis’s opinion that the steps for quality improvement are identivication of customer , produc development. Also Sallis’s opinion that quality madrasas are madrasas that have high moral / character values, excellent test results, and care concern for student. Keyword : manajement, madrasas quality, character Education.
Konsep Dasar Landasan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Januariani; Nur Efendi
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): POJOK GURU
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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Konsep dasar landasan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam adalah pengelolaan seluruh sumber daya pendidikan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan berlandaskan asas keislaman. Manajemen Pendidikan Islam memuat prinsip dan konsep yang perlu dikuasai oleh seorang pemimpin dalam mengelola lembaga. Prinsip dasar manajemen pendidikan islam meliputi ikhlas, jujur, amanah, adil, dan tanggung jawab. Sementara dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadits Manajemen Pendidikan Islam hendaknya bersifat fleksibel, efektif dan efisien, terbuka, kooperatif dan partisipatif. Tujuan implementasi konsep dasar landasan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam adalah sebagai acuan dalam melaksanakan tahapan-tahapan manajemen yang meliputi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan.
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): POJOK GURU January 2023
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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Media is one component of communication, namely as a message from the communicator to the communicant. One of the main functions of learning media is as a teaching aid that also influences the climate, conditions and learning environment that are arranged and created by the teacher. While the word card is a word card inscribed with words that are used as media or tools in the learning process to improve students' abilities. In learning Arabic, media can be used as an effort to increase students' motivation, interest, arouse enthusiasm, and turn on lessons that allow for active interaction and participation. Seeing the existing facilities at MTsN Tanjunganom, there is still a lack of media, especially the language laboratory, so the teacher tries to use other media, namely visual media in the form of cards in Arabic learning. This study wanted to find out how the implementation and effectiveness of learning using visual media in the form of cards. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research. The type of data obtained from this research is qualitative. Qualitative data obtained from documentation, observation and interviews. while the data sources of this research are students of class VII MTsN Tanjunganom Nganjuk. Based on the description above, the researcher can conclude that, it can be seen from the students' understanding or mastery of the Arabic language material that has been delivered through learning trials using card media. By using this card media, students are invited to really master the material, both in theory and practice. Because this card media puts forward a lot of practice rather than just delivering material. With the use of this card media, it is very effective to increase students' interest in learning Arabic, especially class VII MTsN Tanjunganom Nganjuk.
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): POJOK GURU January 2023
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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The flow of liberalization due to the swift flow of information without boundaries, has influenced the mindset and behavior of the Indonesian people. It is inseparable from the madrasa education system, so that it influences the shift in the identity of the madrasa itself. Madrasahs become tossed about by the flow of change, as if they are walking without direction. Islamic boarding schools, which were one of the forerunners to the establishment of madrasas, should have had their noble values become the main content in the implementation of madrasah education, now these values are starting to shift and continue to shift due to the flow of globalization without control. The revitalization of the disruptive era of the pesantren-based madrasah education system aims to ensure that all educational processes are in a system that allows all teacher and student activities to be in the same flow and program package. Islamic boarding school-based madrasas in this disruptive era also aim to provide and increase students' understanding of religious knowledge and the ability to practice it while maintaining the distinctive values of Islamic boarding schools. The value of tafaqquh fiddin must become the identity of madrasah graduates, and be able to maintain the content of Islamic boarding schools with the characteristics of character education and noble identity based on religious values and love for the country.
SYSTEMATIC LITERATUR REVIEW: MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS DIGITAL PADA MATA PEMBELAJARAN IPA Agti Fiana Qoirul Ananta; Fenita Khairani; Risa Andriyani; Budi Nur Ismail; Fina Fakhriyah; Erik Aditia Ismaya
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): POJOK GURU
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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This article aims to analyze: (1) technological advances from time to time that affect learning media in schools, (2) digital media in science subjects. Technology is the result of scientific developments in the world of education, so education should utilize technology to assist and support effectiveness in the implementation of learning. In digital learning media, learning material is presented based on circumstances, situations and events, audio or visual in an interesting and interactive way. In this article the method used is Systematic Review (SR) or what is generally called Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is a systematic technique for collecting, critically testing, integrating and compiling the results of various research studies on research questions or topics of interest. The results of a review of eight journals entitled the use of digital-based media in science subjects obtained an average percentage of 71% and the results showed good feasibility and digital media could be used in the learning process. Overall, technological advances in Indonesia are very influential in the world of education, learning media which are increasingly modified according to technological advances can help make the teaching and learning process better, and students will get to know modern technology from an early age
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): POJOK GURU
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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The current decentralized education system provides an opportunity for every educational institution to improve the quality and quality of schools by implementing School Based Management (SBM). MI Ulumiyah Pare as an educational institution participates in responding to improving the quality of education by seeking every teacher to be creative in improving appropriate classroom management so that learning runs efficiently and effectively. This Classroom Management Concept seeks to provide solutions to problems in class, whose scope is not only limited to delivering material, but includes several things that are comprehensive for organizing classes, including academic activities in the form of planning, implementing and assessing learning. administrative activities which include procedural and organizational activities such as room arrangement, grouping of students in the division of tasks, enforcement of class discipline, procurement of tests, class organization, Analysis is carried out with, data reduction, classifying and centralizing data that has been obtained in the field to facilitate researchers and obtained data. collect data in an organized way by giving the possibility of conclusions and actions. The results of research on class management in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching Akidah Akhlak MI Ulumiyah Pare, show "that class management can indeed increase the effectiveness of learning Akidah Akhlak MI Ulumiyah Pare". Classroom management is important in increasing the effectiveness of learning.
Model,Pendekatan,dan Pengembangan Mutu Lembaga Pendidikan Sri Putrianingsih
POJOK GURU: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): POJOK GURU
Publisher : Center for the Research and the Community Service, Islamic Institut of Hasanuddin Pare - Kediri

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Peningkatan mutu pendidikan diarahkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia terutama di Indonesia sutuhnya melalui olahhati, olahpikir, olahrasa, dan olahraga agar memiliki daya saing dalam menghadapi tantangan global. Peningkatan relevansi pendidikan dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang sesuai dengan tuntutan kebutuhan berbasis potensi sumber daya alam Indonesia. Peningkatan mutu lembaga pendidikan Islam perlu terus diupayakan dengan mengedepankan teori teori analisis mutu dan penerapannya dalam setiap proses manajerial. Permasalahan mutu selalu berimplikasi pada nilai jual suatu lembaga pendidikan. Hasil karya pada lembaga menjadi sangat bergantung pada kualitas pembelajaran, sarana dan prasarana, fasilitas pendukung, pendidik dan peserta didik, serta hasil pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepustakaan (Library Reseach). Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi dengan bantuan bermacam-macam material yang terdapat di ruangan perpustakaan seperti, buku-buku, majalah, dokumen catatan dan kisah kisah sejarah lainnya. Beberapa Konsep Mutu yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli yaitu konsep mutu menurut Joseph Juran dengan Teory Juran trilogy yaitu Quality planning, Quality control, Quality improvement dan konsep mutu menurut Deming dengan Teoi POAC dan siklus manajemen yang menjadi acuan dalam kegiatan penjaminan mutu yaitu Plan, Do, Check, Action (PDCA). Dalam upaya untuk pengembangan mutu pendidikan dilakukan dengan cara peningkatan mutu lembaga pendidikan,peningkatan mutu pendidik yang diupayakan melalui strategi yaitu: evaluasi diri, perumusan visi misi dan tujuan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan.

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