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SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Service is a scientific publication published by CV Putra Publisher publishing various fields of community service, covering various disciplines, including education, human resource development, poverty alleviation based on local resources; management of rural and coastal areas based on local resources, economic development, entrepreneurship, cooperatives, creative industries, development of environmentally sound technology, health, nutrition, art, literature and culture
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 33 Documents
Pemberiaan Mitigasi dan Pemberdayaan Odha di Aceh Melalui Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) Seudara Harjoni; Nur Asyiah
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 4 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i4.245


This service aims to provide psychological support to Key population friends and People with HIV/AIDS (ODHA) through Peer Support Groups/Social Welfare Institutions in North Aceh. Method: carried out by direct observation and interviews with North Aceh KDS/LKS with the stages namely preparation, assessment, alternative program planning, action plan formalization, implementation, and evaluation. Results: Every North Aceh KDS/LKS administrator can act as a facilitator in motivating fellow ODHA that they need psychological support for their current health condition (with HIV status). The Implementation Phase of Activities The participation of ODHA friends who are involved in the North Aceh KDS/LKS board is expected to be able to carry out program activities that can provide support to fellow ODHA friends. The collaboration between North Aceh KDS/LKS administrators, ODHA friends, and health service facilities has been going well. namely: Assistance and Outreach to Key Populations and ODHA, Facilitating Access to Health Services, Health Talks (BBS), Social Services, ODHA Home Visits, and World AIDS Day (HAS).
Pelatihan Penyusunan Kisi-Kisi Dan Soal Berorientasi Hots Bagi Para Guru Di Sd Negeri 091488 BAH Sampuran Anita Debora Simangunsong; Sahat Renol HS; Nancy Angelia Purba; Marthin Fransisco Manihuruk; Golda Novatrasio Sauduran; Sahat Taruli Siahaan
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


At this time learning innovations are needed to improve students' thinking skills, one of which is by getting students used to solving HOTS-based questions. The purpose of the service activity is to train teachers of SD Negeri 091488 Bah Sampuran in preparing HOTS-based questions. The activity was carried out in two stages, the preparation stage and the implementation stage. In the preparatory stage, the service team coordinated with the Principal of SD Negeri 091488 Bah Sampuran to identify problems, determine problem solutions, determine target groups, and determine the time and place for carrying out activities. The result of this dedication was that the participants' response to the implementation of this activity was very good, this can be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants in asking questions to the speakers related to the training material provided. The conclusion of this dedication is that participants hope that this kind of activity can be rescheduled for future times.
Pemberian Mitigasi dan Pemberdayaan ODHA di Aceh melalui Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya (KDS) Seudara Harjoni; Nur Asyiah
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i2.256


This service aims to provide psychological support to Key population friends and People with HIV/AIDS (ODHA) through Peer Support Groups/Social Welfare Institutions in North Aceh. Method: carried out by direct observation and interviews with North Aceh KDS/LKS with the stages namely preparation, assessment, alternative program planning, action plan formalization, implementation, and evaluation. Results: Every North Aceh KDS/LKS administrator can act as a facilitator in motivating fellow ODHA that they need psychological support for their current health condition (with HIV status). The Implementation Phase of Activities The participation of ODHA friends who are involved in the North Aceh KDS/LKS board is expected to be able to carry out program activities that can provide support to fellow ODHA friends. The collaboration between North Aceh KDS/LKS administrators, ODHA friends, and health service facilities has been going well. namely: Assistance and Outreach to Key Populations and ODHA, Facilitating Access to Health Services, Health Talks (BBS), Social Services, ODHA Home Visits, and World AIDS Day (HAS).
Pengaplikasian Media Audio Visual Dalam Pembelajaran Berbicara Bahasa Jerman (Sprechfertigkeiten) Tarida Alvina Simanjuntak; Lydia Purba
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i3.364


In learning German, vocabulary mastery is mandatory. Especially in the digital era, challenges in language learning can be answered through the application of audio-visual media. Along with that, the production of audio-visual media in teaching students has not yet been optimal, so the purpose of this activity is to introduce the production of audio-visual media to teachers in language learning and see the effectiveness of using audio-visual media in the language learning process. The method used in this activity is to include various lectures accompanied by direct practice. The results of this activity are in the form of teachers' skills in making audio-visual media, especially in language learning. Prior to this activity, there was still a very small percentage of teachers who could make and use audio-visual media in learning. It can be seen that the enthusiasm of the teachers in this activity is that ≥ 90% of the teachers have been able to make and use animated media in language learning. This is very effective in keeping students enthusiastic about participating in learning, especially in language learning.
Penyuluhan Program Pendidikan Anti Korupsi di SMP untuk Membentuk Generasi Muda yang Integritas Adiyono Adiyono; Mardani Mardani; Ahmad Fauzan; Ali Maftuuh Mutaqiin; Aqil Dhiya Ulhaq; Hasan Mustofa Al-Baihaq; Romdani; Indra Gunawan
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i3.365


Community service activities are carried out by the PKM Team of STIT Ibnu Rusyd Tanah Grogot PAI Study Program by choosing a theme that attracts the attention of many people today, including students. The number of corruption cases that occur in society encourages the PPM team to provide knowledge about the crime of corruption and its legal arrangements to prevent students from being affected by acts that lead to criminal acts of corruption in various forms, therefore the PKM team chose the theme of "Counseling Anti-Corruption Education Programs in Junior High Schools to Form an Integrity Young Generation". This article aims to describe and analyze the implementation of the anti-corruption education program carried out at SMP Muhammadiyah Tanah Grogot. Anti-corruption education aims to form a young generation that has integrity and awareness about the importance of opposing corruption in society. The methods used in this research are participatory observation, interviews with students and teachers, and document analysis related to the anti-corruption education program at SMP Muhammadiyah Tanah Grogot. The results of this study are expected to provide insights and recommendations for relevant parties in developing anti-corruption education programs in schools. The recommendations generated from this journal can serve as guidelines for related parties, including schools, teachers, and policy makers, in implementing the anti-corruption education program. Thus, it is expected that the young generation involved in the program will become agents of change who have high integrity and strong awareness to fight corruption in society.
Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Keagamaan Dalam Rangka Membentuk Perilaku Jujur dan Bertanggung Jawab di Rumah Asuh Yabni Padang Usman; Devi Syukri Azhari; Ashabul Fadhli
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i3.366


The value of honesty is an important value that should be taught by every student in school, both through learning in the classroom and outside the classroom. Instilling the value of honesty is intended so that students understand the importance of this value in every aspect of life. Honesty is an important capital for students to become the next generation of the nation in the future. Honesty is one of the most valuable values ​​in life. Fostering and instilling the values ​​of honesty is then carried out in the family environment and must be done as early as possible so that it affects the growth and development of children. Through fostering and instilling the values ​​of honesty in accordance with human values ​​in each individual in the family, a peaceful and prosperous civilization will be created. Because after all education in the family has a strategic value in the formation of a child's personality. since childhood children have received education from both parents through exemplary, honesty, and good daily living habits in the family. Whether or not the example given by parents is good and how the daily living habits of parents in the family will affect the development of the child's soul.
Membangun Kesadaran Masyarakat Tentang Pentingnya Pendidikan Melalui Kuliah Kerja Nyata ( KKN ) Di Desa Maju Jaya Kecamatan Pelepat Ilir Kabupaten Bungo Jambi Tomi Enramika; M. Irfan Riadi; Deni Priyanto; Anjar Muanifah; Suhartati; Ridwan
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 4 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i4.369


Through Real Work Lecture (KKN) activities, we are required to practice science and also benefit the village. We are expected to be motivators and facilitators of development efforts, especially in rural areas. The community can share existing problems and find solutions by participating in KKN, establishing cooperation in the development process in the local area. Based on the results of a survey conducted by researchers in the field of education in Maju Jaya Village, it was found that some people still do not consider education too important, and there are still children who drop out of school. One of the objectives of this KKN activity is to change the mindset of the community about education and provide motivation for the people of Maju Jaya Village to continue their education at every level. This community service activity in the form of KKN lasts for one month, and the method carried out to obtain this data is to use observation and interviews directly with the community. The implementation of this KKN activity is carried out in the form of socialization and activities by involving the community directly. Some of the results achieved from this KKN activity include helping the community increase awareness of the importance of Education and providing motivation and solutions to Education problems.
Pengembangan Kemampuan Manajemen Pemasaran Melalui Teknik Pengemasan dan Labeling Produk UMKM di Desa Kerato Fendy Maradita; Anwar; Fahlia; Fadli Faturrahman; Rian Hardiansyah; Agus Santoso; Hartini; Jayanti Mandasari; Nurasia; Nurmaliyah
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i3.372


The purpose of this service is to expand product marketing and introduce product packaging to people in Kerato Village who have businesses. The method used is to provide counseling and training regarding product packaging techniques and product marketing. Marketing is the spearhead in a business, so this needs to be improved all the time and given knowledge about marketing that continues to grow. The result of this activity is that the community in Kerato village who have a business can better understand how to apply attractive packaging and carry out proper marketing so that they can increase their business.
Pelatihan Guru SMP Tentang Media Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA Berbasis ICT Pada Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Yoel Octobe Purba; Sudirman T.P. Lumbangaol
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i3.375


This community service activity aims to improve the competency of junior high school mathematics teachers at UPTD SMP Negeri 1 Jorlanghataran in making ICT-based mathematics learning media that are in accordance with the independent learning curriculum. Making ICT-based mathematics learning media is an alternative that teachers must have to increase their competence. On the other hand, this activity can improve teacher skills in writing teaching materials using instructional media. The method used in this community service activity is a collaborative-participatory dialogic approach including socialization and in-house training (lectures, questions and answers, discussions) for delivering material, hands-on practice for making learning media. To ensure the sustainability of training results and to receive support in improving the quality of learning, participants were given the task of making learning media outside of training hours. The training participants in the community service program activities totaled 50 participants. The participants stated that this activity was very useful and a new experience. This community service activity could run smoothly, well and even for the next activity they asked to be included again.
Sosialisasi Model Problem Solving Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Tema 5 Subtema 1 Keadaan Cuaca Kelas Hetdy sitio; Tumpal Siahaan; Insenalia Sampe Roly Hutagalung; D Yuliana Sinaga; Debbi Petra Meyana Sitorus; Herlina Sianipar; Meilisa Malik; Winmery L. Habeahan; Jonas Franky Rudianto Panggabean; Ropinus Sidabutar
SAMBARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : CV Putra Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58540/sambarapkm.v1i3.388


The purpose of community service aims to determine the effect of using the problem solving model on student achievement in sub-theme 1 class III at SD Negeri 122332 Pematangsiantar. This research uses quantitative research, quantitative research is a process of finding knowledge that uses data in the form of numbers as a tool to analyze information about what you want to know. The experimental unit in this study consisted of 1 class, namely students in class 3C, totaling 25 students at SD Negeri 122332 Pematang Siantar, Pematang Siantar T.A 2022/2023. The test questions will be carried out in class 3C in the same school with a total of 25 students. The results of the data analysis above show that the hypothesis in this study is accepted. There is the influence of the problem solving model on student achievement in theme 5 sub-theme 1 weather conditions at SD Negeri 122332 Pematangsiantar. Based on the results of data analysis after calculating the t test with a significant level of 0.000

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