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Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
ISSN : 23016744     EISSN : 25024493     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Publishes articles of original researchs and conceptual studies about Indonesian language, literature, learning and teaching.
Articles 23 Documents
Analysis of the Needs of Enrichment Books for Writing Javanese Culture-Themed Descriptive Texts by Integrating Humanist Values Sinta Dayyana; Fathur Rokhman Fathur Rokhman; Wagiran Wagiran
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Enrichment books on writing descriptive texts that collaborate with Javanese culture and the content of humanist character values are still minimal, the skill of writing descriptive texts is considered difficult, the influence of outside culture that causes a lack of knowledge about local culture, the number of criminal and violent cases that do not reflect the values of humanist character. This study aims to describe the need for enrichment books to write Javanese culture-themed descriptive texts by integrating humanist values and to determine the characteristics of enrichment books for writing Javanese culture-themed descriptive texts by integrating humanist values.  This study uses the type of research (R&D), techniques used interview techniques, observation techniques, needs questionnaire techniques. The subjects in this study are students of class VII and class X, as well as educators of class VII and class X. Based on the results of the needs analysis, it is stated that the enrichment book for writing Javanese culture-themed description texts by integrating humanist values is needed in 4 aspects, namely material/content, presentation, language and readability, garfika. The characteristics of the enrichment book of material components include the principle of completeness, the principle of suitability, the principle of convenience, and the principle of adequacy. The presentation component includes the principles of collapse, systematic, straightforward, and easy to understand, the principle of developing social and spiritual attitudes. The components of language and readability include ethical, aesthetic, and functional principles, communicative principles, and spelling principles. The graphic components include the principles of the book cover, the principle of layout, the principle of lettering and numbering.
Quality of Differentiated Indonesian Language Learning Process at Vocational High Schools in the Digital Era Hasnah Setiani; Ida Zulaeha; Deby Luriawati Naryatmojo
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Learning differentiate aims to make it happen public Study own ability digitalization, thinking critical, communicative, as well collaborative in accordance with need social society 21st century. Implementation on the eyes lesson Indonesian is established​ as foundation from ability literacy ( language And thinking ) addressed For communicate in social public. Learning differentiate eye lesson Indonesian on​ level School Intermediate Vocational implemented as deep strategy education For realize objective education, competence graduates, and prepare society face challenge life 21st century and the digital era. Research is conducted to analyze and describe quality learning process differentiated Indonesian​ on School Intermediate Vocational. Approach to research This is evaluative with method quantitative descriptive And qualitative. Population And research sample, namely class X Desain Komunikasi Visual 1 at SMK Negeri 11 Semarang, class X Boga 2 at SMK Negeri 6 Semarang, and class X Accounting 3 at SMK Negeri 9 Semarang. Source of research data that is interview with Waka Curriculum , Educators, participants educate, observe, and documentation. Technique data analysis using Miles and interactive models Huberman And technique scoring rating scale . Results of research on the quality of the differentiated Indonesian language learning process at SMK N 6 Semarang, SMK N 9 Semarang, and SMK N 11 Semarang occupied the good category with an average score of 75%. The learning process in each educational unit has met the indicators of (1) learning planning, (2) learning implementation, and (3) good learning assessment.
The Effectiveness of Learning to Write Expository Text Using the Think Talk Write Model Assisted by Animation Video Media Based on the Level of Creative ThinkingFor Class VIII Students Nasik Hidayah; Wagiran Wagiran; Haryadi Haryadi
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Writing expository texts is one of the skills that class VIII junior hight school students must have. Expository text aims to explain something to broaden the mind, insight or knowledge of the reader. Appropriate learning is using the think talk write learning model assisted by animated video media based on students' level of creative thinking. This research aims to examine the effectiveness of the think talk write learning model in teaching expository text material, based on students' level of creative thinking. This research method uses quasi-experiment, with purposive sampling technique for sampling. Instrument data analysis involves validity and reliability tests, while normality and homogeneity tests are used for sample testing. Final data analysis was carried out using a paired sample t-test with the SPSS 24 program. The research results showed that the think talk write learning model assisted by animated video media was effectively applied in learning to write expository texts for class VIII students, especially for students with a creative thinking level. tall one. This model is more effective for students with a high level of creative thinking compared to students who have a medium or low level of thinking. This research is useful for developing research in the field of education, increasing knowledge about writing expository texts, and providing insight into effective learning models.
Enrichment Book Development on Writing Descriptive Texts with a Communication Skills Orientation with Unity Character Values Nurul Fitrotul Aimatul Khoiri; Subyantoro Subyantoro; Haryadi Haryadi
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Enrichment books are companion books to textbooks used in school learning. Current enrichment books on writing descriptive texts mostly focus solely on knowledge aspects. However, those that focus on skill development often lack completeness and optimization in the material presented. Therefore, there is a need for the development of enrichment books to deepen the content of writing descriptive texts oriented towards communication skills and values of national unity character for 7th-grade junior high school students. The research design employed in this study is the Research and Development (R&D) design, utilizing data from the needs of students and educators. The outcome of this research is a prototype of an enrichment book on writing descriptive texts oriented towards communication skills and values of national unity character for 7th-grade junior high school students, comprising (1) book cover, (2) introductory section, (3) main content, and (4) concluding section. The principles of enrichment books used in developing this prototype include completeness, ease of use, communicativeness, attractiveness, coherence, and novelty.
Values of Pancasila Student Profile in the Novel "Humairah and Alfarisi" by Nurul Khaira Sabila Aida Fitriani; Main Sufanti
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims to identify the values of the Pancasila student profile contained in the novel "Humairah & Alfarisi" by Nurul Khairul Sabila. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data source of this research is the novel "Humaira & Alfarisi" by Nurul Khairul Sabila, the second printing of which amounted to 432 pages and was published in 2018 by Wahyu Qolbi Publisher. The data in this study are the story text and dialog contained in the novel "Humaira and Alfarisi" by Nurul Khaira Sabila. The data collection techniques used in the research are reading, recording, and data reduction techniques. The validation technique in this research uses data triangulation including triangulation of methods and theories. Data analysis techniques in this research are data comparison, categorization, and inference. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the novel "Humaira and Alfarisi" by Nurul Khaira Sabila contains several values of the Pancasila student profile, including. (1) The dimension of faith, fear of God, and noble character contains elements of religious morals, personal morals, and morals to humans. (2) The dimension of working together which contains elements of collaboration, caring, sharing, giving, and receiving. (3) An independent dimension containing elements of self-awareness. (4) A critical reasoning dimension containing elements of curiosity.
Simplification of Teacher Aini's Novel by Andrea Hirata Based on the Theory of Structuralism Narrative Model Seymour Chatman Sulistia Ellsa; Ida Zulaeha; Yusro Edy Nugroho
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Learning Indonesian language in Higher Secondary School consists of the fields of language and literature. One of the activities of literary appreciation in schools is reading literature, but the restriction on literary reading material and the low interest of students in reading makes learning less optimal. Literary reading materials available in schools are novel forms that are considered less effective because they are too long and take a long time in reading. This research attempts to simplify the novel of Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata as well as his sympathy in the learning of Indonesian language. This research aims to uncover patterns and forms of simplification of Guru Aini novels as a means of strengthening learning reading literature based on the theory of narrative structuralism of the Seymour Chatman model. This research uses the Theory of Narrative Structuralization of the model of Seymor Chatman with a descriptive approach to analysis. The results of this research are a design of digital simplification novel of Professor Aini by Andrea Hirata with simplification events and exists in the novel. The findings in this study are a pattern of simplification based on the theory of the narrative structuralism of Seymour Chatman's model. The benefits of this research can provide new perspectives in the analysis of novel texts and the resulting simplification products can be a means of reading for teachers and learners in literary reading learning.
The Author’s Worldview in The Novel of Ketika Lampu Berwana Merah by Hamsad Rangkuti Chici Al Wafiq; Mukh Doyin; Yusro Edy Nugroho
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims to reveal the author's worldview on poverty in the novel Ketika Lampu Berwana Merah by Hamsad Rangkuti. In addition to these objectives, the results of this research are also expected to be useful for increasing knowledge and increasing appreciation of the author and his works. This research uses a mimetic approach with the theory of literary sociology, the perspective of Goldmann's genetic structuralism theory. The data collection technique in this research is the reading technique (heuristic) and writing from data sources that are considered relevant both from the contents of the novel itself and from other sources. Data analysis in this research uses the genetic structuralism dialectic method to find the meaning and relationship of the novel. The results of this research indicate that the novel Kapan Berwana Merah is the author's worldview on the conditions of poor people, social paradoxes and development at that time. People who are members of capitalist and marginal groups are played by characters who are easily found in urban environments. The number of beggars, poor workers, low education, and widespread hunger show how poverty has become a serious problem in society.
Reconstruction of the Teaching Module for Diversified Learning to Write Poetry with the Assistance of Image Media in the Independent Curriculum for Class VIII Students Nilna Zakkiya 'Azmi; Mukh Doyin; Wagiran Wagiran
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research was motivated by several problems identified in the teaching modules used in learning, including lack of interest, material that was difficult for students to understand, completeness of learning material, and module errors. This research aims to describe errors and describe the reconstruction of the teaching module for learning to write poetry in the independent curriculum for class VIII SMP students. This research uses an evaluative approach to evaluate teaching modules that have been prepared by teachers. The results of this research are that the reconstructed teaching module produces a module that is complete, effective, diversified and involves various appropriate systematic steps. Because there is an adjustment of learning outcomes to the flow of structured learning objectives including the development of competencies that students must master. The reconstructed module also contains three assessments, namely diagnostic, formative and summative. Learning media in the form of images is added to the reconstructed module to foster imagination. Various teaching modules can be used to improve the quality of poetry learning at the national level. With an innovative approach, Indonesian language and literature education becomes more interesting and effective. This contributes to the development of more competent and creative human resources. When students have good critical and creative thinking skills, they will be better prepared to face everyday challenges and make positive contributions to society.
Satire in Novel Tembang Talijiwo by Sujiwo Tejo Puspo Handayani; Teguh Supriyanto; Mukh Doyin
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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An author uses different styles of language in creating his work. One of the styles languages used​ in prose literary works, such as novels, is satire. Satire is a style language used​ to mock, ridicule, or satirize customs, ideas, events in a humorous way. On this study, the researcher discussed the form of satire in the novel Tembang Talijiwo by Sujiwo Tejo. The purpose of this study was to describe the forms of satire found in the novel Tembang Talijiwo by Sujiwo Tejo. This study was expected to provide insights into stylistic analysis of language styles, especially style. The approach used​ in this study was a stylistic approach. The data source for this research was the text of the novel Tembang Talijiwo by Sujiwo Tejo. The data in this research were excerpts from the text in the novel Tembang Talijiwo suspected of containing elements of satire. The data collection technique used was heuristic technique. The data analysis technique used was hermeneutic technique. The result of this research showed the presence of irony and sarcasm in the form of satire. Irony and sarcasm were used to mock events, cases, individuals, groups, institutions, or policies. Ironic satire was used to subtly mock and criticize, while sarcasm satire is used to mock and criticize in a harsh manner.
Development of an Enrichment Book for Writing Fable Texts Oriented to Creative Thinking Containing Values ​​of Pancasila Student Profiles for Middle School Students Dwi Setyoningsih; Tommi Yuniawan; Rahayu Pristiwati
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024): August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Current books only contain material without integrating character education. This research aims to describe the need for book development, develop a prototype enrichment book, describe expert assessments, and test the effectiveness of the book on a limited scale. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) methodology by utilizing data on the needs of students and educators. The results show that the prototype enrichment book for writing fable texts oriented towards creative thinking, incorporating the values of the Pancasila Student Profile for junior high school students, consists of (1) the book cover, (2) the introduction, (3) the main content, and (4) the conclusion. Validation tests conducted by two experts resulted in an average score of 89.95, which is categorized as good. Effectiveness testing indicates that the enrichment book is effective in writing fable texts, as evidenced by the improvement in pretest and posttest scores with a t-test result of Sig (2-tailed) 0.01 < 0.05. The benefit of this research is as a resource for deepening the skills in writing fable texts and instilling the values of the Pancasila Student Profile.    

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