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International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research (IJEBIR) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal. providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies. This journal focuses on every research discipline related to social behavior science, entrepreneurship and business management such as human resource management, marketing management, financial management, production/operational management, strategic management, sharia business management, halal industry management, tourism management, banking management, industrial management, agribusiness management, business administration, entrepreneurial activities, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), consumer behavior, purchasing decisions, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty and several areas of business behavior, also includes community social research
Articles 528 Documents
The Determinant Factors For Application Of Buying And Selling Transaction In Sharia Market Idel Waldelmi; Afvan Aquino
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): November, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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The concept of sharia is currently developing and extending to the operational level of the Islamic market. The choice of models in order to improve the welfare of the ummah is limited to discourse and is gradually being implemented, making many problems to be solved. In the Ulul Albab sharia market located in Riau Province, precisely in Kampar Regency has become an example for other sharia markets. But in practice, ideal sharia transactions have not understood by interested parties namely traders, buyers and managers yet. This study uses qualitative methods through in-depth interviews to the unit of analysis, namely the manager of the Ulul Alab Islamic market, the Ulul Alabab Market Shariah Supervisory Board and strengthened by traders and buyers who transact in the Islamic market. Based on the results of the study indicate that the reason why sharia transactions that occur in the Islamic market Ulul Albab has not been optimally implemented, these are caused by four determinant factors, among others, the firstly; the factors that come from traders where traders are not all traders come from Muslim traders, there is also a background of practicing religion from traders who are still not perfect. Secondly; factors that come from consumers or buyers where buyers are not only Muslims but also non-Muslims. Heterogeneous population causes misunderstanding about the concept of sharia. The third factor, market managers do not have the operational standards of sharia policies or procedures in the Islamic market, and even the practices of usury moneylenders also operate in the Ulul Albab market. And the fourth factor is that the sharia supervisory board still does not have a clear reference in implementing the ideal sharia market practices. Therefore it is necessary to take strategic steps for market managers and the supervisory board in order to add insight through comparative studies to Islamic markets applied in Indonesia in order to obtain the concept of sharia transactions that are by heterogeneous community cultures.
The Impact of Using Bukalapak on Profitability and Consumer Service Fachrurazi Fachrurazi
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): November, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Business actors will undoubtedly want to optimize in all areas in order to increase their company's profitability. One thing that must be done is to establish an advertising system based on electronic media, specifically Bukalapak. A system that simplifies buying and selling transactions for both users and consumers. This article seeks to determine the impact of business actors' use of Bukalapak media on resulting profitability, as well as the impact of Bukalapak on consumer convenience when shopping online. This study used a qualitative strategy in the form of a review article in the field of Bukalapak-based marketing management. Writing scientific articles necessitates the use of qualitative methods as well as literature studies or library research.
Potential E Business in International SMEs (Study of UKM Raragu Craft in Pasuruan) Munandar Munandar; Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin; Imam Mukhlis
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Internet technology has brought great changes to the way of doing business today. Many terms have been coined to represent electronic concepts and applications such as e-Business and eCommerce. These terms are usually used to represent the transformation of business processes and transactions. In Pasuruan, the adoption of e-business has not only attracted the interest of large organizations but has also been recognized and adopted by small, medium and micro enterprises. Implementing e-Business requires significant changes in corporate structure, culture, strategy, procedures and responsibilities. However, those challenges have not stopped people from venturing into this new business concept. A study was conducted to see the potential of e-business for micro-scale businesses conducted by UKM Raragu Craft in Pasuruan. In this study used qualitative methods. This article reviews issues related to e-business and business education, describes the methodology and reports preliminary findings from the research.
Leadership and business model innovation in the internationalization of SMEs (Case Study in Pasuruan Furniture) M. Fahrizal Hasibuan; Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin; Imam Mukhlis
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Based on the differences between small-scale and large-scale business model innovation, and between directing and empowering leadership, we examine how CEOs at UKM Furniture in Pasuruan led business model innovation during the internationalization process. Based on the case of a Furniture SME in Pasuruan, we develop a theoretical framework that points to two distinct patterns in the articulation between CEO leadership style and business model innovation. We demonstrate that small-scale business model innovation led by directive leadership results in more timely foreign market entries. However, to increase international sales, large-scale business model innovation is required. This is facilitated by the CEO's empowering leadership style.
The Effect Of Electronic Word Of Mouth And Digital Payment On Buying Intention In Hanan Boga Rasa Applications Wandi Kurniadi
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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With technological advancements and information tomorrow, many business sectors use technology and media as a marketing tool. The current trend for long-term commercial performance is advertising evolution. However, issues arise when the company uses incorrect social networking platforms, which has a negative impact on the company. The goal of this study is to investigate the effect of electronic word of mouth and payment simplicity (digital payment) on purchase behavior in Tokopedia's Hanan Boga Rasa Applications business in Indonesia. In this study, 150 people were chosen at random to use an online shopping app on their smartphones. In this study, a multiple linear regression analysis strategy using SPSS software version 26 is used. The findings show that electronic word of mouth and digital payment have an excellent impact on purchase intent.
Role Of Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) In Community Empowerment Country House Of Three District Ambon Bay Elisya Sopaheluwakan; Leonard Kakisina; Raihana Kaplale
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This research is a qualitative research that aims to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects in the field using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that BUMDes Tuniwaya in empowering the people of Negeri Rumah Tiga has four business units, namely savings and loan business units, agricultural shops, rental of tents, chairs and goods transportation services. In empowering the community's economy, quite effective results are obtained from the savings and loan business unit because the community can build and develop their businesses so that they can create jobs for others. Based on UNICEF's theory of the success of community empowerment through 5 dimensions, then the results of the research that has been conducted state that BUMDes Tuniwaya has not properly implemented the dimensions of participation and control dimensions .
The Role Of human Resources in Sevice Marketing Sukaini Sukaini, SE.M.M; Ruhaisal Ifna, S.Sos., M.M
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Human Resources (HR) plays an important role in the success of a company. As the saying goes, human resources are a source of competitive advantage that is timeless by heat, not weathered by rain. Likewise achieving success in marketing services, of course, very much depends on the human resources that are owned The success of service marketing is highly dependent on human resources (HR) due to the direct involvement between service providers and consumers directly involved with consumers certainly need training, preparation, and high motivation to serve everyday consumers. In addition, sued to have the ability to be responsive in Fulfill the needs of consumers. HRs are also directly involved in the marketing process because, they must have a view of which large strategy marketing service company. Implementation from the whole aspect related to HR company service requires a commitment, way of respect, and implementation of the role optimally by whole member company service so that could acccurate operation and effectiveness performance.
Business Models and Patterns of SME internationalization (Case Study of Furniture SMEs in Pasuruan) Dedy Saputra; Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin; Imam Mukhlis
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Furniture sector have overcome internationalization barriers. However, research is still scarce, particularly on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, despite the importance of this sector. The main objective of our research is to explore the basic pattern and speed of internationalization of SMEs in the forestry products (timber) sector, adopting an external perspective and an empirical approach. More specifically, the interaction effect of demand-side innovation and management control systems (MCS) on firms in the industry is examined. A qualitative research design was developed to gain an in-depth understanding of the contextual factors that influence Furniture SMEs in Pasuruan that have gone international, using direct and semi-structured telephone interview methods conducted with three furniture UKM managers who are members of the furniture and arts forum (FORMAKER). ) Pasuruan, Our findings show that Furniture SMEs in Pasuruan also feel that there is strong competition between Furniture SMEs, thus helping the development of collaborative innovation, directing progress to meet consumer demands, by creating trust and confidence and the process of production innovation and business networks
Analysis Of Income And Feasibility Of Rice Farming Before And During Covid-19 In Seram Utara Timur Kobi Sub-District Miranti lelapratiwi; Ir. M Turukay, SP, MSs; J.M Luhukay, SP,MSc
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): January, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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Lowland rice is a source of life for humans where most of the rice is processed as rice which is a source of energy consumed by many people, especially Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze income, eligibility, land rent and factors that affected income during the Covid-19 pandemic in Morokay Village. This research was conducted in Morokay Village, North Seram District, East Kobi with a total of 42 rice farmers as respondents. The data collected was then analyzed quantitatively (income, eligibility, land rent and multiple linear regression tests) using Excel and then explained qualitatively. The results of the study showed that the average income before Covid-19 for lowland rice farmers was IDR 10,562,107.64 per planting season. During Covid-19, the income of paddy rice farmers was Rp. (-914,664.95) per growing season. The feasibility results before and during the pandemic had an R/C ratio of 2.55 and 0.86. R/C aims to make production before the pandemic feasible, while during the pandemic it was not feasible. Income results based on rice field farmers' land rent before and during the Covid-19 pandemic amounted to Rp. 2,720,988.19 and Rp (-827,178.476) which shows that before the pandemic it was still feasible because the income was greater than land rent of Rp. 2,000,000 per planting season, while during the pandemic, renting land is not suitable for farming because income is less than renting land. Factors that affect farmers' income are the production and cost of pesticides.
DETERMINANT ISLAMIC SOCIAL REPORTING(ISR) IN COMPANIES REGISTERED IN JAKARTA ISLAMIC INDEX 70 (JJI 70): english Mohamad Zulman Hakim; Dewi Rachmania; Hamdani Hamdani; Mikrad Mikrad; Siti Chanifah; Melsha Alfisa Wijaya
International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): November, International Journal of Economics, Business and Innovation Research
Publisher : Cita konsultindo

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This study aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of company size, profitability, and leverage on Islamic social reporting (ISR). The population in this study uses the Jakarta Islamic Index 70 (JII 70) sector. Sampling technique using Purposive Sampling. Methods of data analysis using Panel Data Regression Analysis. The results of the study show that company size has a negative effect on Islamic Social Reporting (ISR). Profitability (ROA) has no effect on Islamic Social Reporting (ISR), Leverage (DER) has no effect on Islamic Social Reporting (ISR).

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