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Proceedings of Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University - Social Sciences Chapter
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Actor role of comparative foreign presence in regional autonomy: The case of Aceh, Mindanoa and Southern Thailand Nellis Mardhiah
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 1 (2013)
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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Actor role abroad is not rational actors but devotees pluralist international organizations. Foreign policy is the result of disputes, bargaining, and compromise between many different actors. Foreign policy of the recruitment process is not rational process but a social process. It is the process to change the position and the results of overseas conflicts actor was referring to the difficult issues resolved, especially involving the values #8203;#8203;of life. Consultation undertaken will produce a compromise on both sides especially the things that divided equally. This study analyzes documentation from previous studies. The three issues are very complex in the approach by the respective governments have played is the same solidarities. Possible policy approaches in Aceh as a national issue from the old order to the new order did not work in peace. But with the success HDC mediators autonomous region status. Mindanao is also the case when the open dialogue supported by ASEAN through OKI mediators to achieve ARMM with the MNLF and the Philippine government bring. While in Southern Thailand is done with a variety of approaches and thus more complicated question, and the Government of Thailand Thailand is considered as a national issue in the case of the Southern Thailand Pattani political approach that uses the theory of conflict management and conflict termination will peel intention behind these approaches conflict resolution has been carried out Pattani, Narathiwat and Yala this. Through the analysis, there might be things that are not clear in the case of trying to hide this particular role played by the Thai government in addressing the issues that arise, so that the proposed autonomous region was still in the of process.Keywords: Actor Role of Foreign Affairs, Regional Autonomy
The Determinant of Internet Financial Reporting (IFR): Evidence from Go-Public Companies Listed in IDX Kharisma Fiendy; Muslim A. Djalil; Jalaluddin Jalaluddin; Nadirsyah Nadirsyah
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 8 (2018): the 8th AIC on Social Sciences, Syiah Kuala University
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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The purpose of this study is to see the Internet Financial Reporting (IFR) determinants listed on in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the year 2017. The determinants measured by profitability, leverage, Listing and Auditor Reputation as the independent variables. IFR disclosure is measuring by index of Internet financial reporting Index (IFRI) developed by Chen (2000). The population in this research is all go public companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the year 2017. By 45 companies that meet the criteria of the research sample has been determined. The data analysis technique are using classical assumption test. Hypothesis testing is using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 23.0. The results of this study indicated that all dependent variable (Profitability, Leverage, Listing, and Auditor Reputation) has no significance effect on practice of disclosing Internet financial reporting by reason the nature of IFR and Management Cost.Keywords: Internet financial reporting, level of disclosure, profitability, leverage, listing, auditor reputation.
EFL students’ cooperation and creativity in using English grammar through poetry-based method Suswati Hendriani; Martin Kustati
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 7 (2017): 7th AIC in conjuction ICMR 2017 Universitas Syiah Kuala October 2017
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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Cooperation and creativity are two main soft skills in the 21st century needed by future young generation. Without cooperation and creativity, it will be very difficult for them to survive in the next more challenging era. Therefore, it is the duty of English teachers to make the students be willing to cooperate with others and creative in their English language learning. One of the possible solutions is to use literature (poetry) in teaching English, including that of English grammar. This research is aimed at finding out whether poetry can foster students’ cooperation and creativity in using English Grammar or not. A qualitative research was conducted where the data taken from observation and documentation. To collect the data of cooperation, observation technique was used during the grammar teaching-learning process. Meanwhile, to collect the data of the students’ creativity, the poetries that were composed by them were analyzed in terms of contents, idea development, and vocabulary choice. The research results show that the cooperation among the students and their creativity was highly improved. The finding can be used as an alternative of teaching methods in teaching grammar.
Women Experiences in Interpreting the Islamic Sharia Implementation in Aceh (A Reception Analysis of Women Readers on Serambi Indonesia Daily News) Putri Maulina
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 7 (2017): 7th AIC in conjuction ICMR 2017 Universitas Syiah Kuala October 2017
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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This research is based on a gender study conducted to the readers of Serambi Indonesia. The study is aimed at looking to the perception of women about Islamic Sharia implementation in Aceh. The analysis was done by using a qualitative approach in Critical Paradigm focusing on the domination and oppression problems, and Reception Analysis method. The theory referred in this study is Reception Analysis Theory to explain the meaning of domination constructed by the media and how the media readers interpreted it and second, Multicultural Feminism is used to explain that every woman does not equally constructed in interpreting oppression of Islamic Sharia implementation in Aceh. The results of the present study in the texts of Serambi Indonesia’s articles showed that in reality, Islamic Sharia implementation which is constructed in the dominant perspective represents the proponent’s viewpoint of Sharia, while the women are portrayed as a “sinner” or “rebel”. On the other hand, there is a variety of interpretations from the readers. There was only one informant from the “dominant-hegemonic position” and three informants were in the “negotiated” position, which tend to have the same or almost the same perception to the message conveyed by Serambi Indonesia. There are other four informants who were in the “opposite” position who are very much against the meaning expressed by Serambi Indonesia, that the texts of Sharia implementation likely tends to disadvantage women.
Acoustic analysis on English oral vowels produced by Acehnese speakers from Aceh Besar by using PRAAT software Ika Apriani Fata; Ikhwani Ikhwani; Fajar Fitrian; Teuku Mohammad Aulia; Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 7 (2017): 7th AIC in conjuction ICMR 2017 Universitas Syiah Kuala October 2017
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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This research intends to acoustically analyze English oral vowels produced by the female and male speakers of English teacher candidates in Indonesia, specifically from Aceh Besar. Previous studies have focused on the production of English vowels produced by the Malaysians, Thais, Singaporeans, and the Philippines, among others, but no research has focused on the Indonesian speakers. Hence, this study intends to fill in this research gap. Purposive sampling was used to select five female and five male participants with age ranging from 18-22 years old and born, raised and live in Aceh Besar. Data were recorded in the phonetics laboratory at Syiah Kuala University. The vowels were collected through elicitations of English words which contained the target vowels articulated in carrier sentences. The wordlist is adapted from Pillai, Manueli and Dumanig (2010). The recordings were saved in WAV files, and Praat software version 6.0.14 (Boersma Weenink, 2016) was used to analyze the vowel qualities. The results showed approximate measurements of the English vowels produced by Indonesians who reside in Aceh, by both male and female speakers. The results are expected to become starting points for future related research in the production of English vowels by Indonesian speakers (i.e. English vowel contrasts between native speakers of English and Indonesians, varieties of English, Indonesian English, etc.).
Adolescents Harassment and Rape: A Study of Teenage Abusers and Rapist in the Banda Aceh Detention Center Hetti Zuliani; Abu Bakar; Miftah Farhani
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 8 (2018): the 8th AIC on Social Sciences, Syiah Kuala University
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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More and more sexual harassment rates are taking place in various regions around the world including in Aceh. Based on these conditions, the study was aimed to examine the causes of sexual behavior deviation in the teenage harassers and rapist. The purpose of the study was to find out the characteristics of abusers and rapist, the causes of harassment and rape and the psychological impact on the offender. The research approach used was qualitative with the method of case study. The sample size was 5 inmates at Banda Aceh Detention Center. The data collecting methods employed interviews, observation, and documentation. Data processing techniques applied was data reduction, display data and conclusion drawing. The results showed three characteristics of abuser: (1) low education level (2) lack of socialization in society (3) people closest to the victim. The causes of harassment and rape are due to (1) opportunities and (2) uncontrollable sexual desires. Lastly, psychological impact felt by the perpetrator is shame, deep regret, depressed with society and family view.Keywords:sexual behavior deviation, teenage sexual abuser, teenage rapist.
The monetary policy transmission mechanism based macroeconomic model of north sumatera: a projection using stochastic simulation Dede Ruslan
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 7 (2017): 7th AIC in conjuction ICMR 2017 Universitas Syiah Kuala October 2017
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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This paper analyses monetary transmission mechanism by using macroeconomic model north Sumatera, focusing especially on how the aggregate economy North Sumatera responds changes of interest rate.  In  this  paper,  we  establish  identification  conditions macroeconomics model  to  uncover the  effects  of monetary  policy to aggregate economy North Sumatera Utara.  By using semiannual data over the period 2000S1-2015S2 macroeconomics model is developed to analyze various channels of monetary policy mechanism in North Sumatera.  The empirical results show the strength and working of the monetary transmission mechanism is highly dependent on the balance-sheet compositions of the central bank, banks, firms and households. In the 3SLS model, changes of interest rate significantly affect the aggregate economic activity in North Sumatra through the mechanism of the magnitude of the elasticity of that occurs.
The Effect of Kaizen Culture and Work Competency on Employees Performance in PT. Bank Sumut Air Joman Branch Rahmat Putra Ahmad Hasibuan
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 7 (2017): 7th AIC in conjuction ICMR 2017 Universitas Syiah Kuala October 2017
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of kaizen culture and work competency on employees’ performance in PT. Bank Sumut Air Joman Branch. The Data are obtained by conducting interview and questionnaire. The data is processed by applying multiple linear regression analysis. The Findings Indicated there is positive effect of kaizen culture and work competency on employees’ performance in PT. Bank Sumut Air Joman Branch. This Implies that Kaizen culture and work competency affect employees’ performance.
Testing Listening by Using Audio Aid and Animated Film Dian Fajrina; Syamsul Bahri; Mohammad Kholid
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 6 (2016): Proceeding of 6th AIC in conjuction with ICMSA
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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This study is a field research which is descriptive quantitative in nature. The purpose was to find out whether there are any differences in listening achievement between listening to audio aid and listening as well as watching to an animated film. The participants were 20 semester six students of English Education Syiah Kuala University. The instruments used in this study were two sets of test, one by listening to audio aid, and the other by listening and watching animated film. The result of the tests showed that the mean score of the animated film test was higher than the audio aid test. It was proven by t-score result where the t-score was 11.5, referred to the t-table at level of significance 5% with the degree of freedom (df) was 19. The result of t-score was higher than the t-table. In conclusion, the alternative hypothesis, which states that there is a different result on listening achievement between listening to audio aid and listening as well as watching animated film, is accepted. Therefore, it is suggested to the English teachers to use animated film as a media in teaching Listening Comprehension.
Women in Politics of Tin Resources: Multiple Problems of Human Rights under the Curse Shadows of Natural Resources - Tin Mining in Bangka Belitung Islands Rendy Rendy
Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences Vol 7 (2017): 7th AIC in conjuction ICMR 2017 Universitas Syiah Kuala October 2017
Publisher : Proceedings of AICS - Social Sciences

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The economic practice of tin mining in Bangka-Belitung (Babel) Islands Province surely is not separated from direct or indirect of women involvement. The demography of mining society in Babel precisely displays of women are massively in mining arena. The rule of law and practice of mining tends to uncontrollable, liar, destructive and exploitative so far has shown surely the negative impacts which overburden the women position. On the other hand, they should be smarter in managing of domestic needs, nurturing their children; meanwhile, the others have to go down to the river, to ‘camui-camui’ (holes) as an ex of tin mining areas until evening. Moreover, they face several of complexities whether internal nor external threats; like domestic violence, divorce, gambling, HIV AIDS, a dangerous accident of mining, and etc. These reflect how dangerous, weak, and heavy of multiple burdens. Those are also relevant to the disease of tin mining which always shows some evidence; gambling, prostitution, alcohol, narcotics. However; women dominantly suffer social burden among capitalism war where tin has become an important material to support their industries. This article aims at exploring how far a critical feminist human right perspective could influence to bear on women's human right circumstance and complex burden faced in Babel. This project analyzed women’s presence and also its burden in tin mining issues whether in private or public sphere. I addressed emerging issues and questions about the status of human rights in tin mining issues.

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