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Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal teknologi, Kejuruan dan Pengajarannya
ISSN : -     EISSN : 24770442     DOI : 10.17977
Core Subject : Education, Social,
The Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya publishes manuscripts in a wide variety of research areas in the field of engineering education. This journal published articles containing conceptual ideas, literature review, application of the theory, and book review regarding technological and vocational education in engineering education. We invite relevant reports in the scopes of: 1. Mechanical Engineering Education 2. Automotive Education 3. Civil Engineering Education 4. Construction Engineering Education 5. Electrical Engineering Education 6. Informatics Education 7. Fashion Education 8. Culinary Education 9. Tourism Education
Articles 10 Documents
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Fiber Optic Laboratory Development Model in Vocational High School nurul laili sa'adah; widiyanti widiyanti; Yoto Yoto
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p144-152


Technological developments make telecommunications networks through internet access an urgent matter due to the increasing human need for communication. The purpose of this study was to describe the development model of a fiber optic laboratory in order to improve students and teachers’ competency. This research used a descriptive qualitative case study method at Public Vocational High School (PVHS) of Dwija Bhakti 1 Jombang. The results stated that the fiber optic laboratory development model is used to print graduates to have competencies that are in accordance with their fields and are expected to be able to compete in the industrial world. Schools collaborate with industry through the provision of fiber optic laboratories as an effort to improve these competencies. By conducting several stages, namely applying the MoU, affording the tools, branding and mocking-ups. In addition, there are teacher training and certification activities followed by curriculum implementation, student certification and the last is activity evaluation. It can be concluded that the development of fiber optic laboratory procurement at Public Vocational High School (PVHS) of Dwija Bhakti 1 Jombang has been in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Education and Culture with PT Telkom regarding the link and match curriculum in the field of fiber optic.
Identification of Vocational High School Competency Based on Leading Potential of The Region in Batu City Tito Tri Prabowo
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p118-123


The target of the synchronization program  are schools that have areas of expertise that are not in accordance with the potential of the superior map of the region, the difference is seen from the superior potential of the region synchronized with the distribution of areas of expertise in each province in Indonesia. This research aims to determine the competence of vocational skills in Batu City, based on the findings of the phenomenon of various regional potentials owned by each sub-district spread across Batu City with a Spectrum of Middle School Expertise Vocational High School (SMK) / Vocational Madrasah Aliyah (MAK), with the hope that graduates who are intended to be able to develop and cultivate the potential of the region properly. This type of research used qualitative descriptive, data collection methods conducted by interview, study of related documents, and observation of findings in the field to collect any data and facts scattered throughout the region sub-districts in Batu City (Kecamatan Batu, Bumiaji, Junrejo), as well as with data triangulation analysis techniques. Based on the findings in Batu District, there are 3 main potentials, namely the tourism sector, th e restaurant sector, and the tourism sector transportation and agriculture. Batu District has 4 main labour sector priorities, namely the restaurant, hotel sector, tourism and transportation service sector, and agriculture sector. Sync result Finding the potential of the Batu City area with a spectrum of vocational expertise competencies is expected to create competent human resources in developing the Batu City area.
The Effect of Teachers' Training, Areas of Expertise, and Education Type on the Achievement of Multiple-choice HOTS Questions in Vocational High School Sutrisno Sutrisno
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p153-161


Abstract: This research aimed to find the impact of teachers' training, areas of expertise, and education type on the achievement of multiple-choice HOTS questions. The design of this research was experimental. The independent variable was training provision, the moderator variables were teachers' areas of expertise and education level, and the dependent variable was the achievement of multiple-choice HOTS questions. The subjects in this research were 28 teachers of SMKN 2 Turen, consisting of teachers in productive and non-productive areas of expertise. The data collection used documentation and assignments. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics with a paired t-test and factorial f-test. The significance level in this research was p = 0.05. Results showed that (1) training provision significantly improved teacher's skill in making multiple-choice HOTS questions, (2) improvement tendency of productive teachers after training compared to non-productive teachers, albeit insignificant, and (3) improvement tendency shown by teachers from the non-teaching institutions after training compared to teachers from teaching institution, although also insignificant
Human Capital Influences Individual Work Performance from Alumni of Vocational High Schools in Telkom Malang Oktarica Pratiwi Suryoningtyas
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p85-92


The quality of Individual Work Performance (IWP) of workers affects their work productivity in the workplace. This also has an indirect impact on improving the country's economy. The workforce IWP is influenced by human capital. Furthermore, this study was conducted to analyze the human capital of vocational high school graduates on IWP. This study used a survey method with a quantitative approach. The sample of this research was 130 alumni of vocational high school of Telkom Malang in the field of information and communication technology. Human capital indicators were knowledge, competences, skills, and innovativeness. Data collected through surveys and unstructured interviews, then analyzed with descriptive and regression techniques. The findings described respondents’ demographics. Meanwhile, the result of multiple linear regression showed that there was a simultaneous influence between the human capital indicators on the IWP. An effective contribution was determined by IWP’ skill and innovation. To better prepare graduates in their fields, vocational high schools should further increase knowledge, competences, skills, and innovativeness of their students to increase alumni work productivity in the world of work.
Teaching Factory Learning Program at Telkom Malang Vocational High School During the Pandemic Putrinda Inayatul Maula; Syaad Patmanthara; Hakkun Elmunsyah
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p124-130


Teaching factory is a learning concept that adapts the learning conditions in school to those in the industry. But the problem in vocational education today is the lack of absorbed practicum learning caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the focus of this research is the teaching factory learning program at Telkom Malang Vocational High School (TMVHS) during the pandemic. This research method uses a qualitative approach. The location of this research is in TMVHS. The results from the study showed that the preparation carried out by TMVHS was done by finding an industry that was following the competence of students' expertise as partners. The implementation of the teaching factory at TMVHS is the teacher becomes the primary instructor in helping students because learning is completely done online. In addition, there are inhibitory factors during the teaching factory learning process, especially in the pandemic season, namely reduced interaction between students and industry. But these inhibitory factors can be overcome by students who have the enthusiasm and high learning motivation.
Improving Students' Learning Outcomes in Public Vocational High School by Implementing Problem-Based Learning with Scientific Approach Tuwoso Tuwoso
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p93-99


This study explored the effect of combining a scientific approach with problem-based learning on enhancing students' critical thinking skills. The scientific approach sought to direct learners to understand various materials scientifically from multiple sources. The quantitative study in the experimental design used the nonrandomized control group treated with pre-test post-test design. This study had 48 students who separated into two groups. The experimental group used a problem-based learning and scientific approach (PBL-SA), whereas the control group used a traditional learning approach. According to the findings, the average post-test score for the traditional learning group was 33.33, whereas the average post-test score for the PBL-SA group was 65.42. The traditional learning group had low scores, whereas the average achievement of students in the PBL-SA group increased from 42.08 to 65.42, indicating an improvement. The PBL-SA group outperformed the traditional learning group on the Basic Mechanical Engineering Design with a statistically significant difference.
Teaching Factory Learning Model as Income Generating Unit with Marketable Products in Public Vocational High School Febiana Putri Mentari; Didik Nurhadi; Syaad Patmanthara
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p131-136


Vocational High School (VHS) is a vocational school intended to give students practical skills to create skilled graduates ready for jobs. To serve this purpose, Public Vocational High School (PVHS) 1 of Jenangan designs teaching factory learning model. Teaching factory is a learning model focusing on teaching students some practical skills with which to manufacture quality products up to industry standard. Hopefully, the educational outcome of this model can be Income Generating Unit (IGU) of software engineering study program in the school. This is descriptive and qualitative research using Miles ad Huberman’s data analysis model. The research found that using teaching factory as income generating unit with marketable products in software engineering study program is an effective strategy for the effort to provide quality human resources ready to perform jobs and create marketable products.
Integrating STEM into the Formal and Instructional Curriculum to Support Machine Construction Design Dwi Agus Sudjimat; Maftuchin Romlie Romlie; Imam Sudjono Sudjono; Mahfudi Sahly Subandi
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p100-107


The design of machine construction is one of the subjects that often becomes a stumbling block for students of the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program to graduate on time. Many factors cause it, including the weakness of students using STEM content in designing machine construction and the lack of contextual learning strategies for STEM-loaded courses with machine construction design tasks. This qualitative study aims to (1) identify the STEM content of the Scientific and Expertise Subject group, (2) describe the pattern of integrating STEM content in the formal and instructional curriculum, and (3) describe the learning pattern of the STEM content course. Research data were collected through document analysis, semi-open questionnaires, and FGD. The results showed (1) identified 15 scientific and skill courses containing STEM content that supported the work on machine construction design tasks, (2) integration of STEM-loaded courses in the formal curriculum was carried out by structuring their presentation before or at the same time as the presentation of the Mechanical Construction Design Course, being in the instructional curriculum is carried out by integrating learning experiences related to the design of machine construction in Lecture Event Unit, and (3) the learning pattern of courses containing STEM content should be carried out using a problem-based learning model where the problems are directly related to and or taken from machine construction design tasks.
Industrial Class Model during the Pandemic to Support Link and Match Industries and Vocational High Schools Elvin Nury Khirdany; Widiyanti Widiyanti; Yoto Yoto
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p137-143


The industrial class was formed to provide a knowledge and broader insight to students based on the development of competencies required by industries. However, several Vocational High Schools (VHS) unused industrial classes during the pandemic because the school partner industries is being impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted to determine the implementation of industrial class model used during the pandemic. The research method uses quasi-qualitative. The research was conducted at Telkom Malang Vocational High School on software engineering skills competency. The finding showed collaboration form in the industrial class between industriesand VHS are curriculum synchronization, student selection, teacher training, implementation of street vendors and job recruitment. The implementation of industrial class is done online by monitoring students by school and industry supervisors. Industrial class students have a group project task formed. Supporting and inhibiting factors in the sustainability of the industrial class during the pandemic. Supporting factors are selected students with high abilities by selection process, and industrial partner support for industrial class implementation. While the inhibiting factor is online learning process, it cannot help the teacher to monitor student activities and build students mental directly. The industrial class was formed to provide a knowledge and broader insight to students based on the development of competencies required by industries. However, several Vocational High Schools (VHS) unused industrial classes during the pandemic because the school partner industries is being impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted to determine the implementation of industrial class model used during the pandemic. The research method uses quasi-qualitative. The research was conducted at Telkom Malang Vocational High School on software engineering skills competency. The finding showed collaboration form in the industrial class between industriesand VHS are curriculum synchronization, student selection, teacher training, implementation of street vendors and job recruitment. The implementation of industrial class is done online by monitoring students by school and industry supervisors. Industrial class students have a group project task formed. Supporting and inhibiting factors in the sustainability of the industrial class during the pandemic. Supporting factors are selected students with high abilities by selection process, and industrial partner support for industrial class implementation. While the inhibiting factor is online learning process, it cannot help the teacher to monitor student activities and build students mental directly.
The influences of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Field Practice Experience, and 21st Century Skills on Career Choice of Becoming a Vocational Teacher Atikah Mauluddiyah
Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya Vol 44, No 2: September 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v44i22021p108-117


The needs of being vocational teachers is still very high. One of the factors that mostly causes students' reluctance to choose a career as a teacher is the unfulfilled needs based on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy to become a vocational teacher. Another factor is implementing field experience practice and preparing 21st century skills for prospective teachers of the Vocational High School. This study aimed at determining the effects of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, field experience practice, and 21st century skills on career choices to become vocational teachers on the state university students of Informatics Engineering Education in Malang City. A correlational approach with a sample of 123 students was used in this study. The results of the multiple regression analysis showed that Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, field experience practice, and 21st century skills had an influence of 0.515 or 51.5 percent on career choice to become the vocational teacher. It is concluded that there is an influence between of three factors and the career choice to become vocational teachers.

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