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Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Prorgam Studi Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan & Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. Sebagai sarana publikasi ilmiah hasil-hasil penelitian dan pemikiran tentang ilmu gizi
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Hubungan Pengetahuan Gizi dan Keamanan Pangan Dengan Konsumsi Mie Instan Pada Santriwati SMA Pondok Pesantren Asy-Syarifah Mranggen Demak Aini Mubarokah; Agus Sartono; Joko Teguh Isworo
Jurnal Gizi Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Gizi UNIMUS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.488 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.3.1.2014.%p


Adolescence is a period that has not fully matured, both physical, cognitive and psychosocial. At this time the teens easily influenced by environment and lifestyle, one of which is the pattern of consumption, such as the consumption of instant noodles. Given the ongoing growth, adolescence have a higher nutritional needs, for optimal growth and development. Less consumption of both quality and quantity to provide health and nutrition is not balanced so it will show a variety of diseases, such as malnutrition (over nutrition/obesity or under nutrition), and food poisoning. Domain knowledge is very important in shaping a person`s behavior. A person`s level of nutritional knowledge may influence the in the relationship of nutrition and food safety knowledge with instant noodle consumtion of santriwati at boarding school Asy-Syarifah Mranggen Demak.The type of the study is descriptive analytic with the number of subjects are 45 people of santriwati at High School Boarding Schools Asy-Syarifah Mranggen Demak. The subjects are taken by stratified random sampling method from the total number of santriwati(80 people). For analysis the data, Spearman rank test with SPSS for Windows are used in this studi.The results showed that the 30 people (66,7%) of santriwati in the high school Asy-Syarifah Boarding School, have a middle category of knowledge level. The 25 people (55,6%) of santriwati have a high category of instant noodles consumption level. Statistical analysis showed that there is a negative relationship betwen knowledge of nutrition and food safety santriwati with instant noodle consumption (r = - 0.520 and p-value = 0.000).
Serat dan Status Gizi Kaitannya dengan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Hipertensi Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tugurejo Semarang Fitria Nur Kholifah; Sufiati Bintanah; Erma Handarsari
Jurnal Gizi Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Gizi UNIMUS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.739 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.5.2.2016.%p


Hypertension is called the silent killer is a disease prevalent in society is characterized by sistolic blood pressure ? 140 mmHg and diastolic ? 90 mm Hg. The fiber is called "roughage," helpskeep your body stay organized. Low fiber intake ? 8.8 g / day increased C-Reactive Protein (CRP) 4kali higher in adults with two or three risk of disease (obesity, hypertension, diabetes). This study determine the relationship of dietary fiber intake and nutritional status with blood pressure in hypertensive patients hospitalized in the Hospital Tugurejo Semarang. Methods: reaserch explanatory research with cross sectional approach. The population of all patients presenting to the hospital in May 2014, samples taken as many as 26 people with purposive sampling technique.Univariate analysis performed to present the frequency distribution table. Bivariate analysis begins with Shapiro-Wilks normality test and continued with correlation of Rank-Spearman. Most (34.6%) samples were aged 51-60 years, and most (65.4%) were female, most ( 69.2%) intake of fiber <20 grams,. For fiber intake of the average patient lack of demand (20 grams), the majority (46.2%) had a better nutritional status with BMI> 25 experienced by as many as 18 respondents (69.2%), the majority (61.5% ) had a systolic blood pressure of 140-159 mmHg, most (46.2%) had blood pressure of 90-99 mmHg. Statistical analysis showed that there was a negative association between dietary fiber intake with systolic blood pressure (p = 0.001 <0.005), there was no association between dietary fiber intake with diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.374> 0.05). ), There is a relationship between nutritional status and systolic blood pressure (p = 0.033 <0.05). ), And there is no relationship between nutritional status and diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.842> 0.05). Lower fiber intake will increase systolic blood pressure. The nutritional status related to blood pressure, the more the higher the nutritional status of blood pressure. Diastolic blood pressurewas not associated with the level of konsusmi fiber and nutritional status.Keywords: Fiber intake, nutritional status, Blood Pressure, Hypertension Patients.
Efektifitas Pembelajaran Kelas Ibu Hamil dalam Menurunkan Anemia di Kecamatan Grogol Sukoharjo Nur Agustiningsih; Muwakhidah .
Jurnal Gizi Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Gizi UNIMUS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.61 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.7.2.2018.%p


Maternal deaths in developing countries one of the causes is anemia in pregnancy, an increasing proportion of pregnant women with anemia. One effort to prevent and overcome the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women is maternal class program which aims to increase knowledgeand skill of mothers about pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care and newborn care, through practice by using KIA book ( Child Mother Health). The purpose of this study is to determine the effectivenessof learning systems of pregnant mothers class in reducing of anemia in the District Grogol Sukoharjo District. This type of research is Quasi-Exsperimental Design, using Non Equivalent Control Group Design. Sampling by Consecutive sampling technique with the number of 40 respondents for each group.Measure of hemoglobin level using cyanmethemoglobin, andstattistic analysis using MannWhitneytest. The result showed that the average of maternal and non maternalclass knowledge was 86.9 + 76.5, the mean of anemia onmaternal and non maternal class was 11.9 g/dl and 11.2 g/dl.Based on the result of statistical test, there is difference of knowledge between maternal and nonmaternal class (p = 0,000), and there is difference of anemia between maternal and non maternal class(p = 0,001). The conclusion of riset was there is difference of knowledge and anemia between maternaland maternal class. Keywords : maternal class, Anemia
Hubungan Tingkat Asupan Energi dan Protein Dengan Kejadian Gizi Kurang Anak Usia 2-5 Tahun Hapsari Sulistya K; - Sunarto
Jurnal Gizi Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Gizi Unimus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.004 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.2.1.2013.%p


The prevalence of undernutrition on the children under 5 years old in Pulutan village is 6,9% it is higher than the others. Undernutrition is caused by some factors; food intake, infection, pattern of care, food pattern, cultural habit, healthy care, sanitation, education, knowledge, economic, politic, and social. The purpose of this research is to find the relation between energy intake and protein intake factors of undernutrition children age 2-5 years. The method used in this research is case control design. Population are children age 2-5 years who get undernutrition and wellnutrition in Pulutan village. Sampel are 21 cases and 21 controls by random. Independent variables are energy intake and protein intake.Dependent variable is children nutritional status. The data nutritional status were gathered using standart antropometric prosedures, the data of energy and protein intake were gathered from recall 2x24 hours. Corellation between variables were tested using Chi Square or FisherExact and multiple regressions logistic. There is relation between protein intake with nutritional status (x2=4,725; p=0,03). There is not relation between energy intake with nutritional status (x2=1,003; p=0,317). Byusing multiple regression logistic there is relation between protein intake with nutritional status (p=0,042; RP=14,4), relation energy intake with nutritional status (p=0,802; RP=0,7). The Conclusion is Determinant factor undernutrition children age 2-5 years of Pulutan village is protein intake.Keywords : energy intake, protein intake, undernutrition, children age 2-5 years.
Gambaran Status Gizi Balita di Posyandu RT 5 RW V Perumahan Villa Tembalang Bulusan, Tembalang, Semarang Dian Nintyasari Mustika; Dewi Puspitaningrum
Jurnal Gizi Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Gizi UNIMUS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (115.412 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.4.2.2015.%p


Posyandu is one of UKBM managed and organized from, by, for and with the community in the implementation of health development in order to empower people and provide convenience to the public in obtaining basic health care, especially in primary five priority programs including KB; KIA; Nutrition; Immunization and prevention of diarrhea and ARI with the aim of accelerating the reduction of maternal and infant mortality. The development of the state of community nutritioncan be monitored through the results recording and reporting program to improve community nutrition, as reflected in the results of weighing babies and toddlers every month at Posyandu. This study aims to describe the nutritional status of infants in Posyandu Villa Tembalang, Bulusan, Tembalang, S emarang. IHC is one of UKBM wicth managed from, by for and with the community in the implementation of health development in order This study is a descriptive study use the cross sectional design. The data was obtained by the population as much as 43 basis toddler with the criteria according to the study. The sample in this study was children aged 0 - 60 months. The sampling technique used in this study is total sampling, because all of the population component was used as the samples..The average age of the children is 40 months, with a minimum of age is one month and maximum is 59 months. The average weight of under five years old children is 13.023 kg, with astandard deviation is 3.5913kg. The average height of under five years old children is 92.123 cm with a standard deviation is 13.7491 cm. The mode of children;s height is 94.000 cm. The average Z score of index weight by height is -0.47 SD 1.45 SD, is included in the normal nutritional status. The average Z score of index height by age is 0.43 SD 3.43 SD, is included in the normal nutritional status. The average Z score of index weight by age is -0.13 SD 2.14 SD , is included in the good nutritional status. The average Z score of BMI by age is 4,68 SD 0,766 SD, is included in the normal nutritional status.The nutritional status of under five years old children at RT 5 RW V Housing Villa Tembalang, Bulusan, Tembalang is normal based on index of weight by height, height by age andBMI by age. The nutritional status of under five years old children is good based on index of weight by age.Keywords: The under five years old children, Nutritional Status
Faktor-Faktor Kepuasan Pasien dengan Sisa Makanan pada Pelayanan Gizi di Rumah Sakit Islam Arafah Rembang Noor Rochmah; Sufiati Bintanah; Erma Handarsari
Jurnal Gizi Vol 7, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Gizi UNIMUS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.905 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.7.1.2018.%p


Background : One of the success of food serving at the hospital is patient satisfaction. Lower patient satisfaction has an influence on how patient will be eat and left the food. The object of the study is to know the correlation of patient satisfaction factors and food waste at Arafah Islamic Hospital Rembang. Method :  This study used observational analytic with an across sectional approach. The population are all patient at Musdalifah room and Dzulkhulaifah room of Arafah Islamic Hospital Rembang with sample criteria, at least 2 days was treated and got a normal and soft food. Thesample of this study are 31 respondents used consecutive sampling. The instruments used are questionnaire and Comstock form. The normality test of the data usedKolmogorof -Smirnov test.The statistical test used is Rank-Spearman test. Results : This study found all of the respondents 100% of exact food time distribution. Most respondents 77, 4 % that said a variation of the food. 48, 8 % said the taste is delicious. All of the respondent (100%) the food equipments are clean and the server is friendly. Most respondents 83, 9% attractive for the served food. Food waste from breakfast : main course 6,5%, animal side dish 3,2%, vegetable side dish 16,5%, vegetables 9,7%. At lunch: main course 6,5%, animal side dish 3,2%, vegetable side dish 12,9%, vegetables19,4%. At dinner:  main course 3,2%, animal side dish 9,7%, vegetable side dish 12,9%, vegetables 9,7%. There is no correlation between menu variationwith food waste but, the relation between animal side dish and food waste at breakfast has a correlation value p=0, 037. There is no correlation between the taste of the food and food waste (p> 0, 05). There is no correlation between appearance of food and food waste but the relation between animal side dish and food waste at breakfast has correlation value p=0, 038.  Keywords: The Patient Satisfaction’s Factors, food waste, taste of food, appearance of food
Analisa Mutu dan Nilai Gizi Pada Yoghurt Dengan Perbandingan Tepung Tulang Ikan Nila Merah (Oreochromis sp) dan Kacang Hitam (Phaseolus vulgaris ‘Black turtle) Raisah Triana
Jurnal Gizi Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Gizi UNIMUS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jg.8.1.2019.%p


Yoghurt adalah susu yang diasamkan melalui proses fermentasi dan hasil olahan berbentuk seperti bubur dengan hasil dari campuran dua bakteri yaitu Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophilus. Tepung tulang ikan nila dan kacang hitam salah satu yang dimanfaatkan sebagai pengaruh perbandingan dalam membuat yoghurt. Tujuan mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan tepung tulang ikan nila dan kacang hitam terhadap mutu dan nilai gizi yoghurt. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan lima perlakuan perbandingan tepung tulang ikan nila dan kacang hitam T0 (0% : 0%) T1 (0% : 25%), T2 (5% : 20%), T3 (10% : 15%), dan T4 (15% : 10%). Uji organoleptik menggunakan VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) dilakukan oleh 34 orang panelis agak terlatih. Analisis data menggunakan One way Anova. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan perlakuan T1 yaitu yoghurt dengan perbandingan tepung tulang ikan nila 0% dan kacang hitam 25% merupakan perlakuan yang paling disukai oleh panelis pada parameter rasa, aroma, warna, tektur dan keseluruhan produk. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara perbandingan tepung tulang ikan nila dan kacang hitam terhadap rasa, aroma, warna, tekstur dan keseluruhan produk (p<0,05). Nilai hasil uji sifat fisik (viskositas) sampel T1 yaitu 53.49 cP dan uji sifat kimia protein: 8.06%, lemak: 0.85%, karbohidrat: 10.85%, kadar air: 79,26%, kadar abu: 0,07%. Kesimpulan perbandingan tepung tulang ikan nila dan kacang hitam pada yoghurt mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kandungan nilai gizi dan organoleptik (hedonik dan mutu hedonik). Kata Kunci : Yoghurt, tepung tulang ikan nila, kacang hitam 
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu, Pendidikan Ibu dan Dukungan Suami dengan Praktek Pemberian Asi Eksklusif di Kelurahan Muktiharjo Kidul Kecamatan Telogosari Kota Semarang Agus Sartono; Hanik Utaminingrum
Jurnal Gizi Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Gizi UNIMUS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.644 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.1.1.2012.%p


Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the mother in order to get the optimal growth and development of the baby. Nevertheless, the health profile of Central Java in 2008 showed coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is only about 28.96%.. The caverage of exclusive breast feeding in Semarang Manicipality in 2006 is 40.07% and the year 2007 decreased to 38.44%. This figure is still very low when compared with nasional exclusivebreastfeeding target of 80% in 2010 South Muktiharjo village is part of Semarang region. Some of studi, showed that the exclusive breast feeding practice related with social economic factor, mother’s work status, formula milk advertisement, and the role of health provider, especially who have direct role in maternal health. Besides that,the husband’s support, mother’s ability of exclusive breast feeding, and mother’s education, guessed related with exclusive breastfeeding practice. Objective of this study is to analyze the correlation between mather.s ability, mather’s education and support her husband with theexclusive breastfeeding practice in South Muktiharjo Village, Semarang City.The study is cross sectional. The analysis unit and respondet in the study was mother who had infants aged 6-12 months at Muktiharjo Kidul Village, Semarang City. The numbering of mothers who fill criteria 158 persons. The number of samples 62 mothers, to be taken with simple random sampling. Data were collected by interview using a questionnaire. Analysis of the correlations between variables, was done with multi plelogistic regression.The result of studi showed only 9 mothers (14,5 %) who exclusive breast feeding. 46 mothers (72,4 %) have low ability of exclusive breas feeding although 79,2 % mothers SMP graduation or more.. Only 14 husbands (22,6 %) support mothers breast feed the baby.There are no correlations between the three variables studied (mather’s ability, mother’s education and support of her husband) with exclusive breastfeeding practice, together all of independence variables or part one by one.Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, maternal knowledge, maternal education, husband's support
Hubungan Daya Terima Makanan dengan Tingkat Kecukupan Energi dan Protein Taruna di Asrama Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang Hidayatus Sholehah; Agus Sartono; Mufnaetty -
Jurnal Gizi Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Gizi UNIMUS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.212 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.4.1.2015.%p


Food service is the provision of food in large quantities starts from menu planning to food distribution.The aims of Food Service is to reached the satisfaction level of the consumers nutritional status. Polytechnic Institute of Science Shipping Semarang is a government agency that is carrying out the food service for cadets who live in the dorm. The goal is to ensure the health status of cadets in order to follow all the learning activities and other activities that is high in terms of physical activity.The purpose of the study was to determine the level of acceptance of the food menu that’s provided by Dormitories Sailing Science Polytechnic Semarang and its relation to cadet’s energy and protein adequacy level. This type of research is analytic research in the field of nutrition with a cross-sectional approached. The sample used in the study were 36 people taken by sistematic random sampling.The results of the study showed that all of the cadets can receive boarding with good food, with an average acceptance rate of 99.85 % ±0,263 % of the food served. The average of energy intake of cadets from the dorm food is 1657.25 ± 163.883 kcal per day. The average of protein intake is 50.33 g ±3.038 g per day. The average of dorm food donations towards cadet’s energy sufficiency level is 58.74 % ± 7.963 % of energy adequacy rate recommended. The average of protein is 77.46 % ±9.407 % of protein adequacy rate recommended. Pearson correlation test results showed there is no relationship between the level of acceptance the dormitories food with the sufficiency level of energy and protein.Polytechnic Institute of Science Semarang need to realize the standard of menu. Cruise portion that has been made more consistent to improve the contribution of energy and protein intake of food dormitory, and add a menu cycle so that variations in the dorm food is more diverse.
Konsumsi Minuman Manis dan Kegemukan pada Mahasiswa Angga Hardiansyah; Andi Eka Yunianto; Dyah Raysa Laksitoresmi; Ikeu Tanziha
Jurnal Gizi Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Gizi Unimus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.382 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.6.2.2017.%p


The aims of this study were to analyze a habitual consumption of sweet beverages and overweight among under graduate students. The cross-sectional study was conducted at Bogor Agricultural University in December 2014. The data were collected through self-administered tested questionnaire to 383 students after explaining by enumerators. The sweet beverage consumption was measured by the frequency of the consumption of sweet beverage per week. The type of sweet beverages include sweet soda, coffee, tea, jus, milk, energy drink, electrolyte, and sport beverage. The results showed that, after adjusted for sex, the sweet beverage consumption was not significantly associated with overweight (p >0,05). This implies that the overweightamong undergraduate student in this study may associated with total calorie intake of the students.Keywords: overweight, sweet beverage, undergraduate students

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