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Cakrawala Pendidikan
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Cakrawala Pendidikan (CP) merupakan jurnal ilmiah kependidikan. Jurnal ini menerbitkan berbagai artikel tentang kajian ilmiah dan hasil penelitian pendidikan baik dalam pengertian luas (pendidikan secara umum) maupun khusus (menunjuk pada bidang-bidang studi tertentu). Pemuatan suatu artikel diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan konsep keilmuan dan aplikasinya atau pada pemahaman pendidikan di Indonesia. Jurnal CP terbit tiga kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu edisi Februari, Juni, dan November, diterbitkan oleh LPPMP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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VOCATIONAL AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS IN INDUSTRY 4.0 Sunaryo Soenarto; Sugito Sugito; Suyanta Suyanta; Siswantoyo Siswantoyo; Marwanti Marwanti
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.32926


The teacher certification program has been implemented since 2007, yet the society has not optimally experienced the quality improvement of secondary education in Industry 4.0. This study aims to examine vocational and senior high school teacher professionalism in the age of Industry 4.0 in developing learning. This study employed the survey method with quantitative descriptive analysis. The sample of this study was taken from two provinces in Indonesia, namely Yogyakarta Special Region and West Borneo. The data were collected from 113 vocational and senior high school teachers using random purposive sampling. The instruments used in this research were open-ended and close-ended questionnaires. The results of this study show that there is still a low number of teachers with a Master’s degree; however, teachers participate in various capacity building training programs. Moreover, the most common training programs for the teachers are on classroom action research, scientific journal publications, curriculum development, and updating teaching materials. Furthermore, it is found that the number of journal articles published by vocational and senior high school teachers in the two provinces is still low, and as a result, bottleneck problems may occur in their career promotion. 
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.31228


This study produces technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) instruments, which conventionally use print modules. The aims of this study were 1) to develop appropriate website-based TPACK instruments, and 2) to determine the effect of the produced website-based TPACK instruments toward the pedagogy competence of Science teachers in their learning preparation in the classroom. The methodology used was based on the ADDIE stages which stand for analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The results of this study include 1) instructions for producing TPACK instruments based on the results of synthesis; 2) instructions for making a website format based on the synthesis results; 3) TPACK framework design in website content; 4) TPACK instruments validation results; and 5) website validation results. Moreover, limited and field tests were conducted upon the website-based TPACK instruments to determine their effect toward the pedagogy competence of Science teachers.  Quantitatively, the TPACK instruments scored 70 out of 76, while the website scored 60 out of 90. Finally, the limited and field tests results showed that website-based TPACK instruments positively affect the pedagogy competence of Science teachers in their learning preparation in the classroom with an overall Good category and a Very Good category for the usage evaluation from the users.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.34061


Literacy issues have probably been a special concern of many countries. In Indonesia, there have also been several surveys regarding the literacy of school students. This study aims to map the functional literacy of junior high school (JHS) students by focusing on various types of literacy and how each of them contributes to the overall functional literacy. This is quantitative survey research whose subjects were JHS students in four regencies and one municipality of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, with a total sample member of 246 students. The research instrument was an extension of the National Assessment for Adult Literacy (NAAL) with some additions of functional literacy types suggested in the FGD. Data were collected by using a test and analyzed through descriptive statistics and confirmatory factor analysis using the structural equation model with the Lisrel program. The results reveal that the functional literacy of the JHS students is mostly in the “medium” (83.3%), “low” (15.4%), and “high” (1.2%) category. Of the 15 types of literacy, two of them (13.33%), namely prose and cultural literacy make “high” contribution to the functional literacy as a whole, and two others (document and environmental literacy) also support to a “medium” extent (13.33%), while the rest (60%) are categorized as having “low” contribution. This likely implies the importance of fostering various types of functional literacy at school for students to have the ability to develop their personal and social functions.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.28982


The Marton Phenomenography Analysis model is interesting to apply because it has a significant characteristic of learning that is based on two academic learning patterns, namely "surface" and "in-depth" learning approaches. This study aimed to investigate students’ historical thinking ability using the Marton Phenomenography Analysis. Qualitative method was utilized with a phenomenography approach. The phenomenography approach was aimed to identify students’ historical thinking ability as they experience, conceptualize, perceive, and understand various historical phenomena of social movements. The subjects were students who took part in Social History. Data were collected from examination, observation, interviews and document study. The results showed that students who have "surface" and "in-depth" learning patterns have different thinking patterns, perspectives, and perceptions. There is a significant difference as much as 12.11% in the historical thinking ability between both groups. The "in-depth" group has an advantage over the "surface" group in terms of understanding changes, comparing historical narratives, interpreting history, understanding historical interpretation, as well as constructing history. Both the "in-depth" and "surface" groups have a good ability in the aspect of knowledge on facts and how to search for historical sources. Finally, both groups have less ability to develop different thinking patterns, create questions from historical stories, and evaluate historical sources.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.31363


Self-esteem contributes to an individual’s mental health and quality of life because it determines who they are, activities they do, as well as their personality. This study aimed to describe the development of students’ self-esteem through group counselling intervention with an assertive training technique. Employing a true experimental method with the pretest–posttest control group design, this study involved 191 students as the samples following Isaac and Michael at an error level of 5% of the total population of 420 students. From the self-esteem questionnaires, it was found that 28 students belonged to the low self-esteem group. Then, interventions were carried out in six sessions outside of class hours, with a duration of 90 minutes for each session. The data were obtained through the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI) instrument with a reliability value of .92, and analyzed using the Mann-Whitney two mean discrimination test. The results showed that students who were given group-counselling interventions with assertive training technique were better than those in the control group. Therefore, assertive training technique helps restore students' awareness of their rights to have a happy and esteemed life. Besides, assertive training technique helps renew students' confidence in the functioning of their minds and belief in their abilities in facing life challenges.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.31005


Abstract: Principal leadership is an important component that determines the direction and achievement of school performance. The purpose of this study was to identify the behavior and formulate a theoretical model of the Structural Equation Model (SEM) dimension of the principal leadership on school performance. This study used a qualitative approach using the phenomenological method. Participants in this study were 8 principals and 16 teachers from 8 private junior high schools in the Bogor City and Regency. Data collection employed in-depth interview techniques, observation of work behavior, and document review. Data validity was based on credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability criteria during the data collection. Data analysis was carried out through the stages of organizing data, sorting them into manageable units, searching and finding patterns, synthesizing, and drawing conclusions. This research finds the following: 1) the leadership behavior of private secondary school principals to achieve optimal school performance tends to be situational and conditional; 2) interrelation in the form of direct or indirect causal relationships between the principal leadership behavior and the school performance can be formulated in the form of the theoretical SEM consisting of a four-level dimension of the principal leadership.
SCHOOL STRATEGIES IN STRENGTHENING STUDENT RESILIENCE IN DISASTER-PRONE AREAS Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum; Khirjan Nahdi; Aswasulasikin Aswasulasikin; Dyah Respati Suryo Sumunar; Rukiyati Rukiyati; Ebny Sholikhah
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.30249


Resilience is needed by students who live in disaster-prone areas. With strong resilience, students can implement disaster mitigation. This study aims to describe the profile of students' resilience and the strategies carried out by students in strengthening personal resilience. The mixed method research approach was conducted on a research population of SMA/SMK in Lombok Regency, specifically North Lombok, East Lombok, and West Lombok. The respondents were 779 people from 10 schools in disaster-prone areas determined by the Slovin formula. Student resilience profiles were explored according to Reivich and Shatte. Data on how teachers increase students’ resilience were obtained from a focus group discussion (FGD) with 20 teachers from 10 schools. The results of the research prove that the personal resilience profile of students in Lombok from the seven aspects is still not optimal, which is not enough to form resilience personalities (less than 60%). This study affirms that personal resilience is essential in building school resilience to provide a massive contribution to education and disaster mitigation. Regarding recommendations for schools to increase student resilience, it can be done by increasing resilience resources, strengthening social support, having resilient teachers, building resilient school, all aspects of which must work systemically and synergistically.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.25077


Writing skill is a productive language skills that should be mastered by vocational students. It has become a critical issue in the study of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and a challenging one in Indonesian context in the context of English as Foreign Language learning. This paper aims to investigate the impact of PBworks media application on vocational students’ collaborative writing skill. The research used the experimental approach. The respondents included 60 vocational students selected randomly and divided into two groups with 30 students in the control group and 30 students in the experimental group. The PBworks media was applied in the experimental group, while the control group received face-to-face writing class without incorporating learning media. The data were obtained by comparing student scores in the pre-test and two post-tests. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to obtain the result. It showed that there is a statistically significant difference between using PBworks and non-Pbworks media in regard to the students’ writing performance (p .05). Moreover, vocational students believe in the benefit of the PBworks media application in developing collaborative writing skill despite the disadvantages.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.32326


Textbook discourse readability is primarily determined by three key factors: the text, the writer, and the reader. Textbook discourse readability from the reader aspect especially among students with poor reading ability is rarely studied. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate textbook discourse readability among junior high school students with poor reading ability based on gender, reading interest, and family socio-economic status. A quantitative survey was conducted on 257 respondents from Indonesia. The data were gathered using a questionnaire and a cloze test. The results showed that textbook discourse readability on all investigated variables was categorized into the frustration level. There was a significant difference in textbook discourse readability among students with poor reading ability based on gender, reading interest, and family socio-economic status. Female students, students with high reading interest, students with well-educated mothers, students with parents earning more than seven million rupiahs (equals to USD480/month) were reported to have a higher textbook discourse readability. These findings suggest the importance of considering students’ individual characteristics and family socio-economic background in writing a textbook and designing reading instructions in junior high schools.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.28335


The 21st century learning system demands the use of technology in learning instruction. This research focuses on the comparison between the use of android-based-game and blended learning in the Chemistry subject on the hydrocarbon lesson toward students’ self-efficacy and achievement. A quasi-experiment with post-test only design was adopted in this research. A number of 143 eleventh graders from two public senior high schools in Purworejo Regency, Indonesia were selected in a cluster random sampling as the research sample. The sample was classified into three groups depending on the media used, i.e. android-based-game only on face-to-face learning (ABG-FTFL), blended learning only (BL), and both android-based-game and blended learning (ABG-BL). Self-Efficacy Scale (SES) was used to obtain the data of students’ self-efficacy while the hydrocarbon test was used to obtain students’ achievement. One-way Analysis of Variance, Kruskal Wallis test, and descriptive quantity technique were performed in the data analysis, and it is found that the use of these technologies has a significant effect on the students’ self-efficacy and achievement. The use of ABG-BL is better in improving students’ self-efficacy while BL is better in enhancing students’ achievement. Therefore, the use of android-based-game and blended learning can be emphasized as media in chemistry learning to gain better self-efficacy and achievement among students.

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XXII, NO. 1 No 3 (2002): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI NOVEMBER 2002, TH. XXI, NO. 3 No 2 (2002): Cakrawala Pendidikan edisi Juni 2002, Th. XXI, No. 2 No 1 (2002): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN EDISI FEBRUARI 2002,TH XXI. NO.1 CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,2001,TH.XX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,2001,TH.XX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,2001,TH.XX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,2000,TH.XX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1999,TH.XVIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1999,TH.XVIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1999,TH.XVIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1998,TH.XVII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1998,TH.XVII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1997,TH.XVI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1997,TH.XVI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1997,TH.XVI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1996,TH.XV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1996,TH.XV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1996,TH.XV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1995,TH.XIX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1995,TH.XIX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1995,TH.XIX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1994,TH.XIV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1994,TH.XIV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1994,TH.XIV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1993,TH.XIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1993,TH.XIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1993,TH.XIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1992,TH.XII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1992,TH.XII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1991,TH.XI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1991,TH.XI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1990,TH.X CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1990,TH.X CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1989,TH.VIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1989,TH.VIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1989,TH.VIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1988,TH.VII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1988,TH.VII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1988,TH.VII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1987,TH.VI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1987,TH.VI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1985,TH.IX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1985,TH.IX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1984,TH.IV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1984,TH.IV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1983,TH.III CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1983,TH.III CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1983,TH.III CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1982,TH.II CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1981,TH.I CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1981,TH.I More Issue