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Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan No. 37, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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ISSN : 23551798     EISSN : 28303903     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES (E-SOSPOL) is a fully open access peer-reviewed scholarly journal that addresses legal issues and questions arising in Indonesia and the Global World Wide. This journal aspires to provide a public policy, administrative, sociology, taxation, tourism, public relations, welfare, communication and politics. And other disciplines such as social anthropology, social psychology, law and social, technology and information, social geography education.
Articles 157 Documents
Sanksi Ekonomi China kepada Korea Selatan sebagai Respon Kerja Sama Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Thawi, Syah Than; Purwanto, Agung
e-Sospol Vol 8 No 3 (2021): Social and Politic
Publisher : University of Jember

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This study analyzes China's economic sanctions to South Korea as a response to the cooperation of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). This study uses qualitative research methods based on data obtained through literature studies sourced from descriptive books, journals and online media. This scientific article uses Decision Making Process Theory and the concept of economic sanctions in analyzing China's economic sanctions to South Korea as a response to the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) cooperation. China applies economic sanctions based on internal and external factors. The geographical location of China in one East Asian region and side by side made China oppose the existence of THAAD because its radar system could penetrate into its territory so that it could disturb national interests and destroy regional security stability. Community support for the government is one of the reasons China has given economic sanctions to South Korea. The dependence of South Korea's economy on China which is its biggest trading partner makes economic sanctions very impacting on South Korea. China imposed economic sanctions to reject South Korea's policies regarding the cooperation of THAAD. China wants to reduce the capabilities of the South Korean military because it does not want the placement of THAAD to endanger the security of its country.
Pengembangan Masyarakat Melalui Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) di Wisata Air Terjun Lider Indriana, Ratih; Prayitno, Hadi
e-Sospol Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Concept and Cooperation
Publisher : University of Jember

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Social change makes people have knowledge in terms of tourism management. The change is made by Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis). This group is formed both a booster in growing community participation and as an effort in improving community welfare through Lider waterfall management activity. The research problem was how the community development carried out by Pokdarwis in Lider waterfall as the local tourism. Therefore, this research was aimed to find out and describe the community development process carried out by Pokdarwis. This descriptive research employed a qualitative approach. The research informants were determined by using purposive technique. The research data were collected through non-participant observation, interviews and documentation. Then, the data were analyzed by using data collection, data reduction, data display and verification. To test data validity, researchers used source triangulation technique. The findings indicated that the community development conducted by Pokdarwis was able to increase the economy of the community, to increase social relations, and to grow community participation. Furthermore, there were two existing programs carried out by Pokdarwis, namely increasing human resources and increasing creativity and innovation
Program Pengembangan Usaha Kecil pada Sentra Industri Kecil Handycraft di Desa Tutul Kecamatan Balung Kabupaten Jember (Small Business Development Programs on the Center of Handicraft Small Industry in Tutul Village, Balung Sub-ditsrict, Jember Regency) Ghaisani, Oktavia Nabilah; Azhari, A Kholiq; Rohman, Hermanto
e-Sospol Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/e-sos.v6i2.11618


AbstractStarting from the existing problems related to human resources where the majority of the people of TutulVillage have a low educational background. Although in making handicrafts, formal education is not veryimportant, the low quality of the human resources is not supported by the development programs of skillstraining. The second problem is that small handicraft industry businessmen in Tutul village are stillconstrained by financial or capital resources, and the marketing process is still conventional, so the amountof production is still based on the number of orders coming. Therefore, this research aims to describe theimplementation of small business development programs in the center of handicraft small industry in Tutulvillage.This descriptive research employed a qualitative approach. The research data were collected throughobservation, documentation, and interview. The village head as themain informant was determined by usingsnowball sampling technique. To test thedata validity, the researchers conducted perseverance ofobservation and data triangulation. Data were analyzedby using qualitative data analysis by Miles andHuberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. The findings indicated thatthe small business development programs in the center of handicraft small industry in Tutul village werethedevelopment programs of managerial aspect, especially human resource skills and marketing. The second,capital development programwas carried out by providing capital assistance to craftsmen by PT TelkomJember. The next program was through a partnership program that aimed to expand the network ofcraftsmen. The fourth program was the development of the center of small industry under the auspices ofTechnical Implementation Unit of Job Training Center (UPT BLK)Jember. The last development programwas coaching carried out by PT Telkom and UPT BLK Jember by conducting training and the assistance offacilities and infrastructures.Keywords: program, development, and small industry
Analisis Proses Penyelenggaraan Event: Studi Kasus Penyelenggaran “Grand Launching Mal Pelayanan Publik Kabupaten Gresik” oleh CV. Imagine Promosindo Nugroho, Margaretta Andini; Meilia, Melania
e-Sospol Vol 9 No 1 (2022): Administration
Publisher : University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/e-sos.v9i1.30074


One of the success factors in organizing an event or activity lies in the careful and considerate preparation process. This is the full responsibility of the event organizer as the party given the authority to organize the entire series of events. CV. Imagine Promosindo is one of the leading event organizers in Malang Regency with more than 10 years of experience in handling events, both at local and national levels. The event "Grand Launching of the Gresik Regency Public Service Mall" is one of the events handled by CV. Imagine Promosindo whose implementation was very successful even though it was held in the pandemic era. This is of course to the detailed preparation of the implementation process from the pre-event, on-event and post-event stages.
Upaya Fifa dalam Melindungi Hak Pekerja Migran di Qatar Menjelang Piala Dunia 2022 Agustama, Muhammad Farid; Sunarko, Bagus Sigit; Albayumi, Fuat
e-Sospol Vol 8 No 2 (2021): International Cooperation
Publisher : University of Jember

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After winning the right to host 2022 World Cup, Qatar is exposed to migrant workers' problems which have attracted attention of the international community. Migrant workers building infrastructure find themselves in a discriminatory and exploitative treatment. Amnesty International identified hundreds of migrant workers employed on the Khalifa Stadium and the Aspire Zone were being subjected to human rights abuses by the companies for which they worked. According to human rights groups, this is a consequence of the kafala system which is very familiar with modern slavery practices. As one of the main actors of the World Cup in Qatar, FIFA recognized its international significance brings a responsibility to influence decision-makers in Qatar. FIFA has also urged Qatari Government to comply the ILO’s core labour standards into labour reforms, and must be introduced quickly with lasting effect. Hence, this research aims to analyze acts taken by FIFA in its efforts to influence policies related to migrant workers in Qatar. Moreover, to analyze the issue, this research will use two theoretical approaches regarding the concepts of domestic structure and international institutionalization. These two concepts are likely to interact in determining the abilility of transnational actors to bring about policy changes
Pengembangan Komunitas Lokal Melalui Daur Ulang Limbah Industri Manufaktur Logam Lestari, Gita Wati Ayuning
e-Sospol Vol 6 No 2 (2019): Pluralisme
Publisher : University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/e-sos.v6i2.28650


Abstrak Isu permasalahan limbah bermuatan B3 pada industri manufaktur logam berupa debu aluminium yang berpotensi merugikan mendorong ide kreatif dan inovatif. Kondisi sosial-ekonomi yang tidak menentu akibat masih bergantungnya pada sektor pertanian dan keunikan cara pandang masyarakat lokal mendorong perkembangan usaha daur ulang limbah industri manufaktur logam yang dikelola menjadi batangan aluminium dengan di dukung peningkatan kapasitas berbasis konteks lokal hingga terarahkan dalam proses pengembangan komunitas lokal (indigenous community development) pada komunitas pengrajin batangan aluminium. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan proses indigenous community development melalui daur ulang limbah industri manufaktur logam. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi deskriptif. Teknik penentuan informan adalah purposive. Teknik pengumpulan data diantaranya wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses indigenous community development pada komunitas pengrajin batangan aluminium memuat tahapan dan strategi yang diantaranya tahapan pengembangan awal dengan strategi penanaman motivasi diri dan keterbukaan hubungan kerja sama. Tahapan transformasi pengetahuan dan keterampilan dengan penerapan langkah learning by doing. Tahapan pengembangan insiatif lokal yang merupakan penyempurna dari praktik pemberdayaan dengan penerapan pendekatan inovatif, memelihara jaringan kerja regular dan pengembangan konsesus dengan industri manufaktur logam hingga pemerintah. Seiring proses indigenous community development yang dilakukan telah mendorong pelembagaan tata kelola daur ulang limbah industri manufaktur logam dengan didasarkan pada unsur regulasi disertai prinsip partisipatif, prinsip edukatif, dan prinsip sinergis yang secara berkelanjutan menjadikannya unsur pendukung dalam menjaga stabilitas dari eksistensi proses indigenous community development dalam mewujudkan peningkatan kesejahteraan.
Peng aruh Pemberian Insentif Dan Penempatan Karyawan Ter hadap Kinerja Karyawan Divisi P enjualan Di Pt.United Motors Centre Gresik The Effect Of Giving Incentive And Employee Placement On Employee Performance Insales Division At Pt. United Motors Centre Azizah, Imroatul; S, Sasongko; Wahyuni, Sri
e-Sospol Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/e-sos.v6i2.11555


AbstractDealer Banyuwangi Motor is a company engaging in the service sector, especially in providing and selling motor vehicles (Honda brand) for consumers. Incentive contains a professional relationship. The employee'sgoals to work areto fulfill the employees' life needs, and to implement the company's mission and vision. Therefore, employees will be rewarded in the form of incentivewhich is suitable with their work performance and companyRequirements.This researchwas aimed to know the effect of incentive on sales employees’work performance at Dealer Banyuwangi Motor in Genteng. The amount of incentive given by the company to sales employees was based on the achieving target level in each month with each sales position. Sales employees’ work performance was seen from the quantity achieved that was the target which exceeded the company's requirements and the task execution by providing product information from the company to prospective customers. This quantitativeresearchemployed explanative approach.39 respondents were determined by using simple linear regression analysis. The measurement technique in this researchwas likert scale. The data were analyzed by using validity test, reliability test, simple linier regression analysis, hypothesis test, and coefficient of determination (R2). The research results indicated that incentive had a significant effect on sales employees’ work performance at Dealer Banyuwangi Motor in Genteng. Hypothesis value test obtained that incentive value had tcount> ttable (2,357> 2,026), and the significance value was 0,024 <0,05. Therefore, H0 was rejected, and Ha was accepted. The Coefficient Value (R2) of Incentive variable (X) to Work Achievement (Y) variable was equal to 0.131. This value indicated that incentive affected work performance as much as 13.1% while the remaining 86.9% was influenced by other factors excluded in this research.Keywords:Incentive, Work Performance, and Sales Employees
Kelembagaan Tingkat Desa dalam Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas Yuhastuti, Fransiska Tri; Supranoto, Supranoto; Makmur, M. Hadi
e-Sospol Vol 8 No 3 (2021): Social and Politic
Publisher : University of Jember

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This study aims to describe institutions in the empowerment of people with mild and moderate levels of disabilities in Karangpatihan Village, District of Balong, Ponorogo Regency. Karangpatihan Village is one village that has been labeled as an idiot village due to the existence of a number of persons with disabilities. They live in weak, vulnerable, poor and underdeveloped conditions. Therefore, some participants collaborate based on the rules of the game that are carried out to seek empowerment, so that they are expected to improve the quality of their live. This study attempts to provide a clear description using qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Data collection techniques used interview, observation, documentation and literature study. Informants were determined by purposive sampling and snowball sampling, while data validity was verified using persistent observation, triangulation and peer examination through discussion. Data analysis techniques used analysis model from Miles and Huberman which included data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are the description of values, rules, norms and laws and regulations used, participants involved, mechanisms for changing values, rules and norms, laws and regulations used and activities carried out in efforts to empower people with mild and moderate levels of disabilities in Karangpatihan Village, District of Balong, Ponorogo Regency
Implementasi Program Kartu Sehat Bekasi dalam Pemenuhan Hak Kesehatan Masyarakat Rahman, Reyhatul Jannah Aprilia; Hendrijanto, Kris
e-Sospol Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Concept and Cooperation
Publisher : University of Jember

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The Government of Bekasi City has designed a regional health insurance program to respond community complaints about the lack of equal distribution of health insurance provided by the central government. Therefore, the regional government has responsibility in fulfilling health insurance, especially regional health insurance. The government of Bekasi city strives for distributing regional health insurance through a program called Kartu Sehat Bekasi, so the community is able to be fulfilled their health insurance. This is an effort to respond to community problems and needs regarding the lack of equal distribution of Health Insurance provided by the Central Government. The equal distribution will be fulfilled by the Regional Government. The implementation process starts from preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The implementation of Kartu Sehat Bekasi is carried out by the Puskesmas in the Bekasi city as the first reference level; the Hospital in collaboration with the Bekasi City government as the level of advanced reference; and Bekasi City Health Office as the party that assists in implementing the program to issue administrative needs. This descriptive research employed qualitative approach. The informants were determined by using purposive technique. Research data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, the data were analyzed by using data reduction, data presentation, and verification. To test data validity, researchers used source triangulation technique. The findings revealed that the fulfillment of the health rights in Bekasi city in implementing Kartu Sehat Bekasi program was in the form of the easy access to health services and quality of health services felt by the community. Moreover, the rights to health services were not only for themselves but also for family members. Furthermore, the number of patients each year increases, but the procedure application has not been maximized, and also people were still unwilling in administrative matter as the inhibiting factor. Hence, a community empowerment activity was needed in Kartu Sehat Bekasi program to create an independent community in terms of health, and it did not depend on health insurance provided by the government.
Pelaksanaan Program Smart Transport Sekolah di Kota Mojokerto Tahun 2017 The Implementation of School Smart Transport Program in Mojokerto City in 2017) Kurniasari, Nia Mega; A, Ardiyanto; Makmur, Hadi
e-Sospol Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : University of Jember

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AbstractThisstudy aims to describe the implementation of School Smart Transport Program inMojokerto City in 2017. This descriptive stu dy employed a qualitative approach. Datawere collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, the data wereanalyzed by using interactive analysis of Miles and Huberman which consisted of datareduction, data presentation, and drawing c onclusion. To test the data validity,researchers used source and technique triangulations. The theory used to analyze theimplementation of School Smart Transport Program was owned by Van Meter and VanHorn with six variables namely standard and policy ta rget, resource, characteristics ofimplementing organization, communication between implementing organizations,communication between related organizations, implementing activities, and social,economic and political environments. Based on the findings, th e implementation ofSchool Smart Transport Program run in accordance with the established track or route,but the Mojo E Transchool application was not optimally used by the community.Keywords: i mplementation , program, and School Smart Transport

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