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Salam MediaTor, Dewan Redaksi
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Berkomunikasi dengan AnakBanyak masalah anak sekolah berkisar pada kemampuan berprestasi. Setelah anak menerima rapor semester, maka orang tua kerap dikagetkan oleh angka-angka rapor yang menunjukkan angka lima atau kurang. Seringkali mereka menanyakan guru atau wali kelas mengapa anaknya memeroleh nilai-nilai yang mengecewakan itu. Boleh jadi, orang tua kemudian segera berkunjung ke psikolog atau biro konsultasi psikologi dengan tujuan mentes anak untuk mengetahui IQ anak tersebut. Sebenarnya, orang tua tidak perlu kelewat panik, karena dapat meneliti dulu faktor-faktor manakah yang mungkin telah menyebabkan rendahnya prestasi anak. Misalnya, dengan cara mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor: (1) apakah anak sudah cukup berusaha dan belajar dengan teratur; (2) apakah anak sungguh-sungguh belajar atau banyak melamun dan berkhayal; (3) apakah anak ketat dalam disiplin belajar 4) apakah anak sudah mengerti bahan yang harus dipelajari; (5) bagaimanakah sikap anak di dalam kelas sewaktu mengikuti pelajaran.Pada dasarnya, membantu menyelesaikan kesulitan dalam hal belajar biasanya memerlukan data yang lebih luas mengenai prestasi anak di sekolah. Misalnya, mata pelajaran manakah yang sulit dipelajari oleh anak. Apakah kesulitan belajar disebabkan oleh keadaan lingkungan ataukah kesulitan berprestasi di sekolah disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor dalam diri anak itu sendiri. Jurnal Komunikasi Mediator edisi kali ini mencoba mengangkat persoalan dunia anak lewat beberapa tulisan.Selain artikel Pien Supinah Adiwira yang membincangkan ihwal “Komunikasi Reseptif dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Anak”, termuat juga kajian analisis isi tentang “Bahasa Rupa Wimba dalam Komik ‘Flap Book’ Anak-anak” yang ditulis Ferry Darmawan.Sementara itu, Alex Sobur sembari membincang “Harry Potter” mengajak kita untuk membaca mitos-mitos yang ada di seputar cerita fiksi karya J.K. Rowling tersebut. Artikel lainnya, sebagaimana ditulis Rita Gani, menuntun kita untuk menonton, tepatnya “meraba,” pornografi di ruang-ruang kelas. Berkomunikasi dengan anak, membawa kita, para orang tua, ke dunia tanpa batas. Di dunia tersebut bertebaran ruang-ruang tempat tumbuh kembangnya imajinasi anak. Karena itu, “Merancang Media Hiburan Buku Cergam,” menurut Ida Nurhaida dan kawan-kawan, “Menjadi Media Belajar untuk Alat Bantu Komunikasi”.Di dunia remaja dan dewasa, Rini Rinawati menawarkan sebuah gaya hidup, “Lifestyle” Muslimah. Lantas Karim Suryadi melengkapinya dengan artikel “Media Massa dan ‘Political Literacy’: Pemanfaatan Berita Politik di Kalangan Remaja Kota Bandung”. H.A. Saefudin dan Antar Venus membedahnya lewat “Cultivation Theory”. Dadi Ahmadi dan Nova Yohana menggunakan teori yang sama untuk menganalisis “Kekerasan di Televisi”. Oji Kurniadi pun mencoba mengamati fenomena kaum “Perempuan dalam Tayangan Iklan di Televisi”.Pada bagian lain, Airin Nisa, Ken Reciana, dan Billy K. Sarwono A., mengangkat persoalan media massa dalam artikelnya, “Youth Lifestyle in A Moslem Magazine: A Reception Analysis on ‘Muslimah’ Readers”. Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu menyoroti masalah kebebasan pers dari perpektif hukum. Judul artikelnya, “Kebebasan Pers dalam Konteks KUHP Pidana: Menyoal Undang-Undang sebagai Fungsi Komunikasi”.Secara keseluruhan, isi Mediator kali ini memang tampak lebih bervariasi. Kami, di jajaran penyunting, menyebutnya perlintasan berbagai gagasan tanpa batas, sekadar untuk menunjukkan betapa luasnya kajian komunikasi. Mulai dari komunikasi intrapersonal—misal menafsirkan gejala melamun dan berpikir, sampai persoalan komunikasi internasional dan budaya komunikasi global. Maka itu, selain menyuguhkan isu-isu lainnya macam “Polemik Rancangan Undang-Undang Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi (RUU-APP)” yang ditulis Dedeh Fardiah, kami juga mengundang Yusuf Hamdan untuk berdiskusi soal “Kepribadian Negosiator”. Tiga tulisan lain kami munculkan sebagai penutup, Dede Lilis Ch. Subandy, masih menyinggung soal dunia anak. Ia coba mengungkap “Sosialisasi Anak dalam Majalah ‘Bobo’.” Anne Ratnasari memublikasikan hasil penelitiannya beberapa waktu lalu, berkenaan dengan “Pengaruh Komunikasi Antarpribadi Bermedia Internet terhadap Persahabatan Mahasiswa di Dunia Maya”. Terakhir, Ratih T. menuliskan “’Call Center’ sebagai Alat Komunikasi Pemasaran di Abad ke-21". Tanpa perlu berpanjang kata, akhirnya, kami sekadar ingin menyapa Salam, sekaligus mengantarkan Anda untuk menjelajahi, menafsirkan, dan memberi makna terhadap berbagai hasil penelitian dan pemikiran konseptual yang coba kami hadirkan dalam Mediator nomor ini. Moga saja ada manfaat yang bisa dipetik.Penyunting,
Komunikasi Reseptif dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Anak Adiwiria, Pien Supinah
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Education is the process of transforming knowledge into the process of learning and teaching in the school system. Dwyer and Barker stated that the most dominant learning and teaching process is receptive communication as applied in the act of listening and reading. Logically, the senses being actively engaged in such process are hearing and visioning facilities. An observation toward school practices proved that listening and reading activities become the main part of academic skills to be acquired by students. It is concluded that receptive communication allows students to absorb knowledge and technology effectively which in turn will increase students’ learning achievement.
Bahasa Rupa Wimba dalam Komik “Flap Book” Anak-anak: Studi Analisis Isi Darmawan, Ferry
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Knowledge and technology development generate a modern means of mass media, such as photo, moving image, television. This development based on images, therefore, demanded the ability of image to tell stories of something. Around 80% of audiovisual information absorbs by human through visions. The fact was utilized to optimizing the process of children learning. Compared with writings, children learn better from pictures in order to grasp the meaning and concept. Wimba is a-picture-reading-methods for pre-school children. Flapbook is an example of book full of wimba discourse. Wimba itself was a term introduced for concrete images.
Membincang “Harry Potter”, Membaca Mitos Sobur, Alex
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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In spite of the celebration of Harry Potter, JK Rowling as the author was accused as teaching and disseminating occultism among her readers. It is said that Harry Potter could turn children to become demons. This accusation raised concerns among parents and educators, especially Christians.  Furthermore, a priest from New Mexico, Jack Brock, was threatening to burn Harry Potter volumes. Responding to the threat, JK Rowling was reported calm. Harry Potter still wins the heart of thousands children all over the world. A semiotic analysis toward Harry Potter books concludes that reality and imagination were created (not depicted, or mirrored) in the world of wizardry. Furthermore, an ideological analysis has successfully disclosed some imperialism signs being downplayed in the story plot.
“Meraba” Pornografi di Ruang Kelas Gani, Rita
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Controversies spark everywhere when Playboy, an American franchise adult magazine, appeared in the market. Although Indonesians have experienced some important social transformations, such controversies marked the proof that there are still many conservatives among Indonesians who object a man-magazine like Playboy. The heart of controversies against Playboy lies in the fact that Playboy openly brought pornography among members of society. Such issue also become the heart of discussions among communication students who participate in Mass Media Ethics class. By openly discussing such matters, students could understand the controversies from range of perspectives: legal matters, social aspects, psychological dimensions, and so on.
Merancang Media Hiburan Buku Cergam Menjadi Media Belajar untuk Alat Bantu Komunikasi Nurhaida, Ida; Junaidi, Akmal; Hariyanto, Sugeng P; Syah, Pairul
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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For the sake of reinforcing the local knowledge (that seems to be abandoned by local community of West Lampung themselves) and to make corrections against agroforestry malpractices as well as of accommodating to the poor performance of extension programs on recharge area of West Lampung (including of media lacking of extension), we have developed the entertainment media of pictorial story books of coffee agroforestry. The media were designed especially for the low literate community (Nurhaida et al., 2004) to affirm the tao of knowledge of the four tribes dwell in the recharge area: Lampungese, Semendonese, Sundanese and Sundanese of villages of Way Mengaku, Sukananti, Sidomakmur and Gunung Terang respectively (see Nurhaida et al., (2005). There are four languages edition in accordance with the locally mother tongues of the four tribes plus Indonesian to accommodate the other tribes exist in West Lampung. Desk activities were conducted at the Laboratory of Multimedia, Departmentof Communication Science, The University of Lampung Indonesia. Media pretesting were conducted twice in August-September 2005 to measure the variables of attraction, self involvement, acceptability and comprehension of the media in accordance with Bertrand’s suggestion (1978). Between the two and the second of the media pretesting, there had been conducted the media improvements. The research showed that the entertainment media have been used up to be a learning media for the propose of extension program in the recharge area successfully. This claim is supported by the high effectiveness of the five editions: (Lampungese, Semendonese, Javanese, Sundanese and Indonesian of 85, 89, 88, 89, and 86% repectively) that brookthrough aggaints the severely heavied barrier of low litteracy : 27, 44, 39, 77, dan 88 words per second respectively. It is strongly recommended that: (1) reproduce the media and disseminate into community dwell on the recharge of West Lampung to reinforce the tao of knowledge, and (2) conduct the similar research on other recharge areas. 
“Lifestyle” Muslimah Rinawati, Rini
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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It is always interesting to discuss youth lifestyle. As part of pop culture, youth lifestyle has some features, i.e. standardized culture, having fixed repetitive format, light enjoyable, sentimental, short-lasting, and artificially crafted. Such characteristics are in opposite with other cultural values such as serious, intellectuality, time-respect, and authenticity. In the world of Moslem girl, there is also a strong tendency of being modern and sociable. Mass media and globalization are believed to be the most influential factors. In order to solve the problem, original Islamic learning process such as “madrasah” and “pesantren” are strongly promoted.
Media Massa dan “Political Literacy”: Pemanfaatan Berita Politik di Kalangan Remaja Suryadi, Karim Suryadi
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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The role of mass media in creating cognitive response concerning input function, conversion process, and political system output is lower than political system capability. This difference is due to two reasons: (1) in teenager’s thinking domain, input function, conversion process, and political output are more theoretical-abstract; (2) political news exposure in mass media is more highlighting demanded citizen characteristics as important attributes of political system capability. This means that though teenagers are considered to be important in political domain, political news exposure has not been considering teenagers’ psycho-political aspect.
Cultivation Theory Saefudin, Asep; Venus, Antar
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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The idea of Cultivation Theory was first addressed by George Gerbner with his colleagues of Annenberg School of Communication, Pennsylvania (1969). Based on previous research about cultural indicators conducted by the same researcher, cultivation analysis focused on mass media impact on everyday life. Another important findings from cultivation analysis was the categorization of television audience to two different classes: heavy viewers and light viewers. Among those two, heavy viewer became the main concern of communication scholars. It was believed that heavy viewing of television behavior permanently would lead to deep and exaggerated belief toward symbolic realities as presented on the screen.
Perempuan dalam Tayangan Iklan di Televisi Kurniadi, Oji
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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As part of marketing activities, advertising played a very important role. Through the means of advertising, a product with all its characteristics and qualities was being introduced to the public. The ad creators competitively search ideas to construct an attractive ad. The depiction of women becomes one of the old-but-believed-to-be-effective-formula for such advertisings. In the world of advertising and marketing, women are not only becoming models for women products, but also for men products. Women figures were depicted beside men models in cigarettes advertising and in turn seemed problematic. A strong and unending debate has been circulating amongst public concerning advertising who significantly exploited women’s sensuality. These kinds of ads are believed degraded women and create negative image for women.

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