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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Tingkatan Kecemasan, Remaja, Film Nobody Knows.Ketika menghadapi masalah, setiap individu bahkan remaja akan merasa cemas. Hal ini dikarenakan remaja memiliki keadaan emosi yang tidak stabil. Rasa cemas merupakan respon psikologi terhadap stress, rasa takut yang melibatkan respon sikap, tingkah laku, dan pemikiran. Rasa cemas memiliki tingkatan kecemasan yaitu kecemasan ringan, kecemasan sedang, kecemasan berat, dan panik.Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kecemasan remaja yang dialami tokoh Akira dalam film Nobody Knows karya sutradara Hirokazu Koreeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Metode deskriptif analisis bertujuan untuk menganalisis adegan dan dialog pada film Nobody Knows. Hasil dari analisis tersebut akan ditemukan bukti individu mengalami tingkatan kecemasan yang berbeda sesuai dengan masalah dan cara penyelesaiannya.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kecemasan pada Akira berupa tingkatan dari kecemasan tingkat ringan sampai tingkat berat. Kecemasan yang dialami Akira berurutan dari tingkatan kecemasan ringan sampai kecemasan berat. Faktor yang menyebabkan Akira mengalami kecemasan yaitu faktor internal dalam diri sendiri dan faktor lingkungan sekitar tempat tinggal.Penelitian ini memberikan saran kepada penelitian selanjutnya agar melakukan penelitian terhadap fenomena anak terlantar pada film Nobody Knows. Diharapkan penelitian selanjutnya juga memperhatikan psikologis anak terlantar yang menjadi korban tindakan itu.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: reader-response, motivation, The Land of Five Towers, Forum LingkarPena Malang A literary work is produced by a writer not only to entertain but also to deliver a message. The example of the message contained in a literary work is motivation to gain some goals or dreams. A. Fuadi’s The Land of Five Towers novel is one of literary works which carries out motivation as its subject.This research applies reader-response theory, specifically transactional reader-response and theory of motivation to find out the number of motivated and unmotivated readers and what are the motivations gained after reading The Land of Five Towers. Besides, this research also applies both quantitative and qualitative approach through numbers and document analysis to examine the data taken from the questionnaire, the interview and the novel. In this case, the respondents of the research is the members of Forum Lingkar Pena Malang.The data is taken  from questionnaire distributed to 40 (forty) respondents, they are members of Forum Lingkar Pena Malang. All of the respondents or 100% are motivated and 0% unmotivated after reading The Land of Five Towers. The motivations gained by the readers are classified into 7 (seven) categories. Those categories are motivation to study abroad and get better education, motivation to improve and learn deeper one’s passion, motivation to make parents proud, motivation to work harder than before, motivation to be successful in career or work, and motivation to maintain a good and long-last friendship. Some motivational parts in this novel are A- Half Hearted Decision, Hundreds of Thousands of Handshakes, Mice Meeting, Man Jadda Wajada, Five Countries Four Continents, Fellowship of The Manara, Tyson’s First Attack, Inner War, and Trafalgar Square.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Bahasa Ibu (B1), Logat, Interferensi, Fonologi, Interferensi FonologiIndonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki banyak daerah. Pada setiap daerah memiliki bahasa dan logat yang berbeda-beda. Bahasa dan logat daerah tersebut mempengaruhi ketika penutur belajar bahasa asing, khususnya penutur yang berasal dari Jawa dan belajar bahasa Jepang. Seringkali terjadi interferensi dalam proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui interferensi logat bahasa Jawa terhadap pelafalan bahasa Jepang mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang angkatan 2013 Universitas Brawijaya, dan 2) mengetahui penyebab interferensi logat bahasa Jawa dalam pelafalan.Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dan dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk memberi gambaran yang sistematis dan terperinci. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah rekaman suara tes fonetik dan hasil wawancara mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang semester 4 Universitas Brawijaya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interferensi yang terjadi terdapat pada 9 kesalahan yang terbagi dalam 3 bagian, yaitu kesalahan pada pelafalan /ɯ/, penambahan aspiran /h/ pada konsonan bersuara /w/, /d/, /j/, /b/, dan /g/, serta adanya perbedaan huruf pada bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Jawa, yaitu huruf /ʣ/, /ʃ/,dan /ʦ/. Kemudian ditemukan 5 faktor yang menjadi penyebabnya, yaitu kedwibahasaan responden, responden tidak diajari pelafalan (hatsuon) huruf-huruf bahasa Jepang, responden merupakan penutur pasif, sedikit waktu yang digunakan untuk berbicara bahasa Jepang, dan terbiasa berbicara menggunakan bahasa Jawa.Setelah melakukan penelitian ada beberapa saran yang dapat diberikan, yaitu bagi pemelajar dapat belajar melalui drama, anime, atau pun lagu berbahasa Jepang, bagi pengajar dapat mengajari cara pelafalan (hatsuon) huruf bahasa Jepang, dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya dapat meneliti perbedaan antara bahasa Jawa dan bahasa Jepang pada bidang sintaksis atau morfologis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: existentialism and essences, being for others, bad faith, Vusi Makusi. Vusi Makusi is a short story published in 2011, which has also become the runner up in Guardian newspaper’s short story competition. Makusi, as the main character, holds everything which he believes. He does everything based on his beliefs.The purpose of this research is to analyze Makusi as the main character in the short story creates his essences, which becomes an optimist person. “Optimist” here means he has a strong decision in doing everything. However, to others his decision is useless. Besides, this research also analyzes other characters. It is how others see Makusi with his strong belief.Sartre’s existentialism theory in his Being and Nothingness and in his Existentialism is Humanism become proper theory to describe why Makusi chooses himself to be someone who has a strong decision in choosing everything. It also becomes a proper theory to analyze others’s perspectives of Makusi. There are three concepts which are used to analyze Makusi and others. Those are Existentialism and Essence, Being for others and Bad faith.By analyzing and interpreting the data, it is known that the result is, Makusi has realized and even understood that no one can shape his essences except himself. It is also known that it is Makusi himself who decides himself becoming a person who has a strong decision in his own belief. Then, from his choice, it brings the risk of other’s judgments. Still he never bothers of it.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Kandoushi, Ragam Bahasa Wanita, Ragam Bahasa PriaKetika berbicara dengan orang lain, ada banyak hal yang perlu diperhatikan, salah satunya mempelajari ragam bahasa. Bahasa Jepang memiliki dua ragam bahasa, yakni ragam bahasa wanita dan ragam bahasa pria. Perbedaan kedua variasi bahasa ini dapat diamati dari partikel yang dipakai pada akhir kalimat (shuujoshi), pronominal persona (ninshoo daimeshi), interjeksi (kandoushi) dan sebagainya. Peneliti ingin mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai ragam bahasa yang ditinjau dari aspek interjeksi (kandoushi) nya, yakni kata seru yang menggambarkan perasaan seseorang seperti rasa terkejut, rasa sedih, senang, khawatir dan rasa takut. Penggunaan kandoushi banyak ditemui dalam kalimat informal serta penggunaannya berdasakan gender. Namun terdapat pula pergeseran penggunaan kandoushi wanita yang diucapkan pria atau sebaliknya. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah yakni bagaimana penggunaan dan fungsi kandoushi ragam bahasa wanita (joseigo) dan ragam bahasa pria (danseigo), serta bagaimana pergeseran penggunaan kandoushi yang terjadi dalam drama Hana Yori Dango.Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang diteliti sebanyak 9 episode dari drama yang berjudul “Hana Yori Dango”. Analisis dilakukan dengan mendata semua kandoushi yang digunakan oleh pemeran wanita dan pemeran pria, serta menganalisis pergeseran penggunaan kandoushi yang terjadi dalam drama tersebut.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam drama Hana Yori Dango, kandoushi ara, maa, dan ee yang temasuk ragam bahasa wanita dan kandoushi ou, oi, kora, dan un yang termasuk ragam bahasa pria ditemukan sesuai dengan fungsinya. Selain itu ditemukan pula pergeseran penggunaannya, yakni kandoushi un dan oi yang termasuk ragam bahasa pria diucapkan wanita. Serta kandoushi ee yang termasuk ragam bahasa wanita diucapkan pria. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yakni penerapan penggunaan kandoushi dalam percakapan sehari-hari tidak seluruhnya digunakan sesuai teori, karena dalam penerapannya masih banyak ditemukan pergeseran penggunaan kandoushi ragam bahasa wanita dan ragam bahasa pria.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Writing, descriptive text, spelling error, junior high school students Sometimes it is not easy for learners of English to write a text since this skill requires several aspects that should be noticed such as grammatical structure, organization of idea, and the spelling. In this research, the researcher focused his concern in spelling. Spelling the word correctly is important in writing and it can be a serious attention for beginner learners of English such junior high school students. This research was intended to investigate the type of spelling errors made by eighth grade students of SMPN 18 Malang and to figure out the most type of spelling errors committed by the students by using a descriptive text as a medium to gain the spelling error words.In conducting the research, the researcher asked the students to write a descriptive text. In analyzing the data the researcher used formal errors of lexis theory that proposed by James (1998) especially the taxonomy of distortion type to identify the type of spelling errors. The data were 52 spelling errors which were taken from 26 descriptive texts.The researcher revealed that the spelling errors occurred in the the subtypes of omission, overinclusion, misselection, and misordering. The researcher also found that the most occurred spelling error are in the sub-types of omission and misselection. Both types share the same percentage which is 39% for each. From the results that were found, the researcher concluded that the students actually know about the intention of using the vocabularies but they were still lack in applying those words especially in its written form. In other words, they are familiar with the pronunciation of the words but they are careless in writing the words using correct spelling.To solve that problem, the researcher suggests for the students to improve their vocabulary and spelling knowledge not only in the classroom activity but in others productive activities such reading a material in English. For the teacher, the researcher suggests to take more attention on spelling by creating an activity that can improve the spelling skill. For the future researchers, it is better to conduct the research in different object such as movie subtitle or in oral spelling.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: sociolinguistics, code switching, lecturerThis study is aimed to find out the code switching used by lecturers in the Study Program of English Literature of Universitas Brawijaya. There were three problems of the study namely: (1) what are the types of code switching used by lecturers; (2) what are the reasons of code switching used by lecturers; and (3) what are the students’  perspective toward the code switching used by lecturers.This study used qualitative approach since the data being analyzed were in the form of the lecturers’ utterances when explaining the lesson in the classrooms. In achieving the purposes of the study, the writer applied theories of types and reasons of code switching by Hoffmann (1991).The writer found four types of code switching used by the lecturers such as intra-sentential (78.1%), inter-sentential (16.7%), emblematic switching (4.4%), and establishing continuity with the previous speaker (0.7%). In addition, there were six reasons of code switching used by the lecturers found such as intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor (59.4%), talking about particular topic (23%), interjection (7.5%), being emphatic about something (4%), expressing group identity (3.3%), and repeating used for clarification (2.8%). The writer also found two reasons based on the results of interview. First, there are some terms which are easier to be explained in English. The second is to make the discussion in the classroom run smoothly. Moreover, the lecturers’ switching give positive effects. According to the students’ opinion, they can enhance their understanding of the material taught through the lecturers’ code switching.The researcher suggests the next researchers who want to conduct a study about code switching to use different theories and objects. The next researchers are also expected to investigate the code switching phenomenon by combining with other theories such as gender. Then, the writer suggests the lecturers to use code switching as a useful strategy in teaching since it gives positive effects to the students’ understanding.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Discourse Practice, Slogan, IndonesianMinistry of Tourism.The use of language as communication media to persuade people in advertising is realized by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism in form of slogans. The writer conducted a study about portraying concept of Indonesia through textual analysisand discourse practice in Indonesian ministry of tourism’s slogans to elaborate more understanding toward the slogans. There are two problems to be solved in this study, namely: (1) What are the language aspects which construct the meaning of “Indonesia Ultimate in Diversity”, “Visit Indonesia 2008. Celebrating 100 Years of National Awakening”, and “Wonderful Indonesia” (2) How is discursive practice applied in “Indonesia Ultimate in Diversity”, “Visit Indonesia 2008.Celebrating 100 Years of National Awakening”, and “Wonderful Indonesia” The method of this study was qualitative approach. The writer focused on analyzing the slogans using two elements of critical discourse analysis proposed by Fairclough which are textual analysis and discourse practice.This study revealed that each slogan produced by The Ministry of Tourisms draws concept of Indonesia such as underlining the concept of diversity on Indonesia, emphasizing the historical events in Indonesia, and the latest slogan provides wider concept of Indonesia that enable everyone to interpret in various way.This study is expected to give more understanding about the concept of Indonesia that the Ministry of Tourism brought in form of slogans. The writer suggested next researchers investigate wider and deeper study about slogans using all three dimensions of CDA by Fairclough or using theory proposed by different expert like Teun Van Dijk.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Reading, Miscue Analysis, Types of Miscue, Factor Contributing Miscue Production. Reading is one of the language skills that is important to be mastered beside listening, speaking, and writing. Miscue analysis is a method which attempts to analyze the unexpected responses of unfamiliar text which occurs in oral reading. Reading miscue analysis is a tool for looking closely at the types of reading strategies a reader uses. Retrospective Miscue Analysis (RMA) was used in this research which comprised reading text aloud, retelling and discussion session. This research intended to investigate reading miscue analysis by 12th grade students of SMAN 01 Sumberpucung Malang. There were two aims in this research. The first was to find out what the types of reading miscue produced by the 12th grade students of SMAN 01 Sumberpucung Malang. The second was to find out what the possible factors contributing to reading miscue produced by the 12th grade students of SMAN 01 Sumberpucun Malang.This research used qualitative approach. In achieving the purpose of the research, the researcher applied theories of Types of Miscue proposed by Goodman and Burke (1973) and Factors Contributing Miscue Production proposed by Kern (1988). The data were originated from all utterances of four participants. The data were taken by recording process and they were changed into transcription.The result showed that all participants who consisted of four students produced 74 (63%) substitution miscues, 21 (17%) omission miscues, 10 (8%) correction miscues, 9 (7%) repetition miscues, and 5 (4%) insertion miscues. Then, the result of factors contributing miscue production showed that two participants were influenced by linguistic factors and cognitive factors. Meanwhile, the other two participants were influenced by linguistic factors, cognitive factors, and affective factors.The researcher suggests for the further researchers who want to conduct a study about RMA to use more than two theories and from other theories to gain more information about RMA. Then, English teachers have to develop their strategies of teaching reading and speaking for their students. The last suggestion is dedicated for students to enrich their vocabularies by reading and speaking in English.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 3, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Analisis Kontrastif, kalimat pasifDalam suatu bahasa, terdapat banyak sistem bahasa yang berbeda antara bahasa yang satu dengan bahasa yang lain sehingga hal ini menjadi ciri khas bahasa itu sendiri. Salah satu sistem bahasa tersebut adalah kalimat. Dalam setiap bahasa terdapat jenis dan bentuk kalimat yang berbeda-beda. Bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Jawa memiliki jenis kalimat pasif. Akan tetapi bentuk kalimat pasif dari kedua bahasa tersebut tidak sama. Pada umumnya suatu kalimat disebut kalimat pasif apabila kalimat tersebut memenuhi syarat secara morfologis, sintaksis, dan semantis. Secara morfologis terdapat afiks pada verba. Secara sintaksis yaitu nomina atau frase nomina pengisi subjek adalah nonsubjek pada kontruksi aktifnya. Secara semantis, apabila pelaku tidak lagi menjadi topik suatu kalimat. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mencari perbedaan dan persamaan kalimat pasif dilihat dari bentuk atau struktur kalimat dari kedua bahasa tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Dimana penulis menganalisis kalimat pasif dari kedua bahasa tersebut dengan cara mengidentifikasi struktur-struktur yang membentuk kalimat pasif tersebut.Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan oleh penulis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Jawa ditandai dengan pemarkah di-, tak-, atau ke dan hanya terbentuk dari verba transitif, adapula pemarkah ke yang termasuk verba intransitif bermakna pasif tidak dapat diubah ke dalam bentuk aktif. Sedangkan bahasa Jepang ditandai dengan pemarkah ~reru, ~rareru dan terbagi kedalam dua jenis kalimat pasif, yaitu kalimat pasif langsung (chokusetsu ukemi) dan kalimat pasif tidak langsung (kansetsu ukemi) yang juga dapat dibentuk dari verba transitif maupun intransitif.Kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Jepang berdasarkan strukturnya dapat dibentuk dengan empat kontruksi dalam kalimat yaitu subjek-predikat (SP) ,subjek-objek-predikat (SOP) , subjek-objek-objek tak langsung-predikat (SOOTLP) dan objek-predikat (OP).Kalimat pasif bahasa Jawa berdasarkan strukturnya dapat dibentuk dengan dua kontruksi dalam kalimatnya yaitu  subjek predikat (SP) dan subjek-predikat-keterangan (SPK).Untuk penelitian selanjutnya , penulis menyarankan untuk dilakukan penelitian mengenai struktur kalimat pasif dengan menggunakan bahasa yang lain, selain bahasa Jawa dan disarankan untuk menggunakan sumber data yang lain misalnya dari komik atau film.

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