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EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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The Remedial term in formal education institute is a programmedactivity. This activity is executed by subject teacher and stays in theheadmaster observation. Remedial gift is as responsibility for learning to itsduty in executing the study duty. Remedial gift in formal education institute,goodness of Islamic school and also public school are very crucial matter,because the good remedial gift will be able to squire the students into efficientand effective learning process. The remedial gift is determined by the processof lesson presentation according to curriculum that is used. A lot of schoolswhich are less paying attention to the gift remedial can harm the student inthe learning scoring achievement. Remedial gift in the course of learning isexecuted by pursuant to the level achievement of result of students’ learning. Keywords: remedial learning, students’ learning scoring achievement
RADIKALISME, MODERATISME, DAN LIBERALISME PESANTREN Melacak Pemikiran dan Gerakan Keagamaan Pesantren di Era Globalisasi Farida, Umma
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Globalization necessitates a process of mutual influence that makesa civilization, culture, and religion contaminated with other elements. Thisraised havoc for other ideologies and cultures that are not suitable with thesocial cultural characteristics, including taken place by Islamic institutionssuch as schools.Pesantren responds with globalization facts in different paradigm:conservative, moderate, and liberal. This also makes differences of thought andreligious movements of each pesantren (boarding school). Boarding school isno longer a distinctive character for the traditional group that has the largestnetwork of boarding schools in Indonesia. Now, schools are owned by anyreligious beliefs (Islam) in Indonesia, both radical fundamentalist, moderate,and even liberal-leaning. Keywords: Radicalism, Moderates, Liberalism, Pesantren, Globalization
PENGEMBANGAN MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN MADRASAH (Studi tentang Pengembangan Manajemen dan Pengajaran di MA NU Demak) Kasdi, Abdurrahman
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Saat ini masyarakat membutuhkan pendidikan yang berkualitas, terutama sekolah yang memberi muatan secara seimbang antarapendidikan agama dan pendidikan umum. Hal ini karena kesadaranorangtua akan pentingnya pendidikan yang bernuansa keagamaanbagi anak-anaknya semakin meningkat, dalam rangka untukmenangkal pengaruh negatif yang dihembuskan oleh globalisasi,terutama dekadensi moral dan maraknya kasus narkoba di kalangan generasi muda. Ini merupakan tantangan sekaligus peluang bagi lembaga pendidikan Islam, terutama Madrasah Aliyah yangbelakangan ini mulai bangkit untuk berbenah diri dalam mengejarberbagai ketertinggalannya untuk menjadi sekolah unggulan. Untukmenjadi lembaga pendidikan unggulan, setidaknya ada empat halyang harus dipenuhi: pertama, penerapan strategi pelaksanaankurikulum. Kedua, pengembangan manajemen berbasis madrasah.Ketiga, menciptakan relasi yang sinergik antara guru dan anakdidik. Keempat, reorientasi sistem pengajaran. Pengakuan resmipemerintah terhadap lembaga madrasah sebagai subsistempendidikan nasional merupakan tantangan bagi kalanganmadrasah untuk menunjukkan kelebihan yang dimilikinya, bahwamadrasah adalah lembaga pendidikan yang memiliki daya saingdan dapat diterima semua kalangan, terutama kepada yang belummengenal madrasah. Penelitian ini akan berusaha mengungkapterobosan MA NU Demak dalam pengembangan kurikulum tahunajaran 2012/2013 untuk memenuhi harapan di atas.
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Education at an early age is very important because it is the goldenage of child, the period of brain development up to 80% at age 0-8 years. Whileanother 20% are developing in adolescence. In the multiple intelligencestheory, humans have a potential for a variety of intelligence, such as Maths,Linguistics, Musics, Spatial, Kinestetics, Intrapersonals, Interpersonals,natural and moral/spirituals. Education at this early age is formallyorganized through; playgroups and kindergartens/Raudhatul Athfal. Earlychildhood education is done through Raudhatul Athfal in the term of multipleintelligences theory, can develop the maximum potential of a child. Becausein the educational learning at Raudhatul Athfal, the development of moraland religious values gets the same portion between its social and emotionaldevelopments as well as the basic abilities.
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang diajarkankepada siswa di Indonesia dari level pendidikan yang paling rendah yaituSekolah Dasar atau bahkan Taman Kanak-Kanak. Beberapa dari siswamenganggap bahwa Bahasa Inggris sebagai pelajaran yang sulit. Ada beberapaalasan yang berhubungan dengan pernyataan tersebut. Dalam menyampaikanmateri pelajaran, guru menggunakan metode konvensional atau media yangmembuat siswa bosan. Selain itu, guru tidak kreatif dalam proses pengajaran.Kemampuan guru dalam mengatur kelas juga masih belum optimal. Disampingitu, siswa juga tidak aktif didalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Siswaselalu berbicara dengan teman selama pelajaran berlangsung. Dari ilustrasidiatas, penulis akan mendiskusikan tentang kebutuhan guru dan muridterhadap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penulis memfokuskan pada cerita beberapaNabi yang ada di agama Islam kedalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.Sekarang ini siswa sudah sangat mengetahui tentang cerita beberapa Nabi. Dilevel pendidikan, guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) dapat memperkenalkankebudayaan Islam terhadap siswa. Dalam tulisan ini, peneliti akan membahasacerita beberapa Nabi yang ada di agama Islam untuk diajarkan di pelajaranBahasa Inggris kepada siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs).Kata Kunci: Kebudayaan Islam, English Class
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Public facilities that must be provided by the state for its citizensincluding in education are stated in the ‘45 Constitution and Law No. 20/2003on National Education System along with its Goverment Rules. Consequently, the government should pay extra attention to the implementation of the nationaleducation undiscriminatorily. Discrimination in education by citizens isresponded negatively , as in - judicial review of Article 50 paragraph (3) of theAct No.20/2003 government and / or local governments hold at least one unitof education at all levels of education to be developed into an internationaleducational unit . However, there is a discrimination in its implementationbecause the poor can not afford to follow the level of compulsory educationin RSBI due to high costs. The high cost of education is because of its extrafacilities and services. According to the Constitutional Court (MK), RSBIstatus is considered unconstitutional due to discrimination against the poorbecause it does not reach the cost of education , so that its execution is stoppedsince stated in January 8, 2013 and the learning process in the next RSBI asregular schools , especially in terms of financing the hope of rich and poorcitizens can be served.The Victory of people who initiated by MK decision that RSBI shouldbe operationally stopped indicates that the mandate of the Act can still beunderstood by the legal guardian. It is pointed out that the product oflegislation in any case if it contrasts with other applicable law, could be takenlegal action by citizens to manifest prosperity. Key-words: service, non-discriminative public right
REKONSTRUKSI FILSAFAT PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Mengembalikan Tujuan Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Tujuan Penciptaan dan Tujuan Risalah Mustaqim, Muhammad
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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A variety of social phenomena associated with demoralizationbecome a burden for education, especially for Islamic education. TheIslamic education which is synonymous with religious values and moralityis considered instrumental in the development of this nation’s morality.One of the foundations of phylosophy in Islamic education is what is then calledthe philosophy of Islamic education. It becomes the foundation and referenceof all the movements and activities of Islamic education. Then, there are needsof some sort of redevelopment or reconstruction of the Islamic educationphylosophy. This philosophy of Islamic education should be oriented on twothings: First, the purpose of human creation, namely as a servant and as acaliph. Second, the purpose of Islamic treatise, it is a mercy for all creaturesand refining noble characters. Key Words: Philosophy of Islamic Education, goal creation, goals
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Learning science at Government Elementary School (MI) hasessentially a real contribution to the lives of students in preparing daysahead , because it plays an important role in the formation of personality andchildren intellectual development. This is actually a requirement in life andthe lives of children , especially in the guarded character of the slump causedby the rapid development of Science and Technology which is not offset by theincreased quality of faith and piety by the students. If learning science in MI isconcerned in terms of products, processes and scientific attitude development,then these three dimensions will develop students’ skills in order to have theknowledge and skills of science through a science process which in turn willproduce a product in the form of facts, principles , theories , and conceptsthat are expected to develop scientific attitude. So, teaching sciences is notonly transfering knowledge but also processing its dimension in its learningor students should actively examine and conclude by observing symptomsso that the results of science learning process in the form of products thatcan be universally useful and in line with the development of his ability andreasoning of students’ good scientific-attitude. Generally, there are obstaclesrelated to the understanding of science concepts or misconceptions in MIscience teaching and several science concept approaches that can be used tocontrol them, such as mastery learning model. This approach is oriented ondemocratic because it appreciates children individual learning ability to learn in mastering science concepts without compares to other. It can improve the student’s ability to achieve a satisfactory level of performance for each student. Keywords: Science concept mastering, Mastery Learning, MI students
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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This research aims to test the process of learning and teachingsubject lesson of process of learning and teaching Islamic Education model.The subject in this research is Tarbiyah Department students on IslamicEducation Major of Kudus State Islamic College. The subjects in this studyamounted to 152 students who participated in the fulfilling scale. While thedata collection conducted by disseminating questionare. The analisis used theStructural Equation Model (SEM). Then, the result of research showed thatthe model was fit. The process of learning and teaching had influence to theoutput of learning and teaching. Keywords: Process of learning and teaching, output of learning and teaching.
SPIRITUAL CONFIDENCE Enhancing A Pedagogical Approach Amalia, Taranindya Zulhi
EDUKASIA Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Kepercayaan diri terindikasi saat orang merasa nyaman.Menciptakan rasa percaya diri pada permulaan sangat membantu seseorangmencegah kecemasan dan keraguan. Keraguan dirasakan pada insan yangkurang percaya diri. Dalam mengajar, ketidaksiapan, kurangnya pengalamanserta kecakapan berdampak pada berkurangnya kepercayaan diri seorang guru,begitu pula pada siswa yang punya dilema psikologis maupun kebutuhankhusus. Mereka butuh dukungan secara mental, fisik, serta spiritual.Salah satu cara melejitkan kepercayaan diri yaitu melalui hipnosis dalamproses belajar-mengajar. Walau terkadang orang masih menghindarinyadan salah beranggapan dengan mengartikan hipnosis sebagai hipnotis.Pendekatan melalui hipnosis akan lebih berarti bila disatukan dengan nilainilaikeagamaan.Keduanyabekerja aktif dalammelejitkanrasa percaya diri,kominasihipnoterapi dan ilmu agama. Kata Kunci: kepercayaan diri spiritual, pendekatan pedagogis

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