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Current Biochemistry Journal
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Current Biochemistry (CB) publishes the results of original research that contribute significantly to the understanding of the chemical compound and reaction that occur within living organism. Preference will be accorded to manuscripts that develop new concepts or experimantal approaches, particularly in the advancing areas of biochemistry science. Manuscripts that are primarily theoretical in nature or in the field of bioinformatics must be directed toward explaining important results previously not understood, making important predictions that can be experimentally tested, or developing segnificant advances in theory of general interest to biochemists. Submission of manuscripts in emerging areas in biochemistry, chemical biology, biophysics, proteomics, model studies and structures, cellular and molecular biology, computational biochemistry, biotechnology, and new methods development is encouraged especially if they address basic biochemical mechanisms.
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Articles 96 Documents
Isolation and Molecular Cloning of Cellulase Gene from Bovine Rumen Bacteria Rahadian Pratama; I Made Artika; Tetty Chaidamsari; Herti Sugiarti; Soekarno Mismana Putra
Current Biochemistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : IPB University

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Cellulases are the enzymes that hydrolyze cellulosic biomass and are produced by the microorganisms that grow over cellulosic matters. The objective of this research was to isolate and clone cellulase gene from cellulose-degrading bacteria of bovine rumen. Cellulose-degrading bacteria was isolated from rumen fluid using a selective medium. Total RNA was isolated from selected colony having cellulose degrading activity and was used as a template for cDNA construction using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique. The resulted cDNA was employed as a template for PCR amplification of cellulase gene using specific primers. The cellulase gene candidate obtained was cloned into the pGEM-T-Easy vector followed by determination of its nucleotide sequence. The sequence was then aligned with sequences of cellulase genes from GenBank. Results showed that a number of isolates of rumen bacteria exhibit cellulase activity and the CR-8 isolate was selected for further analysis. The successful isolation of total RNA from CR-8 was indicated by the presence of two intense bands of ribosomal RNA (23S and 16S). The reverse transcription process was successful and the amplification of cellulase gene using the specific primers F1 and R1 resulted in a DNA fragment of 1900 bp as a candidate of cellulase gene. The fragment was successfully cloned into the pGEM-T-Easy vector, and the resulted recombinant plasmid was successfully introduced into the E. coli cells. Nucleotide sequence analysis suggested that the cloned gene is cellulase gene and shares 99% homology with the endo-1,6-beta-glucanase of T. harzianum.
Trametes versicolor as Agent for Delignification of Rice Husks Laita Nurjanah; Syamsul Falah; Azmi Azhari; Suryani Suryani; I Made Artika
Current Biochemistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : IPB University

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Rice husks contains 33.71% w/w lignocelluloses, the most abundantly available raw material on the earth for the production of biofuels and other valuable products. It is comprised of the carbohydrate polymers, cellulose, hemicellulose, and an aromatic polymer, lignin. One of the methods for removing the lignin component of rice husks is by delignification using white-rot-fungi. The aim of the study was to carry out delignification of rice husks using white-rot-fungi. The white-rot-fungi used here were Trametes versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. The study consisted of a biomass and microbial preparation, chemical assay of the rice husk, ligninase enzyme tests, and delignification of rice husks. Results showed that T. versicolor and P. chrysosporium have ligninase enzyme. The precentage of lignin from the total biomass rice husks was 23.61% w/w, and following the delignification process by T. versicolor for 20 days, the remaining lignin was 16.20% w/w, making the percentage of rice husks lignin degraded as 7.41% w/w. The biodelignification process also decreased the percentage of holocellullose, cellulose, and other extracted substances, and accordingly this increased the percentage of hemicellulose. Based on the ability of T. versicolor to degrade lignin of the rice husk at room temperature (28 ºC) as mentioned above, it can be concluded that T. versicolor has potential to be used for delignification process.
Aktivitas Antibakteri Isolat Bakteri Endofit dari Tanaman Miana (Coleus scutellariodes [L.] Benth.) terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli Dwi Endah Kusumawati; Fachriyan Hasmi Pasaribu; Maria Bintang
Current Biochemistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : IPB University

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Coleus scutellarioides [L.] Benth. known as medicinal plant which contains antidiarhea and antimicrobial compounds. Extraction of bioactive compound from plants is not efficient because it needs a large biomass, therefore the one of appropiate ways is using endophytic bacteria. The purpose of this research was to isolate and test of antibacterial activity of endophytic bacteria from Coleus scutellarioides [L.] Benth. against two pathogenic bacteria i.e Eschericia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. A total of 22 isolates of endophytic bacteria were obtained from Coleus scutellarioides [L.] Benth. Based on antibacterial activity test, 13 isolates of endophytic bacteria were able to inhibit the growth of E. coli and 15 isolates were able to inhibit S. aureus, whereas endophytic bacteria which can inhibit both types of pathogens are 10 isolates.
Isolasi Bakteri Endofit dari Tanaman Sirih Hijau (Piper betle L.) dan Potensinya sebagai Penghasil Senyawa Antibakteri Ukhradiya Magharaniq Safira; Fachriyan Hasmi Pasaribu; Maria Bintang
Current Biochemistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : IPB University

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Endophytic bacteria are beneficial microorganisms that interact with host plants without causing disruption or damage to the host. Some studies suggest that certain endophytic bacteria can produce chemical compounds that have an effect on health, especially endophytic bacteria isolated from medicinal plants. Green betel (Piper betle L.) is a medicinal plant that has been used for years and has many benefits. The purposes of this study are to isolating and screening of endophytic bacteria from green betel against four pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella enteritidis). The number of endophytic bacteria that has been isolated are 14 isolates. Based on the screening results, three isolates of endophytic bacteria have potential activity (characterized by the formation of inhibition zone) against S. aureus. The inhibition zone may indicate that those isolates produce compounds that have antibacterial effects. Those isolates are AS1, BS1 and BS2. The biggest inhibition zone showed by BS1, so it can be concluded that BS1 is the most potential isolate as a novel source of antibacterial compound.
Biosorption Copper (Cu) and Mercury (Hg) by Omphalina sp. using Batch, Rotary, Biotray, and Pack Bed Flow Methods Desi Purwaningsih; I Made Artika; Tri Panji; Suharyanto Suharyanto
Current Biochemistry Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : IPB University

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Heavy metal waste treatment often uses dangerous chemicals. Omphalina sp is a nonpathogenic fungi that can be used to reduce the harmful effects of waste treatment. The use of fungal biomass has advantages such as low operating costs, efficient, and high metal binding capacity, minimal sludge, metals can be recovered, biosorbent can be regenerated, raw materials available easily, can use inactivated microorganism, and does not require additional nutrients. In the present study optimization of the biomass utilization for waste water treatment was conducted by comparing batch, rotary, packbed flow, and biotray methods. Results showed that Omphalina sp can reduce mercury level up to 91.38% with rotary, 83.98% with biotray, 87.14% with pack bed flow, and 31.94% with batch methods respectively from initial Hg concentration of 3 ppm. Similarly, Omphalina sp can reduce copper level up to 23.58% with rotary, 22.66% with biotray, 10.53% with pack bed flow, 10.17% with batch methods respectively from initial Cu concentration of 100 ppm. Optimum absorption Hg and Cu occurs in the first one hour.
Amplification and Analysis of Cytocrome Oxidase I of Polypedates leucomystax from Bogor Agricultural University Area Perkasa Arian; I Made Artika; Syamsul Falah
Current Biochemistry Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : IPB University

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DNA barcoding has become a useful tool for identifying and confirming of species within a known taxonomic framework. A large-scale effort is underway to barcode all amphibian species using the universally sequenced DNA region, a partial fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). This study was aimed to use DNA barcoding technique to identify and confirm species of Polypedates leucomystax and to analyze their phylogenetic relationship. Samples of Polypedates leucomystax were collected from Campus Area of Bogor Agricultural University. The cytochrome oxidase I gene of 600-700 nucleotides were amplified and observed in agarose gel electrophoresis. Forward sequence (604 base pairs) of COI gene was used for phylogenetic analyses. BLAST analysis against BOLD System database showed 95.75% identity with sequences of Polypedates leucomystax. The pairwise genetic distances of Polypedates leucomystax with Rhacophorus schlegelii, Limnonectes fujianensis, Fejervarya cancrivora, and Bufo melanostictus were 0.274, 0.352, 0.339, 0.339, 0.393, respectively. These results illustrated that the genetic identification is congruence with the morphological identification. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the samples were in one clade with other tree frogs. The DNA barcoding technique based on the sequence of COI gene can therefore be used to identify and confirm species of Polypedates leucomystax.
Optimization of Formula Film based on Amylopectin Cassava Starch and Carrageenan as a Raw Materials of Capsule Shell G Jeni christi A; Laksmi Ambarsari; Heri Purwoto
Current Biochemistry Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : IPB University

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Capsules are very important in the packaging of pharmaceutical preparations. Commercial capsule shell is generally made of gelatin from cows and pigs. Alternatives to gelatin from non-animal raw materials can be obtained from polysaccharides like starch and carrageenan. The purpose of this study was to obtain the optimum formula between amylopectin and carrageenan as a raw material subtitute for gelatin capsule shell. Program Design Expert 7.0.0 (trial version) with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Central Composite Design was used to optimize formula with three variable factors and three response variables. Based on the analysis by determining the adjusted range, program recommends 29 optimization solution with desirability value 1. Formula 6 and 28 was selected for validation with factors 1,01% of amylopectin, 1.01% of carrageenan, 2.17% of glycerin (formula 6) and 3.00% of amylopectin, 2.00% of carrageenan, 2.90% of glycerin (formula 28). Prediction response value was 12.94% of moisture content, 6.35% of ash content (formula 6) and 12.99% of moisture content, 8.67% of ash content (formula 28). Validation result value was 21.45% of moisture content, 7.58% of ash content, 6.12 minutes of solubility in water (formula 6) and 17.67% of moisture content, 7.78% of ash content, 9.30 minutes of solubility in water.
Phylogenetic Analysis of Cytochrome Oxidase I from Buduk Toads Duttaphrynus melanostictus and Phrynoidis asper from Bogor Muhammad Dailami; I Made Artika; Mirza Dikari Kusrini; Dodi Safari
Current Biochemistry Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : IPB University

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Indonesia have high diversity of Amphibians. Amphibians have an important role in ecosystem and produce many bioactive peptides. However, the genetic information of amphibians from Indonesia is very limited, especially Duttaphrynus melanostictus and Phrynoidis asper. The aims of this study are to determine the nucleotide sequence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) from D. melanostictus and P. asper, to analyze their genetic diversity and their phylogenetic relationship. A total 668 base pairs of COI gene fragment were successfully amplified and their nucleotide sequence determined. P. asper (5 haplotypes) samples group have high haplotype diversity compared to D. melanostictus (1 haplotype). The results of Basic Local Alignment Search Tools (BLAST) to the NCBI and BOLD database, showed 99 % - 100 % identity to sequence of D. melanostictus. For the sequence of P. asper showed 99.23 % identity to sequence P. asper in BOLD database. There was no sequence of COI gene of P. asper in NCBI database. Genetic relationship among species in family Bufonidae, indicated that D. melanostictus has closer relation to P. asper than to another species, inspite of their pharapyletic characteristic. For intern species relationship of D. melanostictus, the data showed that D. melanostictus from Bogor have closer relationship to D. melanostictus from India than D. melanostictus from China.
Antihyperglicemic Activity of Curcuma Xanthorrizha Roxb. Nanocurcuminoid Emulsion on Streptozotocin Induced Sprague-Dawley Rat Irma Rahmayani; Laksmi Ambarsari; Mega Safithri
Current Biochemistry Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : IPB University

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Curcuminoid, a natural compound isolated from Curcuma xanthorrhiza RoxB (Temulawak) has been reported to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antimicrobial and anti-hyperglicemic properties. The curcuminoid is weakly soluble in water that restricts its bioavailability. This problem could be overcome by incorporating curcuminoid into solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN). Nanocurcuminoid was prepare by using homogenization-ultra sonication methods. Nanocurcuminoid obtained in this study was 523.5 nm in size and polydispersity index of 0.218 with entrapment efficiency of 24.2 %. Rats were made diabetic by induction of 50 mg / kg BW STZ, treated with the chosen formula (doses 5, 10, 20 mg/kg BW) orally for 15 days. Body weight and blood glucose levels were measured from day 0, 4th,7th,11th and 15th. The results showed that 15 days of daily treatment of 10 mg/kg BW nanocurcuminoid emulsion led to a reduction of blood glucose level by 30.93±14.90 % and body weight by 15.5±13.92 %. Curcuminoid formulated in solid lipid nanoparticles could suppress a decrease in body weight and lower blood glucose levels of rats.
Total Phenolic, Anticancer and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanol Extract of Piper crocatum Vahl from Pamekasan and Karang Asem Kristina Mulia; Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan; Suryani Suryani
Current Biochemistry Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : IPB University

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Cancer is a deadly disease that ranks the second after heart disease. One of the causes of cancer is free radicals causing oxidative stress in humans. Antioxidant is compound that can reduce oxidative stress. The antioxidant activity is closely connected with anticancer activity. It is known that in addition to being an analgesic, aphrodisiac of Java chili also has potential as anticancer. This study examined the potential anticancer and antioxidant from the ethanol extract of Java chili from Pamekasan and Karang Asem. The method used in this study began with the extraction of Java chili using ethanol 70 %, phytochemical testing, determination of total phenol anticancer testing using MTT method on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and antioxidant testing using DPPH. This study uses Java chili extract derived from Pamekasan and Karang Asem. IC50 value of the cytotoxic activity originating from the area Karang Asem amounted to 63.283 ppm and Pamekasan of 83.662 ppm. IC50 value of antioxidants samples derived from Karang Asem area of 285.613 ppm and are derived from Pamekasan amounted to 288.037 ppm.

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