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Interaktif: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 20860374     EISSN : 26223295     DOI :
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Jurnal Interaktif is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in social and political science published by the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Brawijaya (UB). Jurnal Interaktif provides platforms for lecturers, academicians, researchers, and university students regarding the publication of scientific articles. The Journal contains articles covering current issues in psychology, political science, social science, governance policies, international relations, and other relevant matters. The Journal accepts some types of research approaches, including quantitative, qualitative, experimental, meta-analytic, and literature reviews.
Articles 138 Documents
Nationalism in Danger: A Risk of Implementing Governance in Unequal Power Relation Purnomo, Joko
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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The idea of governance has successfully gained its popularity in Indonesia. The government, private enterprises and society welcome and embrace the idea of governance as a final solution to maintain development. In this paper, it is argued that the implementation of governance can not guarantee the fulfillment of society’s interest due to the existence of unequal power relation embedded in country’s political environment. The concept of Governance, moreover, can be claimed as an imperialist instrument since this concept has strong interconnection with neo liberal agenda. Indeed, Governance as new imperialism will reduce nationalism. Key words: Governance, Hegemony, Nationalism, Imperialism.
MENGATASI RINTANGAN STRUKTURAL: AKAR KONSEPTUAL DAN PRAKTIK EMPIRIK GOVERNANCE ANTIKEMISKINAN (Inisiatif Antikemiskinan Organisasi non-Pemerintah (NGO) dan Ormas Islam (MBO) di Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat) Sobari, Wawan
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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Conventional approach views that the root of poverty is inherently cultural factors. Indeed, structural factors outside the poor are the real impediments. This paper discusses three questions focusing on governance of antipoverty. It covers extension of the actors, policy change, and transformation of the poor. This paper found on the result of study applying qualitative approach to build understanding on initiatives of  non-state actors (NGO and MBO) in participating to eradicate poverty. In gathering data, researcher undertakes semi-structured interview. Also, this study deploys documents and secondary data collection to counter the interview pitfalls.This paper demonstrates three main findings. Governance of antipoverty has allowed non-state actors to extend the involvement of more various actors and to create a new space in the arena of pro-poor policy making. Also, initiatives of non-state actors have endorsed inclusive pro-poor policy, particularly the alteration of budget allocation. Finally, the exercise of participatory tools and techniques have transformed behavior and capacity of the poor as well as networking among the poor, NGO, MBO, and local government. Nonetheless, interest and ideological differences between NGO and MBO can hamper collaboration among them. Key words: governance, policy networks, poverty alleviation, non-government actors
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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As a nation-state, Republic of Indonesia has been having the long history. Come from inequality and plurality of tribes, ethnics, and religions; Indonesia effort to fight against Colonialism. In history, this struggle doesn’t success before declared Sumpah Pemuda. All of youth organizations in Indonesia declare a vow that Indonesia is one nation, one language and one motherland. This declares is the first movement toward Indonesian unity. In otherwise, Sumpah Pemuda is basic for the power of social capital of Indonesia. In recent time, to fight against all of nationality problems, we must find the power of social capital again. This article further argues that Indonesia has abstract systems – especially Pancasila – as basic and keeper for social capital of Indonesia. Key words: Sumpah Pemuda, Social Capital, Abstract Systems
DESENTRALISASI DAN KEMANDIRIAN KELEMBAGAAN LOKAL (Peranan LMDH Gandong Kabupaten Ngawi dalam Pengelolaan Jaminan Layanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Hutan serta Penanganan Konflik Pelanggaran Hak Cipta oleh Asosiasi Pengrajin Cor Patung Kuningan Bejijong Ka Erviantono, Tedi
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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In practical level, decentralisation has strengthened social capital of local community to solve their problems. The freedom for creating self-organised association increases the capability of local people to influence local policy, such as JPKMDH (Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Hutan) programme done by LMDH (Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan) Gandong, Kabupaten Ngawi. Morever, that capability has also protected their economic interests when competing with global market. It can be seen from the implementation of Village Regulation No. 6/2008. That regulation is a clear example on how local government and local people work together to protect their interest to face the implementation of free market. For two examples explained above, the writer argues that the establishment of local institution created by local people can be used to mediate and facilitate the relation between local government and its citizen. However, it needs a strong sense of trust among local goverment and its citizen.Key words: Desentralisation, Social Capital, Local Institutions
EROPA DALAM ASIA: ADOPSI ATAU IMITASI? ASEAN dalam Konteks Integrasi dengan Model EU Trisnanto, Anggun
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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The success of European countries to form a common organization present the success of functionalism theory. Other regions in the world are pursuing to form as same as European organization. However, things to be considered are the emerge of European Union are formed through three fundamental elements. The intensity of interaction among member countries of European Union; role mode of dominant states in European Union and the common external threat when the organization formed are identified as determinant factors that forms European Union (EU). Furthermore, the strength of European integration also completed from complexity of problem whereas common action is needed to face it. In the context of duplication, ASEAN is hoped to growth to be regional organization that replicates of UE. However, it is not the simple. This paper will generally analyze the rise of UE and its strength and at the same time shortly compare to ASEAN and its different culture to European. Finally, at the end of this paper, it result with the probability of duplicating UE style to ASEAN.Key words: Regionalism, European Union, ASEAN
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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This research aims to: 1) identify and analyze spirit of Madurese women to do the productive and domestic work; 2) analyze dominant and intrinsic behavior of Madurese woman in household economy; 3) analyze the perception of Madurese women to social change, economy and traditional institute.Qualitative approach were conducted as research method and population of study was Madurese women, both, who live in Madura Island and outside Madura Island (migrant). Research location selected purposely in Pamekasan, City of Malang and Southside of Malang Residence. Case study method was used exhaustively combined with historical approach and census document and also with focus group discussion with Madurese women. Informants was selected to depict various characteristics  and was traced by snowball system. Data intake was conducted with 1) Structured Interview; 2) Observation; 3) group interview; d) understanding symbolic value and myth. The data analyzed by descriptive qualitative method.The research conclusion showed that spirit of Madurese woman from various coat as an inhabitant or a migrant show the high spirit which supported by accomplished working ethos. This ethos was resulted by requirement of religious service, independence and obligation. The Migration of Madurese women was influenced by coush to prove their life quality. Potential local institution is assisting the women work in marionette pesantren, tanean lanjeng, and agriculture institution and commerce. Spirit of Madurese woman the eager beaver is pushed by social energy of migrating behavior and powered by the will to increase to increasing the family life quality. This research needs to be continuied to find comprehensive local knowledge of the women executed by circumstantial study and focused discussion on working activity and local adaptation ethic.Keyword: Social Energy, Madurese Woman
Banjir, Kapankan Berakhir? Mardiyono, Mardiyono
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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The rain in Indonesia ussualy become headline in  media. Usually, rain  cause of flood. When floods end? Why is the forest devilotery happen? What are  the government action to stop this?. In fact, there are  big interferences of local government on processing forest problem. Government intervence only conducted by passing PT Perhutani showed by government in managing forest in Madura and Java. Operation legality of PT Perhutani with government regulation No. 53 year 1999 and government regulation No. 14 year 2001, about the change of transformation of public company foresty become Coparthenship company or PT Perhutani (Coparthenship)In this paper, the writer will give recommendation over how important the local government to more active on observation, management, and forest benefit with local regulation about forest protection in that location. With making observation and reins to the program, act and forest from PT Perhutani. Government should give education to society about the important to keep environmental health and leave mental attitude which is not praised like throw waste or rubbish in the river, and give more responsibility to protect the forest to society of forest countryside.Key words: Flood, Society, Government, Responsibility
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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The emerging of information and communication technology (ICT) has changed society significantly, in term of the way they communicate. This new technology, particularly internet, enables someone to connect with anyone easily --in any parts of the world-- as geographic boundaries have now becoming ‘borderless’ and the space becoming more ‘narrow’, just like a global village, as predicted by McLuhan. ICT is like a superhighway that enables information exchange activities running so quickly. This situation may lead to the alternation of social communication and interaction patterns in general. It is imperative to know whether the use of internet will change the nature of face-to-face communication into more artificial way. More specific question is that if the online system will alter the way women and men in making communication in the cyberspace. Generally, women communicate to pursue human communication, but men do the same thing for other reason, namely social status, reflecting the patriarchal culture. The question is that such ‘inter-gender’ communication will also present in the cyberspace, due to the absence of physical entity? Is the ICT able to cope with communication problems between women and men, as what usually happen in the real world? This paper, as part of a research project, will show the inter-gender communication through cyberspace. The dynamic of communication patterns between women and men in mailing list will be assessed. Evaluation will be given to the possibility of the interaction pattern changes due to the present of ICT.Keywords: ICT, cyberspace, communication, gender
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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The Construction of Learning Style Tests based on the Theory of Experiential Learning Style of David A. Koelb. This study aimed to examine the construction of student learning styles test based on Experiential Learning theory of David A. Koelb (1971). There are 4 elements involved in the experiential learning cycle, namely concrete experience (CE), Reflective Observation (RO), Abstract Conceptualization (AC) and Active Experimentation (AE). Based on the four elements, the research paired 86 items (forced-choice pair) and tested a sample of 350 students. Sample was taken proportionately from five programs of study/majors (Psychology, Sociology, Communication, Political Science, and International Relations) at the University of Brawijaya. Analysis of the reliability coefficient on the item produced (Alpha Cronbach) is relatively high, CE= 0.448; RO = 0.551; AC= 0.450, and AE = 0.409. The item analysis results obtained by psychometric characteristics test (correlation between each item with total item, item reliability index and the item discrimination) are also relatively high, with Chi square at 2.138 with a significance number 0.544. These results indicate that FISIP students of Brawijaya University do not have a specific learning style tendency. Basically, they significantly posses equal learning style.Key Words : Tests Construction, Learning Style
Jurnal Interaktif Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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This research aims to acknowledge the usage of information served by the media in rural institution society. In this proposal, usage means steps that have been conducted by rural institutions on managing and disbursing the information to entire society. The advancment of media and technology in particular local media leads to the contribution of the wide-range information that may useful to the intended society. This research appllies qualitative method focusing on rural society institution management in terms of disbursing information. Respondent will be firmed purposively. It means the head of household to achieve intended information by using mass media. Related elements that have been researched are neighbouring contacts, form the RW, RW and local head village and ulama. The result, institutional society in rural have not yet contribute to manage information by the media. The information by the media is still considered as personal business.  Key words:  mass media, rural institution society

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