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Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Buruh/Pekerja Perempuan dan Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Normatifnya Faikah, Nur
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstraksi: Sebagai warga negara maupun sebagai sumber insan pembangunan, perempuan mempunyai peranan dan kesempatan yang sama dengan laki-laki dalam segala sendi kehidupan bangsa dan segala sendi pembangunan. Salah satu bagian dari pembangunan adalah pembangunan ketenagakerjaan yang merupakan upaya menyeluruh, yang ditujukan kepada perluasan kesempatan kerja peningkatan mutu dan kemampuan serta perlindungan tenaga keria. Secara Kodrati pekerja/buruh perempuan mengalami kondisi fisiologi yang berbeda dengan laki-laki, yaitu melekatnya fungsi reproduksi pada diri seorang perempuan,, apabila dilekatkan fungsi reproduksi, maka hal ini akan memberikan dampak bada kelancaran jalannya pekerjaan yang tentunya akan memberikan perlakuan yang berbeda terhadap perempuan. Sehingga tenaga kerja perempuan perlu mendapatkan perlindungan hukum yang mencakup semua aspek secara memadai sehingga fungsi reproduksinya dapat terjaga dengan aman, sehat, selamat dan tidak mendapatkan perlakuan diskriminatif di dalam pekerjaannya yang pada akhirnya perempuan di indonesia dapat menikmati kesetaraan gender di mata hukum.
PENDIDIKAN INFORMAL DAN PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER(Suatu Tinjauan Kontribusi Ibu Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Anak) Kaimuddin, Kaimuddin
An - Nisa` Vol 3, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract,: informal education and caracter building a study of mother’s contribution in caracter bullding. The main case that wil be explored in this reseach is who is the mother in family’ s education environment? And what is the role of mother in building child caracter? This research indicates that mother has a big role in determining caracter building of child. Mother is the main and the first educator or teacher for her child. By felling a soft love from their mother, the child has much  time to have a good behaviuor because of getting a good initation. So, the contribution of mother determines caracter building ofchild.
Poligami Dalam Perspektif Hadis junaid, hamzah
An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: This article examines, This article analyzes polygamy in hadits perspective. Hadith are all the words, deeds and taqrir of prophet Muhammad. Through this article, it is understood that islam is basically advocating polygamy  much less require, but islam simply passes on the permissibility of polygamy, and that was a small possibility that can only be traversed by anyone who really need and there quire mentis not mild.Based on information from the hadith, one of the requirements to be met by a polygamist who want to do it namely the ability to be fair  to his wives. Therefore, permission for polygamy is only given to those who suspect that the steps that he take can please all the wives whom he married at least a man can do justice to his wife.Another requirement that must be met by a husband is the husband should go to his wives in turn for the realization of happiness. By this way, the justice will be realized, and that is what was practiced by the prophet Muhammad and his friends.
An - Nisa` Vol 3, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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abstract: It is generally atmitted that man and woman live mutuallyironically,stome people restrict the role pf women to certain comesticareas. They set them in secondary and marginal position. In realitywomen have a,extensive main roles in this universe. Even, ,some of them arebetter than men in intelligence, coirage.leadership. ,and education.Their roles obviously should be in appropriate boundaries withoutviolating cultural and religious values. With regard to this position, It is undeniable that islam is the main pioneer that women position properly in privileged proportion and at equal level with men,i.e. equals in human dignity. Islam guarantees women’s rights comperehensively as free and independent individuals in domestic area as well as in public sector.
Peran Ibu Dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak Perspektif Islam hasim, sarifa suhra
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstraksi: Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang peran ibu dalam membentuk karakter anak perspektif islam. Masalah yang penting untuk dibahas adalah bagaimana bentuk keutamaan ibu serta bagaimana pula perannya. Pendidikan karakter mutlak dibutuhkan oleh semua kalangan karena kemuliaan seseorang terletak pada karakternya. Karakter begitu penting karena dengan karakter yang baik membuat kita tahan, tabah menghadapi cobaan, dan dapat menjalani hidup dengan sempurna. Berdasarkan pembahasan dalam tulisan ini dipahami. bahwa Posisi ibu dalam pandangan Islam sangatlah mulia. Sebagai bukti mulianya kedudukan ibu dalam ajaran Islam, Seorang ibu berhak memperoleh bakti dari seorang anak sebanyak tiga kali lipat dibanding ayah. Kemuliaan itu juga disinyalir bahwa surga terletak di telapak kaki ibu bahkan ridha Allah tergantung pada ridhahnya orangtua terutama ibu. Di samping itu. seorang ibu berperan dalam membentuk karakter anak. Untuk melakukan tugas ini, ibu dapat melakukan hal seperti memberi nama yang baik pada anak, memaksimalkan perkembangan otak anak melatih kemandirian dari dalam rumah, berkomunikasi secara sehat dengan anak serta menjadikan alam sebagai sekolah bagi Anak.
Kontribusi ummu salamah dalam periwayatan hadis Alwi, Zulfahmi
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: As one af ummahat al-muminin, Ummu Salamah carried out the functionas a to the Messenger of Allah in carrying-prophetic messages and  provide a geat sharein the transmission of hadith. The position of Ummu salamah as the wife of Muhammad saw. made heras one of the primary resources regarding the personal life of the Prophet as well as his teachings and doctrines in Islam. Ummu Salamah has narrated not less than 809 hadith that could be found in al-kutub al- sittah. Based on that contribution, some expertsin hadith put Ummu Salamah as the most women narrators after Aisyah, that narrated hadith from Rasulullah. in terms of its content, the issues that raise din more of Ummu Salamah narrations wasaround the issuesof worship and morals ns well as muamalah.
An - Nisa` Vol 7 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Al-Qur’an dan sunnah telah melahirkan hukum perlakuan khusus bagi perempuan. Hal ini dilatari oleh adanya sejarah perempuan sebelum Islam yang kurang memberikan ruang bagi keadilan dan martabatnya. Keberadaan Perempuan di ruang publik dengan berbagai perannya saat ini merupakan tuntutan masyarakat yang melahirkan perdebatan di kalangan umat Islam. Tulisan ini menjelaskan pemikiran-pemikiran ke arah tersebut, baik secara akademik maupun norma Islam (kajian fikih). Kata kunci: Perempuan, Ruang Publik, Hukum Fikih
Peran Ganda Perempuan : Reproduksi dan Produksi Marzuki, Sitti Nikmah
An - Nisa` Vol 4 No 2 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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The existence of repression against women making women were not considered equal to men. By limitation out and work can mean that women were not given the same opportunity to develop skills as men. How women in the absence of freedom for a career ranged only in three places: mattresses, kitchens, and wells. This means that women are not given the opportunity to learn and develop their intellectual abilities through work practices. The things done is about to wash clothes, bathe at the same time raising children, cooking and serving her husband. So this is where the practice of discrimination against womens time is eliminated.Discrimination experienced then demanded women should perform his role in two aspects, in addition working at home to take care of the family also had to work outside the home to support the husbands income to be more prosperous. Working at house is not considered a profession because it does not make money. So women should have the dual role of reproductive and productive. Housework is not considered as work for economic reasons  and consequently the culprit is not rated to work. This needs to be clarified that the position of women in his work as housewives, whereas housewives workload is much longer than women who work outside the home.
PENDIDIKAN INFORMAL DAN PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER(Suatu Tinjauan Kontribusi Ibu Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Anak) Kaimuddin, Kaimuddin
An - Nisa` Vol 3 No 1 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract,: informal education and caracter building a study of mother’s contribution in caracter bullding. The main case that wil be explored in this reseach is who is the mother in family’ s education environment? And what is the role of mother in building child caracter? This research indicates that mother has a big role in determining caracter building of child. Mother is the main and the first educator or teacher for her child. By felling a soft love from their mother, the child has much  time to have a good behaviuor because of getting a good initation. So, the contribution of mother determines caracter building ofchild.
Feminisme dan Ekofeminisme dalam persfektif critical theory Aziz, Abdul
An - Nisa` Vol 4 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: the logical consequences of the differences between men and women in biology and psychology  point of view are seen in the lame of interaction of both in social context. The implication of all that ultimately determine the distinction of roles which was rooted in value systems, beliefs, political, social and economic. During the different roles that occurs while providing opportunities for both sexes to choose, the gender does not matter. However, if the roles are then to compartmentalize the options such that either of the sexes loses the right to vote, then this is where there are problems of gender. Related to this, the review of academic studies in a variety of perspectives on gender, feminist theory that many variations, has caused various reactions from all experts both from in the scientists, observers of women, activists and others who gathered in the one hole that does not end melee concept. But the way this feminist theory also get update as well as criticism from feminist themselves, such as the restoration of ecofeminism theory that attempt the feminist identity back into the nature.

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