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KARSA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Keislaman (Journal of Social and Islamic Culture)
ISSN : 24423289     EISSN : 24424285     DOI :
KARSA is a peer-reviewed national journal published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura. It has been nationally accredited SINTA 2 since 2017 by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Republic Indonesia. It is published twice a year (June and December). It publishes articles of research results, applied theory studies, social issues, cultural studies, and Islamic culture issues. The aim of KARSA is to disseminate cutting-edge research that explores the interrelationship between social studies and (including) culture. The journal has scope and seeks to provide a forum for researchers interested in the interaction between social and cultural aspects across several disciplines. The journal publishes quality, original and state-of-the-art articles that may be theoretical or empirical in orientation and that advance our understanding of the intricate relationship between social science and culture. KARSA accepts manuscript with a different kind of languages are Indonesian, English, Arabic, or French.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 28, No 2 (2020)" : 8 Documents clear
Religious Harmony Construct Amid A Plural Community in East Java Mardiana, Dina; Yusuf, Muhammad; Jamil, Asyraf Isyraqi
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3777


This study examined the harmonization of five religions (Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, and Buddhism) that are adhered to by the people of Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java. This village has an important role, as it becomes the first area in Batu, East Java – that implement and develop the concept of religious pluralism and harmonization in one village area thus it has been awarded as “A Village that is Aware of Religious Harmony” from the government of Batu. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the constructs of religious harmony that have been successfully established in Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java. The theory underlying this study is Nurcholis Madjid’s theory of humanist pluralism. This study used a qualitative approach to produce descriptive data in the form of oral, written, and observable behavior. Through three data collection methods (observation, in-depth interview, a study of documents), this study concludes that the religious harmony construct of the Mojorejo Village community is established from a pattern of accustoming mutual respect among villagers which is carried out both naturally and sustainably. This continuity manifests through cooperation in three ways: religious, social, and cultural cooperation so that it can lead to the emerge of perspectives, ideas, and a social environment capable of maintaining and preserving religious plurality in harmony. Therefore, the application of religious harmony in Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java can be used as an alternative solution for other areas in locating and facilitating religious plurality so that it remains harmonious amid a pluralistic community.
The Role of Religious Leaders Amid Conflict of Public Resistance to Industrial Activities in Gresik Anas, Mohamad; Wulandari, Prisca Kiki; Saraswati, Destriana; Utami, Diah Febri
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.4069


The research constitutes an analysis on the conflict between community in Ujungpangkah, Gresik, East Java and a gas company, PT Aramada Hess (now PGN Saka Energy Indonesia). The research aims at finding a conflict resolution model that is distinctive, appropriate, and successful. To support the qualitative research, data collection methods use purposive sampling, participatory observation techniques, in-depth interviews and document reviews.  The collected data are analysed with the theory of mapping C.R. SIPPABIO. The theory under which the researcher applying to understand the role of Ujungpangkah religious leaders in resolving conflicts between the community and PGN Saka Energy Indonesia. As a result, it is found that: 1) public leaders are derived from various groups (fishermen, fishpond entrepreneurs and Islamic boarding school leaders) who positively resolve the conflict; 2) the intervention method is used as conflict resolution with a negotiation model; 3) Ujungpangkah religious leaders become social cohesion in this open conflict.
The Transformation of Values in A Catfish Folklore Bahruddin, Uril; Jauhari, Qomi Akit; Faizin, Nur; Sempo, Muhammad Widus
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3520


Industrial developments have brought many significant changes in various fields of life, especially agriculture and education. It seems that the transformation of the agricultural sector and fishpond farming in Medang Village, Glagah, Lamongan are affected by the catfish folklore that keep the people concerned for generations. This is a phenomenological research and the results are descriptive and qualitative. The data are described and interpreted hermeneutically. The results indicate that the catfish folklore contains a number of educational values that dynamically developed along with the people's beliefs about the folklore as a myth. This transformation of educational values includes: the value of ubudiyyah, the value of the struggle in the life; and the moral value. This transformation occurs through the intervention of many parties, both internal and external ones, such as the local government, the elders, the community leaders  as well as educators. Other factors are technological development and the development of the fishery industry. This research suggests the stakeholders of the village level, districts, and regencies to make the folklore as a medium in learning the educational values. The society, especially the fishpond farmer at Medang village are suggested to preserve the folklore without preventing it to be known. The scholars and the artists can also bring this folklore to life and present it in a more interesting format, both in a pure and classic appearance and in collaboration so that it can be presented as a myth that has a profound meaning.
Ngabulâ Vis-À-Vis Modernity: Tabarruk Practice in Bangkalan Pesantren Djakfar, Fera Andriani; Permatasari, Puspita Ayu
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.4026


Ngabulâ is a tradition practiced by some santris in Bangkalan pesantrens in order to seek blessings (tabarruk) by serving the kiai. Those santris are called kabulâ or khaddam. In fact, ngabulâ is very important for kiai’s life and also the pesantren in Bangkalan, but unfortunately the study of it is still rarely done. Therefore, this research aims to explore several things: the meaning of ngabulâ in Bangkalan pesantren according to the actors and the dynamic of ngabulâ in Bangkalan pesantren based on the continuity and change theory conceptualized by John Obert Voll. This research was conducted in some pesantrens in Bangkalan from early 2019 to mid-2020, and the data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. This research used the paradigm of social definition by applying phenomenology. The theory used is continuity and change conceptualized by John Obert Voll in observing the resurgence of Islam in the modern world. This research concludes some facts: first, this study finds that ngabulâ for the actors involved in it (the kabulâ , kiai and their families, and the kabulâ ’s parents) means respect, dedication, learning media, and a source of blessings. Second, there is continuity and change in the ngabulâ, especially in the motives, goals, and forms of ngabulâ. To observe the continuity and change of it, the researcher uses the basic styles of action conceptualized by Voll with modification and addition, namely: adaptation, authority of the text, conservative actions, and charisma. In addition to this research, the researcher added one thing, i.e. generous manner of the kiai.
The Contribution of Family Edification, Mutualism, and Kinships Against The Tolerance Values in Tana Toraja Pajarianto, Hadi; Junaidi, Junaidi
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3483


Indonesia is a multicultural country. It consists of many different races, religion, and ethnicities.  That is why the tolerance attitude is important to minimize the intolerance cases which seem to raise lately. Tolerance is an attitude to let anyone to be different and to appreciate the diversity as recognition of human right. Teachers play a strategic role in implementing values of tolerance, by placing diversity within the frame of brotherhood and humanity based. This study uses an ex-post-facto approach. The research instruments used are questionnaires that meet the validity and reliability. It is analyzed using the Pearson correlation test. The finding of this study shows that family edification, mutualism, and kinship have strong correlation with the tolerance attitude of the early childhood teachers in Tana Toraja. Kinship gives the highest contribution to the tolerance attitude of the early childhood teachers in Tana Toraja.  It is in line with the characteristic of Toraja’s community who appreciate kinship above all the existing diversities, including the diversity in religion and belief. The kinship in Toraja’s community is bound by Tongkonan which philosophically has a strong sense of brotherhood among extended families (clans), and keeps all the existing diversities aside
Indigenous Monikah Tajio Ethnic of Islamic Cultural Heritage at Kasimbar, Central Sulawesi Malla, Hamlan Andi Baso; Yusuf, Khaeruddin; Yunus, Nur Rohim
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3301


This article objective to examine the monikah indigenous traditions for Kasimbar Tajio ethnic communities in Central Sulawesi. Qualitative method used in this research, data collection techniques of observation, interviews and document tracking non-structure. Technical analysis of data through data reduction, display data, verification data to generate conclusions and findings of the research results. Conclusion The study found that first; monikah custom comes from acculturation Mandar and Tajio ethnic culture in the tradition of marriage, second; monikah custom implementation of social value that affects personality Tajio ethnic communities in maintaining the values of brotherhood, family, respect for elders, unity and cooperation, maintain the pattern of interpersonal communication that is based on mutual respect in maintaining a harmonious relationship between human beings. third; monikah indigenous religious value that affects Islamic personality in performing worship to Allah (God), tawadhu’ attitude, moral education, purity and purification of the soul, ta’aruf and silaturrahmi.
Burdah Al-Bushiri Poetry Perception of Kapuas Muslim Scholars Emawati, Emawati; Liadi, Fimeir; Salihah, Putri Rafi
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3790


This article studies the perceptions of Muslim scholars on the tradition of reading Burdah poetry by al-Bushiri. This research was conducted with intensive field work in Kapuas, Central Kalimantan. A visit to the area opened an opportunity to make involved observations, which helped to understand the daily social life among Muslim scholars and Muslim community in Kapuas. Purposive sampling technique has been used in the selection of informants and interviewed eight key informants. The results revealed that reading Burdah poetry is one of the representations of socio-cultural and traditional phenomena in Kapuas Muslim community. Most of these scholars do not practice it regularly but at certain times such as during dry season, epidemic of disease, because it is considered as tawassul repellent. The perception of Kapuas Muslim scholars on Burdah Poetry can be classified into two. First, Muslim scholars who declared Burdah poetry as a high literary work having very beautiful arrangement and meaning and there was praise to the Prophet, therefore it was in line with blessings to the Prophet. The second classification, some Muslim scholars did not align Burdah poetry with blessings to the Prophet.
Islam in Madurese’s Cosmological Interpretation: Structural Analysis of Tanean Lanjeng in Madura Humaidi, Zuhri
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3057


Madurese are known as devout Muslims. Islam and Madurese culture are two integrated identities like two sides of a coin. Islam and Madurese culture shape the value, word view and culture of Madurese people. Then, how significance are these two aspects in its cosmological order? What is Madurese’s cognitive structure in interpreting their world and forming a material culture? These questions are problems that will be revealed in this paper through research on Tanean Lanjeng, which is a typical settlement pattern in Madura. With Levi Strauss's structuralism approach, Tanean Lanjeng is seen as a code of conduct from the cognitive structure of the Madura people who formulate their ideas and actions. Tanean Lanjeng is a surface structure of a culture while the cognitive aspect is a deep structure. This paper further elaborates that the tanean lanjeng settlements in Madura not only have practical and social functions but show certain meanings that reflects the thinking and worldview of the Madurese. Values such as the equality of male and female relations, strong kinship ties, respect for certain figures, and Islam that are so deeply rooted in a structure that determines how Madurese behave, shape culture and interpret the world around them.

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