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Pengembangan Perangkat Evaluasi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Konteks Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Mardiana, Dina; Suti’ah, Suti’ah
Al-Misbah (Jurnal Islamic Studies) Vol 8, No 2: October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/almisbah.v8i2.1959


Diskursus mengenai pengembangan evaluasi pembelajaran dalam struktur Kurikulum 2013 revisi menjadi poin penting untuk dikuasai oleh pendidik. Idealitas cita-cita Kurikulum 2013 harus diiringi pula dengan kesiapan pendidik dalam melakukan penilaian terhadap proses belajar peserta didiknya, baik dari aspek sikap, pengetahuan, maupun keterampilan. Melalui pemahaman serta penguasaan yang baik terhadap evaluasi ketiga aspek tersebut, maka penilaian pembelajaran akan dapat senantiasa diupgrade dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan dalam konteks Kurikulum 2013. Tulisan ini hendak membingkai wacana pengembangan evaluasi pembelajaran PAI pada dimensi perangkat ajar yang digunakan, sehingga fungsi pendidikan dalam menilai ketercapaian proses belajar peserta didiknya dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimal. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan guna mengurai fokus tersebut. Sedangkan analisa data digunakan metode content analysis dan intepretasi. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat evaluasi pembelajaran PAI dalam konteks Kurikulum 2013 dapat dilakukan secara sinergis dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi berbasis teknologi informasi (IT). Melalui pemanfaatan aplikasi berbasis IT dalam segi teknis-implementatif penilaian pembelajaran PAI, maka pendidik dapat mengevaluasi domain kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik peserta didik secara integral, komprehensif dan maksimal.
Religious Harmony Construct Amid A Plural Community in East Java Mardiana, Dina; Yusuf, Muhammad; Jamil, Asyraf Isyraqi
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3777


This study examined the harmonization of five religions (Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, and Buddhism) that are adhered to by the people of Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java. This village has an important role, as it becomes the first area in Batu, East Java – that implement and develop the concept of religious pluralism and harmonization in one village area thus it has been awarded as “A Village that is Aware of Religious Harmony” from the government of Batu. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the constructs of religious harmony that have been successfully established in Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java. The theory underlying this study is Nurcholis Madjid’s theory of humanist pluralism. This study used a qualitative approach to produce descriptive data in the form of oral, written, and observable behavior. Through three data collection methods (observation, in-depth interview, a study of documents), this study concludes that the religious harmony construct of the Mojorejo Village community is established from a pattern of accustoming mutual respect among villagers which is carried out both naturally and sustainably. This continuity manifests through cooperation in three ways: religious, social, and cultural cooperation so that it can lead to the emerge of perspectives, ideas, and a social environment capable of maintaining and preserving religious plurality in harmony. Therefore, the application of religious harmony in Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java can be used as an alternative solution for other areas in locating and facilitating religious plurality so that it remains harmonious amid a pluralistic community.
PEMAKNAAN TOLERANSI DAN KEBEBASAN BERAGAMA PERSPEKTIF TAFSIR BI AL-MA’TSUR (Studi terhadap Tafsir Jami’ al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Quran, Tafsir al-Quran al-Adzim dan al-Durru Al-Mantsur fi Tafsir bi al-Ma’tsur) Mardiana, Dina
Islamuna: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 5, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Madura State Islamic Institute (Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Madura)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/islamuna.v5i1.1775


Kebebasan beragama merupakan salah satu hak yang paling asasi bagi setiap manusia. Di sisi lainnya, agama seakan bermakna sebagai ritus publik yang harus dikontrol sehingga seseorang tidak mudah untuk berpindah dari satu agama ke agama yang lain. Tarik ulur ini yang kemudian penulis kaji dengan melakukan penelusuran terhadap tafsir bi al-ma’tsur yang ditulis oleh Thabari, Ibn Katsir dan Jalaluddin al-Suyuti dalam menafsirkan ayat tentang kebebasan beragama. Pemilihan tafsir bi al-ma’tsur sebagai fokus kajian karena tafsir ini dianggap sebagai tafsir yang lebih qualified dibandingkan tafsir bi al-ra’yi. Melalui studi kepustakaan dengan metode analisis isi dan pendekatan komparatif diperoleh satu kesimpulan bahwa tafsir bi al-ma’tsur yang ditulis oleh tiga tokoh mufassir ini memperlihatkan kecenderungan terhadap teologi yang bersifat inklusif, hal ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh sosok baginda Nabi saw. yang memberikan teladan kepada para sahabatnya dalam menerima realitas tentang keberagaman keyakinan.The freedom of religion is one of most fundamental rights of human being. On the other side, religion seems to mean as a public rite that must be controlled so that it will not easy for anyone to move from a religion to another. This what the research reviewed by tracing tafseer bi al-ma’thour arranged by Thabari, Ibn Katheer and Jalaluddeen al-Suyuti who were interpreting verses about the freedom of religion. Tafseer bi al-ma’thour was selected as focus of the study since it was considered as more qualified tafseer than tafseer bi al-ra’yi Through this literature study, using content analysis method and comparative approach, it was concluded that tafseer bi al-ma’thour arranged by the three interpreters (mufassir) showed a tendency to be an inclusive theology. This was fully influenced by the figure of the Great Prophet PBUH, which set examples for his companions to accept the reality of the diversity of believes.
Hubungan Antara Perilaku Karyawan Tentang Penerapan Perilaku Protokol Kesehatan Dengan Kasus Kejadian Covid-19 Di PT. X Mardiana, Dina; Atmaja, Bayu Purnama; Putra, Farhandika
Nursing Sciences Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/nsj.v5i2.1926


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2) yang termasuk virus baru dan belum pernah teridentifikasi sebelumnya pada manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara perilaku karyawan tentang penerapan protokol kesehatan dengan kasus kejadian COVID-19 di PT. X Kecamatan Angsana Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu Tahun 2021. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan design retrospektif studi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 176 responden karyawan PT. X menggunakan non-probability sampling dengan random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa pengisian kuesioner berdasarkan Kemenkes RI. Hasil penelitian dengan uji analisis Chi-square pada variabel protokol kesehatan (penggunaan masker, mencuci tangan yang baik dan, menjaga jarak dan etika batuk dan bersin) masing-masing mempunyai nilai p-value 0.000 > 0.05. Hasil multivariat variabel paling berpengaruh yaitu perilaku mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar dengan nilai p-value 0.000 > 0.05. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan perilaku karyawan tentang penerapan protokol kesehatan dengan kasus kejadian COVID-19 di PT. X Kecamatan Angsana Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu Tahun 2021.
Fishery women may contribute Significantly in productive activities that lead to family welfare. There are several activities in which the fishery women participate such as sell fish, net repairment and manage small shop. This research is intended to explain women profile in fish processing. The research analysed the role of women in domestic and social aspect, and .their time allocation in various activities. The research result shows thet women keep making a balance contribution between domest Dina Mardiana; Anna Fatchiya; Yatri Indah Kusumastuti
Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2005): Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan
Publisher : Buletin Ekonomi Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Fishery women may contribute Significantly in productive activities that lead to family welfare. There are several activities in which the fishery women participate such as sell fish, net repairment and manage small shop. This research is intended to explain women profile in fish processing. The research analysed the role of women in domestic and social aspect, and .their time allocation in various activities. The research result shows thet women keep making a balance contribution between domestic and socual activities. The fIShery women shows that they capable making decition on term .of household cashflow and food preparation. To promote women living quality, the govemment In coordination with various stakeholder could manage related empowerment program.
Jurnal JKFT Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Jurnal JKFT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jkft.v6i2.5754


Rokok merupakanhasil olahan dari tembakau kering yang terbungkus sehingga berbentuk seperti cerutu. Sebagian besar rokok mengandung tembakau dan mengandung nikotin dan tar dengan atau tanpa bahan tambahan lainnya. Merokok menimbulkan beban kesehatan, sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan tidak saja bagi perokok tetapi juga bagi orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan perilaku merokok di SMK Sasmita Jaya 1 Pamulang.Desain Penelitian yang digunakan, yaitu deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan Cross-Sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Merokok yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitas. Sampel berjumlah 118 responden yang diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Teknik Analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji statistik Chi-Square. Penelitian iniresponden yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan tinggi (55,9%) sedangkan yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan rendah  (44,1%)  yang mempunyai perilaku merokok ringan (63.6%) dan yang mempunyai perilaku merokok berat (36.4%). Hasil Uji Statistik Chi Square p value (0,000) ˂ ɑ = 0,05 dengan nilai Odss Ratio (1.960) menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dengan perilaku merokok di SMK Sasmita Jaya 1 Pamulang dari sebagian siswa kelas 2 memiliki pengetahuan tinggi dan perilaku merokok ringan Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi bagi pendidikan tentang penurunan perilaku merokok yaitu dengan memberikan nasihat kepada siswa ataupun menegurnya.Kata kunci: Tingkat Pengetahuan, Perilaku Merokok
Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Agama Islam Melalui Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Dina Mardiana; Zulfikar Yusuf
Al-Idaroh: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian (LP3M) STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54437/alidaroh.v3i2.73


Based on observations and documentation, it is found that in SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Singosari Malang in the last three years the number of students has decreased. From 2016 with a number of students totaling 180 people, decreased in 2017 to 160 people and in 2018 to 150 students. This phenomenon is the focus of the problem so this research aims to analyze the role of the headmaster of the Muhammadiyah 4 Junior High School in Singosari Malang in improving the quality of education through school-based management. This research uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study. Muhammadiyah 4 Junior High School Singosari was used as the object of research. The results of the study stated that: 1) The headmaster of Muhammadiyah 4 Junior High School had performed the managerial task well. The planning aspect is done by placing the human resources of educators according to their competencies. In the aspect of implementation and supervision the school principal is fully responsible. In the aspect of administration evaluation done well, but in the aspect of indicators, it has not been clearly determined in each semester / year. 2) There are two obstacles experienced by school principals, namely non-permanent human resources in schools and infrastructure facilities especially the PAI laboratory for the means of knowledge and development of PAI in schools.
Prophetic Leadership Mahasiswa: Studi pada Program Pembentukan Kepribadian dan Kepemimpinan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Aliya Izzet; Tobroni Tobroni; Abdul Hari; Dina Mardiana
Al-Idaroh: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian (LP3M) STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54437/alidaroh.v4i2.160


The decline of national leadership integrity in recent years is something that we should underline and must be addressed. So that the younger generation does not follow a bad example from existing leaders. As a Muslim, we have an exemplary figure who is always a good role model in speaking, acting and holding a strong principle of life. He was the Prophet Muhammad who had great leadership and what we know as the term Prophetic Leadership.The aim of this study was to find out how the concept of prophetic leadership developed in P2KK and its implementation in forming student prophetic leadership at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This research was conducted at the UPT. P2KK University of Muhammadiyah Malang in May to June 2019. The approach used is explorative case study research. From the results of the study it was found that there were several concepts of prophetic leadership developed in P2KK, including Aqidah (faith) that was strong, trustworthy and responsible, fair, firmness, noble character , deliberation and proactive. While the implementation is done through simulations, discussions and activities outside the other classes (outbound) which are indirectly able to form the prophetic leadership of the students of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
The Development of Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Through Online Learning Design Dina Mardiana; Umiarso El-Rumi
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 8 NO. 2 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v8i2.22804


AbstractSelf-regulated learning is one of the most important factors in online education. This research focused on exploring how the learning design of an online Islamic education course called Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) facilitated the development of students’ self-regulated learning. This study was situated at the State University of Malang (MUs), Indonesia and used qualitative approach in the form of case study as its methodology. The data were collected through documentation, online-based interviews, and observation. After being collected, the data then were analyzed using the interactive model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. The research found that the PAI course at State University of Malang (MUs) had four learning design stages consisting of stimulation and problem identification, learning problem-content analysis, verification of results, and generalization. This stages facilitated the development of students’ self-regulated learning, as observed through three indicators owned by each student, namely, creativity, ability to think critically, and self-regulation. The implication of this study is the emerge of the technical-didactic side of online Islamic education learning through a designed learning design stages so that in the end it will lead to benefits in achieving educational goals more effectively.AbstrakPembelajaran mandiri merupakan salah satu faktor terpenting dalam pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini berfokus pada eksplorasi tentang bagaimana desain pembelajaran daring matakuliah pendidikan Islam yang disebut Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) memfasilitasi pengembangan pembelajaran mandiri mahasiswa. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Universitas Negeri Malang (MUs), Indonesia dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berupa studi kasus sebagai metodologinya. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi, wawancara berbasis online, dan observasi. Setelah dikumpulkan, data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan model interaktif Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana. Penelitian menemukan bahwa matakuliah PAI di Universitas Negeri Malang (MUs) memiliki empat tahap desain pembelajaran yang terdiri dari stimulasi dan identifikasi masalah, analisis konten masalah pembelajaran, verifikasi hasil, dan generalisasi. Tahapan ini memfasilitasi pengembangan pembelajaran mandiri mahasiswa, sebagaimana terlihat melalui tiga indikator yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing mahasiswa, yaitu, kreativitas, kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan regulasi diri. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah munculnya sisi teknis pembelajaran daring Pendidikan Agama Islam melalui tahapan desain pembelajaran yang dirancang sehingga pada akhirnya akan bermanfaat dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan secara lebih efektif.  How to Cite: Mardiana, D, Umiarso. (2021). The Development of Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Through Online Learning Design. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 8(2), 119-134. doi:10.15408/tjems.v8i2.22804.
Religious Harmony Construct Amid A Plural Community in East Java Dina Mardiana; Muhammad Yusuf; Asyraf Isyraqi Jamil
KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 28 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v28i2.3777


This study examined the harmonization of five religions (Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, and Buddhism) that are adhered to by the people of Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java. This village has an important role, as it becomes the first area in Batu, East Java – that implement and develop the concept of religious pluralism and harmonization in one village area thus it has been awarded as “A Village that is Aware of Religious Harmony” from the government of Batu. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the constructs of religious harmony that have been successfully established in Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java. The theory underlying this study is Nurcholis Madjid’s theory of humanist pluralism. This study used a qualitative approach to produce descriptive data in the form of oral, written, and observable behavior. Through three data collection methods (observation, in-depth interview, a study of documents), this study concludes that the religious harmony construct of the Mojorejo Village community is established from a pattern of accustoming mutual respect among villagers which is carried out both naturally and sustainably. This continuity manifests through cooperation in three ways: religious, social, and cultural cooperation so that it can lead to the emerge of perspectives, ideas, and a social environment capable of maintaining and preserving religious plurality in harmony. Therefore, the application of religious harmony in Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java can be used as an alternative solution for other areas in locating and facilitating religious plurality so that it remains harmonious amid a pluralistic community.