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Tourism & Hospitality Essentials Journal
ISSN : 2460366X     EISSN : 25499920     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 115 Documents
KINERJA TOUR LEADER DALAM MENINGKATKAN PERILAKU PASCA PEMBELIAN DI MASA YANG AKAN DATANG PAKET WISATA DI MARGA TOUR (Survei terhadap Wisatawan yang Menggunakan Paket Wisata Marga Tour Bandung) Triani, Anita Rahayu; Purnama, Ridwan; Setyorini, Heri Puspito Diyah
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v4i2.1985


Menanggapi perkembangan pariwisata Kota Bandung, usaha jasa pariwisata kian mengalami kemajuan seperti biro perjalanan wisata yang menawarkan jasa untuk pengaturan perjalanan wisata. Salah satu perusahaan dalam bidang biro perjalanan wisata yang sedang berkembang ialah Marga Tour. Dalam menunjang keberlangsungan kegiatan perjalanan wisata, setiap perusahaan biro perjalanan wisata membutuhkan peran seorang pemimpin tour atau tour leader. Tour leader merupakan seseorang yang berada dijajaran paling depan yang mewakili perusahaan dalam memimpin perjalanan dan memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan selama kegiatan tour. Keahlian dan kecakapan seorang tour leader saat berinteraksi dengan para wisatawan atau konsumen yang menggunakan jasa tour disebut sebagai tour leader performance. Tour leader performance berasal dari Service Performance (SERVPERF). Dari hasil pra penelitian pada perilaku konsumen pasca pembelian (post purchase behavior) menunjukkan kecenderungan masih mudahnya konsumen berkeinginan untuk berganti produk (swicth). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran dan pengaruh mengenai tour leader performance (X) dan post purchase behavior (Y). Adapun populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang telah melakukan pembelian/menggunakan jasa perjalanan wisata di Marga Tour. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif, dan metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan teknik systematic random sampling, maka diperoleh jumlah sampel sebesar 100 responden. Teknik analisis data adalah path analyisis (analsis jalur).
PENGARUH SENSE DALAM EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING TERHADAP BRAND EQUITY PEMANDIAN AIR PANAS CIWALINI-CIWIDEY KABUPATEN BANDUNG (Survei Pada Pengunjung Pemandian Air Panas Ciwalini-Ciwidey Kab. Bandung) Novalita, Dewi Pancawati; Nurhayati, Lilis; Andari, Rini
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v1i1.1881


South Bandung is one of the districts in West Java province which offers nature tours and much in demand as a travel destination for people from various regions, especially during the weekend, one of which is the Hot Water Bathing Ciwalini-Ciwidey. Hot Water Bathing Ciwalini have contributed to the development of tourism Bandung regency, but in the year 2008 Bathing Water Heat Ciwalini traffic decreased by 2.2%. This is expected because of the level of brand equity Ciwalini Hot Water Bathing, because of declining traffic levels indicated in the brand equity Hot Water Bathing Ciwalini the less powerful. Therefore Ciwalini Hot Water Bathing should consider implementation of the sense in the experiential in order to improve brand equity Ciwalini Hot Water Bathing. In connection with these two research studies conducted on the influence of sense and feel of experiential marketing on brand equity Ciwalini Hot Water Baths. Problem studied is how the response to visitors on the implementation sense, how the responses regarding the implementation of visitor feel, how visitors respond to the brand equity Hot Water Bathing Ciwalini how the influence of a sense of brand equity Hot Water Bathing Ciwalini how the influence of a sense of brand equity Ciwalini Hot Water Bathing. As the population in this study are visitor Hot Water Bathing Ciwalini-Ciwidey Kab. Bandung. The sampling technique is a systematic random sampling. The method used was survey explanatory. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Analysis technique used is the regresion analysis. Hypothesis testing results indicate that the sense of the experiential marketing significant influence on brand equity Ciwalini Hot Water Baths.
PENGARUH EXPANDED MARKETING MIX TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN BERKUNJUNG (Survei pada Wisatawan Nusantara yang Berkunjung ke Museum Sonobudoyo Yogyakarta) Mardhatillah, Merliyani; Mulyadi, Hari; Hidayat, Marceilla
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v3i2.1976


Indonesia is an archipelagic state which are rich in natural wealth as flora and fauna and cultural variety that is a potential tourist destinations capable of interesting motivation tourists to perform the activities in Indonesia, and especially in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta city is the big cultural area in Indonesia that is a potential in terms of development cultural tour through the museum. But now a lot of people remain to regard that museum is just the place for keeping and maintaining historic and cultural fosils. The low appreciation of the society can be seem from the data of visitors attendance Museum Sonobudoyo Yogyakarta which shows a low number from years 2009 – 2010. Museum Sonobudoyo Yogyakarta conduct various attempts to increase the visits. One of the ways is through expanded marketing mix, which consists is people, physical evidence, and process. Expanded marketing mix in Museum Sonobudoyo Yogyakarta is expected to help increase tourist visits and for society awareness about cultural which has existed since long ago by the presence of museum. The independent variable (X) is expanded marketing mix which consists of three dimensions which are People, Physical evidence, and Process. The dependent variable (Y), namely the decision to visit. The type of the study is descriptive and verificative, and the method used was survey systematic random sampling technique, so it obtains 90 respondents of samples. Techniques of data analysis and hypothesis test used was multiple regression. Based on the research hypothesis, expanded marketing mix has a significant influence amounted to 48,5% towards visiting decision.
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v6i1.2009


Natural Park of Tangkuban Perahu Mountain is a tourists destination in the boundary city of Subang and West Bandung which has a very beautiful natural atmosphere. The Tourists mostly come from West Java, Jabodetabek, outside West Java even another country outside Indonesia. Therefore the authors do a pre-study on tourists revisit intention of Tangkuban Perahu which produce that tourists revisit intention is low. Implementing the customer experience be expected could be increase the revisit intention to Tangkuban Perahu. This type of research is descriptive and verification, the survey method used is the systematic random sampling technique, with a sample size of 100 respondents. Data analysis technique using the multiple regression techniques. These results shows there is a partial influence customer experience consisting of comfort, education, hedonic, novelty, safety and beauty to tourists revisit intention of Tangkuban Perahu. The beauty dimension of customer experience variable got the highest score and the intention to recommend in revisit intention got the highest score.
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v3i1.1967


Kabupaten Garut memiliki banyak potensi unggul untuk ditawarkan kepada wisatawan khususnya dalam bidang pariwisata. Salah satu potensi pariwisata di Kabupaten Garut adalah Cipanas Kecamatan Tarogong yang memiliki banyak atraksi wisata salah satunya adalah Kawasan Wisata Air Panas Taman Air Sabda Alam. Berdasarkan data kunjungan, pertumbuhan kunjungan di Taman Air Sabda Alam mengalami pertumbuhan yang paling kecil dibanding dengan pesaingnya pada tahun 2008-2009. Akan tetapi pada tahun 2009 ke 2010 Taman Air Sabda Alam berhasil meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan sebesar 8,6%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Taman Air Sabda Alam terus berusaha untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan melalui berbagai strategi. Sehingga diharapkan Taman Air Sabda Alam untuk lebih meningkatkan eksistensinya dalam meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan dan mengembalikan jumlah kunjungan adalah dengan melaksanakan strategi keunggulan bersaing. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif sehingga menggunakan metode explanatory survei. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah systematic sampling melalui pendekatan cross sectional method dan untuk teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda yaitu sampel yang diambil dari keseluruhan populasi sebanyak 100 pengunjung.Berdasarkan hipotesis penelitian, maka keunggulan bersaing memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan sebesar 59,2% dalam upaya meningkatkan tingkat kunjungan.
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v5i2.2000


Malaysia is one of the Muslim countries that identified as a new player in tourism industry. In 2004, Malaysia launched Halal Hub and the MS1500:2004 standard brought Malaysia to be recognized as a Halal Food Hub. Of course, since 911 incident happened last 8 years, Malaysia seems to be one of the favourite’s destinations. The increase number of devoted Muslim tourists whom seek for halal food and beverages lead Malaysia to be involved in the halal hotel industry. Halal food is the main factor why Malaysia able to attract more tourists as the demand of halal food is expected to increase. Tourists think that Malaysia is 100% halal community, but in fact they were wrong. This is due to the failures of some hotel to obtain the halal certification. JAKIM, SIRIM and HDC play a vital role in promoting the halal environment among Malaysian hotels. These three institutions identified as the most important recognized bodies in pursuing the halal efforts. Malaysian hotels should aware the significance of going halal so as to be the global halal food hub in the Muslim world.
Tourism and Hospitality Essentials (THE) Journal, Vol.II, No.2, 2012 - 315 PENGARUH SHOPPING DESTINATION STRATEGY TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN BERKUNJUNG DI WISATA BELANJA MALL (Studi Banding pada Pengunjung Wisata Belanja Mall Kota Bandung yang terdiri dari Mall Cihampelas Walk dan Mall Paris Van Java) Mardiyana, Eva; Wibowo, Lili Adi; Andari, Rini
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v2i2.1940


Bandung is one of the main destinations as shopping malls tourism, such as Cihampelas Walk and Paris Van Java Mall. Cihampelas walk and Paris Van Java are not only providing places for family to do shopping, playing and culinary area. The presence of Cihampelas Walk and Paris Van Java Mall is expected to increase interest in visitors to visit the shopping malls in Bandung. But the lack of visitor’s interest to visit shopping malls in Bandung reflects a problem in shopping malls in Bandung so it needs some programs to increase visitor’s interest to visit by maximize the shopping destination strategy. This research objectives are to find out about the implemented shopping destination strategy, decision to visit, and the impact of shopping destination strategy to decision to visit and the difference of the implementation of shopping destination strategy to decision to visit in Cihampelas Walk and Paris Van Java Mall. The theory of shopping destination strategy is from Kotler and Armstrong. The research object is the visitors of Cihampelas Walk and Paris Van Java Mall. This research is using descriptive, comparative and verification research. The method is explanatory survey with stratified random sampling as sampling technique, 400 respondents (160 respondents in Cihampelas Walk and 240 respondents in Paris Van Java Mall). The data analysis technique is path analysis with SPSS 18 as the computer software. The data collection techniques are interviews, and questionnaire distribution. The finding of this research is there an impact of shopping destination strategy which consists of location, shopping venue design display layout on decision to visit. The dimension of shopping destination strategy which has the highest influence is shopping venue design and the one with the lowest influence is display layout. While the most appealing factor of decision to visit is the brand. Suggestion to these companies is to maximize its shopping destination strategy in order to increase the interest to visit shopping malls in Bandung.
ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR DOMINAN DALAM PEMBENTUKAN CREATIVE TOURISM DAN PENGARUHNYATERHADAP KEPUTUSAN BERKUNJUNG (Survei terhadap Wisatawan Mancanegara Asal Belanda, Jerman dan Perancis yang berkunjung ke D.I. Yogyakarta) Supriatna, Dendi; Wibowo, Lili Adi; Yuniawati, Yeni
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v4i2.1990


This research try to find factor to create creative tourism toward visiting decision, research try to find factors can develop european tourist visiting decision to Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Creative tourism have seven variabels latent creative architecture, creative design, creative fashion, creative culinary, creative music, creative performing art, and creative fine art. Used 107 respondent included Netherland, France and Germany who collect from systematic random sampling (mobile sampling) and calculated by confirmaty factor analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, Researcher find 5 to create creative tourism factor: creative architecture, creative design, creative fashion, creative culinary, creative performing art,and the 5 factor of creative tourism can influence toward visiting decision are creative architecture, creative design, creative fashion, creative culinary have positive effec towards visiting decision.
ANALISIS SERVICE EXPERIENCE DALAM MENCIPTAKAN KEPUASAN PENUMPANG KERETA WISATA PT. KERETA API PARIWISATA (Survei Pada Wisatawan Domestik Kereta Wisata Bali, Kereta Wisata Toraja, Kereta Wisata Nusantara PT. Kereta Api Pariwisata) Sari, Wulan; Wibowo, Lili Adi; siswhara, Gita
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v1i2.1900


PT. Kereta Api Pariwisata is one of subsidiaries of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), which manages business travel services and tour-based railroad. PT. Kereta Api Pariwisata has thre tourism trains such Bali tourism train, Toraja tourism train, and Nusantara tourism train. The third tourism train offers comfort and beauty of the theme of culture of Bali, Toraja, and Nusantara that can provide a service experience to passengers is expected to create a tourism train passenger satisfaction PT. Kereta Api Pariwisata. The theory of service experience that is used by Knutson et al., In Identifying the Dimensions of the Experience Construct. Journal of Hospitality Leisure Marketing (2006:39) with dimensions used are incentive, accessibility, convenience, utility, environment, benefits, and trust. Theory of satisfaction is a composite theory of Kotler (2009:164) with dimensions of performance and importance to the theory Hatane Semuel (2009:30) which states "Important Necessary-performance analysis, namely by conducting a survey of the passengers to know the expectations of passengers against the interests of each attribute and the level of satisfaction derived from the actual service." So the dimensions of satisfaction used was the performance, importance , and expectations. The premise which supporting this study is from Debra Grace, Aron O'cass (2004), Hoi Mun (2006), and Nigel Hill, Rachel Allen (2007). Based on the above explanation, the research about on service experience analysis in creating a tourism train passenger satisfaction PT. Kereta Api Pariwisata. This research is using descriptive and verificatife with is an explanatory method survey sampling technique with accidental sampling (convenience sampling) technique, and the number of samples of 115 respondents. Analysis technique data in using Path Analysis with the help of software SPSS 15.0 computer interview, and quesioner as data collection techniques. The Findings showed that, the analysis of service experience through the incentive dimension, accessibility, convenience, utility, environment, benefits, and trust have influence over the passenger’s satisfaction. Former of need dimention wich have the highest influence isbenefit and accessibility dimension have a little significant impact on passenger’s satisfaction. As for the highest passenger tourism train satisfaction perceived to the dimensions of benefit. That means that passengers need the advantage of everything they done and easy access make the passengers feel the comfort of the tourism train. Limitations in this research that this study just conducted a survey to domestic passengers of tourism trains. Therefore, further research is expected to examine the foreign tourism train passenger satisfaction.
PENGARUH CUSTOMER VALUE DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEPUASAN WISATAWAN DI SAUNG ANGKLUNG UDJO (Survei terhadap Wisatawan Nusantara Individu di Saung Angklung Udjo) Hassan, Sri Martina Intan Permatasari; Purnama, Ridwan
THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/thej.v4i1.1981


Saung Angklung Udjo sebagai sanggar seni merupakan tempat laboratorium pendidikan, latihan, dan pertunjukan musik etnik untuk mendidik para pelatih dan pemain dalam bidang kesenian khas Jawa Barat, khususnya musik angklung. Dari pra penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapat permasalahan bahwa walaupun tingkat kunjungan di Saung Angklung Udjo tiap tahunnya selalu terjadi peningkatan tetapi masih saja ada pengunjung yang merasa tidak puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif dan metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory survey dengan menggunakan skala ordinal. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah systematic random sampling dengan ukuran sampel menggunakan rumus slovin, maka diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh persamaan regresi yaitu Y = 9,324 + 0,743X.

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